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Thời gian: 90 phút
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- Không sử dụng tài liệu

- Đề thi trên 04 trang giấy. Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm


Questions 1-30: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. Write A, B, C, or D on you answer
1. A _______ is a tax imposed on imports, which are goods coming into a country.
A. restriction B. quota C. regulation D. tariff
2. A _______ is an office in which a large number of people work using telephones taking customers’
orders and answering questions for information.
A. head office B. service center C. distribution center D. call center
3. A Shipper’s Letter of Instruction is a standard document prepared by the _______, containing full details
of the cargo, such as weight, dimensions, nature of the cargo, etc.
A. consignor B. consignee C. airline D. carrier
4. The shipment should be properly _______, i.e. carry a sticker with information about the nature of the
A. packed B. labelled C. moved D. stored
5. _______ is time needed to change planes in a hub-and-spoke system.
A. Arrival time B. Departure time C. Journey time D. Transfer time
6. IATA’s aim is to assist airlines by simplifying processes and increasing passenger convenience while
reducing costs and improving _______.
A. efficiency B. efficient C. efficiently D. effective
7. They stopped the production of spare parts in order to produce the customer service manual. They
stopped _______ the manual.
A. the production of B. producing C. to produce D. produce
8. _____a profit, essential though it is, isn’t the purpose of business either. It is its consequence.
A. Making B. Make C. Be making D. Being made
9. “Excessive fare” refers to a very high amount _______ an airline for the carriage of passengers or
A. charge by B. charged by C. charging by D. charge
10. The Airports Council International has 561 members_______ 1750 airports in 170 countries and
A. operate B. operating C. operation D. operational
11. 2,100kgs _______ by 1.5 euros makes 3,150 euros.
A. divided B. divide C. multiply D. multiplied
12. Customers _______ good service will stimulate new business by telling up to other people.
A. receiving B. receive C. to receive D. received

13. Companies which don't take customer service_______ will lose their customers.
A. careful B. serious C. carelessly D. seriously
14. The gate _______ an airline operating services to and from a given airport is called a slot.
A. allocate to B. allocated to C. allocating to D. be allocated to
15. _______ is a situation in which goods brought into and taken out of a country without any controls.
A. Free trade B. Trade barrier C. Protected market D. Tariff
16. Many companies are _______; they have a very clear sense of where they are headed.
A. values-driven B. future-oriented C. customer-oriented D. market-driven
17. Several customers have complained about our service contract. They say they're paying far too much and
feel they have been _______.
A. slipped their mind B. forgot C. ripped off D. cut off
18. _______ is the rivalry between businesses in the same market, where prices are free to move according
to the forces of supply and demand.
A. Price war B. Free Pricing C. Open competition D. Dumping
19. The government may offer _______to domestic producers so they can sell products at lower market
prices than their global competitors.
A. subsidies B. taxes C. quotas D. barriers
20. The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration is referred
to as _______.
A. privatisation B. liberalisation C. deregulation D. globalisation
21. The opposite of charges prepaid is _______.
A. after charges B. charges unpaid C. charges paid later D. charges collect
22. _______ is a time of day or year when a lot of people are using the same service, such as the internet,
phone, transport, etc.
A. Departure time B. Peak time C. Journey time D. Transfer time
23. In the process of liberalization, Finnair is developing a foreign _______ at Stockholm, a central point to
and from which flights go to final destinations.
A. code-share B. hub C. alliance D. slot
24. You can establish a _______ with customers if you know about their buying habits.
A. relative B. friend C. rapport D. report
25. When you _______, you give the other side something in return for something you need or want.
A. exchange concessions B. close the deal C. explore the needs D. probe with proposals
26. They ignored my complaints, but _______ when they refused to refund my money.
A. it was quite good B. it was the last straw C. it was lucky D. it was fortunate
27. We constantly review our business in order to provide customers with excellent service at
A. compete B. competitive C. competition D. competitor
28. Some countries do not allow free trade because they wish to be less dependant on _______.
A. foreign imports B. quotas C. foreign exports D. tariffs
29. Auric Bank has approximately 2,500 employees _______ in three large call centres located in cities in
the South of England.
A. working B. work C. to work D. works
30. It’s essential to comply _______ all regulations if you want the delivery to go through without problems.
A. to B. of C. with D. by

Read this article from the Financial Times and answer the following questions.

Questions 31-34: Match the summaries below with the paragraphs (A-E) in the article. On your answer
sheet, write A, B, C, D or E indicating the correct paragraph.
Example: 0. All staff are support staff, directly or indirectly. C
31. There are three key issues in employee-customer relations.
32. Some factors in customer service are beyond managers’ control.
33. Studies have shown that the way staff are managed will affect the way they are seen by customers.
34. Companies have lots of ways of improving service staff performance.

Questions 35-39: Find words/ expressions in the article that mean

Example: 0. the way that someone feels at a particular time. (4 letters)  mood
35. how happy you feel about your job and your results. (12 letters)
36. the different ways in which people think about something. (11 letters)
37. how much a person or a group produce in a particular time. (12 letters)
38. the way employees in an organization feel at a particular time. (6 letters)
39. the ways in which things are done in a particular organization. (three words: 8, 3, 9 letters)

Questions 40-44: Look at the expressions in bold as they are used in the article. Write T if it is true, or
F if it is false.
Example: 0. When you say the customer is king, you mean that the customer is more important than
anyone else.  T
40. If you conduct serious selection of staff, you care who works for you.
41. If you thrive in a particular place you hate being there and perform badly.
42. Extroverts are confident; they are interested in other people and like meeting them.
43. Someone with sparkling intellect is extremely intelligent.
44. You use incentives to demotivate people.

Question 45: What is the key message of the article? Choose the best answer. Write A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet.
A. If staff are well-treated by their managers, rude customers cannot undermine their morale.
B. With the right policies, managers can have 100 percent control over employee-customer interaction.
C. Some studies say that the better managed employees are, the better they will interact with customers;
however, there will always be situations where customers can be extremely difficult.
D. In the end, organizations have no control over what happens between employees and customers.

WRITING (4 pts.)
Choose TWO of the questions below and write your answer of between 80 and 100 words to
each question.
Do you agree or disagree with these statements?
1. Globalisation damages local goods, services and cultures.
2. Globalisation raises people’s living standards.
3. Flying with business class is important in showing a person status in an organisation.
4. A personal business card is not important in showing a person status in an organisation.

The End

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