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The video is telling us that the public figures called the virus as the worst

crisis since World War II. Imagine that it killed 274,898 people worldwide in six
months of counting (9 May 2020) from it first declared in China on December
2019. And that, globally, as of 5:36 pm CEST, 13 September 2021, there have
been 224,511,226 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 4,627,540 deaths,
reported to WHO. It is even declared as pandemic by WHO’s Director-General
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on 12 March 2020 (
COVID-19 has indeed filled a significant global economic downturn and
fundamentally changed the way we live as what the video showed, specifically
in Australia. The video shows some places in Australia that are normally buzzing
with workers, families, and tourists before COVID-19 strikes their country, but
then suddenly, people got restricted of going out by front-liners or health workers
(that are posting in streets and/or almost everywhere) except when it is for
essential purposes due to the threat of the virus. This is because avoiding the
crowd is just one of the pieces of advise of the WHO to the public to stay safe
and in more of this, wearing face masks and face shields, frequent hand
sanitizing, and social/physical distancing completes their health protocols
( These protocols to avoid the threat of the virus limits the
social activities of the people of Australia like traveling to tourist attractions, to do
outdoor picnics, dates, and others. This limitation of social activities also means
limitation to purchasing/spending ability of the people. It thus also means a pause
to business operations like restaurants/food carts, swimming pools, beaches,
hotels and/or with casinos, and other hospitality sectors. It then leads to
economic downturn or shall we say disturbed cash flow in the market. So,
instead for the Government to collect money from the market and spend it for the
growth of the economy, the Government spends its savings for the survival of the
economy like feeding its nation that is under quarantine (or the giving of relief
goods and cash), buying vaccinations and other medical supplies, and others.
In the other hand, there’s always a rainbow after the rain so let us not stop
hoping and praying for this pandemic to end and bring all of us (not just
Australia) back to normal. The virus affects not just Australia but also affects
the whole world just as like the way they do. However, if we will altogether obey,
work, pray and be the solution, with the help of our Almighty God, there’s nothing
impossible of ending this pandemic. In addition, thanks to God that experts were
able to formulate vaccines already that in result, people were able to go out with
at least their families only to do some picnics or do sports outside their houses.
Also, that businesses and education sectors are, slowly by slowly, now adapting
to the new normal way of living. Like for example doing and delivering their
goods and services online or the students taking classes through online classes.
Until such time that we already conquer this certain global crisis, in Jesus’ name!

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