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Catching a Liar

According to the book, there are two basic reasons why you catch a liar, it is

because it involves thinking and feelings. This matches up with the leader's

communication. Even though a leader’s effectiveness comes from their ability to

anticipate the possible interruptions, but for layers the time to think about what

they should answer can become a bad line response. The bad line response is an

answer that comes with no actual reference to his action. The short amount of time

to give a response makes them spill out the first thing that comes into their mind,

thus being betrayed by the circumstance, and not giving an effective line. 

Also, emotions cannot be controlled, sometimes it shows passively and other,

intensely. The emotions can dress up into falsifying emotions, that cannot work

and intensify the negative emotions. Creating a discordance between the feelings

that wants to be shown in order to protect their truth. Additionally, liars have to

conceal their emotions to keep the lie and not be betrayed by themselves. If the liar

can control the emotions it can keep his perception from other people actually,

falsifying a positive ethos crushing the audience motivation.  

This concept can be related to emotional intelligence to be a leader because of

consists of managing your emotions and then, transform them into actions to

generate a positive impact on others. In other words, having a balance between the

rational and the emotional. Besides, it is essential for leaders who should

demonstrate that appraising and analyze circumstances to express appropriate

emotions. The mind of a liar is training every day to handle it better when it is

necessary to lie, and part of this is having a good memory, losing your emotions

and feeling for others such as the ability to the concerned with them. In contrast,
emotional intelligence helps to develop social competencies that involve

understanding and concern for others.

Types of liars

Natural liars, know about their ability, and so do those who know them well. Due

to their ability to deceive they are confident when they lie. This matches with the

idea of positive leadership ethos like credibility. Credibility is a concept that

involves a confident and persuasive attitude, as well with natural liars. Even

though this kind of liar is skilled in the art of deceit but has conscience making

some of them into actors, lawyers and other professionals. But, other liars in the

same category are individualistic and competitive, believing in the superiority of

their own opinions making them into the different skills that may become of them

leaders. By being ambitious, visionaries, and influencers. 

Catching a Liar

According to the book, there are two basic reasons why you catch a liar, it is

because it involves thinking and feelings. This matches up with the leader's

communication. Even though a leader’s effectiveness comes from their ability to

anticipate the possible interruptions, but for layers the time to think about what

they should answer can become a bad line response. The bad line response is an

answer that comes with no actual reference to his action. The short amount of time

to give a response makes them spill out the first thing that comes into their mind,

thus being betrayed by the circumstance, and not giving an effective line. 

Also, emotions cannot be controlled, sometimes it shows passively and other,

intensely. The emotions can dress up into falsifying emotions, that cannot work

and intensify the negative emotions. Creating a discordance between the feelings
that wants to be shown in order to protect their truth. Additionally, liars have to

conceal their emotions to keep the lie and not be betrayed by themselves. If the liar

can control the emotions it can keep his perception from other people actually,

falsifying a positive ethos crushing the audience motivation.  

This concept can be related to emotional intelligence because it consists of

managing your emotions and then transforming them into actions to generate a

positive impact on others. In other words, have a balance between the rational and

the emotional. Besides, leaders need to demonstrate appraising and analyze

circumstances to express appropriate emotions. The mind of a liar improves

because it is training every day, and part of this is having a good memory,

controlling your emotions and feelings for others such as the ability to be

concerned with them. In contrast, emotional intelligence helps to develop personal

and social competencies that involves emotional awareness, integrity and

understanding and concern for others

Real Life example

In real life, people do not know the value of emotional intelligence. People think

that they are born like that and it cannot change. There are many situations that

people could apply emotional intelligence, but they do not know-how. For instance,

when you are designated to work on a project with people who you do not know,

and you feel that they do not work as you. You have two options. You can talk with

them without controlling your impulses, get angry, and ask for explanations

improperly. In this case, it is probably that people react in an incorrect way lying

to justify themselves without the intention of reaching an agreement. Your second

option is talking with them using emotional intelligence. In the first place,
analyzing your self-management. Then, trying to understand the reason they do

not do their part of the project (be empathetic) to solve your problems with the

purpose of finish the project as a work team.

The best way to have the ability to problem-solving is by using emotional

intelligence. In this way, you also motivate your work team and evidence your self-


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