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Author Guideliness – Nutrix Journal 1



Irene Hutagalung1, Priscillia Merylin Saluy2

1. Student, Faculty of Nursing, Klabat University, Jl. Arnold Mononutu, Minahasa Utara 95371, Indonesia
2. Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Klabat University, Jl. Arnold Mononutu, Minahasa Utara, 95371, Indonesia



The Elderly is someone who has reached the age of more than 60 years. At the attainment of old age, a
person will experience several changes, namely the process of slowly disappearing the ability of the tissue
to repair itself, while maintaining normal function so that it cannot survive infection and repair damage.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a significant relationship between sleep
quality and cognitive function among the elderly at BPSLUT Manado. This research type is the
descriptive correlation with cross-sectional approach. 56 elderly as respondents in this study were
selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using the
Spearmen Correlation test. After analyzing the data, it was found that the value of P-value = 0.172
(Pvalue> 0.05), so it could be concluded that there was no significant relationship between sleep quality
and cognitive function. The results of tests conducted on the elderly with good sleep quality (19.6%). For
cognitive function is (67.9%) had a poor memory decline. Based on the results of the study, it is
recommended that further researchers pay more attention to aspects that support improving cognitive
function in the elderly so that they do not decline.

Keywords: Sleep Quality, Cognitive Function, Elderly.


Lansia adalah seseorang yang telah mencapai usia lebih dari 60 tahun. Pada pencapaian usia lanjut ini
seseorang akan mengalami beberapa perubahan yaitu proses menghilangnya secara perlahan kemampuan
jaringan untuk memperbaiki diri, sekaligus mempertahankan fungsi normal sehingga tidak dapat bertahan
terhadap infeksi dan memperbaiki kerusakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah
ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kualitas tidur dengan fungsi kognitif pada lansia di BPSLUT
Manado. Jenis penelitian ini adalah desktiptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. 56 lansia
menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini yang dipilih melalui purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan
menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Spearmen Correlation. Setelah dilakukan
analisis data didapatkan nilai Pvalue = 0,172 (Pvalue > 0,05) sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada
hubungan yang signifikan antara kualitas tidur dengan fungsi kognitif. Hasil uji yang dilakukan pada
lansia dengan kualitas tidur baik yaitu (19.6%). Untuk fungsi kognitif yaitu (67,9%) memiliki penurunan
daya ingat yang buruk. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan peneliti selanjutnya untuk lebih
memperhatikan aspek-aspek yang menunjang untuk meningkatkan fungsi kognitif pada lansia agar tidak
semakin menurun.

Kata Kunci: Kualitas Tidur, Fungsi Kognitif, Lansia.

Introduction age of more than 60 years. At the attainment of old

age, a person will experience several changes, namely
the process of slowly disappearing the ability of the
The Elderly is someone who has reached the tissue to repair itself, while maintaining normal
Author Guideliness – Nutrix Journal 2

function so that it cannot survive the infection the relationship between sleep quality and fungal
and repair the damage suffered (Maryam, cognition at BPSLUT Senja Cerah Manado. In this
2012). World Health Organization (WHO) study, researchers took the nursing theory proposed by
there were 600 million elderly people in 2012 Virginia Handerson.
worldwide. The results of population data for The theory he put forward consists of 14
2010 show that the number of elderly people basic needs, but researchers only take one
in Indonesia will continue to increase by basic need, namely sleep and rest.
around 450 thousand people per year (Badan
Pusat Statistik, 2015). Initial data collection was carried out on
September 11 2019, at the Social Service
Based on their age, most of the elderly in Center for Displaced Aged Senja Cerah
Indonesia are young elderly aged 60-69 with Manado, there were 56 elderly, as well as 45
a total of 10.75 million people. The number elderly who live in nursing homes. One of
of elderly people who are over 60 years old is the orphanage managers said that there were
estimated to increase to 27.1 million in 2020, elderly people who felt problems and
and in 2025 to 33.7 million people, and most disturbances during sleep, some were taking
recently in 2035 there will be 48.2 million sleeping pills, and their memory function
elderly people (Kemenkes, 2017). was disturbed. In connection with the
previous problem statement, the researcher is
An elderly person will experience various interested in conducting a study entitled
changes that occur in him, one of which is "The Relationship between Sleep Quality
sleep patterns. The elderly will have and Cognitive Function".
difficulty sleeping at night and they will
replace their nighttime sleep with sleeping
during the day (Sunaryo, 2013). Most elderly
who have problems starting to sleep, and are
often awake at night without cause, will feel The research method used is the descriptive
tired when they wake up in the morning correlation with a cross-sectional approach,
(Dewi, 2014). Sunaryo (2013) states that if namely research conducted by collecting
the fulfillment of sleep in the elderly is not data on the independent variable and the
fulfilled, it will have an impact on disorders dependent variable simultaneously at a
such as physical fatigue and mental stress, certain time (Masturoh & Anggita, 2018).
dull skin, depression, cardiovascular disease, The variables to be studied were classified
diabetes, and decreased cognitive abilities. In into two, namely the independent variable
this condition, it will worsen the cognitive (sleep quality) and the dependent variable
function of the elderly. Insufficient sleep (cognitive function). The sample used in this
quality in the elderly will cause damage to study was calculated based on the Slovin
memory and cognitive abilities, so if this formula, the number of samples in this study
continues to occur it will have an impact on was 56 elderly.
high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, and
even psychological problems and even
depression (Potter & Perry, 2012). The instrument in this study was to use a
questionnaire to determine the sleep quality.
Cognitive function is a mental process The questionnaire used by researchers in
experienced by a person in gaining data collection was adopted from the
knowledge or abilities and intelligence Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
possessed by the elderly including memory, questionnaire developed by Buysee (1989)
thinking, understanding, planning, consisting of 9 questions. The measurement
implementation (Santoso & Ismail, 2009). scale uses a rating scale, namely a score of 0-
According to Wreksoatmodjo (2012) the 3 with 0 = never in the last month, 1 = 1 time
decline in cognitive function experienced by a week, 2 = 2 times a week and 3 = more
the elderly usually begins with forgetfulness than 3 times a week with the interpretation is
memory (Forget Fulness), then goes to mild Bad: if the total score is> 5; Good: if the
cognitive impairment (Mild Cognitive score is ≤ 5. Whereas the second
Impairment / MCI) and ends in the dementia questionnaire, namely the Mini-Mental State
process. Examination (MMSE), can be said to be
normal if the score reaches 24 to 30 points,
The purpose of this study was to determine and if the score is <24 it can be said to be
impaired in cognitive function.
Author Guideliness – Nutrix Journal 3

Research that has been done at BPSLUT
Table 1. Distribution of Sleep Quality
In table 1, it can be seen that the results of the
Sleep Cumulative study show that most of the elderly at BPSLUT
F Percent Manado have good sleep quality. Because it is
Quality Percent
well known that the elderly at BPSLUT Manado
Poor 1 1.8 100.0 has a good environment and sports activities are
Good 11 19.6 19.6 held every Friday morning so that it helps the
Total 56 100.0 elderly to feel comfortable. This is also
supported by research from Nofiyanto (2015)
where the study states that improving the quality
Table 1 shows that the good sleep quality of sleep in the elderly is influenced by a
experienced by the elderly at BPSLUT Manado comfortable living environment for the elderly,
is 11 (19.6%), and those who experience poor appropriate room temperature, and also good
sleep quality are 1 (1.8%). This data shows that lighting can improve sleep quality for the better.
most of the elderly at BPSLUT Senja Cerah
Manado have good sleep quality. Table 2 shows that the majority of the elderly at
BPSLUT Manado has severe dementia, namely
Table 2. Distribution according to cognitive
function. 38 (67.9%) measured using the Mini-Mental
State Examination (MMSE) questionnaire. The
same results were obtained from research. The
Cumulative same results were obtained from the research of
e F Percent
Percent Ningsih et al. (2017), showing that 71.4% of the
elderly have severe dementia, which is mostly
Normal 7 12.5 12.5 experienced by the elderly aged 60-74 years.
Moderate 11 19.6 32.1 Older age will experience deterioration in
Weight 38 67.9 100.0 cognitive thinking, decreased power. remember
(memory), and decreased intelligence. The
Total 56 100.0
memory deterioration experienced by the elderly
can affect cognitive function so that they
Table 2 shows that 38 elderly (67.9%) with experience impairment. According to Prabowo
severe dementia and 11 (19.6%) elderly with (2014), Dementia usually starts slowly and gets
moderate dementia, and for normal dementia 7 worse over time, so that this situation is not
(12.5%). This data shows that most of the elderly realized at first. There is a decrease in memory,
in BPSLUT Senja Cerah Manado have severe the ability to recognize people, places, and
memory impairment. objects. Ida's research (2015) states that the older
you get, the dementia rate in the elderly gets
Table 3. Relationship between Sleep Quality and
Cognitive Function.

Table 3 shows the results of the analysis of the

Variable P-value Interpretation
relationship between sleep quality and cognitive
function in the elderly at BPSLUT Manado. The
Sleep Quality 0,172 No connection result of the Spearmen Correlation test is 0.172>
Cognitive 0.05, which indicates that there is no significant
Function relationship between sleep quality and cognitive
function in the elderly at BPSLUT Manado.
Based on table 3, it can be seen that the p-value Research conducted by Hanifa (2016) at the
of the relationship between sleep quality and Margaguna Social Institution in South Jakarta
cognitive function is 0.172 which indicates more with a significant value of 1,000> 0.05, so it is
than 0.05. These results indicate that there is no concluded that there is no relationship between
significant relationship between sleep quality and sleep quality and cognitive function. The
cognitive function at BPSLUT Senja Cerah percentage results show that good quality sleep
Manado. will result in 100% good cognitive function,
while poor sleep quality results in 80% good
cognitive function. So that sleep quality is not a
major factor in the influence of cognitive
Author Guideliness – Nutrix Journal 4

function. The existence of other factors such as

recent education, marital status, gender, also
plays a role in the influence of cognitive function
in the elderly. This is inversely proportional to
the research conducted by Pramardika (2014) in
the work area of the Bengkuring Community
Health Center, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan
Province, that the elderly with suspected
cognitive impairment is 47.7%, indicating a
relationship between sleep quality and cognitive


The study concluded that most of the elderly in

BPSLUT Manado (19.6%) experienced good
sleep quality. There are 38 (67.9%) elderly who
have a severe cognitive function. There is no
significant relationship between sleep quality and
cognitive function at BPSLUT Senja Cerah
It is suggested to BPSLUT Senja Cerah Manado
to pay more attention to aspects that support
improving cognitive function in the elderly so
that they do not decline. For example, discussing
what has been watched on TV, for example
news. Because the news that is watched will be
more useful than entertainment to stimulate brain
activity to think again. For further researchers it
is recommended to use additional methods other
than interviews with the elderly, researchers can
also use teaching aids so that the aims and
objectives of the research are clearer. Also,
researchers can review potential sources that
cause memory decline in the elderly and can
make the results of this study as a reference for
further research.


The researcher would like to thanks to Ns.

Debby D Pontoh, S.Kep as leader of Nursing at
Panti Werdha BPSLUT Senja Cerah Manado,
and Elderly who were respondents at the time of
the study. The researcher would special thanks to
Mrs. Priscillia Saluy, BSN.,MSN., Ms. Ellen
Padaunan, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. Ns. Frendy
Fernando Pitoy, S.Kep., MSN., research families
and friends for their advice, guidance, support,
and patience during this research project.


Buyse, D. e. (1989). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) : A New Instrument for Psychiatric
Practice and Research Pittsburgh. Elsevier Scientific Publisher Ireland. doi:10.1016/0165-
Author Guideliness – Nutrix Journal 5

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