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CORE MODULE 1 A SONG OF WIND & WATER The Invisible Forces That Shape Our Lives WEEK 1 Module 1 ASong of Wind and Water An introductory module introducing you to the concept and application of Feng Shui. Be introduced to the Feng Shui system as a metaphysical tool to improve your life. This lesson is the first step that you need to get through in order to get involved in the world of application of Feng Shui. If you understand what Feng Shu is, then you will be able to understand what it can do for you and how you can apply it correctly in your life. Feng Shui's original, classical name is called ‘Kan Yu: 3k A KAN YU If you look at classical literatures, you won't see ‘Feng Shui Master: Classical literatures (old texts) talks about masters who understand how the stars, the planetary and constellation positions influence the energy on earth and how the energy influence people. It’s a system that talks about how the orientation or location of homes and/or land is influ- enced by the energy surrounding that environment. According to this study, everything in this world has a life form or a life force. And if you understand how this life force works, then you can harness it to improve and transform your life. That's what the study of Kan Yu ‘The masters who study Kan Yu understand how the energies work the environment. They are most sought after to select optimal locations to build homes, to look for land for burial grounds, to find lands that have the power to produce great wealth, finding the right places to build a city and etc. ‘When we look for a land that has great energy form, the family will be able to produce descendants who are capable of being great leaders, great entrepreneurs and has longevity, great health, great harmony. So they believe the power of the land has the ability to influence life on earth. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd, Module 1 ASong of Wind and Water Kan Yu masters are most sought after to look for such lands. Their knowledge of Kan Yu in the modern day is known as Feng Shui. The Different Schools of Kan Yu (Different schools of Feng Shui) Those that are very good at star gazing - look at the star positions and constellations and understand how the star movement influences the Qi flow and they will know exactly which town /state that will produce the next leader of society. Some are good at looking at mountain forms & water ways to identify which piece of land will be the direction / location for home, burial lands, ete. 50 that the descendant and current family will prosper. ‘The Art of Kan Yu has gone through many transformations and today, people call this the Art of Feng Shui. What Feng Shui Can Do? Generally people have certain idea on what Feng Shui can or cannot do. These are the general perspective on what people think about when they want to use Feng Shui. They would usually: - Want a house good Feng Shui because they want good harmony in home. - Want a house with good Feng Shi in order for me to become the next millionaire. - Want to select an office with positive energy so that business will grow. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd. Module 1 ‘A Song of Wind and Water HES. ee mn Wee The 5 Things that Feng Shui Can Do Diagnosis erat NS ‘Assessment on a building, workspace, or home. Assess whether the energy flow or the quality ofthe vibration in that areais positive or negative. On @ Assessment higher level assessment is done to know ithe land it worth investing in ‘Assess f the environment is supporting them or no. Sometimes people are stuck in lif, in a stage where they are not happy or able to move on (this can be in any aspect in his/her life). Some they might Diagnosis ‘not even know that they are stuck. Feng Shui can be used to diagnose your energy blocks to understand what the problems are andor why things re iappening. ‘Some people who have been using Feng Shui in their ives would know that there are certain benefit of Feng Shui as a tool to enhance their business flow, and wealth, Not just wealth or business but other aspects of life as well. It can be used to enhance certain outcomes in life. Enhancement Correcting a problem the right way using Feng Shui. People tend to get confused with the many systems in Feng Shui, but tall actually depends on, ‘what you want. Diagnose the problem correctly and you will be able to use the right system to correct the problem and achieve what you want to achieve. Corrective Predictive ‘Asa tool to understand what could be the outcome if you use or continue to : Use certain space (could be your work, our office space, your home space)? Analysis Ifyou dont ike what you see as an outcome, you can then change it ‘REAL Feng Shui that can create results has to be based on certain Feng Shui principles. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn. Bh, Module 1 ASong of Wind and Water There are 5 ASPECTS to take note of for you to transform your life. In other words, understand which of these 5 areas you are trying to affect and change when using Feng Shui. 5 Ways of Succeeding using Feng Shui 0G Luck These 3 different energy fields have a primary influence on how Feng Shui works for you. If you want to venture deeper into it, you'll see that there's an extra layer for Luck Qi called the Universe/Spiritual Qi Universal /Spiritual Luck It's about miracles, motivation, faith, and/or intention. Heaven Luck represents things you CANNOT ‘control. Eg: The economy, people's perception towards you, etc. Earth Luck means location based opportunities. ‘Where you are? Probably that certain area has ‘opportunities for you, ‘Man Luck is people. The decisions and choices you make are controllable and it depends on your Man Qi Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd. Module 1 Luck itself is measured by looking at timeliness. At certain periods of time, there's a peak in the form of energy and there are certain periods of time where there's a low form of energy. Time itself can be used as a measurement tool to understand the intensity, strength, and weakness of the Luck concept. All lucks can peak and fall depending on the period of time. If you pay attention and understand to the time factor, you then you can actually time the Qi to see when certain locations are prosperous or when it isn't. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd, {Song of Wind and Water » z& LUCK 2 4 rosperous % HE Module 1 ‘ASong of Wind and Water 6 Choices How can Feng Shui influence your choices? > =. It's all about the flow of Qi. The concept of Qi flow, determines the choices you have in life. When you feel stuck, it's because there is no flow of Qi. If your home is designed to receive positive Qi (energy) both internally and externally, then you will have a great flow of choices. If there's no flow of good Qi in your home, that’s, when you feel stuck ABUNDANCE WF You'll also want ABUNDANCE of positive and prosperous Qi flow in your space. If there's plenty of this, you will have plenty of positive choices which will lead to outcomes. Remember, that the flow of energy is always from the external to internal of the property. It's always about how the external energies flow into the internal and how you can harness it. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd, Module 1 ‘ASong of Wind and Water vs aD Internal read Feng Shui Receiving Qi (3k 4.) Receiving the energy from the external to the internal. Connecting Qi ('#i ) Look at what the surrounding positive features are. This applies to the Mother Nature features only. Receiving Water (#1 7k) In an environment where there's natural water flow, you'd want to receive all the energy flow from the water into your property. It'll create the opportunities that you need. Alignment (9) Ifyou know how to align your property to the natural environment, you will be able to connect to the Qi. Negating (1.2%) Sometimes it's not about getting what you have but it’s about eliminating the problems/bad energy that you have around. 1g the Sha Qi. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd. ASong of Wind and Water There are so many schools in Feng Shui. Eg: Classical School of Feng Shui (up to hundreds years old), etc. San He Feng Shui (= 4) © Places greater importance on land forms. © Has its own rules about each system but largely involves the assessment of landforms, © Popular systems include: Nine Star Water, The Four Major Structures, Dragon Veins Assessment, Land Embrace, and Meridian Spot Analysis. © The greatest strength of this school is the ability to look for great land. It’s always about the assessment rather than a corrective Feng Shui method, © They're great for finding a new place rather than correctingiit. © Using the unchanging to handle the changes. San Yuan Feng Sh © Means 3 cycles of time. © Atime based system. © More popular in the West because of the familiar terminologies used and it’s a corrective system, © Popular systems include: Dragon Gate 8 Formations, 8 Mansions, QiMen, Flying Stars, and 64 Hexagrams. © Places importance on the formulas (Li Qi) - the formulas and systems that calculates the flow of energy. © Focuses on changing to handle and keep up with the changing times. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd, ‘ASong of Wind and Water Luan Tou (‘if #4) - Form School eee §— What is natural in the environment. The Is, the contour of the land, the river, the | Today though, Feng way the land was form, etc. Mother Shui is applied as a Nature. | whole, Understand i Feng Shul as a holistic ) approach in order to | solve various problems Li Qi (52 44) - Formula School i that. could atte The power of Qi manipulations, energy distribution, or understanding of energy. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research international Sdn.Bhd. Module 1 A Song of Wind and Water “ANNUAL —_ STAR MONTHLY. STAR —] = C3 © If you are buying a piece of land, building a house, moving into a building, etc. (anything you want to be long-term) is called Evergreen Feng Shui. © It'spermanent and long-lasting but it takes time to show the results. © Suitable to be used if you want to create something long lasting. Eg: an empire, a big business with success on a massive scale, city planning, house development, etc. © Those belonging to Evergreen Feng Shui: : 41. 8Mansions system -asystem that takes time to show results. 2. Landforms - natural features lke mountains and hill are ll permanent. Unless : some big demolishing and landform changes happens, then it wll affecchange the Evergreen Feng Shui ‘3. San He Water and Mountain Method - it's when you assess the river low, and the hills ooking at how they configure into a postive formation using a certain formula, This is also on Evergreen Feng Shut. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bha, ‘ASong of Wind and Water To be used personally. 1-2 years are counted as long-term. Mostly used: Xuan Kong Feng Shui and QiMen Feng Shui. Xuan Kong Feng Shui: For those who are doing the Basic Program. QiMen Feng Shi into Feng Shui to do specific corrective measures. eccoo : For those who are Pro and wants to go deeper © Flying Stars : For quick results that you want to happen within few months. © Results are quick but not lasting and won't be on a big scale. © Notsuitable for big scale dreams. © Use it for urgent issues. Eg: Health related issues. Flying Stars can be looked at: 4. Annual Stars for when you want results within a few months or within that year 2. Monthly Star - for when you ned to see some sort of postive outcome inthe next month, 3. Dally tars - when you want instant results, ora least to see indication that what you wants starting to happen. The important thing here is that you know the techniques and what you want to achieve, then you will be able to apply the right type of system to achieve your dreams using Feng Shui Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd. Module 1 ‘ASong of Wind and Water oO People The fourth component in Feng Shui. In order to impact the people, there are three perspectives that you need to look out for. ATTITUDE ey ith Sg Dragon Veins The ATTITUDE of the People © The correct attitude will determine a person's success. © Applying Feng Shui on the correct perspective could produce an inner change in a person. ‘The ABILITIES of the People © Different water formations in a specific environment determines abilities and skillset. fo : : nen eee © You might have great attitude but not be successful due structure. to the lack of the specific abilities. P ragon ae ail ih The person's CHARACTER very contour of land has a Dragon Vein. that empowers © People can only be trained according to his/her nature. | that land. [thas the potential to © Nature is based on CHARACTER. enhance the people luckin that | @ And character is based on a certain Feng Shui setup or 7 arrangement. Gua Image (28: © Ifyou look at old Feng Shui literature/books, you'll see Used to understand what the ae eee that they talk about different types of mountain formations form different types of characteristics of the people living in that specific village or town. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd. Module 1 © Additional Info: 4 Major Aspects of Feng Shui: ‘ASong of Wind and Water 41. Time has an influence on the environment. 2. Certain locations can be prosperous ata time and not at other times. 3 It'simportant for you to know the time when a location is prosperous. There's a formula or you to apply in order to know when exactly your property can be good for you, THE 4 FACTORS OF FENG SHUI 1. Isthe environment good for you? Does it fit you? 2, Sometimes, an environment may be good for someone (your mother for example), but it ‘may be not good for you. 3, You can find this out by printing out your own personal hart. 41. About 70% of Feng Shui involves the environment. 2. Anything about Mother Nature. Different types of building containing the energies from the ‘environment. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research international Sdn.Bhd. Module 1 ‘ASong of Wind and Water 5 Environment ‘Ammajor part of Feng Shui depends on the environment. About 70% of Feng Shui involves the environment. If the environment isn't right for you, a lot of Feng Shui tools cannot be applied because the environment doesn't the energy fields that you want to tap into to create the results that you want. To change your environmental aspects of Feng Shui, will need to work on the earlier mentioned 4 aspects of Feng Shui. ou Diagnosis & JOEY YAP'S Rectification 4MAJOR FENG SHUI APPLICATIONS wee Anticipation & Forecasting Enhancing Capacity You would want to use Feng Shui to understand the capacity of the property you are living ‘or working in, How rich can you be here? Or how happy can you be living/working here? It isimportant that you know what you want first, and then compare it to the capacity of the space you are working/living in to know if you are able to move forward or not. One of the reasons sometimes you remain stagnant in life is because you have maxed out the capacity of the area you are in. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd, Module 4 x MY AA Song of Wind and Wat Jule Si pe ong of Wind and Water See Diagnose & Rectification To correct the problem you have or are facing. You first need to know what is causing you the setbacks or problems in life/career. Only upon diagnosing, you will be able to fixit. You should be able to use certain Feng Shui systems to diagnose your problems. Anticipation & Forecasting Example: If you are a businessman, you'll need to be able to forecast the outcome of the decisions that you make while running your business. Example: If you want to move forward in your career, you'll need to anticipate the potential problems that may arise from the decisions you make. If you think about it, everything in life involves making decisions and every decision, affects your life - whether in a good or in a bad way. So to be able to anticipate and forecast the potential of the outcomes from your decision will give you an upper hand to stop it before it happens. You can use the Xuan Kong technique to do this. Enhancing You want more of what you already have. Use this gradually, moving towards your goals. Copyright © 2018 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn Bhd.

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