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Filipino Workplace Culture

Every country differs from each other, each one has their own uniqueness inside their

territory. Filipino people believes that we are one of the countries that has the best

values around the world. Several countries already testifies that we have the best

values and culture. However, the question here is that, what is it about the Philippines

or the Filipino people that makes it different from the rest?

Based on the 3 readings that was given to us, there are common characteristics that

was observed by these authors in the Filipino workplace. First that I saw in the readings

is that Filipinos are very respectful towards elders or any person that is older than their

age, from what I understand they always address them with outmost respect and ending

their sentences with the word “po”. Filipino upbringing has always taught us to respect

individuals whether they are older than us or not, it has been in our system pass down

from generation to generation that we must respect everyone. Even in the workplace,

we show each other respect and it translates to having a good atmosphere within the

working area. In relation to being respectful, it is common to give respect to your

superior and you will commonly hear “sir or ma’am” in the workplace. From what I’ve

read in these articles, majority of the Filipinos are hospitable and anyone can

experience the Filipino hospitality. For example, the Canadian perspective wherein

Filipinos are generally friendly and hospitable and it extends to the work environment.
You can see that even in different environments Filipinos have it in them to engage to

conversations and you will definitely feel that they are very interested to your story

making you more comfortable to share your thoughts or even experiences in life. Being

hospitable is also a good asset to a Filipino person because they can use this

characteristic as a way to know more about their clients and probably may end up

having a good negotiation within their conversation

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