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Kostriukova 1

Kostriukova Marina

Professor Kayzakian

English 101

13 October 2021

Journal #3. Maná essay.

In my opinion, in this essay, the author has successfully selected a musical group as well as

their album that covers such a social problem as deforestation. This social problem is relevant

and interesting. We hear about destroy nature every day in the news, but sometimes music can

convey the message better than any news article. Artists around the world have used their songs

to raise awareness about environmental issues for several decades. The author clearly explains

that the illegal felling of tropical forests is associated not only with environmental degradation

but also with violation of human rights. "An important song that also came out in the album

“Cuando Los Angeles Lloran” was“Selva Negra” (black forest), it touches on the sensitive topic

of, Indigenous communities losing their sacred lands. " (4) Moreover, all the paragraphs contain

topic sentences and are coherent and well developed. I could learn a lot from author strong use of


Also, the author provides great arguments that clearly show the credibility of the singers.

"Maná was fully aware of the crisis occurring in the Amazon so much that they dedicated a song

to the unseen and unthought of people who were affected by it daily.", he writes. Also, I was

particularly moved by the image of the how all the indigenous people and the amazon felt about

Chico Mendes death. ““Chico Méndez was killed .He was a defender and an angel To all of the

Amazon... An angel left And will not return.”(3)

Kostriukova 2

The conclusion of this essay has a strong conclusion restates the thesis, offers new insight, and

forms a personal connection, "Their land is their life, their soul they believe that Mother nature is

to be cherished and respected." (6) I liked how the author used background unfamiliar

information to the reader and then explain it very clearly and concisely. I also want to note that

the author has a large work cited page which means he has a quantitative approach to analysis

and understanding of the topic of what he writes.

Kostriukova 3

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