10 StratmaTP Santos

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John Carlos B.

Santos BSA301

Part 1

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. False
11. False
12. False
13. True
14. False
15. True

Part 2

1. What is/are the prerequisite/s of strategy implementation present in the case study?

Answer: Based in the given case study it seems that the prerequisites of strategy implementation
present in the case study are “Developing proper organizational climate because the company
imposes a strong camaraderie and personnel commitment and “Developing proper organizational
structure” because they ensure that their activities are well aligned to their company strategy, which
enables them to successfully match personnel requirements to their overall strategy.

2. What is the type of offensive tactic that is being used by Tesla?

Answer: Based in the given case study it seems that the type of offensive tactic being used by Tesla is
the “Flanking maneuver” since they chose to attack the market by targeting “General Motors
Corporation” weak spot which in Tesla can directly sell their products to customers in addition, they
also accept financing and third party loans while on the other hand “General Motors Corporation” are
prohibited from selling directly to its customers because of contracts with dealers and state laws that
prevent them from doing so.

3. What is the most appropriate offensive/defensive tactic should Tesla employ to retain its
market share?

Answer: I think that the most appropriate offensive/defensive tactic that Testa should employ is to
“Raise their structural barriers”. Since Tesla is already a top competitor in the EV (Electrical vehicle)
market or perhaps even in the automobile industry they should make use of their current technology
and employ it for e-bikes (electronic bikes), solar power and etc.
John Carlos B. Santos BSA301

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