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1. What role does the environment play in addressing the needs of a society?

All substances to fulfill needs, from oxygen, to steel, to lithium, to food, to water,
come from the environment. The environment is the existence support system.

2. How can people maintain the rich biodiversity in nature?

We can participate in biodiversity conservation through increasing our knowledge

of environmental issues, growing our awareness of the impacts of biodiversity loss,
and increasing guide for government insurance policies and actions that preserve
our valuable ecosystems. We can grow to be educators and role models as stewards
of the environment by using aiding in the restoration of species at chance and
preventing other species from turning into at risk. Habitat stewardship consists of
activities that range from enhancing the excellent of soil, water, air and different
natural sources to monitoring and conserving wildlife species and their habitat
through donating the property to a land trust.

3. In your own words, how is an organism’s genome manipulated?

Traditionally, people have manipulated genomes indirectly via controlling breeding

and choosing offspring with preferred traits. Genetic engineering includes the direct
manipulation of one or more genes. Most often, a gene from some other species is
added to an organism's genome to provide it a desired phenotype.

4. What are the pros and cons of genetically modifying crops?

Plants that are greater resistant to illnesses spread through insects or viruses result
in greater yields for farmers and a extra eye-catching product. Genetically
modification can also expand nutritional value or enhance flavor. All of these
elements make a contribution to decrease charges for the consumer.

5. Will you eat GMOs? Why or why not?

No. That is because it is still hotly debated whether or not GMOs are safe or not.
Some researchers say that it may also be allergic or can cause cancer. There are also
many pros like that they are very nutritious, which is truly true. We do not have any
strong evidence whether GMOs have health risks. Still, I do now not prefer to risk
something and I won't eat GMOs.

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