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Peer Review Rubric

Your Name Matric Number

Your Friend’s Name

Peer Review Rubric

Directions: For each of the following criteria, place the most appropriate number to evaluate your
partner’s actions in the group project.
Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor
5 4 3 2 1

1. ____ Participated in the initial discussion used to get the project going.

2. ____ Contributed with creative ideas that enhanced the project.

3. ____ Came up with few ideas, but these were always original and unique.

4. ____ Was quick to suggest solutions to problems with the project as they occurred.

5. ____ Was helpful in finding visual aids for the project.

6. ____ Showed strong leadership skills during the development and construction of the project.

7. ____ Was friendly, enthusiastic, and positive during group work.

8. ____ Was always/most of the time available to spend time working on the group project.

9. ____ Was encouraging and complimentary of your own performance in the group project.

10. ____ Was essential to the development and construction of your group project.

*Add up all the numbers together to arrive at an overall score.

TOTAL ______/50
Peer Review Rubric


A. What I really liked about our group

B. Ideas for improvement

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