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oo er ead Peete] » The linear motion of an object is described by: x(t) = 2t3 - 16t2 + 7 where x is in meters. The acceleration of the object when the velocity is 280 m/s is ___. The minimum velocity during the first 50 s of motionis__. Sau CO Urs cote eee eee ea Cea ee Ue Coen kas eke he Bae The minimum velocity during the first 50 of motion Is Cristiano Ronaldo can kick a football over a 10 ft high fence, 35 yards away. If he kicks the ball from an elevation of 3 ft and the ball is projected initially at 60 ft/s 40 degrees from the horizontal, how high will it hit the fence? Ce Une ee a ue Le fe tue uk ere Lac at 60 ft/s 40 degrees from the horizontal, how high will it hit the fence? A box of mass 150 kg is pulled up a frictionless incline 20 degrees from the horizontal by a constant force P 30 degrees above the plane. If the acceleration is 7 m/s? along the incline, what is the magnitude of the constant force P? box of mass 150 kg is pulled up a frictionless incline 20 degrees from the horizontal by a constant force P 30 degrees above the plane. If the acceleration is 7 m/s? along the incline, what is the magnitude of the Cents A600 kg load is lowered 14 m vertically by a cable that has a constant tension of 5 kN. Solve for the net work done on the load during this process. ‘A.600 kg load is lowered 14 m vertically by a cable that has a constant tension Ce ee eee An archer shoots a 150-g arrow at an angle of 60 degrees to the horizontal. The arrow is initially 1 m above the ground and leaves the bow with a velocity of 7 m/s. What is arrow’s maximum height? What is the total speed of the arrow after 0.75 s of motion? An archer shoots a 150-g arrow at an angle of 60 degrees to the horizontal. co: MA etka DO RAO CRC eae eR OL of the arrow after 0.75 s of motion? If air friction is negligible, the theoretical maximum speed of a ball thrown directly downward with an initial speed of 5 mph from an elevation of 800 ft above the groundis__. Itair friction is negligible, the theoretical maximum speed of a ball thrown directly downward with an initial speed of 5 mph from an elevation of 800 ft Sec A car with weight 3200)lb is traveling along SLEX at 55 mph. The coefficient of friction between the tires and the asphalt is 0.6 and the reaction time of the driver is 0.5 seconds. Solve the distance the car travels from the point at which an obstacle is sighted if the deceleration is constant and uniform. Solve also for the time it takes before the car stops. Acar with weight 3200Ib is traveling along SLEX at 55 mph. The coefficient jon between the tires and the asphalt is 0.6 and the reaction time of er is 0.5 seconds. Solve the distance the car travels from the point De ee ee eer ue eu Solve also for the time it takes before the car stops. A balloon has been rising from the ground at a constant speed for 12 seconds. A ball is released from the balloon until it reaches the ground after an additional 6 seconds. What is the speed of the balloon at the instant of release of the ball? Find also the height of the balloon when the ball reaches the ground. Express answer in ft/s and ft. ‘Abballoon has been rising from thie ground at a constant speed for 12 seconds. A ball I rue eee ee ed ea rer Pie ea ey height of the balloon when the ball reaches the ground. Express answer in tts and ft ‘Abballoon has been rising from the ground at a constant speed for 12 seconds. A ball I rue ee ce ee ee ea ers Pin ue a ey height of the balloon when the ball reaches the ground. Express answer in tts and ft A block with weight 200 Ib rests on a 45- degree inclined plane with a coefficient of friction 0.25. It is connected by a cable to a 100 Ib weight. The cable passes over a perfect pulley. Upon release, what is the acceleration of the system? Solve also for the velocity of the 100 Ib weight after 4 seconds. Ablock with weight 200 Ib rests on a 45-degree inclined plane with a coefficient of friction 0.25. It is connected by a cable to a 100 Ib weight. The eg ct a ere cae See en ku eR RR ee ees A satellite revolves around the Earth at an altitude of 25,000 miles. The acceleration due to gravity at the space station is . The speed of the space station is mph. The angular velocity of the station about the earth’s center is rad/hr. Le eu RC a Ce et eee) Ce ee ne eee ue ed Cr a A bike enters a curve with constant radius at a speed of 7 m/s. If the speed of the bike is increased at a constant rate of 1.5 m/s? along the curve and the total acceleration at the beginning of the curve is 1.7 m/s2, what is the radius of the curve? Le a ein ae ee tea the bike is increased at a constant rate of 1.5 m/s? along the curve and the ee eu ea Rae rng etacr = A pendulum that contains a 1.8kg bob attached to a 2m cable swings in a vertical plane. What is the required speed of the bob if the cable tension is 140 N when the angle above the horizontal is 55 degrees. eth Ledeen ecu ten un) vertical plane. What is the required speed of the bob ifthe cable tension is. Cr oar ae a eA een ry) An object travels in a circular path wherein the radius of curvature is 60 m. If the angular dispalcement is measured according to 4t2 + 9 rad, at what time will the object’s normal acceleration attain a value of 3000 m/s?? ‘An object travels in a circular path wherein the radius of curvature is 60 m. If the angular displacement is measured according to 4t? + 9 rad, at what time Pres ee ee eau Rec ad A pickup truck wheel 24 inches in diameter is rolling at 600 rpm. If the wheel nuts are located 6” from the center of rotation and have a mass of 0.5 Ibm, the angular momentum of each lug about the center must be Ibf-ft-s. pickup truck wheel 24 inches in diameter is rolling at 600 rpm. If the wheel Deo eee Co a Pe er uct Ty ree A tennis ball at rest is dropped from a height of 4.5 m above the floor. If the coefficient of restitution between the ball and the surface is 0.80, determine the maximum height of the ball after the first bounce. A tennis ball at rest is dropped from a height of 4.5 m above the floor. If the eee a eee eee) ue rnc et cette Two objects, one of mass 3 kg and moving with a speed of 2 m/s and the other of mass 5 kg and speed 2 m/s, move toward each other and collide head-on. If the collision is perfectly inelastic, find the speed of the objects after the col ‘Two objects, one of mass 3 kg and moving with a speed of 2 m/s and the other of mass 5 kg and speed 2 m/s, move toward each other and collide head-on. If the collision is perfectly inelastic, find the speed of the objects Object #1 moves toward object #2, whose mass is twice that of object #1 and which is initially at rest. After thei pact, the objects lock together and move with what fraction of object #1’s initial kinetic energy? Cees Rk ae ee ed Ree ee a ae eed eae) Deut ere ue a2 A ball of mass 2m moving with velocity u collides inelastically with a stationary ball 5 times more massive. After collision, the first ball travels at 90 degrees with the incident direction while the second ball travels at an angle of 37 degrees with the incident direction. What is the fraction of kinetic energy lost during the collision? Aball of mass(2m moving with velocity u collides inelastically with a Ce ee ee ee 90 degrees with the incident direction while the second ball travels at an Coe eee ee ee ened A Kinetic energy lost during the collision? A 15 kg sphere having an initial velocity of 48 m/s along a frictionless horizontal surface collides with a 28 kg block at the instant when the block has a velocity of 9 m/s in the same direction. If the block’s velocity becomes 30 m/s immediately after the impact, solve for the coefficient of restitution? Ne Ca Reker Career Ceo ee EL oat re uid has a velocity of 9 mvs in the same direction. If the block’s velocity becomes 30 m/s immediately after the impact, solve for the coefficient of eis A sphere of mass m has a velocity v and moves on a smooth horizontal surface. It collides with another sphere half the mass and initially at rest. If the coefficient of restitution is e, what is the kinetic energy lost during the collision? c.™ (2-0) 2 D. ™(2+e’) Asphere of mass(m has a velocityv'and moves on a smooth horizontal SO UR oe ees cuca the coefficient of restitution iste, what is the kinetic energy lost during the Cols A stone is thrown from ground level over horizontal ground. It just clears three walls, the successive distances between them being rand 2r. The inner wall is 15/7 times as high as the outer walls, which are equal in height. The total horizontal range is nr, where n is an integer. dn. A stone is thrown from ground level over horizontal ground. Itjust clears three walls, the successive distances between them being r and 2r. The Inner wall is 15/7 times as high as the outer walls, which are equal in height. Doses Sa Ea Ls Acar is turning around a curve of 500 ft radius at a speed of 75 mph. If the coefficient of friction (C.O.F.) between tires and road is 0.55 what is the minimum banking angle of the curve? If the road was covered with ice (C.O.F. = 0), what is the banking angle? mo Acar is turning around a curve of 500 ft radius at a speed of 75 mph, If the eee ee uC eed minimum banking angle of the curve? If the road was covered with ice (C.0.F. = 0), what is the banking angle? An F-35 fighter plane flying at a horizontal speed of 200 mph and an altitude of 15,000 ft releases a bomb to hit a target on the ground directly in front of the flight path. At what horizontal distance (in ft) before the target must the bomb be released to hit the target. Neglect air resistance and wind effects. ‘An F-35 fighter plane flying at a horizontal speed of 200 mph ahd an altitude of 15,000 ft releases a bombjto hit a target on the ground directly in front of the flight path. At what horizontal distance (in ft) before the target must the bomb be released to hit the target. Neglect air resistance and wind effects. A young Judd with mass 30 kg jumps downward into a trampoline at a speed of 4 m/s. If the average impulsive force of the trampoline is 800 N and it acts upon him for 0.5 s in a vertically upward direction, what is his velocity immediately after the trampoline force has been applied? Oo en ee ee RCW ue of m/s. If the average impulsive force of the trampoline is 800 N and it acts upon him for 0.5 s in a vertically upward direction, what is his velocity Coe oe Ue ua A ball is thrown vertically upward from the edge of a building with an initial velocity of 96 ft/sec. The ball just misses the building on the way down and falls to the street 240 feet below the edge of the building. What is the maximum height reached by the ball above the ground? Solve also for the velocity of the ball upon impact with the ground. Oe aR ae ee velocity of 96 ft/sec. The ball just misses the building on the way down and falls to the street 240 feet below the edge of the building. What is the maximum height reached by the ball above the ground? Solve also for the velocity of the ball upon impact with the ground. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION eo Cane a Cie eed planet is r. If we move to a point 4r from the surface of this planet, how strong is the gravitational field? es Cer) fomclz) Dear) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION PUR ae ea Cie en planet is r. If we move to a point r from the surface of this Dee ee ee eeu Ro a A.16g cer C.6/4 Dear ea) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION CTs ee A eZ CK L Ty C.0.2248 Dray MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION DCTs ee A eels COR Z Ty loner 21} Pret} OLE) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Ee Ree Cd Sen MeL Reta c reuters econ ta ud Ce ete ne eee rg ea eR Lid OO Snel Renta MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION ‘An ECE working for a firm has decided to go into private POMC Raine ee etched econ te ud Ce ester eee erg ea ORM Lg Deen CR eu aay eRe Ca iccCg MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Engineers are to uphold the health, safety, and public ; PCC CCI Rte actly DCs MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Cee Reco en Cay me ct) Des Eee y MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION TRU eee UU) satellite revolving around it becomes zero, then the satellite will ee Cee aCe ek rsd Deen Ca caked lon eC a neta y DR RCE lac) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION TU eee REUSE ) Ser ER ee UCU ona] Ce Cee a Ce ek isd eRe oer koe a CeCe cea) DR RCE la) OEE eRe oe ay crc MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Se eee et a doubled while the speed remains the same. What will happen to Ponce eR eee RC Ca CMe Ru Rd UE ed Poe cd MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Se ae et ea doubled while the speed remains the same. What will happen to Pence eR eee Rcd Ca CR Ru ahd C. It will be the same as before Poe rd EC a Meee CR What is the cgs unit for force? re) Cad C. newton Pg PSS Uomo re B. erg C. newton Pld MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION PaCS eee ee aay Pu ie ae cacy om COTY Parca MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION PaCS ee Ree coe Pu re a Cay om Ory Paco] Ed MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION LO RU Ra Re ue) usually breaks, while one dropped on the grass usually doesn't break. This is because for the egg dropped on the grass, ee eae B. the change in momentum is less eee rn Pr een neon MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION A moderate force will break an egg. However, an egg dropped on the road usually breaks, while one dropped on the grass usually doesn't break. This is because for the egg dropped on the grass, ee eee Pe ee eared C. the time interval for stopping is greater Pr ean eon LeU CCCs aE cd MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION MR UR ue cae Ce Ruut Ee uc hc Run es ced ee m eC) B. The frequency will be halved ee ee eae aera eros MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Me UR ue cae Ce RUE acc hk ured ee m eC) B. The frequency will be halved mi ered aera eros Ue Coe ues MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION DOS eu cur raec CL ea tad 5 A. mass of the object Cuca pe eeu nd Pee Cord MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION ee ec ee ges Immediately, the girl chases the boy and screams his name. What DO eu Cua end Te Le cur) Cee ade Re occu og C. The frequency increases if the girl is slower than the boy De Oct MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION A girl sees a boy from a distance of 10 m. The boy starts to run. Immediately, the girl chases the boy and screams his name. What DO eu Cun aed ee sur) Cee ade CUCU Lg ee ue ee ee ee unc Dee OCC) Answer: The frequency increases if the girl is faster than the boy MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following is correct about the motion of a projectile rie Reus eee ee ee oe ed tir cid ‘A. The speed at the top of the trajectory is zero Cane toa ee ut LRU ener tee en eee ry way up and in the same direction as the velocity vector on the way co Rech om Uo ng down MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following is correct about the motion of a projectile launched at an angle that is 45 degrees with respect to the ltr ad A ‘A. The speed at the top of the trajectory is zero CR toa ut LRU eee Coe a eee a ery ‘way up and in the same direction as the velocity vector on the way co Rech Le Om ue ng down _ a) 3 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION A projectile is traveling in a parabolic path for a total of ORR ells oe Eee Rc kL e eo Ce ECan Sura Nee rate) SO eura hegre) uh kee Se MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION A projectile is traveling in a parabolic path for a total of Cy Oe Reis ee Ee RR elie eo Ce ECan Sara Nee acre) SUeura heer) eho e need Se uy raed MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following is NOT true about static friction? TOE ER te ee eR Ug Pound CRO Re Cue Ce cae ener) Pvc D. It is always greater than the kinetic friction MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following is NOT true about static friction? A. It always acts in a direction, opposite to that in which the body eee oy CRO a Re Cue Ce cae Rn eu CUR) Pry D. It is always greater than the kinetic friction TO a ue ecg — een eects MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION What is the velocity of the projectile at the highest point of Bled ra) CR ROR Rau curusg Com R ROR ue eta auld Pad Sc tury MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION What is the velocity of the projectile at the highest point of Bled J \ AO | CR RRC Raa curuig Com ROR ute eta) auld Dae ctr) PO RCo ug MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION ONS ee Rn RM eR) Pee Ree ey cally ald eet CO Peery RRC ery MR ered MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Ne Run ea eR UR eC} fete RUC eae CRC ue eet CO Peery RR Cer a Pe ired Rd MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Cerne I Re Ce CLs follows a projectile path. At what point is the ball's acceleration at a Td eres ca kent) B, just before arriving at Enzo’s hand ue eka Pee eee ee en ere cn ei ee en ee ea follows a projectile path. At what point is the ball's acceleration at a Td A. just after leaving Carlo's hand B. just before arriving at Enzo’s hand C. at the top of the trajectory ee ee ed

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