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(a) 100/o , (b) 60%
TYPE-A 2 , 50 1f.T ~ ~ ? t (c) 200 % y ·_• (~ 00 %
(a) 2% (b) 2.5 % ( c ~ (dJ 5% 14. Wh at iS.2 0% of2 5% of
30 0?
If 80% of A = SO'Yo of B and B =.x% m
300 <F.1·. 25% <Jil 20% f.f..:RT
of A, the n the val ue of x is : 8. If 10% of m is the sam e as 20%
f W B of n, the n m :n is equ al to : (a ) 150 (b) 60
~ A ':f.T 80% =B ':f.T 50%
~ . .wr
mm ':f.T 10% , n "=:t 20% <F :~ t (c) 45 ;_,.: ~ 15
= A ':f.T x% o , 1'lT x ':f."I 1lR
':f,'T J
11 m : n ':f-T 1lR ~ irrrr ? 25
fa) 400 (b) 300 i s 1 50, the n the
f!l{2 : 1 (b) 1: 2 15 . . Jf x% of 2
~ 160 (d ) 150
(d) l: 2 0
;. ...,
y , wh at per cen t of (c) l:1 0 ~al ue of x is :
2. If xis 80% of a
x is y? 9. The rati o 5 4 exp res sed as , . ··-
: 25 , 150 or,-t;c'-:fl 1:fl' :fl' <t7 1
~ per cen t equ als ::;p. ,r1 x%
«Ry cf.T 80%, X?., -TIX ~ F-f."RI 2
y ➔ ).
c- 5 : 4 :i ~ aj ~ if ff."P.1 k3J M 120 0
raJ 100 0
(b) 80% ~? (d J 500
(a) 75% ~) 140 0
(b) 80% n 'What
(c) 100 % Jd,r 1.25 % ~ 1 25'Yo 16 . If 20% of A= 50'11 of B , the
% of (c) 40% (dJ 12 .5% per cen t of A is B ?
3. If 8% of xis the sam as 4
the sam e as 10. If the inc om e of .Mo
han is ~ A ~ 20% = B "-t.l 50% ¼,
11 A <f.T
y, the n 20% of xis h,
150 % hig her tha n Ma hes f'!>?. -ll £ ·'Hf! B t ?
d-le n by wh a t per cen t the .,fe 1'40 %
~ ~ 8 3/o , y :i 4 % -=t. ~ "f., -fl (a) 30%
inc om e of ?,1a11e:,1 ns less tha n
<F."l 2 0 'io 1-t. =!~ ~ rn
? (c) 25% (d J 15 %
X Mo hru 'T'T ?--- is equ al
(b) 16% of y 17. 18% of wh ich num ber
~ 1 0'% ofy ~ .:m, ~ <9.i'-i tjt!r l Cf 150 % :.-:~fl
to 12 % of 75 ?
(cJ 80% of y (dJ 50% of y
ir ~ ~ h" ~ ~ ~ ~ T.f ~ :i
a num ber , the n
f.:t.1:-1 li·-.,,-:l) "-t.l 18 % , 7 5 .;, 12::
2 0 % of t.?
4. If 120 is ~ W7 R ~ 'B"TT TITfT?
120 % of tha t num ber will be :
(a) 40% (b) 50% (bJ 100
x,..,,--1, "-t.l 20% , 120 t., 11 ~ ~50
f-.., x:fr
1.j~:;-i ~ 120% ff.-RT m? vfc 1'6 0 % (d) 45%
(c) 2 (dJ -
1 2
(a) 20 (b) 120
oft 100 00 is:
(c) 480 _f9.}720 ll. 0 .1 5 % of ~ 3% 1
12 - %
n 18. If the inc om e of Ram is 2
5. If x is less tha n y by 25% the the
no oo o "-t:.
33 13/c 0.1 5% ;-~.-i-,1 ~o re tha n tha t of Shy am ,t han
3 °~
- ,_
y exc eed s x by : mc om e of S hya m i s les s
. . ... . ~
'-< , ., X, y 1:f 25% ~
& 1T y, X ~ . ) tha t of Ram by
nm .
h:,.rr ?..i\.j'F, %? (b) Rs. 1 50 . 12 -l % ~
~ R s. 5 ~- ~ TI- ~ . ~ -:S
(d ) Rs. 105 • . 2
(c) Rs. 0 .05
(b) 25% : "TI ~ ,:rri -;r f,F,=r-r "5if.:rffl
12 . 3 00/o of xis 72. The valu e of xis "t' rlT F-!m

x 'i"I 1lR ?.'fl TI? t.~ · ~ t?

(c) 75% ~ (d ) 66 I x ~ 30% , 72
3 (a) 2 16 40
6. to: (b) 12½ %
If P % of P is 36, the n P is equ al 480 d ) 640
,ffe. P<F.J P% , 36i -, ; i p ~
~ t ? 13. (c)
lf 15% of(A + B J=25% of(A -BJ , the n 1
(d) 1 ITT %
la) 360 0 (b) 600 what per cen t of B is equ al to A?
%, ~ re tha n
.J.e(6o (d) 15
(A+ B) <f.T 15% = (A-B ) <f.T 25% 19 . X 's inc om e is 20% mo
7 2 is wha t per cen t of 50 ? r? tha t of Y. Wh at per cen t is
· B< f.T ~~ A~ ~i irr n X ?
inc om e les s tha

f ~ Of Maths - R.akesh Yad av· Sir [ 211

I!]. . - ..'lftv
lm~ ~
., rrri-;t - · • · - UA ••- •-. ,... ..,

(<14,a% ~a!_13!,
I :
'~ . of B, how much l)ercent B's
(b) 300 that

(a) 200 ?
income IS m~ than that of A
(,(63 ½% (d(50 % r, Id) 500
~'llltaini : ' 2 kg ? (c) 400 'llf<, A il>i 311q, B 400/o t , i,i B
26. 65g is what per cent of . .

~ ~ ~ ~~ t, <ff y "-'l 2 R;,11/, <nT W<RT llm@ ? t ISSc coi. l'r. t...
[!}. ~: 180 · ' " 11;'\ 3!1q, A~ %<R 1lfi!m 3lf,;.i;
t )
aini 33. What _Will be the p ......,lai
''°'"'; • <7. A J>U~n •ho ,-,, 663.% of (a) 60% (b)40 %
(&.)8 3}%
""'" ",i;r ,t)
..,$Ji . .!_43 % lb) .§__25 % '•"'"o 'n
squa re when
e ar,~ i ~ · 01
.J, 80
(b( 125
id) ·.·.
e is able to sav ' t 5' Tw Jl2j' 66.66 % b
(d) 33.33 %
)16i %
v) ~oO P- Q) = ohon °"'""~
30% of (F +Q) I 200incom
his po, mon<h H·
l 8 · sides is incre a:adc h of t~ .;
' S, I•' '<' '~ , i · 0% 0 num
""1 50% ers are of•" num.y
(C)83 ~o/o ~ e) .!_ % Id) .!_8J %
""I,, I'.,;O ~S•'· = x'lo of P, · ·• : :-I expen ses (in,) i~ : is mont hly
2 "'°'"'
20. -3 % 'llF<;M<11f • 'Iii " ' • '• 1 bu. - "'"' "' 0
.,. 2 num~nd?
l'he time dUr .
tninu tes 13 . ation of l hour 45
2'. ""1f of I poooon<. wrino n
" •
"" , , . .... <~.·~If.I , I''' , .
1 ...O)~ SO Yo 'ITT(P•Q I • 3 0%" "
x<nl llR -.i@ >R?
"' . . .
3!'Rl 3!lq <n1 663% llil ~-u..m t...._. -,;,,,,. .,,. •
Wha t Perc ent of a dtt,m al. •• IBlll1 'Iii~ miit? 1r• ~ %
~ ,
"" ""' t , ··-, """ ,_,. , .,., 2 0SI
1%' !TT 3ll\l l~~ 1!<n1s
-q ml 20
}I Q' r ,s (,) 20 (d( 50 «• •1200 -
~1!IT Tf<! ;mi(t 'l)"'1 J!?
, 11"1 50%l 11't'm 'i\m.i ir~m
l•I ) bl of380 =?of 637 /,
l ~4S fit-t ?~~ ' ' ' " (c)12 1 • ~ 21 1a1 JOf120+40%
I') I .200 <-1bf ,.soo • ,_ 'l<p
I•( 1 0 3\'Jb) 20%
""~l lfim wt? ·_ 0025 f Id( a.,oo

'r• "'1~-=•• ; •- ~ ""'

(a.) 7,21 8 (ljl.)oo_.0205 •• (<( 3.000
- , , ,,r B ' .-
21 ,
le) 8.3 _ '1617 ,291
_Id) 8 ,24 28 11'
.)ti '"""'"d " a P"- <or 3'. 2 If '°"o f A \'!11% " ! • • 25%• 380 • <0% " ?
'8. Tho
a·, m,=
r c
u. • - .,, •
00 O 2
0% ""'"
ss. ,,_ ., U
• ,.,..,.,.._
I•( 30 ,

Whi ch n~m b 8U. 30 <ban y and y ,s 10% more
~"' "-
" ' ofA.
the.n 90% of l;;?
is 40% less '-9'•
1.,,. - - u,, , "'A " 90% . ,. , ,,
A"" 2x % %, m X"<J;J ,,,•.' ln! a, 2 (bl
(c) 7 (d) 7
1 25% more than A's Find
by how
~ '" "" 1

x, m.iir y 10%
'*-' lit~ •' ;, c•,
lb) 10% more than """ A's?

(a) 6% 45 5 mu,h
m? ioo <t 90% "It 40% ,f;'lj \ J (a) o (b) 400 ••~ • ,/7 il> io alt,Y , l25~ !0%3lf,;.i,%_i!i
O•is equivalent to:% C'lil3ll>!, B~2 0% ~ta tt,B
/4 29 . .,...,:
0 .00! (d(OO
\.Jd l'1s o•._, \Vhatis27% of36 % ofg
""· A< 25% -i..
t ? 1<3
(a) 36
(c) SQ
54 0.00!f
i!;wt-aroar{ t?
!hi 1% '
'-,"\ '(c)30 0
35 .. Ono• >hlod ,r "°'' •h,, • ,.,,
• "" - - ; ? (s ISO
1,1 1<0.s s
(d) 60 10% ' ""' ofl J<, "<to %
22. e
(o(O. o, % \jd;11 . I%
¾"'"· A'~,; /
, ; '\
1206 .,.,_. .,_" ' ~,. ._,
.., • i• 36% • 27% "' ;, l•I ISO%
56. Two numb ers are more than
if JO% of A= o .2s ors= .!.or 30. rr 60% ,r A • oh, ; (d) 35%
¾ (c) 25% - -'= "' 20% Md 50%

th 5 B 'ITT t, ~A :B "'"'! • B , , . _ ,, "'·
to : 'llf<; 'ITT 60% = ) ooo " · lfA """ · - ·d
en A : B : C is equa ] A (
'"' lb( ,. I '"~• ..... ffie " "
~ A "" 30% = B "" 0.25 =
C "" =? • I •
lb( ""'
,M\o o, ,,., 25%
(diof2'5 1000 is :
ohm c hY20%, ""~ ·\ 'B,'"
'llf<, A, B,; 40% ~
aiflM: C
ber is what percent of the secon
(b) 20 : 9 BO¾« •J J%of 1% of ?
(a) 9 : 20 36. If 120% of a is equal to ,/4% ij;tj t_ ill Iv.. lillrm,rr? •n~~ - ... . '
}t.i llA: B : c ~~ t? (c) 4 : 5 • • ~) 5 : 4
31. If "basi s point s " are defin
ed so h. ebon
i,.- s equa1 oo
. 1000-t 2S% <1i ! % 'ITT! % %<RT
l • ··
\ ) 26
2\ ; !~ (d) 27 : 14 : 25 11"1 50%~
--=•'<, t, if) 'm'i\ m ,
main ~ 20%
1if (c) 28 14: :27
(a) 5 : 6 : 4 (b)fi : 24 : 5
that I perce nt is equ al to I 00
'llf<, a 'ITT 120% , b ,t 80%-.l ll;;, V 0.025 (b) 0 .0025
l 7~% of the students
m.iir <nT ~ JITTmil % ?
6 5: 4
: ~IO : 12 : 15 basis point s , then by how many ~ 0.25 Id) 0.000 025 50. In a schoo
M, ..,,:,Th,n=1=ofooy,=
1'))00% lb! '50%
O.O I is What per cent of
0.1 ? basis poin ts is 82 .5 perce
\;';; ..., _. , , ,.,._ .,JO% ofB. B •<O% stu- 1G( 80% (d) %
great e r than 62.5 perce nt.
U 510. Then the total numb er of .
) 7fil ~ m'irm ro.01 t? dC and c = x"/o of A, then value dents in the school is :
0 120
i«! r/ xis >ff~ t1 57
~'llf<;"smmfoi:i311 "'1\1~l)q;TT"lft'Tif
Jt% ~
_,la) 5 (b) 6 . ~ ~ - - q 70% flrni to
~A '"160%= B'!TT30%i, B=C 510t_ in~ -q...-.i If 60% of A's income is equal
Jl,.-1 10% (b)
,') ',. ~ ~ f'n 1 llmra 100
3!1'-!R foi:i311 --ltj ..2. ld)8
[B,th,n i140% am C = A<ITT x%
t, i/t x'ITT ' ~ 'l!il 75% of B's income, then B's
of(A+ B) = 50%o ~ in-
.S lf 20% of A's
(d) l~O %
\ _.>\ .'ii½ WoR t m f<!;;rt 3!1'-!R foi:i
•, t llfulra 82 .5 llfulra 3TI!lq;
62 37.
value of ;;,! is rr-d {' %<R flrni> i!t?
' come is equal to
come . The value of x is :

(c) lOO% 2) (b) 200 ) (a) 850

24, J¢ob la) 800
The diffe rence of two num
bers •'. ;- (a) 0 .2
oo 'ITT 20% = B.;i 50'1 1 \ (c) 1830 Id) 1900 ~A'li l3ll>! <n16 0%, B.,'\3 lJll,t
'llf<; (A + B) l!df'50 0 "'1
is 15% of theirnum 9\.im. the Tatio le) 200 le) 300
60 is subtrthe acted from 75% 'ii½ ~ %_ 1ff B il>i 3llll, A
the 51. When
of the larg er
smal ler num ber is
:<• .,
• (ssc CGL Pre E>uun 2 0161 m ;1,!"" l!R m v1} :; If 20% of A = 30% of B 76 of C,
I /""- 60% of a numb er,
60. The numb er is :
resul t is
3!lq 'iW x"/q_ 'iW~ t, if)
X<n!lfl'! ,ITT!

~'lftll 'l!iT IS% 32. Ther e is a

4 % in crea se in then A: B : c is: ,, ~ \
<;J m.>!13!! <fil 3liR,
t, m~ m.>!I ~
'01i\ ms,ij 'l!iT 3lJ'I@ ;~lu ~: w~~~ ida li;~1 e
i20% = B'ITT
, , "'
'30% = C""
f<!;m 'I½ 60¾ -q .; 60 "llFI
'ITTU11q 60 3ll<lli, mm ~ i
la) 70 lb) 60
age de crea se (b) 150 ratio
-.iRT ~? ' \ -~.I per cent
melts to liqui d again , is
6t.'i1lA: B : \ ~?~/ (/;l a) 120
Js:11100 58. Two numb ers are in the
solid IC) 4 Id) le) 180 smaller num-
23 : 1 7 · ·,. • · (bt ~~
of the
.fi,) lI : 9
<!IB 3l'Rl om 3l<mll -q· "'fl! 38. 2 ,-..., \ -
. The differ ence of two numb ers
2: 3. If 20%
ber added to 20, is equal to the
(c) 17 : 11 ·,._s asId) 23 : 11 1 la) : 3 : 16'"\. lb) 3 : 2 : 16 is 20% of the large r numb er.
25. large as Q . The :\8-{ ?115 : 10 : 18 sum of 10% of the larger num-
P is six time t m ~ 3lT'lif'l -q· 4% 'Iii~ 'ITT What perce ntof3 .6 kg is ?2gms- le) IO : 15 er numb er is 20, the
perc ent that Q is less than
P, is : <!@I 7 the small
ber and 25, then the small
!1 om
.t"m l ii«'! -q· ~ 'R
3 .6 R;.11/. 'ITT W<R! llm@ 7211Pi j;
~ TYPE B large r numb er is :
P, Q~ 6Tf l~t. iff Q , P"l
'!1fiml, -ma ? t
t~ ol@T
3lJ<llR -q f<!;;rt llfulra ~ miit?
(a) 32%
(c) 12%
(b) 22%
!3/2% . . , ll80% ofanu mber
x,s . ft:;,~
!he result as the numb er
dto8 0 -q~~ 3f<R •f~himsl! O%t 1~
1llil ffl2 0 i. ill~ m ,llo ~:? ,t
numb er is:
~ ~ 2 : 3 3ll'I@
mr'il½ 20%1l 20~ ~hll ll'<I
-qt, ~ iRil

(b) 70% (a)3

13 %. (b)4%
39. If 12 5% of x is 100, then
'llF<,x"'li1125%, !00l m x• ?
ifl~ h~nth enum
1lt.qr ,t 80% -q 80
(c) so
Id) 80 --~-,t
if) iRit ffl ;mi ~?
10% ~25 ~!,

Wizl ll'd of Math s - Rakesh

Yadav Sir
I" 1;,,• ...,, - .... .h V•dR ... 'Ill ,, t,i\ 1213
i :_ /
4 ......, of. his sa.1a:"'\-
~ !5Clf ... ~~~t > 8 L A tc:-am played 40 games in a
fal 70 1bt :"0 ,,..;k 90 tdl W
1'.i.shy a.p s salary is · ·
season and ""on .24 of them . 30ol'l!l! . i i i ~ ~t,
ICJ 1$0
59. T'llro
•bl 160
!d1 200

t-4. lf .•,s bcight is 1,:,-·.. more ¢an

B ·s hei~ht. t,y how muc-h F"'r
.:-e.ct 1s B ·s !:ei"h! Jess than
oat .>!A? -
-~~~B";; 10:.~;;.~f~B#

•1aJ ~ 15.000
"'°'.;i"d is cons1dc:- red, to
-•r:t' f' C'<'nt pure .go.d.

What percent of winnim(>

24 1hm1~ -.rnitt.<i!i;:i'<'i~
.st ~ ~ t?
(al ,o • (bl 40"~

\c) 40

I (d) 35
88. In an "~ir.ation ... got 25 n~
-:' ::' ::,:;.dft"d !"":enrage of _pure .,- -¥) 60" 0 . (d) 35° _
n:,. ~ '"':SP=ti,-e:y
~ i t 1.:!j··r marks more than B. B got 10",.
2()o.. and SO·· ~ -"~ ;..~.:~~t:- \c l t 10.0C'O 1 0
:r.• per ·old is:
nu.n~r. rn..., t::>.an a t..'::.-i:i
t . - o ~ . , , _the r..:::voi:c..":.~ t!>I 10.!
:-o. 1'wo numbcs ~~
\:~:} :•<~,n c~""-ar.:i~ ~ ~ =91 ~
82 . ..\ number 1s dl\,ded into two
pans in suc-h a way that 80', of
l~ss than C and C got 25·'-,, more
than D . lf D got 320 marks out
\al lC-")-: 9 >.,•
.._,.,_. . - third nun: ber by 3e-, :._--s:: t:'-:~{t:;i"';~
.: ii G -..i 1• pan is 3 more than 60•~ of of 500. the ~arks obtained by
~ . 0
2!16 pan and so.:-o of 2~ pan is 6
-- ~ ; : - ~ ~ , 2'.:"·~ ./9_!_,,
-tr... "=I :1 · - A were
,..,.,; ~ t . 'Jr~=-~,..,. l,::l 10...!_c ~ it -il'f t- .i' , more than 90°, of the 1 c pan.
~ >' ~ i:r.::-.1 ~ - A °¥i, B ~ ~ n
i 1 ='
• ~~? Then the _n~~r ~s: •
65. G!'\-cn t.~aL IO:·-:: of .\ ·s !I?con:e 9 ,~ , 0 ~ ~ S'l B~ C. ~ l(~ ~ ~~
fci, ... 3.-,~ (b) -3 · ~~"5'11:'1'1;71":; ~ n i { ~
a -
~-::> tb13:S • 15~-:- of s ·s inca:t:e = 2~·c of
--~ . • ~
t f;; m Gi'i "'180°0. =, ~l-~ C~Dli25.:-"0 ~ ~ ~
... : 5
60- J s:.,, or ,5,..
1~- 3
:.-1, 6 .-
. of a nu.::no.,,- is
c ·s t: sum ru· L~ei r in-
ro:i:~s is t' ;-soo. :2:en i3"s in- ., ~1-, ldl Wj"• ~60.:-o ~ 3 ~ ,i=" i'. ::.-¾~ ~:i=l
s:'<,l n O ~ 51.s l '5 ,i ,::U :;:,;; w' ~
l'i. --ii ..\15i~ n =rF?
~:.- - W? is .24'., oi:t:ar Cill!l- co=e is : J lo=' o ('a1 f :.. ,:. ICI .:. · .• ~ ... !::·-=-.Ji ...\ is aCded to -+OC" .:i of B . so.:- o, ~ ~1F. 90C' ., if6 ~ t .
: ~..; a,::s-n--er i s so.:- o of B. \\!lat (a ) 405 .• • ,,: (o) 450
~ -..::;,:r ~ 4 - -
~ r.:.:r t . A ~ ~ =r< lC';·-:- = .9 #
~ ~ 15=-=- = C-=#' ~ ~ 2 0= .::- 1
7 I. !:::~ ·~
inco=i:. is 2~- _ :~ ~
;;:.-,, of ..\ 1s B ?
ii ~ ~ i"?
IC) 360 ldl 400
.s.. ~ -., ~ 15!'-= "'05 3 o s Licome ...::e:i ::y ~ > (al 125
,... ... ~ " " .2-£'-• ~ t ; - . <l ;=:; ~ -.7,.. .: . ~.coot_. B ce.ct i s B 's Clco.:::e ::::....._ __ ~ -..\~ 30=--=-. s'# ➔ O ~o ~~ ' ~I ~ (bl 130 89 . .A ' • number increased by
faJ 3-55.5 yr..: ri-~:=-:~!
L"lat of A? ···......: t ~~BF so.:-~ 3="71 t . ~ A :r1 (c) 135 (d) 145 • J l .
4· 83 . ..\ number, on subtracting 15 22 2 · • gives 98 as result. The
le) 3 9':> 1ct1 375 lai f 3600 ,1,1 f 3000 n A ~ ~- B-:;- 25 · : ~ ?, -r-;~B i ? from it reduces to i ts 80° c _
lb ) 40°0 number is :
61 . The moc::h!y i.::!c=e o: a ~r- .~b 2.:;oo 1ct: t rs::v ,;';,;-,: ..\-==~ ~~ , L J;:'-"z \\"hat is 40°0 of the numbe r ? ,
son ~as ~ J 3.500 a:id ·h,s 66. [f three-fi..'tb. of si.~- pe.-ce.:c:t o: 0
: /:': Jdr75' ,
~~~~15~~1- ~~ ­
. . .,.,1.
~ ~ T i -2 .. ;)~ ~ - ~
t .
- :--...;:;r a::d second numbers are
mont.n!y expenditure ..-as t a n~ber is 35. t:le nun::ber is: \al 25=, 1b ; 3: 0 ,
9 .000. :S-e,cr year his inco::::re :;~· than a third number by ~ so~o ii-= --. t . ~ ~ t--"e- , :c.;-, ~ 9S i: ~ -~ t . ~ ~ ~ i ?
mcreasec1 b:,,· 14% a:1d his ex- ~ - -~ . ~ 60" 0 ~ ~ r-.-35 t . ~
:, •~ ½ lc!l tt °I . : :.: : ar:d 40: => respecriYely . The 40t'.' o ~ Pl? , (al .;5 \b l 18 (c) 80 (d) 81
P«!ndirure increased bv , =:. 72 ~ A 's sala._ry i s .J.Q:-;: o!" 3·s 5c..:-
~:a::C. number is less than the (a} 7 5 (b) 60 J c} 30 (d l 90 90. V-1-.en 75 1s ad<k'd to 75~o of a
;,: ·:~,~<?;/t:;;='.
~ 7 1 , : :'"7
n-~ percentage increase· in ! ~:Jy: 84. 498 is 1 7°, less tha...'"! a number number. the answer is the
savings was:
(c ) 75
0O • r:,180
:! ~~: ~~?-~:n 2
~~s: ~ then the number is: number. Find 40° c of that num-
,;'a ~ ;i;; ~ ,s= n3.soo t
v.z T-'F-li"1 ~ ~ t:9000 t, =-=: 67. If Xica.·s
~ ~ ~ l4So ~ 7-::rr t #r
::noce c.'1an
sala.ry- is 25 percent
the percten t age by wh ich
sara,,-, then
is how much perce::i:.s;~ :::-
than ..\?
A "-1 <P.=. B 'f' ~-- ,,- 0 :·' ,h
B ~ ~ - C:i=i° q,..-: ~15 , >

~ -·-s... , ~ ~ S, - "'! ~ j =r"-=i t?

(b ) 4 °0

~~-\ ~ ~ 1 1 , ~ ~ \,; ~498

v,:;;i:rrt.~ ~T-1~!
(a) 610 {b) 580
r;~-#-~~~:~~ :-·:=
T=t ! . T ~ '!:"-e--., a::- ➔ O~ ~ :ii\(
~'3:Fi7eo ~"'3?r't.· ?.i~"1-:f-~ Papiya·s salary is Jess than
if ~ -n:
:l7"'J '>-77
Nita's salary is: ~ t . ;;I C ~ ~ . -~ =-,. --
7 1 2::~ti-~-d of a nt.imber is 9 6. \\.11at
8 5:"
icr60(2_ :~·
Gi,-en ..\ is 50°0
(dl 620
la.--ger t.1-ian C --J9l
tal 100
fol so
ldl 160
ra,;r,'o 21% ro, ~ -=Fi' ,.r ~ , ~ Tf25c.o 3=1'-.~ t . ~ ~-"•..,;; i ? ,:: 6i'" • of that number be?
I '.-=' ~ ;;c; ~-<'tj 96 ir i"; ,,;,
and B is 25°0 larger than C , 91. Toe number that i~ _to l:i!:.added
~ 2 8% Id) 35'/o ~,:;;-5s:f,1:f~~~ t ? (a) 50°;, "6(100',
then A is what percent larger to . lO"o of 320 to ha,-e the sum
(a 11 5 % ~ 2 0% (c) 150° 0 (dj 200', :;;:, ?' 6P o ~ r,,i:)
62. A number if reduced bv 25% be- than B? as 30' ', of 230 is:
comes 225. By what percent (c) 25% · 1dJ'12% 73. If A exceeds B by 6fh ci ~- ,..,{92.96 (b) 1.81.44
should it be increased so that less than C by 20" o, tt.a:A '· _ -~ :69.92 (d) 204.48 t
~ A , Cil50°o :,.-f>..,t ~ .C~ :no#. 10' o 'l ~~~Ni
68. X has twice as much money as 2 5°0 ~-\>;:;;t . .rc.\ .B ~~~ :,.4! c~,. ... 230 #. 30". #. - 11 ~ ?
it becomes 375 ? '· ·. that of Y and Y has 50% more "lR A • B ii 60° • ;.--;,.'>' ! f, 8 ' c X:' of a is the same as ,j"o of
1(<£~ifft~25% = ~ ·..-,,r,t money than that of Z . If the av- ii 20% ~ t ,/r A : C ,;;:- -;-,- · ~ ~,en z1 c of b \\ill be q;t? la) 37 lb) 32 (cl 23 Id) 73
••a >i , 'i, b . , . 92:" If X is 20•;, less than Y. then
erage money of all of them is t ,,ta) 32: 25 (bl 25 :32 h'fl · , .~ y no q; ~ t . ill (a) 25°0 (b) 50" o
"If~ l1m 225 ir ,r,,fr ti ' A ~ if 1 Y-X
110, then the money, which X (c)8 : 5 (d)4: 5 z" o¾ m? (c) 75~. (dl 20°;, find the value of - \.- and
~~ifft~a;l~f.11'~~ has is: 74 . In an examination , 93', ~f:: 'a) le ,, f :,x
37~ "";? ; , ' ,, X, ,i; 'lm' Y .'I irT!I o'FIT t Y ,i; am dents passed and 259 IX-'· r '0 a (bl - % of a
86 . \Vhat is to be :cicted to 15" o of
~- ~\
~25% · ·• : (bj 30%
(c) 35% • • .. , .)d) 75% 'lm' Z .'! 50% 3W.fl>
,i; mq;r
~ 11ot1 ill x,i; 'Im
t1 "lR <IRi The total number of 5 ru- ; .
appearing at the exa.rrun•-·· ~ le) ? '·• of a
i;, y
.o Y
(d) 1l % of

160 so that
equal to 25~o of 240?
the sum mav
be '-...._X-Y .
- .
"- . y.)( ~
63. Out of twO ~bers,40% of the 160,f; 15% 1l°f.i;o-n ~"111< l';,;<!1'1
~mt? was : ·· j~ -- liy% of z
greater number is equal to 60% 1<"' -qfu.,r -q" 93% WI ~ ~ - : 12 secon~ne hour is, 1 minute 240 -,i;250.:, ,i; "ilUiR 'efr? X - 1
259 ~ ~ ir ai!1i l ;.;¢
(a) f 55 (b) f 60 X-Y <f;ll!A'il@q;'{ _
of the smaller, If the swn of l'ii1;f,,i, s. lhen Y 1s equal to (a) 24 (b) 84 (c) 60 '{Q\ 36
the numbers is 150, then the (c) t 90 jJ/J
n80 w;ii~ ~~
• ' •
~ ~ ·i,l ftr-R
• " '
12 ~ ' 'Q~ , illy
' _,../1 l
~ Aai s·-4 lhl 5·"'i
tlT. <I'll 87. A number when reduced by 1O~o
greater number is Tulsiram 's salary is 20% more ..,.(aj' 3 700 tj, 2
- , f r ~ ii~ -.W lffill1 ifil40%, .rn V than that of Kashyap . If
(c) 3950
(b) 3850
(d) 4200 lcj
.!. (b) 1
gives 30 as result. The num-
ber is : (cl s·2 5
2 !di
~,i;60%.t~t•*~ifil tulsiram saves r 720 which is
2 1 ~m.ill;;{il 10% ~-.iililii'lfiu1l>!
. . . . . . of Mad'IS - Rakesh Yadav Sir lhs - Rakesh Vadav Sir
I zts
II'~ - 112: The ~~ce of petrol is increased

~~~"11'1~20<\ by 2:, . o. By how much J)ercent a ~ "".l ,ti ;r,,;;, 20°., ""' 11 721 t
(al 250 .(bl 350
t ,m_20"•o lacl~~ ,•~¾ /
car ov,,ner should reduce his con- ~ ~ lF-R 2oc,0 ~ "il'P'! *.~ ~
sumpnon of petroJ so that the ex- T:Rv;i"J;~~"a#t~l:tt-ir::
(cl 450 1dl 550 ,-,!_al 4°0 decreaseo ~, \ ~ penctiture on petrol ""-ould not be ffl?
tbl 8°•o increaseo • el
uff;a 20°~ cut m
5 e rnaY regain his
mcreased ?
~ 4;t. mcrease
(cl 8"0 decrceased I _.,r1--er
. nses i,.- 20"... By 0 $ ":.1F'lll°25~', 'l>'i;p.;ii-,i>ir,~ ~% decrease \,,,-'
ol die . If'~ IQtal p0pWaJiaa 99.
=!~percent ;hould the
· (dl 20 •o mcrceased
104 : A number is increa
· ,-;. ,\ ..,-sge- ti by obta~mpg a
1 · ~15 .11,J ,..ages ch 0 0 ?
"°"' -;o~:-
"f.T( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mm (cl 8% decrease
- - b e r ~ 18 6.600. then the
ol~ia: consumption of sugar_ be and then it is d se,i b;·,.. c,.,,Pof ~ ~ ;;;irai :;-mef,;;;~"'~~ (d) 8% increase
_ t. *_
...,_,_ 6.600 'Ii W11i
reduced so that the ~drture
does not chan,gC ? •
· 10%. Find the ne;cr•a•o,: ·: ; f15'~ -.;'I "'"'>." 'l_ ~ ~ ~
d ecreas~ percent. tn~~'' tJ ~ t . ~ ~ _ - ,;;'I (a) 25% (b) 30%
117. A number is first increased bv
10% and then it is funher ,r{.
---.t? ..... ""-s1F"l>i20°'0~~tir'fit._11T ~ - . ; i ~20% ~ ', ~(I~~ f.,.1f! v,cmo ~ " ' (cl 50''<> u Pr2O% creased by 20%. The onginal
'-.YII 1980 (bJ 4620 'iiFl~'ll'Rl-c~llfcml~-m
m t~·•'-2i'i.r,,rt_ ,h~~;, ~..-ai it'ft? _ 113. A number is first decreased by
number is increased altogether
,t;1 <R ? .- - ~~, r'-_:- _% \bl 2:, .0;~
by: ,,
94. (C'J 2200 (~3280 111f4;;i!=i"ltw.f~lr? ·. , iJI } t-~¾ o, 10% and then increased by 10%.
~~~ 10~,o ~ ~ t
!:: DUznbers A and B are such
the swn of S'lf, of A and 4%
(b) 10%
(al 100., .irk,;
(b} 10,. decrease
..Jc) 8 °,o incn,ase ·"' -~ nUil'
(d) 2O.0 ,o
i'I 22•\er is jncreased by 20 , o
ain by 20%. By what
The number so obtained is 50 less
than the original ·number. The m2O%~~t1'ila..~~

original number is :
(d) 15% (df- 8 % decrease ..,.,,i t!Iei;
iould the increased (aJ 30% : ~• (bl 15%
ofBis ~rdoftheswnof'6%of' ~ ~ 'iii 'ITT'! 10% t
~:and B"'b of B. 1be ratio A : B 100. Wba.!,:~-=~tlv decrease in sal·
cancel out the
105. The, tax imposed on
)s decr-~ase_d by 10% a::,-, f"1 c,eJ'l be reduced so as to get
nuJ!'.~e original number ~ , ~ m IO°o "<sT i?'lt
'W'll oiRl
'f'. 1'iJ 1ll'<l
J!:r32% (d) 36%
118. The length of a rectangle 1s in·

o~ll d

;:r cent inc~se ? \ ( _s \lillpnon 1s mcreased b-,~.;

!)aO';i@l .,'! 'll<i 20% ~ -oiRI t_~ ~ . ~ ~ ll 50 =fit:f i', if • ... ( <:'!eased by 10°'0 and breadth de-
' d ~ A'llllll BlllRRffil; A~ ~:-1il;lF!'!ffiffli'l'ii'l;pit 2 0%"!ft~ the~erc_e ntage ch~ r! 20% ;;fR ~ ;sm;i t~ ~-~ q 1~fal;fl ~ 3r-; ~ ? (-\ creased by lO~'o. Then the area
5oil lN B iii' 4% lli'l lFT, A~ 6% ailt · revenue m it. •·~ ~~~~tt2FIJ~T=fi~ (a) 5900 ....{b,'sooo . ";. of the new rectangle is: (i~/·, •T. .

B~S%,ir~llll¾t, 'liA:Bllll
~ ' i f i ' t ~?
~ ·163 °10
~ ~ ~-~ "11t _'fi'l1 0-. , :
"'::~~t am:~_~ 10, , •
(c) :,:,00
I 14. The Go\'errunent reduced
(d) :,O"O

( / " •-..g
{ ,...
~ ~"#.1 ~ 1mo ~ '7% -flir
~ IO% ~ ~ ,i; ~ =s .:i
~ ~ ;i;lJI ?
~ ~ 'IPII? t . n1 ~ "<ll "fl m~,,,. ' ,al~%
-amrr (bJ 1931 ~0 price of sugar by 10 per cent. (a) neither decreased nor in-
4af 4 ~ ,iii! ,;;i: ?
(cJ 1: : 3
I (d:;:;
101. fq 33~ % (d) If"
ll food3 prices go U,i
how much should~an reduce
~ I~%, by
(a) 10% increase
(b) 2 % decrease
I J 40% _J d) 44%
. ,, number of employees work-
:.J. n,e . a farm is increased by
By this a consumer can buy 6.2
kg more sugar for ~ 837 . The
~=~uced price per kg of sugar
(b) increased by I %
J_c), decreased by 1 %
- A number is increased by .x%; - ~ !IS not to in -Jc) I % decrease ~i::,d the wages per head are (d} decreased 10%
to get back to the original num- ~r:=:~pn ;ture ? - ~ 11 % increase . _,.Mi by 25%.. If 1t result m ~ "I 'Seir-it "'f; 'l'=<l <F.I I 0% .:m J'<:,u1
ber. it is to be reduced bv?
~ lAillr 'i5i x% 1ll:T
"l>ffl ~ rov
~ ~ ;j;
:if~% "!ft moiT<l1 t· .
- ,i ~ mmi
I 06. The price of an article v.a; __
creased two times succ,:
f • decfe"Se in to
the .-.Jue of xis:
wages, th en ~ =10 m..,, ~ 837 ii 6 .2 fol;_
m. ~ ~ ~ ~ t. itq;.:fref;
119. B got 20% marks less than A.
Vihat per cent marks gid A got
more than B?
ffllr 'SIR~ iii'~~ f.l;w;v Jmmll ~ ' F . { k v;t 'I -.ra? sively by I 0 % each time. i i...i ffl ,i' ~ ;;;'i ~ 25% ~ B~ A"il20% ~ 7>!-'si;l11'?1s'<, "iA'lil
1Rl'ff M? V what percent should the :,,;
~ rir t ~ Jlfil ~ ~ -ij 25% ~ ,;;f., R'.lJT. -;air-it
..;! 1v't - t?
(a) ~ %
10+-,c •·
(b) 100.r %
IOOr.JC;c ;j ~
(b) 10% ~:~~o:e b~/:~~it :
~ ~ ,i;<f.i'1«i-iiwmw.~ .-, l~
:~,t :' ..t, ~~~ti 'lft,,rrlra : ~ ii
r'• .:i jiro,fz 3ll o!Tlii t, c!J x'iii 1'fR
(a) f 12. 50
(c), 13.50
(b) ~ 13.00
(d) t 14.00
B "ii ~ 'llffiR 31~ ~ 111"1 ~ ?
(a) 20%
(c) 12%
(d) 80%
115. The price of sugar is increased
(c) x% (d) IOO+-x % ~ 11 ;;; ;;.'?
120. Priyanshu's salary was reduced

J _
" f;e-~ ~O~~f~~':11~~
is ~
h~;i:: !} n:~ s::;!~~;\s
decreased by 10%. To restore its m'
::~ :;~!
f<.;lR '5!frmo ;;;'i .;;.ii ~ 4

by 20%. If the expenctirure on
sugar has to be kept the same as
earlier, the ratio between the re-
duction in consumption and the
by IO% and then the reduced
salary was increased by I 0%.
His new salary in comparison
. • 31N ,fq-alf former value the new pnce must (a) 15% ~ )'17.36'1 .:l. The price of an article w a s in· with his original salary is :
~lRPff• ~ ~ 1
be increased by : (c) !7% (d) 16.36% creased by r"/o. Later the new
original consumption is: ~.;i~I0%'!2lh'l'll.m=i
'W Tif lRi1ff ~ 20% f ~ ~ ~ ';i; 'F" if 10% ""11Rl 3lT 107 _ If price of a book is first l• price was decreased by r"/o. If the ~ ~ wn ii 20% ~ ir o!1lii i1 ,m; 'l'<l~ 10% ~R'll'1'1, 1il..m'l'll
(a) 80 (b) 60 (c) _ 40 ;;mil t. ill 'IJ'1'i .j; 'F" ,i;l ..-111( .j;m creased by 2 5 % and then ~- latest price was ~ 1 , then the ~'G'tlgsj'iii~ = t . i I ~ ~ . JU'!~ ;;;'i ¥1"' ii""'~'?
1 ~ ~-.,,l'F"if~llfcm1!""1~<f>f'IT creasedby2 0 %, thenetcbao,' original price'was i .j; qi':; 1g1@ if ..,rii o>l1 3lRM'n 1g1@ ..;! (a} the same (b) 1% more
97. 83j% off' ¾, d? mt ? in the price of the book ~ill~ :tin "111 ~ ~ il r"/o ;;;'i ~ ..;i: -n 3,:j'l@.r@~? u;Vl % less (d } 5% Jess
{a)lOo/o (bill% <1Rf..;mf.l;<flq..;J1ic'l~ 2' 'lit~,i''il\~#:!'1:r"/0 ..ft"l><i\..;i: 121. If the duty on an article is
(a} I: 3 (b) 1 : 4
"9()w83 ~ ..... t? 1 / = = t.3l'Rm 20% -f;c -ql/f,,lfoi.·1 !:I~~n t.iI~ reduced by 40% of its present
/ (cl 11-% -{,;(11~% ~ ~
t , ii mi;. ;;;'i q,l'1il f;" ii llRm; ~ - <I'll ~ ? (c) I : 6 (d} 1 : 5 rate by how much per cent
ra) " 122 -.{JI) "125 8 I 9 ~ -qftzj:r 3Wi'1J? I 16. If the price of a commodity is must its consumption increase
(d) "1 24 103. Salary of a person is first "'""'""' la) f I (b) ? 1 - r 2
(cJ" 123
increased by 20%, then it is Jai 10% decrease 1O0
d ecreased by 20% and its con-
sumption is increased by 20%,
in order that the revenue
remains unaltered?
98 _ SJ% of a whole n =19 ~ is • decreased by 20%. Then the (b) 5 % decrease
lt) fli2_ 10000 ) what will be the in<;i-_e ase or de- fl,;m ~'G't~ollli;~'l{<"l.;J
25% of that num percentage change in his (c) no change 100 (d)t ( I0000-r 2 c rease in the expenditure on
fiil;lit ~ 'ifiJ SJ% t 714 • 'ffl -aw salary is: (d) 5% incrase
40%-~R'll=t. 1it~~
the commodity ? ·

I! %11 -._
Ofl'ttalhs - Rakesh Vadav Sir
1· m
....... ofMalflS-R--"YadaVSir
1.:.s. Ir- a f::i-• --._,y . .. ~ .. :--X-••.--=-- cf
-rt? cyc.:es :-.ose ta .:.5. _.:. ~0 :·:--c=
tal..19' (bl.20 ... ~ .C..C~ L-: l :ye.a_-s. T::.c ~:.e ci
~ 2:... icflll"-
1.26. The pnoe of an art>de ,._ li:-st
in,-ttas4'"d bv IC"'- and then
again b~- .20"t.. If the last in•
er-cased price .-as t 33. the
or'.g'.nal price ..s:
1..:\ ~ ~.~ \.::_, :~...
~~c~•~Joo,., s-~
-~: 2,~--~ ... ~ t, rt ! .!..6 _\\".i:e:
t s :--:..:...~ ..i:s~
~ ..... ..: .,::,,, ;

~~ 'fR f.3.3 ♦ . " ~ ~ :,.~ C.~:--e.ase-.i ~y .:_~ :,._._ 7:-:e:-. t.~e

1.11. T?--..e c:c:·ere-::1.'.:e ~e t""een :."t:.e
~;> ~:tc :--e..!:$C ,,1-:- .k.:----e as~ :.:-. :':-.e

(.alt 30 tl-1 t J7.Sv {al .,-·... co'.,-.". ;;\'"" "'. ~;d"~~-~~:~"t':r~ ~~~X!~ ;.·~::·<':~.
Id f .26.So tdl t .25 1.:• -.:-.:-· .. 1,: fs.' . r.:.i~:~er Ct.'C~.t~e-c. Cy .::5~ .• :s.
~..:.:""" ~ f!t i" \s~ "5"~':

127.~:~~~r:::i;~:~;~~~ 132\}~:§r~P.ft::~-~-·._--_J:;~_ .3<,. F::---•..:i :..~e r.:.:::-::!:.--e:-.

~~:.: . '"-~TT*
. ~~
TT.:-~ --,~~-
'-..t..t ---....~-.1..s.e '!·•

r::~~ :~;~t~:~,~
.-hat ~l'\...~nt IS t!':.~ t~ta~ :n-

l'bt .2},._,
tdl ~ d=...,.•w

12.3. Thc ):!ri...-e Of $l.:.g.U- IS ~U..""C'd t,,·

: ; ; " ' . _ 2~"-

,,•l 4l->.
~ V ♦ -~
--!°'~" ~""'#: ~~... \~ ,.,\ ......, '""'""-""'
r. ~~~~
1-::.-1 44°,.- ~~,
,.i, . . ., ,~
.. \ •

,~•• l

'- l ~"' 4..s. •· .•• ..,:_(._...._.;"('~~$t" '"' it~ft~1~~i1~:i•;~Jti~i:R;;~;

tH·---~ ··•• m'l.,,.,.r ts k::•< ~-2..1 :~....
.:- ~~ -:::.\: ::-..:.:-:·.!..~ r ~~ ~J. \ ~:e:1. :!:e
~-=-~..::....._:-. - - . - .:,.._

2c,. :S<>w A ~rs.."-"" t,._~- 1.::,;. .-, l'N'~,'til.ln .:,;,· -2(..,. :11~~ ?'""-"<' ' --:!-'···'· .......~,. :s,
~ h:.v.:::~ . . ~
~"11.'it l':1,'ltt s ~ r i.:ir , .56. ~
z-:~t!:. cL the s,,,,u· per
,-.f..-h<-&14'""-t-l:<-S Elt.:\-$0:t C,J
~· s ~ == 'Q.<>K .... ~ -'-~-'-
~! ~,::._n:~ l"""
.t. .: ~~,. i:-: ..·x .;.:-...,i
~ ,::'~, ,::,'X,\$<"\.l
,:;: ~ ~ :.. . .,·.• ~°"q~~~ t~~
~,~# ~~ -i~~ ·-· ~~~
\..:'I t...:·\ : \,":.) ~ --·.;

lot,ts ...... _
i>(.c~:1 ·-..~~~':;--:R'
C.: ~ :i: ._:,;.'\:'.X-.l~"'"\.1
· .• : :" :f'\•- -u~,i
t~~ ~~p ~~~ ~~~
t 7 - -- ~~ ~::;- ? ~ --
l .!..~ .. :-~e p:-:..:c ".. :· ..1.:: ,;,::::~:.;e: is
r't:'-..'::.:...~: t-y :_.::_ ..-..,• ..i:':..i :!:~:-:. :::.::s.
~ :-: ..:-~ \ s ..\~.;:t::s:. :--~ ...:::. ...·e~ t-~
~ ~~ .:{ :-:~:::\. !-::\S in.:n.• ,\Sf\..i :_,~ t ~-- -·.-. :-~:e :,,:J.: ~ ...:~ . .-t : ...,n ,,f
__._~---.t. ~n-.:""-~ ..>~A } ..--,.. ~
~ -"s:-i. -=-{ _ {,\I . :_ ,'\' t!.:- ..1.....',' t~c :-".'-=-.._,.. ~ ::s.
~-'· :-.., ;.C\."P :..!1.e e'.\.;_""(.· :·....: : t : ::'l.'
-'~a~-tt:• . , , , :.~F:,......,_"l" , .'-7, ... ~'-..i.::__~~ . :!~e r':"'<.'St'':'l. t . ._· ,':':. - l' . ;,,'(l l,:\ l",\.' ~ ~ ~\._.. ~ ,~ ' ~ ~
ial't•.~' ,~! ~!$ ~ ...~ - l"'<' t'l.:,:t:.,"'-~ !._,~ •
$- -.·:::-,·,;_"_ :$ :-..., :..:,.,., __-\ :,'\i:.:..·:~.. _.. t':. ('. f .::!~. . i:1 :~~ }",.~~ :."" .-,,_. ~ ~ ~ ~¾, ~ ~'I:"•· h."·.-·,;,•
1.:-I' 15 N :,.!l f ·"'· ~' t·"' :I ,N :$ c,.·l -"-' ,,f .:1 \'i .,:, t~"t: i (_· :-...i!.":'-~ a :-~~..."a ro
~:,?-~~-,,.-;;_ii- ~ - = ~ ~
l.l-,.1. .. Th~ s.a:.a~ .,..._f .al ~::-s,,n is ~~:llil ' ~ ,,~1 ~, ,11n .:1.rti..::~ ,r,ts Rs... ~ :-..~ , !. ~~ ff'.,":'-" f,"r ~ :\..'\\_ r.:e- ~--

<"'ft".a...<C:c"J ~ .:.~.:,,, .a.:"A! t!lc:l t!lf- ..:tit )<1111t,. , ~. T!'le ,"\."'ISt .-a$ !;rs:: i:}C~.,;.~,,:: .:!\:,....., : :' :-:,';.· . ,..-:,· ::.<."::1 ~x-r K...,i:. ~ l•'-' :_:,.,•,<:-
-.~:1-N $..'\:..1~- ,~ i:1'."'tt-A:s<-d ~~ \ / ~ --'--'°"-a.~ !a~r c.':.n. :t "-.."l.$ t\"'- ::._F S-'C$ ~~ ~~::: ~ 1•'·.• ~~~~ ~ ~ \'-") .~,-..··:.
.:.~v. . H!$ t-:<""W &1:.a~· :.n """'lnt'\Ari... du-."'N ~ - ~'-. ~ r~:n ,'\.'$t ,.:..:·~~ ~ : \.',' ~- -~ · ~ ,.: ,_:..,~-3- ~~
""'-"' -.,th h:s ,>ti¢'1""2 -~~ cl th..- ~ .s
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.,. :,.: ,• ·

~~ ~
..'i't$. .F

~=- t ·
/. ..1Y , la ;\a (_·,.l.::-:t::.t::..,n .. t:-.:.:.'n:" \\-,;:-~
··~_.~ .... ~~.:-",,.-- ~~.,_,.,~~ ~:;·,""'•= l\\.'\.' t,..,~ ~,-:~: :-:,'\.' ~-::-:s... lf (°',\,"-·,_.
,.1.' ~ ~, ~ . ., ,...f !~"..Ct,~~"$ ;\:,:.,;l ~..._•. :_ ,,f !~' ~":.~$.
_,. - t-.- -~~•• ~ • r-'!hr-.. lt~w.--.~wt·
w._..._...,.,I.. 1-'f:"1 ,~l ?t,,.)
,..., ~ : 1.'.~,,
14 4 . ;.~ "..:." ':.'c' ':.\."'t':::..,~,, i::,-:'\'.\.$.,'' i:\ i~·.c-
1,..,\$$'''· 1--"i:-.,! !~':.;:' \ ""'-"!\.'('!':.~..\.«" ,-.:.·
t!;'(' f.\~:. .,! ,..;,:•...:: . .~\:.'('"$ ...
,al CM ~ \ /illii ~~5--,. r.i,-..... 1.-l' ,S ~, .Jo,.)
$:.! t ~-. h'(" ~\"."\";\ ,"f .,,\ ,•:.:~ \\ 1-:.-..."a
tcj 6 J~ 'tl_s..~ ~-N5..., lf'Ss I~'- ~ m..--c :'(. ~ a: • .
l:l!t~,-_. s~,~'f' p,,.--c- m.-n-a- - -~~ ~: .$ ;:,~ ~ ~ i'~~

.... -- -- ~.,.
1:· ~---~ ;;•~·~
,::110-0.~h.....,,-.nan~- w~~=,ann.-cin,="-«-.
~\UTill~nr t,, s.i~:~ J-ri,"f'* l!r J'C".~T ,.,: ~-1a:n in ,,--n- ~~ -t:~ ~\;.).~ .. ~~,1"~ "' .i:-F ~'-'I:~~~..~,
~"fl'\AlW' .-1 azq:,o.-a Do: -;'), ,r ,r' t·
100-. ,,. ,~..._., • .--,...,..
~ ,S.,.~'s,-. ~- -
~-.-.,.~"'~--- f-:-itTI;~
\·'-' :.1.\.'·'~
\' ' 1:-,''l.,
t 211
154. The ratio of the number o{b..,y4s
tn that o( girJ,dn a actinol 1e
in EngliJih. If'..!<;-¾ f:,
the 11ubje<:ti;, ;i..i ~
trl#." ·
~:r t•~[!J
'7.'f.,. ll
ic": 4 ~% pa.t,,.,..,d in
3 0 ¾, j'l,jJSt;..(l
Pby5i<.-,. and
ir~ ~Y)tf"L Hr,w m ur::h
: l. If 75% of t,,:,ys and 7ry,;,,_..,f
the girltJ are rsch<,Janh 1p·
i; tudent9 wh,, p~ P-:r,-'?,. '<
tSubj~..c.1.1; _w:.,,: -~i..,:t ,,~ :.:~ '<\ :
~ ;h c;;/ ir;~~~~~ it3 f;.~ 1ed ;n
faJ 4v0
lc.j 500
»- l!J~T!. .
tv,l.dtn, then the percen!bgc <if
,stud-::nte who do not get
o/- .,,.,'?.I >1, 34',;,
42'1-, ~ ~ I f . ., 'fl.,,, • :;e~ts ;no
a~peared in the v:::r /:::·~:.::;:,4~~ 170, In a Yi~ e. each <Jf the W :V, of
families a un.-; each of the
ectv,wnhip ;..:
4 ; 17-J*75''/2"1"?'ifl7<ff-, ~
2 0''.?,m>mi!~

"I :w
.' A ~
~.,,, ,
(t~iion was .
!IP. :f2s·r,, W11~1;1- -t
1'# ,cn ~="'-pr t,'f! W''?.J

;=;.::;~~=~~ 3 0'½ of fa.'TJ iJi<:S a i:nmaro
and e.;cb ,:;f the J 5',t, of D'.Jt.r. a «TH and a buffalo, In
7?'- """",, ~ m '9; ~ 4'/Y.. ~ ~frp'Fflt,; ""'-
_,, _.,_,._
~ ~-~~ ~·
. .
... ,p.#.1-== = •
..;,,;[ 17 % (t.J 4'3'Y., all there are 96 fam:J:es in the
t~-r.~~ .J6lr,r,o ;,~;;./;;;;-:;;;; :;:!e.: c.o
_.,i.,_,,.4 ;,, v-,; r,r,m, a,:i 220 WE r."I' /aJ 54% lb1':/11. ;1/f' " . . (<: ) 13 '0, (<JJ 47'1-.
.,.., t .,;,, 1Q' 2r1 '<!-r.f >1 '?fn:7'I r,r ~ fr•J ,3 //% (bJ 21'1'1', ~
'Y., l<l1 ~F,·; ti !'!1 (dJ 500
t. 'ff
1:,J 12'/J
'U!'?,f " 'Pf'ff'fJ!' w,; 1'F.'l"I '1r
lq 7 c,}',, J:J,26%
155.. A •t•Jdent ha.-s trJ <.1t"Jt.&Jn •J•J;-::
. ..,.., . 0: 1 {
I o c.1 . 7.,,,, '.'tud '.:n t-11_:.r,r».,,: : ,YJ '-"'' 4(/f,, of the i;rud <:nt,
t:xarnin_& tJ rJn ;' <Jn ,-_ ·,"',,· • , -~ ~. a__.c(~otl-.a !I and 5 0 '1,,;. pJ;,y
9 -..,
, _, y,,1,r; 1,1, 4 .' lJ tt,t;,J mark,, top&:•"· He g,Jt 2> % ~r; <.u r-:a m'>rk ~ "'. ··,, ?-~: 'f 1~% of the s tud <::n tr; tt,,ok ct t Jt;Mt one ~u ?-JJ~~t frr.,rn
Biolcrg <;r ! .s c:... -1.d ~)
15·.,r.. ~o';;''l!F"~if=#i' 1"'
,,r tt,ta/ rr..arh ar,d fajl<;<l rrJ 4() ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'5 t , ._. ~

:h: '•'.h •;; b nd fli~ ,,~;~ ·, r::~:;:~r • p l ay footba ll nor
, ,, , In a c.J;,,,., f,f/c/-, r,f the ,tud1:r,t,. tr/ ,.k (;,r;th ti:<.'11 t.1--ie y.Jta] n r..1In!Y.:'T
~-;: ~~r:--.--.:::: ~'=;-=i:i
fJls'\", in H:r,1J1 ::snd 4~'7'.. f,S1 .~,. in of stud 1:nt.5 in th e class ;s ; ~ •
5::.ra :d!r i •. If 2~"1,, r,f tr,em f,b ~t, ~ ?;~ tf 72'"/t, ~ 73- ~ ,.~;r
ir, i.-(Jfh ~•J~,j~r,1'1-, what p,-:r,,1:-r,t• 4 4 '1/-, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f. 1 TT /cJ 26 ld J 2-3
;,v,-:: ,,r tr,,: ,.,,,-J-::r,t-. fail in t,rtth ~ o/::J '=i -n -~ ~ :qr ~ -:f ~ 17 1.!n an, 35'/., c,f the
tt,,: .,..,,,y,.1. .-1...., '!
~ -r; ~-;:;;f.:.rmf:;r.:;" 7,I r,4v W ~ failed in ~~£mat-
IT-f, >,f. JJJI rf f,f/'/v ~:J fr.I rf ,n;,,r 7fm ics a:-,c 2 5'1', in E,..,.gl:sh. If l(h(;
-:i o/ ~ ~ i;I ~ ~~ T[ ~ ~
4,·y._ ~·~ 'P4,"f., 11'1717.:-1 ;,, , ,t,,, m n-,, ,3(,(J (bJ 32 1-, ~ ~! ~ / .fa.ikd in 00:.'1 m.a:J-~ a-id
= WIJ 42 33
f:,J W,() • I' , •. • a f,!J ,\

.I, V (r;J
11 271-, w.,1 ~,ff f,f,J,,f 7' m t, ·.,,
,,.: 4 J ,.,2 (bj ( .:,)( " '• (dv1$':I,, Er-sli,;h, t..'len h ow much per-
J,ef .~r,J:r • - /dJ F/JfJ Id/ '>.1/ q t d-, ,/ . _ (,.r 2fJ(J lbJ 240 cent of can d idates passea in
-'I '!r-f/ f,rr,,t
~ i
If f-~-f ¢°-?r'f o/:1 W('T,;;i
156. A ,, ar,did:H•: v,h,, g,, t ~ 2()%
mark,; in .,n ,:y.:,,rr,u;atir,n fail '<
1r,ri . I n an r:x:,min:.ti,,n ·.. :t::;a da.~5,the numlx-rr,fg,r ls y 5o
1> tud 1:n t 'I foil ed i n Hir.t :: •• l 211,1, more than that r,f the 168 . In an c:r..amina tion, 150'¼~ r,Jf the
(dj 3 2 0 bot.ii the sub; ects?

l:01 I'/:% lhJ 7';% by 1r, marb brit ,.,rv,ther <.:.n - 42% i n Eng/ ihh . If l Tt,. ~< :,:71. The strr:ng~h of the cla.s3
~ 1 / 1 ,, /di 2':% ditfatr. v,hr, g,,r.~ 3~% g,: t '< 42 bo t h the s ubjeu,, ;: ;i f,6. If 4 mrrre girls are_~ - _,. cand id atP.s p:o.s sed ir:,~i s h
and 70 '1'. of t he c bn di d a te s
25'"~ ~ ~ if ~ . j, ?.t-?
ICf~ ~ ~ ~ i ; ~~. ~
J ,2. In an ,:;,:;,mi,,,,,,,,n 1r1% ,,f th,: m:.rk '< mr,rr: •h.-rJ. th e P " ~" r,,;rct:n t...;~'" ,,f s tuder,t, fa'. : ;t:d 'f, the clas s, the: rnuo of the / pas~ed in Math <:: matic s, b ut
,,:,n,Jidatm, r,a ~~<:tJ ir, 1-A,;,) i~h , m:,rk'I. Tht:ll th •:' p<:rr:,,n r.a w: in br,th thr: su hj,,ct'I ? .. r, ..L1b<:r of boJs to that ,.,f the f3;-;r.:f :;f=r;:-::r ~~~if~
20% failed in !x, th ,:,[ these s ul,..
~')% p,,,. ,,,:,J ,n /,A:,tt,nri:,tir.-, . of fJ"~" mJtrh i~: TPT. '<71"11>152% ~l:f f;;,iitf"-1 :, ;:'>! is: jec:ts. lf25CJ0 c.-.naidates passed
111:A, f:,JJ,:.d in l,r,rh ! ht: ~u;,j,,r:r_., t'Pfr fr-f'l'ft <>;1 rr-~ >rfrm if 2fJ'f,, w,, ~ fl! mriT rf WIT,7.f 1-i 7? i , 'l ~if ~ ,tr 7T"AI, "P0f.i 71 in both the su bjects, the mun- .tf!(50% fb) 55%
If 144 rc;,r,,J j,J;,r,,,, ,,,,,,.,,Jin f,r,rh , :i,;rY,Tj;, ,irpr,; ;:rJ ~-t:rii Wl'V'! i.r 17% =--ir-ff r--l'Pifif W!'<'r,,., lffi, 'l;i•W. 7.l 'f;'.flii ~,:f.r ~~ her ()f canrudates who a ppeared (c) 57'1, (d) 60%
:=~-: .:~
a t t h e e;,:am inay q_n YiJ,.S: .,. 1 72 , A s tudent scored 32% marks in
numlJt:rr,f u ,ndidt1:~ -,ir'llt-.'#.'l','J1:ff-1",n,/r'.f.1 '.l%'1t-.. t,r,,riJ w,r,r-fm;f ,ir,if t,i,,-,ifif:,;,• fl, t 1¢'f."11if4~ mrm-w,,
• (i'I) 3 ~% (bJ333/,. I ?~>.>JT ~sf.r7T"AJ 'f;l ' ~ ":T. ,fr::;r ii 60% '-ID' mril ii -!>IT 70% science subjects out of 300.
'l'f. •rf,¥,(1 tf 71/1,. ,Jf;r,.(11" :,/irlr tf,1-:()% .,'lr"r 1ili',: mr_-ztl ~".""'. I! 42 WF. ...14'23%
'.1.-r,mr rrf,,,,r,t 1('1,~'I ,:11 ;, , 11.11,./lf,r'l!'1 l .._ __im•~-W,IJ r.T-1,: ;il7,-fl'11 ~1:'f-1 ;if'-flA 161. l n a group oftt tudcn L1, tfr ,, la/ I : 2
'-1-1 f'f'~ r( #o/f."I ,:r,, ;,1 ,.p, 144 ./'h •ir · 1
(d) 1~% '

tt p ,;,,k E n g li s h and 65r;, ti J: 4

"l m ?
• ~: 4
(d) 3 : 5
~ :.~5: ;:-~i;:g~c:a;::a~t~~ ;~~~::;
'.ID' '!Ri ~ ii 'IT."! ;;;a: ir, <ii 'Pl'Jfl if g to get overall 4 6 ~
~1'1'/f,fr -rr-t fJt•flff tf '1'1,,1 ffl ~. '17~ } Ill} S:.!% (b) :,fl" ,, 1, p ,:;,,k Hin i. If d 27 0
% / :(1/n IWQ s uccc,i~ ivc y e a r s J 00 ~ w,ir' ,f.r71T:1JT ~ '<iJ ? ~=,f.rf--=1Aii300iiii32% W.
'!11'-rr.tlfrr,if ·t.T '"'i'1 rtr•m ~ •.M !" V fr:) 'l1'1'. (d) ' .,% Htud1;nttt c;,. n llp<:.-k nont / i1ld 75 Mudcnts of a sch ool a p - (a) 3 000 (b) 3500 ,rq iril l "fl 'lliir ~~if 200 ii ;f
(,,J J;,.r; (bJ ',1.rir) ,- - ~ /,"i7. In''" r:y,;,rnirwtlfm th,,r,, wr:r<: t~ ,; . '.vm J;,,ng_uagc: tt, : ,,; pe~ rcd at the fin a l exa rn ina - ~ ( c ) 4 000 0!),8000 ~3ffiW'f~ierrllff.~~
w,(;;i4fJ /dJ ,1 ~· .' \.
rArJ 1,,;y~ ,,n,J 'lf, !J 11,irJ,i, 60% ,,f th
p, t r,f <. g,-ou~ V- l!tm. Rtllptctivcly 7 5% a nd 6 0 % ~ rn a te s t a s tudent got 30% ~ 46% m ~? (a) 72%
h m ark s and fail ed by 25 marks. _.l<:,(67%
I':'!. ·rt.1: r;,tit, ,,, ''"' TIIJl'ilJf:,"'.,, /,,,y.. i,,,y,. r,n,J fl()% r,f l{irlH wr:r,: HU<; • b,,, . ih t; fo fl/~W~ gt~ ? '#;if of lht m pa ttscd . Th e a ve rag e
,. i ·t ~• f ,I 'fn t, f i ·1 ~rill ,;r, ''.'T. ll'T,Y. Tl 70% ffl , . r.11: r,f pass is : In th e s am e test another s tu- (c) 66% (d) 60%
rmrl v)rl'I in :, '(;,1Jlt·f(lt i•f~I : 2. If ,~: , •~,.~ ; '" pr:rcr:n ·,gr: '' "'' • r, 5 % ~rn ti .fl ,:w;r ,ff.if f.1_ ,t.~ ~ ""1r:ri;, ....,,;;.;; ,r-n,n , • ~=
'.1. 111-, ,,r/,,s'f" ' •llt121'1,,i,fv)rfo urt:
;i( ~ ~ 2 ,,,.•., ~ A •~-, 100 _,..,, d e nt got 4 0 % m a rks a nd se- /' 173. 90% of the students in school
:,flull<>, thl' r.,,r,."&,ts,M," ,,£ •~,r, rrlr"IT lf MO 711f"- "f'-lf .%() ,;p:t,vif ¾ f;I >ir-if rf ·,r ,;r,rl 'tfT tfTl'lT ' 11' 1 75m TT-n vir•rr ij ,;nfiv,r : . • ·· c ured 2 5 1/o marks more than passed in English, BS% passed

r --
, t11rlt-t)l'I wl,r, .,.,, ,,,,, i,rJult'I i N: 7,rflJ"f 111,h ;,plf>: (j(/'1,, f'/i;'•C 'JO.If 11()%
.,, .
,, , '." f•r.-f'l !WfUl'f ~ fl/ ' J
,ir,if~' ' ' 7,Jil'f,i -:r:ftl
~ J.IJJT: 75% 'ltll 60% ~ rn l'ff.i'T i,m th e e ss ential minimum p a s s in Mathematics and 150

'1,f, >f.T,-t # rf "I'~ 'l"I l-f~·Ml ,(,7 1 / 1~,lf 'f.1 "fi',f!f;'lf 1f'li•'I 7f.J 1.i '11 ~~1 ?mi( 'Cf 'Vf.'1 ·r,? I. ill '1'!T 'it ~ "7 ;mr <f.'i, :=::s\o;~~e ~:s~i:;;,, pass students passed in both the
(u) 3 W¼, (I 62 % , ,,~4 suojects. Ifnlntuderulliilecl in
'<ffff1 :1 : ,1t, ·,lf,::.4(fV,, 'r1',-tif•,lf25% ?Wflfr,f,«1rlr,11 ,. , , ..
23 1 ~ 'li\'8'1 if ~ ,m '-Iii 30% :,f'fi !111<1 bqmthe subjects, find the total
,.,r;f,vh "'''"· ~. -11 f'lf:,r:, '" ...,,,l'f,, JM, .,._
.,.,.... /1,) 20% (l,J 61)%
/c) 2 11% cl) %
,rdafel , ' 'v' " 1 % (b) 78%
i@ f. 3ITT qr, 25 3i'fiT f l ~ ir ';;jJ(IJ number of students,
-nht t (r:).'l0,5% (d) .'12.11% 162 . 25 % of lh c ca n 'aminl~ (c)~ol,¼
2 ° (d) 80% , f. 1 oJn '!U"IT ii 'iffi m:! ,..) 40% ~ fi!mw.! ii 90% m. 3lir-il ii. 85% 'iJlll
o pp i:arcd in a n ex stu !~_
f'JI ',H% (11)f,1.rl%
I !;H, In un cx11ml1111llon, ,'34% foil<:d fodr:d a nd only 4SO en · l/uon examination, 65% of the
10 mt
!111<1 on~
3ITT fl 2s% ~ Tffii@if Wl><'lir.i tr 1so.m~~
J,J '/Ii% (1/Jtl2 .;,'1/,, In Mlithtm1Jrir:~ 11nd .42'Y,, foiled quulify t h e r:xum. Th denrs P8HMcd in Mathcmat- ;:n•,1q;filf-fflt mirniqrii3!fli'!,iftl~ ii~mt, *'-lilt <it'ffla~if

W1z•rd ot M11th• - R1tk••h Yadav Sir

dofMalhs- Rakesh Vadav Sir IJ 221
• ···--~ . ..•. ;>:;; cundidates got 40% votes and
' •~ r:,
,.. ( ,, 1w ....i ~
,, >0'.,, 11" 'I.'" ,,,.1
~ 11'HO"',.,
Jf,r, .~Kl
wi lh him. He sp
to buy nn nniclc • <'nt,<Oo~
' , ·•
vot,:~ ohtained by the winning
ca ncliclntcs Is the".• econd "not 36% votes . If total
~ 'li1111 t, ~ 'lit'! 70% •iifi 1l1'll llf,I • n·n,nining 011 ti·,~'ld s~,~~ )~ ~ '{'ITTI 11 ~ :;,,ft-,:?ITT f, 1 f;;rr.i ~ number of votes polled were
m ifml f.!'l'l 11· .ti r.r,.f\ 111,ll/lil Ji•T> lw gif1<•d ~ 12o, If ~:Pott.~\ 'IJ;1 w-, 'Til'U'l 11i1 60% mz ftr.rnT t, ~ 36000, find the number of votes

• , i.:.i
" = ~
(nl HO
(bl <,()
~ l ,·100, lhe 11111 111, 1~
on trun~pon i,· 011111 he \1

ii) SO'¼• of h i• 111oncy

14000 ,my ,t 1Wlll TI .fm .irni t in
-;;fliR "1<'1 ;p,fl,.~ lJ;\, fi!TTR .,;r,. ~
got by the 3'" candidate.
~ 'fll?' 1'/ 1ft;i ~!I~~
~ _il ~ -:nit· lT<II t. 11'1 lITTY 'l>i-=--1'1 65 j;ino . . m
u.-r, "11 'li 'ml '!ill ~ 1111 gives nd 30% t ~ his 7" lj;) 40% mz fim fttff ~ '3'R!~ 1lil
~ lrol1 11'!1 t? 178. A p,·rsun gnvc 20% of his 111 • ·t01
<Iii 20% ll'li 1ffij ~If.I 11~ ~ 1i6 0 )11 9 s<>;O'Yo of J,bc:J'C~l
~ •R <l>l 5% ,,,,,,_ 'It ~ll.1 d~~ghtcr, u:uai-.:Jf hll IB
tfj~h 10
(a) 28 ,000 (b) 32,000 · :
36% <irz Pl<'tl 1lf?; ~ 36000 'qR
ml, 1l't 1fim ~ 1lil f.l;lr-l ~ '!lllll
(a) l 20 (b) 220 come to his elder son, 30%. of
the rcmninin~ to the you11gcr .......,. """'"'It~ •1 tcd 1011 )low much money ,~A 2,ooo (d) 46,000 T." ?
Js)-1!00 (di .300 son nnd 10% of the hnlnnc~, he o«1 ~ 120 o'll:R -q· ~ ~ "I, o: 000 now, i11 the beginning? ~ -. ~"
174. In a college, 40':, of the students dont,·d ton trnst. He is left with ~1400 ~1•1 «.\ m , ;I)~~~, !id 11e 11uvc SO% G11T ~ l~A m a n s pe nd s '10 % of hi s (a) 8040 ~640
Wt!re allotted group A, 75% of the t 10080. His income wns; fll;o;\ 1"111( ml ~) ~1 tllf'll<I ~ WI 3l'f'fl -gm '"1 tlT th1
mon Y sa lnry on food and (c) 9360 (d) 9640
~~Jill 30% \11'1 fll;m ~ '"1 th rd
remaining were given group B
and the remnining 12 students
were given group C . Then the
lllo ~ :il'!'ft 3ll'l <Iii 20% ~ '12 .;,,
~ arrq .,;i .30% ill2 ~ ,i;\ t,1t 3ITT
~ m.,;i , 1l'" ~ lj;) m ~ t,i
(n) ? 76
(cl t 95
183. In a big gurctcn 603/,
. ·(ct:i:~ r ll1! 1!fiT .;T BO~ : oef.@ ,t -qm
' ;ullt ! 131'1 "" ..
onc - i <?f e re ma ining on 194. Two person~ cont~ an
trans port. If he saves f 4 500
per' mont.h_ wlij"ci, . i s ~l to
election of R'arliament. The
winni,ng candidate secured
number of students who npplird for t 1 ~ 100~ nooso 'l11I t, lit a re coconut tr~es.° 2 °i,~'l':< l [(QI000 .r,l ii, lit ~ 'ITTl JITTl-'l'I l'! 'half th e balunc~a.fter spending 57% ol the total votes polled and
the group is: 'ITT! numbe1 of coconut ·• ij, f 16, ell? on fo_o.d a nfl_tra n s port, h is won by a majority of 42,000
~ ~ ,i· 40% um 'lil 'llll,l( A11 ~ ~ 3ll'l 'I'll 'tl 1
ma ngo trees a nd 2 '''1; fl! tl'l 11fil (bl t 40 000 mon th1Y salary is : votes . Thl number of total
'"'-....., (a) t 50000 [~HOOOO number of m11 0%,1 ,:;i i4Q0,000 ' 11_.,;' ~3llr-! 'lITTl'l> •= = 40•'0 vote·s' polled is:
'T'll, "~ u1ai ~ 75% iITTT 'lil ~ B (cl t 30000 I(:;' t 20000 npple trees If ~go trees ; /In' 9~ 000 (d) t 80,000 ~" ~" "
1l fflT 'T'll 3ffi ffl 12 iITT1 'Iii~ C 179. Ram spends 40 :~ of his snl"!( apple trees Ill thee nurnbt,~ (cl 1 ' 'lr.l'! 'R, ~ m ~ ~-furn 'l1lll'l1<I ;$~'t•r\ 'l"1<' 1l ~ ~ ;\ 'fll"
,:/ ffl1 'T'll. 111 ~ f.!;<R ;ri,) ~ ~ on food, 20% on house rent, 10 1/o ,, • 1440 th en find th ga,d., TYPE E '!l 1ll'<I ij;Ult %1llfl:; <Is' t 4500 ~ " i ~ -' ~<ITT'!~ 1lil ~ <m ~
ml) ~ ~ 'II? (a on entertain ment and I 0% on ber of trees in th/ al n~
oters In an election <fi'l@1 %, it '1r.l'! <f'll 'l1lll'l1<I '!l 1ll<f ~
l- 57% <irz 111'<1 ~ am <lJ 42000 <irz1'
~ 3l1'l1 l lit °"'"' ..-,.,_, _, 'l) oilll lJ'll, 111 'l"1<' ii~ g <m
(a) 100 (b) 60 J 80 (di 9 2
175. ln the annual examination '
conveyance. If his sm~ngs ut the
end ofa month ure ? 1500, then
his salary per month (mt I 1s •(

j 'llft<@ ..; '1i1 "'1 ° ~r,
11_.,;' <It~ l\ 60•;. ~ardtit 1s7 8%of the~ their votes. In this
~ • _,, ,i.. tW!l'll25o;,1t, 11ecuo 11 ,
did not cathere were only t,vo
'rh e winner bJ'. m

.i@ q;'(?
~"""' ·· ,
' /} -- m.l ll1l ii?
Ankita got 10% less mark s WI 3l1l'! ~ 40% '1r.l'! 'I<, 20•~
m • ~ • "'" 3l1ll ~ ~ ,;j 1:;;;,' candid a 1!;o/o of the total votes ; (al~ 11 ,250 ~ 22,5~0 ~, ,./ (a) 5,00,000 (b) 6,00,000 ·
than Eakta in Mathemati cs. 'Ef{ ,t f.,;-(r4 '!l, 10% 1l'fITTR ,n ~ 2_0% ~ 'll'l ,<tin-i1'!!R;~,;lt: obtRl ;~ghis contestant by l JOO
11 (c) ? 25,000 (d) t 45 ,000 •-· ~ ,00 ,000_ (di 4 ,00,000
~~~:\r8~~al ar~,Urks . The IO% ~ ,n 11J<I 'Rif1 i ( ,if,; lliR ~ 1440 t, lit <('lft;t ~ ~~l ~~;::.\he wml num~er of voters 19 1. In a n election there were only 195. t an election there were two
~ am 11 ~ <lS«I n 500 t, lit= ~t • . the elecuon was . two candidates . One of the can- candidates . A candidate got
~ ffl ,i· ~ q;'t lJfO@ ,:/ 1('!iilT 'll 11m m f.l;1R! r; ? J ( 48000 (bl soooo Ill ~ 11 Bo/o 1!1roil131T 'l ll<f "!efi m.11 did ates .secui:ed S O% ,of votes 38% of votes and lost by 7200
10!6 .;'ll~Jlllilsl(l'!lR~'li! Sl3ffi (a)tBOOO ~7500 cl5 1000 _ (dl45000 ~ 11 ~ 2 ~ 'llf<f'!@T'"1. ci · d~ !i_b I. 0
- votes . Thetotalnumberofvalid
Ii@" lit~ l!il g 3ffi Jl11il sll? (c) t 600 0 (di r 10000 184.0ut of his total incom,.~ lll~<i\ 4SW< 1111<!~<f'-lt°3<R 1100 ~~da~: :/~~8 :a:e:. ~:r~:i ~es were:
11_.,;' 'l"1<' 11 ~ ~ t, 11_.,;' ~
,.../El(90 (b) 87 (cl 88 (d) 89 180. Out of 2500 _people, _Only 60% Kapu r s pen ~s 20% on hce1 ~.1< •·"'1.m~ ij~ ~ n)dIJlber of';-p())led is:
-' 38°'0 .,;,.., -"-.,,..0 7200
176 · The ratio of the number Of boys
have the sa~,ng habit. If 30%
save wi!h bank, 32% with pos t
rent and 701/o of the rcs1, 1liltilfiro!'lll11<1
hou se - hold expenses. 11: :tiWtff ~ ?
,. .. -.
11_.,;' " .. , -q .';,@ i;) ~ r; 1 '-' ' = "'' '
<irii ii m "'~ 111'<1 ~ ->ti\ "
lJ'll, 111 ~ <irii ~ <Ii<'! lRs'lT
to that of girls in a village is 3 : office and the rest with shares , saves t 1,800 what is his L; (al 21000 ~b~3500 ~ "'140% <ire fir.I am~~ ""1 ,ft ? -
2. If 30% of boys and 70% of girls the number of shareholders are income ((n rupees) ? ' (cl 22000 ~ta/ 27500 ~ ;i 298 <ire 'll m 'T'll, ill 'l'l1"
fII. ~ 3l'f! '!iFt qif! .;i 20% lll#f;, ,(;'in an elect io n betw ee n two (b) 13800
appeared in an examination, . 11. '!it' f.l;<R <IT< sTR 711(? (al 13000
th e ratio of the number of stu - 2500 <'irrii 11· ii ~ 60% <'11'1 <lS«I '!l 3itt 'l11I m .,;i 70¾ ~ °iN>! l7.:andidates, 75% of the voters (c) 16200 ,Jsll~O
de~ts, appeared in the exami-,·l'i, , ;;;T,\ ti ,if,; 30% <'11'1 ~ ii, 32% <'11'1 q;-ra i 1,if,; R<i;l <l'l<l 1800 llil• cast their votes , out~ which (~) 745 ~ 1460
nanon to that not appeared in 1. '
the same examination is
- , . . -
l'' · ~ -t:R· ll if"'lT ~ ~ ~ l! ~ -.i;ra
11_.,;''llf<lll<'!S<i;ml~-.;-r=mr.,-:,·\\,/ r.. m=-,m.,;i~='l'!lr.?

;mr -ai;'(i
2%votes ,~ere ec are mv 1
A~andidate g_o t 9261 vote
d I d ·
?'· ar d 1,,(1,
._r1 •
490 (d) 1500
192 . In a n assemb ly elec_!i.Qn , a 196. A district
has 64000
. . ~ p •v " (c) f 8 000 _;.,r, 7 500 w~1ch wtlLZ.:i 01/o olJ.h e.....v ahd candidate got 55% of the total inhabitants. If the population
: 2 t , ,if,; 30% <'!S<I'; ml 70% ~
1l'" '1!mlT 11 'W!Fr ~ t, <ff iroi,i t-\ 'ffi ;:; ::i ~ 570
(d) 1250
l1f<I ~ <'irtii ml "IUV'ttil tj ,;rc;l llf'l,;; 18 1. Bhuvnesh spends 30% of his
' l)"I · ' 1~1es. The total number of vot-
· !~~~:e:~ds~:; ! \~:::s°;~ cittnro!_led in tha t_electioo was:.
income is increased by 2( '<>~ ll ~ ~ 6l75% ~
valld votes. 2% of the total votes
were d ec lared invalid. If the
total number of voters is
increases at the rate of

2½% per annum, the number of

ffl -.;i 3IJ'llil ;mr ~ ? '~ , salary on food and donates 3% and he increases his expcr~ iii:?-ra, f.m'q .\2% <IT< 31'11'1 <itfi@ I0 4 000 , th en th e number of inhabitants at the end of 3
(a) I : 1 '', .' (b)2{ 23 in a Charitab le Tru st. He ture by 10%. Then 1hc ~ l1~111(,1<'fi~ sil 926l <irz ~~~i~~;esiso~edinfavourofthe years will be:
{c) 9: 14 . • ' . -ta(23 : 27 spends t 2,310 on these two creas_e in savi ngs (in perct: f.ta .\ ~ <ltii 'IIT7 5% t_ 111 'l'l1" ii = =
!iltll'! 'f!'ll ""' ~ 1'fi1 11_.,;'~ii64000mmt%1llfl:;~
J 77. Jn an examination there are items , then total salary for that ag~) 1s :. . .
~ ¥1 f.l;;r,\ 'lffl?@I ! ? ._ '-" ,. ,., 11 ""
~ 3l'f-! <'llA .;i 7511 .r. ml I 16 -.; °ii'I <irii .,;i 55% <irz fir.Ii '!iFt <irii ~ m.
'% ~ 2½•1, <11m ill 3 <l'i -,t 3@
three subjectS- of I 00 marks
each. A student scores 60% in
the first subject and 80% in the
month is:
'jo'm am m -.;J 30% iirar, '!lam
3% v-1 '!l ffi q,@f %1 ~ ,.r ~
m ~ qft = <f,(nl i 1Wi'

20% ~ 'l'l1 ill o!f-1 am ~ i' .. is)'1 BOO

a) 000 ~ (b) 16400
6 1
(di 18000
2% <ire 3l'ii11 mfira <61 ~ Tf'i1 llfl:;
11cR1l!l>li '1iT '!iFt me,n I 04000 %, ill 11~,lgf.lqmtif/r?
second subject. He scored 70% ~ '!l ?23 10 11l<I ij;Ult t, ill°"'"' IQ % ~ R!!l, 111 ~ ..ra ~ ';\ ,i'J,:: an election betwe en two fl!;n-\ °ii'I <irz ~ ..;J fir.I? (a) 70000 {b) 69200
in aggregate . His percentage of 11m ~ f.l;1R! %? ~ 'liT '% ~' · n_didates , the candidate (a) 56506 (b)' 56650
marks in the third subject is
11_.,;' ,men 11 lir-1 ~ t am ~ -.;i &)
(a) f 6,000
f 9 OOO
(bl ; 8, 000
.Jr;lj't 7 00,o, · (b) 52 % I
'gcttm g 60% of the votes polled,
s e1ected b (c) 56560 (R(56056
197. The value of a property
{d) 68911

ijlf!ff,l!'! 3l'af; ~ ,~ c ' h d t ,000 (c) 45% (d) 48% 14 000 y a m ajority of 193. In an election, there are three depreciates every year by 10%
. 100 ol 11_.,;' ='m'! man a a certain amount ' votes . The number of candidates contested . The first of.J!s value at the beginniqg_ of

f 223
.I l ___:_....... v..-~11s1co.n
Wizard of Maths - Rakesh Yadav Sir i "'2!11"-ii
,qa or Maths
so% of A= SO% ofB

I, (c}

·rt> roo
80 A=~B
1 O,'
10 ➔
15 25
13. (d) lOO (A+ B) = lOO (A- B)
81, So, 120% =
x120=720 ⇒ ISA+ 15B=25A-25B
ss, .
~ BA= SB ⇒ A=
8 5. (a) According to the question ⇒ lOA = = 4B
40B ⇒ A
86, (SIH:F!R), x Y . A xlO 0
87 it value of A in given equation, 75 100 Reqwred % ( ~ %) = B

~'IJ!{~ll A cfil
B = ,t>/4 of A
m ~, l{r,:r
.= 4~,_/
.r (
Required % (31'1TT'ie %) = x 100 "' n
90, X 5 75 14. (cltRequired answer(~~
91, ~ => ~ 100 8 J 1 1
92, 11 1oox8
= 3_()Q X X = 15
4 5
93, ij., ⇒x= - 5 ⇒ x= 160 6. (c) According to the question J1
t/'~:i's-~-'(b) 25 X~=150
94 ' 2 (d) According to the question ~.,, ~ " 2 100
c9s.'' . (~). p
r"1t /
~ ·~ ⇒x
= 15ox200 =
25 1200
296, ~ 80 4 4 -'¢J~
B97, ~ :::>X = 1ooY ⇒ X = 5Y'\._../ ⇒ P 2 = 3600 ⇒ P = 6(?i fJ>.,,.;""JJ 16
(b) 20A = 50B
, ~V 1,i · 100 100
~98, ~
'99. ~
Required (31~)% 7. (c) Required % = SO x H~.a = 4%
⇒ A= ! B
=LxlOO= 5 x100 = 125% 8. (a) Accoding t~ 1t'n~ question
00. ~ 4 4 '>f ~~ Required % (31~%)
5Y A O~ _ 20
Dt ~
3. (a) According to the question
( Sl'?1ljflR), ~:yo,~)'~ m - lO0 X n
= ! x lOO = !·: xlQ0 = 40%.

.~,#·~, 7\ ⇒ lOOx-lOOY
\(~ ~g-f
/:",;.,~ m:n=2:l
17. (a) Let the number (l'.!RT fc!;' 'ffl)
According to the question
.l9~ (aT E_~quired % (31~ %)
5. # ⇒ 2x =y t\. ~ ,tJ! (!l:?1lffel<),

I.. ~ ⇒ x= Ji
2 . _ ~
~ . i_
\\ 4
X 100 = 125%

Always write a : b in%

18 12
X 100 = 100 X 75

~~ _.Ji.. .A ⇒ 18X = 12 75

: f 20 Y ~ xlOO V

⇒ 20 ' 0 0 x= 100 x2 -10:~'t~\ )

⇒ b
⇒ x= 12x75 = 50
y ~ J 10. (c) Let mahesh income = 100 18
#. Required (31~) % =,11:o xIO() than , Mohan Income= 100 + Hence, required number
,. /
= 10% of y✓ ' ,t, / \ ~ ,
• ..,.
100 x 150 = ( ~ 'ffl) = 50
4. (d) Let the nu~~~ l (lTI;IT fcf; ~ ) lOO
=x ~~ .,. Required percentage 18.(a) 12½% = ½
~;~1,~cfuestion 25~~~oo xlQO = ~~~ x100 9 ➔ Income of Ram

10~ ,
, ' : l20
XX =60% .:h-,.
11. (a) Required answer (3!111uc. 0
8 ➔ Income of Syam
According to the question (!lH:!~1<),
Ram Shyam
X== 600 115 Ratio of
Required answer ( ar~ cm) = t 1 OOOO x 3 x 100 x 100 = Y Income - 9 8

== 600x 12 0 =720 30
12. (b) 100xx=72
100 1
Required% (31~/o) = x 100
.\lternate ( ~cnf@.lcn ~ ) 9
72xl00 =
20% represents ➔ 120 ⇒ x= 30 240
= 11½%

~lard of Maths - Rakesh Vadav Sir 11235

J4.(cl) 90% of A • 30% Of
·-,. y r.::1,~~(!] According to the question
(a - bl • ~~ (n + b) ■•
lif.i-~ • (100- 70)% • 30% , ,, .
:.!Oa - :.!Ob • 3a + 3b
17A • 23b
90A • 30B
⇒ B • 3A ... .. (1)
2 ,\' .
' <··:.h_ ~ ) , [ 5x, To%=4x]
According to the question

a 23
B • lllO " A (!),..+',. ., 4x+ 80• 5x 3011/0 of students fmi/f "" 30%) •
1> ·w ,· x • S0 V 510 ,/
Requin-d rntio • 23 : 17 . .,, . ·1i1ti Required number (31'ilt.! 'lra!II) Total number of students in
Q" " school (mlR'l'I 1l 'iJ1lfl '11,'j ml) a
:.IS.(111 Acet,rding to the qtm•lton, • Sx • 80 x5 • 400
⇒ x • 150 ' • ~5 r,, iuircd vnluc of x • 25 V;;;I
p Q
11,•11<'<' 40 510, 100 v
o : l 35.(d) Required percentage 47. (b) 66 j%i° 30 ~
:2~ + 3so • Too ..,,..
~ {2() j()() • 1700
¾" 100 •
,I X

Required -it, l~'i>I .. ,100

• ~'~~~\. ,1. i" • X • 6371.-,,- Let the income of the person
Requi~d % 51. (d) Note:., In percentage always
Altemate ( ~ ~):
2 0
• ¾wlOO • ; • SJj '\,
26,(alRcquired pen""enlt~"'
-a~\o'o• .J.Jo
•·>• ,\' X 637
.. :io • t"-
• 3 units I/""'
l!Rlfil;oqf,ffl'fil3!lll = 3'1,f.g
Expenditure ~ = 2 units (11,f.g)
ll§Sl.lffie data. Which make
,.-,:,your ,'~ alculation easier._
~' lffiMffol 11' m
T-ITT ouif q;J llR .n
~ "~ ~ \ ,)
~ a-,~~ Savings (il'lil) = (3 - 2) = 1 unit ('lR<I ,v
.-3ll'f<l,1 'IJ1JRl 'lil 3!mR 'ii'!@ iii

• llOOtJO)' 100 • 16J°"
27. (c)
- J ~ N l()(} • .!.r'\,

: - 10~ ~ 2 - 0.005 0'h'~ 36t/n)

... ,
3a a2b

-_, .,· • 2.7

n'Qltirrd unsw
er = -2
Accordmg to the questi~
(~ ),
,- \ 60% =
{ ~ !:;t ile number ('11'11 f<i; ms"ll) = 5x
~ ~

20. lbll hour45min• 1 ~

7 j b put value of.a in gh-en Cl!u. ,, R<'Q lt1rc•d nnswer 1 umt P!,f.RJ = 1200 ..,_,,...- }.., ( .According to the question
~- 4 hr. .• (d
2 urnts f'l,f-izj = 2 x 1200 = ~ 2~00 '.
28. (c) Required ~ e .., .~ uon ~~~ 'l a ~ 111'! llii 1;: 11
?7 36 x~x4500 --~ ~ r:-❖- -v,l 3
Required % • 4
" I 00
.ui xlQO • .!...!..i__ = '' ~
bta ~ b 3
Sb ' •foo'ioO 9 48. (b) 20%=½, 25% . : ¼\ () 5xx5 60= 60
• 7.291% 1.9 19 "" b-a = - 2-= b = s .2. J
Case (i) B : c;. x = l~0=40
21. (b) Required ans"-cr 29. (d) Required~ p~ entage= b- 3b J ?5 1 l
0.001 x 10 ,o,;% bta Ml 1000 x ioo x 100 x 100 Ratio of Salan_es -~
---5-,i 6
lo! 3l:l'ffil)
Hence, Required number = 5x
•lOOx;:,.(l~OJ CJ. => b -a =
R,-quired answer = 0.025 _ = 5 • 40 = 200 ,_,
Case (ii) ,.. ; " -~"• B
30 (d) 60% o~ "--)' ?0 •l. idl According to the quesuon 52. (a) Let the larger number
. 3 7. (a) lOO (A +BJ = l : (B) A. B · C Ratio of Sal~ es (<l1Ri '"1 3l:l'l@)
• 90 x 1: - 5 4 ('11'11 f<I; ~ mii'l1) = 5x
SA= ¾B 2A + 2B = SB ·, ; 5 (60A = 30B) ~ •...,. 4 : 5 Smaller number (-mil ml) = 20
22. (di According to the question, ~~, 2A = 3 B ~.!.) From, Case (i) & (ii) [Given (~ i)]

4 I ~
According to the que s tion
(~ ) A : B=S : A=~B Putvalueof Aingfrc: , Ru.uo oi sn.huies 4 5 6 ~ ).
3 0 A•0.25B=-lc differen ce = 8 2 . 5 %
100 5
-~ 1~~ x 5x
62.5 ¾, = 20% equ ation A= I

=> 5x - 20 =
Now, 1% =100point ~ ~ ~ ' l - a loll!Rllrt ;:; I Requiredanswer = f x lOO Sx- 20 = x
=S00', Required answer ( ~ '3'i11:)
So,20% =20 x 100=2000point 2 A-B J B-B _ 2 B_l =>4X = 20

4 _c
~. B
5 f) · (d) Initial Area= 100---:,.. 4
New Area= 104/
A+B J B+B 4 B 2
38. (d) Required pe rcentage
,5_:di According to the question,
= ¾ x 100 = 50°(0
x= S
Hence, Larger number (~ ml)
= 5 • 5 = 25
Requiredratit(~ :C decrease % = 4:c:~o-~3ii % = 3.6::ooo xl00=2 % 100 100 6 49 . (a) 40% = ¾ , 20% = ½ 53. (c) RequireJ answer ~ o<it

•i~O::~0 •
A:8 : C ,"12 : 15
· (dll0% =10
1 ,. j ~3~. " 'Y "'-
(a) xx:~~=100⇒x=80 : :~ :J !.;,!J
.\ B. C • l S : 10 : 18
Case (i)

Case (ii)
= 66.66%
40 40
= (100-40(lQO = 6(} X lQ0

. ' 4,'
. ;,\,: Note: For detailed solution follow
23 • {a) perccntagc Old New -f 40. (b) 50 (P - Q)= 30 (P+ Q) .. the earlier given important
• ~ xJOO•IO% j 10 11 "'-
100 100
5P - SQ =3 P + 3Q '° lt)80\ ._~S A : B • 7 : sl"- note .
24. (a) Let the numbers are a and b l~l 2 p = SQ ~ote: In such type of questions to B : C ~ "--- 4 .: 5
·~: ffflR -q' ~ qi ~ ~ ~ ~

~ )'our calculation easier asstune

where a > b. 21 p = 4Q A : s : c = 28 : 20 : 25
li7'fr ~~a 1!'ff bt om a> bt1
Alternate ( ~ f<ml)
Put value of Pin given i, .. _. ....

~ ~ ~ ,t· P <f;l lll'! '(§'I 'l

21 . equaci!VI ::Jmbcr which is multiple of 5. Hence, Reqtu'red rati'o (3l~ = )
According to the question, Increased in area= - xJ00/ /ll',r n:/i i( 3l'l,ft lJ1lRl q;J 3lmR oRr-1 A:C= 2 8: 2 5 ' 40%=¾
~ 21'o/co' r;;:.• ~~ ~ 'fil _'.l:o) = 7 0%
a - b) • 11050/a+b) ,; lOO •· • J
. Q = p x lOxO kl the li@.r l!R ./1 5 if;! 'J"lo! 'ITT I J ., 50.(b) Girls 's %
I.)" number ('1R! f<I; ml) = 5x :. Boys's % ~ <f;l %)

Wiurd of Maths - Rakesh Yadav Sir 1123' ~

0 , ..
"'1ths - Rakesh Vadav Sir I' 237
• }loo.
Required % ( ~ %)
54 · (d) Let the Ul"' number is 100
10 5
3x-4x•-50 ~x•SO
Hence, required smaller number
• 2x • 2 x so
a 100
62. (a) Let the numbc
According to Uic t "' -1:
x , (100-251
--,-oo-- = 225
x = ~ = 300

Required percen tage

quc stiolt,

= (375-JOOI
"'-•,,_'r ""·

::, '· ·,·

l ,.
10 l
2o <s
p· C - - - - - = - =
.,,....--;.. • JOO :

200 : i;,O
69. (a)Snlary of Tulslram

• f
~0 x!OO
• f 18,000

Salary of kashyap• 18000 x :~~

f 15000
70. (a) Let the third number= 100
30A • 408

77. (d)
⇒ 3A • 4B ⇒ A •

Required% • 1 • 100•
• 75%

Let the third number• 100

I" II" fir'

11R1f.l;-ifhntftlll 1oot 59. (c) Let the third number= 100 ~ • 10o 80 60 100
p :C I" !Ir"
According to the equation ~ l units =~ ; , , ~' .c = 6:4 : 3 '-:::39,/
ro ~ 100 ~•
1• mun ; 11" num Ill ium 63. (c) Let the greater •
~ x 100 •
! .4 : 13; 3) units~ '( 78 00
1st . 11 nd Illnl ,. • 3.n<is~ ; '-.d/ Required percqntage • 25%
120 1so 100 _ num'-!er 1s a and b ''¼, [6'~ = '(7800
;J/ =. s o ~ \ ~ ·~vely(1l1Rlf.;~~' sl>t; ; 13 units = t 600 Required percentage = f-o x 100 = 78. (~ u~ thenumber = x
~ \ ~ ;i;,:m, A il'l1 B l) ~'J!
' · 1 '\ . ..___,.,.
Required%(~ -~•100 1u~ts ='( 600 x 4 10% =o- •-><x-= 96
Required Ratio• 120: 150 = 4 : S ' According to I 4 unit =t 2400 ✓ 71.(c)Required percentage => }i 288
60. (b) Let the number be x .-.;_:, question ( ~ ) . 2
l:: , the number be x.
55. (d) According to the question [.ti
⇒ xx~ x~=IOS.3 ,· C , (') a x~ - b 60 ' ~isl the question(""'1""), = 1100 :25) • IOO = ½x 100 A
Required answer= .E.__ x288
100 100 ~ ~, ,ase 1 100 - •100 , ~-<Ording to
<\ J/ \
125 1
° ⇒ x ".. 1560 [ \ i. 2a = 3b . ~.~ = 36 = 3
3 3%
('~, \.J9.
=192 .96
(b) According to the qu-estfo,n,
y z 125 + 10~ C 137.5
~ •~t.\F'
a =~
:CJ( 100 ;:,

I • ~2s ~ x = I 00 . //.//
I -I \ "-,
(,1~ ) a x~100 =bx..JL
137 s 10 ⇒ Required answer =.,.j ii'o ><.1f61l
) 2 b Alternate: 25% = 100
x = 137.5 - --tci- =
_~\ ,_,
Cas e (ii) a + b = 150
· II
i ' -' 9 A
B ~ \ (,} xa
x = 137.5 - 13. 75 61. (c) Income of tl_le person = t From equation (i) and (ii) ...... · Ii; ;i.ibl Required percentage 3 4 -~ x a = yb ⇒ b = y
~v.~\ ~
I •~
x= 123.75 13,500 X 100 '---.:!..L-(1\ Put value of b in given equation
56. (c) Let the third number = 100 Expenditure of the per1'bn = t 9,000 fb + b=1so 1100 +25) I ' •\ I
m 'Ill) ,
According to the question
Savings of the ~it='( (13,500 -
9000) :Pl f' • Sb =300 => b=60
= '( Value of b = 60 put in equation ro
' 1100 • 251
x!OO = ,n"- / I Required % = JC l'~o = 333%
6 -- ) 2s o/o = '<
'11! ~ 'q' b<f;l l!l'I

xa zx
r' : n.. : 4SOO r, ;·_ t 12. (bl 4~•1.r· s.c z% ofb = zo/o of--;- =-; % ofa

J 4
3 I
12 : j
\)J~~.,"-·~~· 4
a = 2 X 60 = 90 , Jltellll!C '. · 25o/o = 80. (a) 1 hour = 60 min.

A :~ B:,- • S

Hence greater n umber = 90 i ~"• Papiya

-, a ") ·c - s<4
I min + 12 sec = 1 + ¾¾ = ¾min
. 120
Reqwred answer = 150 ";.oo _= \
11ai._ of Expendinm: 9000
and sav;ng,-- 2
.(L~'l 7• 2+nl =l 4
, 4500
. (~) He,gh1- 1:
_t• /,: t~•~ ~ Required percentage "'.l
A: B : C


equired % = - x I 00 = 100%
10 :

25 : 20
According to the quesion,
6o x..JL = ~=>y=2
100 5 ./
80% 81. (c) Matches ,yon by team (i!!'! '11
57. (c) According to the questio1_1 )
(~). ·•;-. ,/ ✓
14 +x= 42 Required percenta ge = fi x 100 ,f X 100 = 20o/o \ .; 3.(a) 60% =
5, 20% =
I j;JU -;;jjm '!J'IT

A B /' "i x= 28 A : B = 18/Sj Required percentage = * • 100

100 f~,\
60x 100 =7Sx I
Hence, required increase in sav- = 9_!_ % ii. Id) 50% = B :C= 4 : 5
4A • SB I ~
,.I KP\" ings

11 2
1,1 Z has 2 units of money
} A : B : C = 32 : 20 : 25
= 60%
82. (c) Let the first and second part
B=iA $ll First of all find the ratio of income, By using formul a.
A : C =..32.:.25
of a number is a and b respec-
5 A.~
x i>. J1~ ...r.;z.t11ra 2 "lf-R'~ -t 7 4. (a) Percentage of failed students
Ax l~olf iJBiven)
expenditure and Savings
Income : Expenditu.n: SaVlng
Requ ired percentage • f
According ,to the question,
= (100-93)% = 7%
According to the question,
l!Alfil;~.i19'<T<t'llreiltll~ 'lfl'I

¾A ⇒ x=80
- _I_O_ x lOO a iltll b?il
13. SOO ; 9000 4500 - (100 +10) X i;\ Y\ i•. Z 7% ➔ 259
Ax~} 6 :~3 , :• 2 According to the quesion,
'J 1% ➔ 37
,8. /a) Let 'the numbers are 2x and · Lei the Income : Expmd1rure : Sa\llllg = 1000 ~- 3+ '
110 - 3 -units = ~ 110 100% ➔ 3700 Case : (i) 1:~ a- 1~~ b =3
3x respectively 1!AI <t v-ii ~ JOO - 200 • 100)
Total s tudents= 3700
2xif 3xf1 !•14% ! •7% •28 75.(b) Required percentage 8a-6b = 30 ..... (i)
= 100 = 9_!_ % 0
11 units = '( 330
New--+ 342 214 .. 128 9
According to the question 11 11 7 =E. X 100 = 275 = 91~ '/o
th e I Unit = ~ 30 24 3 3 Case : (ii) 1:~ b - 10~ a = 6
( 1IT-lljl!R)' 65. (c) According to
% change in savings = :~ ~100 •·· ques tion (~ ) , 76. (d) According to the_.question, Sb - 9a = 60 . ... . (ii)
1 6 units= 30 X 6 = '( 180
20 10 .
) = ( 3xx--1'25 ) From eq_uation (i) & (ii)
( 2xx-+20 lOA = 15B = 20 C 30A+~B=~B
100 100 , =28% Hence, X has ~ 180. 100 100 100 ·a .,.,60, · b = 75

utrd of Maths - Rakesh Yadav SI~
fl ~of Maths - Rakesh Yadav Sir 1; 239
'ff2: l",i;W'll,f l!'A~ lf"t~-...

obtained by A (A lF.l lf'it,;? irw.i;J • 450 Alternate ( ~ filf-~) :
1 •5 9 Required a n swer ( ~ o"1) ~-'l'r.iro{ll!Wl'f~31'1'11_ ..,,

Hence ttquired num~r •

89. (C) 2• 2 . •


200 • 41)

- ~
• 100 = 163 %
1Nrt<lfoct%= X • Y•~

Always use •vc sign for 1ncreme.nt

100. (b) Required answer(~ o"1)
fa• bf • f60 • 75) - ve sign for decrement
83. (c) L<,t the num-~ ! • _..
1•2 j-2 ~
• JOO 16
% 20<10
{EQ) 98
a a
3 Required answer • 20 - l O - 10()
According ta th.- qu.-stions, H.-nce r.-quir.-d number = 80 • 10- 2
Alternate (~ f>lrn )
x- JS = ~ .3 = B••• l,/'
l(.)i..i 90. {CJ 75~1,,o =4 Initial Salary Final Sa.1aty = SCIO

c.;. •.
Hence , Nct q 1% Increment

X- ~ JS a L<,t the number ( ,;J'!l m;;;;r ) = 4x 105.(c) \ ~ C o n re,·enue
5x-7S~4x According to the question . 10 , 10
100\" !-,,)0+ 10-lCio""
X = i5 (~ ) :s ~ ('(I

) -1 %
Re<;ll.J.rC'd ans~-cr 75 w : • JO
1>4. (c) L<,t the numt,.,,- • x
4x • } + 75 • 4x 96. (d) Le t the number is •
According to the que~o:,_
(20% = f, He•ice l?O reduct ion in
x= 75 . _ , \ Revenue = 1~o
1 2
According to the question.
.r-100 = 498
Number = 75 x 4 = 300

Required a.nsw,P 300 X 1: = l ~o

¾of fof x=20 Required % ( = %) = - • 10 = 16-% ,.Altarnate:

IOI. (a) Require<l answer (=

. 6 . 3♦
j)9 I c\• % Reduction= -
. r fl0I'
l✓ ./
l 1
100x- l 7x • 49800 5 • 2x = 20 _ _l _O- •JOO- 100 , / "\ I J OO
B3x = 49800 Altemate: 75:.0, = ¾ x= 2 0 0 - 1100-10_1 -~ ' =U\\\..1- 106. (b) 10°. =l<l
102. (d) Reqwred % ( ,~•{.; 1mna1 Pn« Fm&l Pn«
49500 J • l ➔ 4
~= 600
BS. Id) l<,t C

= I 00 ururs

lOO' o =
- - .,.100
10 )• ll )--
J unit , ~ 75
Accordmg to the qu.-stion, 4 unt t ➔ JOO = 1E.,100 \ . ( \ 10 11

;50 " 8
~25 :oo
40" o of no.= ,3C "o:i.!O = 120
901 . " " \
100 ,,,

1 = 11 9,. ,<
9 l. (a ) Let the oumbcr = x
: : i ~ _ . ,s - s Alternate,! V '1
R~uired l>"=fa8" • ~ .J OO= 20%/ to the ques tion .

X 320 l:

X ~

32 = 69
= 230 X j: x= Rs. 125

98. [b) ... l ~ = 714

i%• 100=16¾._ 0. 0

1 1-c-,.· Pnc,,
~"" •~
~~~ 1
0 o Reduction = --=- . , LOO
- 2 100 -
- 1.21 ~- 1 .
7 36"'
(d1 L,,t x to be added~
Accordmg to the question . x • 37
Hence. required nu.-nbc r = 3 7
X = 1400 ~ th, pnce of a commod11y de-
~east b\' r%, the n inc rease 1n
. ,roosumption , so as not to_ de- \ 103 _ (al

Reqwre d ,)
= g' 100= 119.-,,
107 _ (a) 25 c,, 0 = +
. 1
2001): _
160• 1~ •x=240• J~ ~ •:
25% of x = J4CO • ~ . 350
x= 36 92. (a) 20~, = f =i 99 . (c) "'." ' c.~n~itu re on !hlS iit'rn~ Note: If the ,·alue of a numb.-r 1s lrunal Pric< Fmal PnC"C'

Hence reqwred number = 36 X : y pnt"t' f~ 1 r; 1 11 • 100' _, •lOO ;°' {)

\ ., increased by -''' • a nd later de-
✓fi- rst
• ) •
c, J Jncrc.:.~ in
2 (>~ .... ~ cre-ased by x 'o . th<-n net cha nge 1s
87. lb) Let t.'ie number = .,. 4 . 5 InmaJ Pnc~ , ~ J 5

xx): •JO. -~!!-

Le tX = 4a
Y = Sa
lnou-11 Pr,c,,
, r-"-T
:"'I"., .~~;;; 1

I : ,.
- - 1 ,-.Jue is r°'o mono th nn th e
~nd ,aJue, then dlt- second
, • r -\...,
alwa) s a decre.1se "hu, h ts equal

to l ~ ....

x• 3
100 ·- I
"~ 331.
Hence. y; x = 5o~ ~a "" i; =f ~
•_ioo:-;- • t00f1 1e~s th n n th.- '!lc:~Q~..i l!R'IT<'lx::::~ ~
~ ~ f,
~ 'If fiR


t o1.x 1~ ~~I~-
J .,
X 4a 4(1
~<'DCC required ■ Ulllbcr • 33 - = - - = - •-4 ·, 1 · ,.,
"1() 3it, x 0 o \lZJ 2
3 x-y ..a- 5a -a Hence. Reqtun:d n:ducuon • . ._. \ \
0 ~\) decrement z 10" 100 s 1~ ~ ,..,.
llar-u olltaJned
by D = 320
~-. ,i; ,nm ~
i:!8. fb/
Marn obrained by C Hence required answ.., • , ,'~,--4
, 1 1•· ., lt '{RI if r •s ~ 1!;iit ' ill m;,n ,t l!R if m 1 Alternate: - By using below given
• "':j'• t• 0'1t ~ ~ i, Ff.I:~ "!'!'M m'tt formula,
= 320 -- :~ = 400 93. (a) Required number of liter
.\fari.:s obran:d by B ate people ("r.'17 :i;n'f -..'i ~ ~ J , • r l Hc.•nce • Rt.•quired change in salary ~o Net effect • x• Y• .
~,tooj"• llii ~ i"111
=400• •1 ~;/0'=360
.\:arks obtain<'d by A
= 66()() , 1: = 1980 .
ll'f: 3!'.~ ~

= 'f"'l
- , 6 • tOOJ•
2 0 ';., o-1' '7'1 JI "'1

*1"" IIR. ?11 'lT-1 ii r o/, O

:,n, '1
rm -q· ~ -.ftera;
)04 .(c)
s ':i~· -4•., Decrease
~. Change • - 25 - 10 - 25100'20

' r"Jll'!.'llr-i'IR.i f_,_ , 100l._

94. (a) According to the question , TI i:i; '

= 360 " i~ 450 =

~A• .....::...s = ~ -~ - ~ ]
~-ri:=.· =.,a..;, ..,.. ·~'Fs:
~ .....'" ·,, " ~n, ~-, -• .. Note: Jn such type of questions to % Change• - IO"'o ..,_
! iiJ 'Isl 'f"l6 -,;,. ii l)',;l lir P l ~ ~ I:: ... , • 100 •, • save y our valuable time you can Note:• Negative sign sho\\·s
h' e r.c~ . r e quired marks 100 lOO 3 : 100 100 _

. ,, ~, use b.-low given formula. decrement.

Wizard ot Maths - Ralcevi Yadav Sir

I. 2 ,"-1a1,.--s
, -.ii -
akesh Yadav Sir
[ 241

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