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Sex : Male
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Married
Religion : Islam (Moslem)
Place & Date of : Jakarta, January 14th 1969
Address for : Office:
Correspondence Minisitry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) - Indonesia
Directorate General for Forestry and Environmental Planning
Directorate for Environmental Impact Prevention of Business
and Activity (EIA)

Manggala Wanabakti Building, Block IV 6th Floor Wing C

Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto Jakarta 10270
Phone: +62-21-5705090,
Faximile: +62-21-5705090
Mobile phone: +62-812-86074408

Current Job : Deputy Director for EIA System Development and Technical
Title/Position Assistance


Date Attended Institutions Field of Study Qualification

1998-2000 The Faculty of Environmental Studies MES (Master

Environmental Studies, – Integrated Watershed in
York University, Toronto, Management Environmental
Canada Studies)

1988-1994 The Faculty of Forestry, Forestry BSc. In

University of Lambung Forestry
Mangkurat (ULM),
Banjarbaru, South
Kalimantan, Indonesia
2015-Now Minisitry of Environment and Forestry – Indonesia, Directorate General for
Forestry and Environmental Planning Directorate for Environmental Impact Prevention of
Business and Activity
Deputy Director for EIA System Development and Technical Assistance
 Develop the Laws, regulation, technical guidelines and conduct policy analysis related to
EIA, Environmental Permit, and Environmental Audit;
 Provide technical assistance for EIA, Environmental Permit and Environmental Audit;

2011-2015 Office of Assistant Deputy for Environmental Impact Assessment, Deputy for
Environmental Planning, Ministry of Environment
The Head of Division for EIA Systems Development
 Develop the Laws, regulation, technical guidelines and conduct policy analysis related to
EIA, Environmental Permit, Environmental Audit and Environmental Risk Assessment;
 Provide technical assistance for EIA, Environmental Permit, Environmental Audit and
Environmental Risk Assessment

2010-2011 The Ecoregion Management Center for Sulawesi, Maluku dan Papua,
Ministry of Environment –Makassar
The Head of Division for Environmental Inventory and Information Systems
 Conduct Environmental dan Natural resources Inventory at the ecoregion;
 Develop environmental information systems and media communication at the ecoregion

2009-2010 The Centre of Regional Environmental Management in Sulawesi, Maluku

and Papua, Ministry of Environment –Makassar
The Head of Division for Environmental Degradation Control and Environmental Planning
 Develop, Manage, monitor and continually improve instruments for environmental
compliance in land degradation control, water resource management, marine and coastal
resource management, biodiversity conservation, ODS-phase out and ozone layer
protection, and Climate Change;
 Implement Policy and Regulation related to Spatial Planning, Strategic Environmental
Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment;

2005-2009 The Centre of Regional Environmental Management in Sulawesi, Maluku

and Papua, Ministry of Environment - Makassar
The Head of Subdivision for Environmental Degradation Control
 Develop, Manage, monitor and continually improve instruments for environmental
compliance in land degradation control, water resource management, marine and coastal
resource management, biodiversity conservation, ODS-phase out and ozone layer
protection, and Climate Change

2002-2005 the Office of Regional Capacity Development in Sulawesi, Maluku and

Papua, Ministry of Environment- Makassar
The Head of Subdivision for Human Resource and Institutional Development
 Developed SOP, Criteria and Indicator for Clean and Green Cities Program (Good
Environmental Governance Program)
 Monitored the performance of local government in implementing clean and green cities
program (Good Environmental Governance).
 Enhanced the capacity of local governments in implementing sustainable cities (clean and
green cities) program, especially in the area of EIA, Spatial Planning, Integrated Waste

Management, Water Pollution Control, Integrated Costal Resource Management,
Community Participation.
 Coordinator and Facilitator for the development of A Collaborative Environmental Strategic
Plan in South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi – Collaboration Between CEPI-CIDA,
Bapedal Region 3 and Bapedalda in South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi

2000-2002 Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL) Region 3,

Acting Head Subdivision for Biodiversity Conservation and Global Environmental
 Provided technical assistances in Biodiversity Conservation and Management for the Local
Governments, Local Communities and business communities;
 Provide technical assistances in protection of ozone layer and ODS phase-out for the local
governments, Local Communities and business communities;
 Provided technical assistances in climate-changes-related issues for the local governments,
Local Communities and business communities;
 Co-Facilitator and interpreter of Prof. William C. Found (York University, Canada) at the
training workshop on Project and Program Implementation, Makassar

1998–2000 The Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES), York University, Toronto,

Ontario, Canada
Graduate Student at the FES, York University

Earned Master In Environmental Studies (MES) in Integrated Watershed Management

1997–1998 IALF-Denpasar, Bali

Student of English for Academic Purposes
 Obtained IELTs score of 6.5
 Obtained CIDA’s Scholarship to study in FES, York University, Toronto, Canada

1996-1997 Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL) Region 3,

Staff of division for Information Development and Environmental Compliance
 Developed Local Area Network (LAN) with Windows NT. 4 Server and Novel Netware 4.01
as platforms
 Provided technical assistances in environmental compliance for the local governments,
local communities, and business communities
 Worked with the Canadian-Consultant to coordinate marine and costal working group


 Expert Witness on various environmental cases related to Environmental Degradation, EIA
and Environmental Permit (2011-Now);
 Environmental and Natural Resources Policy Analysist/Expert (2011-Now);
 Resource person at the Various EIA Training Courses and Technical Assistances in
Indonesia (2009-Now);
 The Third Regional Workshop on Country Safeguard Systems, 10-11 April 2017, Bali
Indonesia (Parallel Speaker);

 A Prepatory Meeting on Asian Environmental Impact Assessment Network, Bangkok 2017
(chairing a group discussion);
 Country Safeguard Systems Sub-Regional Workshop – ADB, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 2016
(Parallel Speaker and chairman of group discussion);
 Asian EIA Conference: Enhancing Asia as Sustainable Development Planning Tool in Asia,
IGES, ADB and MOE-Japan, Nagoya Jepang; 2016 (Parallel Speaker)
 Asia EIA Workshop – IGES Bangkok, 2016;
 EIA Distance Learning Programs – USEPA Washington and MOE Jakarta (2012-2015)
(organizer, participant and speaker);
 MOEF Reviewer for ADB’s TA-7566 REG: Strengthening and Use of Country Safeguard
System (2014-2015);
 International Workshop on EIA System and Implementation in Asia, Tokyo, Jepang, 2015
(Parallel Speaker);
 Training Workshop on EIA (China-ASEAN Green Envoys Program), Yixing, China, 2014
(participant and speaker on Indonesian EIA Systems)
 Second Regional Workhop on Strengfthening Country Safeguard Systems-ADB, Manila,
2014 (participant)
 Internship Program On Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Permit di
USEPA Washington D, 2013 (participant)
 International Conference on Impact Assessment (IAIA), Porto, Portugal, 2012 (participant)
 Training of Trainer for Strategis Environmental Assessment), conducted by Environmental
Support Programme, the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) dan MOE,
Yogyakarta 9-11 March 2010 (participant)
 Training adn Eductation for EIA Review (the Environmental Education and Training Cnter of
MOE), Serpong, 25 January-6 February 2010 (participant)
 The East Asian Seas Congress-Partnerships at Work: Local Implementation and Good
Practices Philippines International Convention Center (PICC) Manila, Manila, 23-27
November 2009 (participant);
 Regional Training Course on Novel Technology for Marine Environmental Management
(GEF, UNDP, UNOPS, PEMSEA, MERIT – Manila 19-21 November 2009) (participant)
 Meeting of SEAP Network of ODS Officers “Enforcing 2010 Compliance and Preparation for
HDCF Phase-out” yang diselenggarakan oleh UNEP DTIE OzonAction Programme, Pataya
Thailand 20-23 September 2008 (participant)
 the 2nd MEA-Regional Enforcement Network Workhop, yang diselenggarakan oleh UNEP
DTIE OzonAction Programme dan SEI, Bangkok, Thailand 24-26 September 2008
 JICA Training Workshop on Development of Strategies on Climate Change, (Tsukuba,
Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto, Jepang, 11 Januari-1 Maret 2007) (participant);
 The course on Project Cycle Management (PCM) Participatory Planning yang diselenggarakan
oleh IC Net Limeted Japan, Tsukuba, Jepang 22 Januari, 7-8 Februari 2007 (participant);
 Biodiversity Conservation Training (The Centre for Environmental Training and Education,
Ministry of Environment) – Serpong, 11-15 June 2006 (participant)
 CGE Hands-on Training Workshop on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment for the Asia
and Pacific Region (UNFCC Secretariat) , Jakarta, Indonesia 20-24 March 2006 (participant);
 Environmental Compliance Inspection (the Office of Assistance Deputy for Environmental
Education and Training, Ministry of Environment) – 2005 (participant);
 Integrated Environmental Management, (CEPI-CIDA and PPLH UGM)—2002 (participant);
 High Resolution Digital Airborne Imagery for Environmental and Natural Resources
Management In Indonesia (CEPI_CIDA and Aquarius Canada), 2001 (participant)
 The Intensive Training Course in English for Academic Purposes, (IALF Education for
Development, Denpasar)-1998 (participant);
 The Risk Assessment Training Course (BAPEDAL in cooperation with US-EPA) – 1997

 The Cleaner Production Training Course (Bapedal Region 3 in cooperation with the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Indonesia Cleaner Industrial
Production (ICIP) Program)- 1997 (participant);
 The Principles of Environmental Policy Training Course (BAPEDAL in cooperation with The
United States – Environmental Protection Agency), 1997 (participant);
 The Information System Technologies Training Course-on the Job Training Program (The
Center for Information Development and Environmental Compliance (PPIPL), BAPEDAL),
1997 (participant);
 The Environmental Law Enforcement Training Course (PSL-UNHAS)—1997 (participant);
 The Basic Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Training Course, (PSL-UNHAS)—1997
 The Management Training Course for the Development of Local Enterprises in and around The
Gunung Halimun National Park, (PACT and The Biological Science Club)—1996 (business

I hereby declare that all information I have provided is true, correct and accurate.

Jakarta, 12 August 2017



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