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Task 1.

Effective Oral Communication (Quiz)

Directions: View on Youtube the speech of President Duterte at Philippine China and Investment
Forum Beijing, China on October 20, 2016.

Do you think the five principles of effective oral communication were followed? Which ones were
not? Why or why not?

What advice would you give to make the speaker more effective? Write your thoughts on the
space below.

President Duterte's speech, in my opinion, did not adhere to the five principles of
successful oral communication. He began his address by mocking Americans and
disparaging them in front of a swarm of Chinese Communists. The first principle says, "Be
clear with your aim," and I believe insulting another race at the start of a speech is
immoral. His journey to China is for trade and investment between China and the
Philippines, not to offend Americans. In his address, he also cursed frequently and spoke
in Filipino, which the Chinese people in the audience did not comprehend. This disregarded
the third criterion, "Be concise," because I did not understand some of his remarks while
I listened to it. I would advise the speaker, President Duterte, to keep his remarks brief
and to the point. Also, to speak in a language that the audience understands, especially
while in a foreign land, and to stop from cursing when delivering his speech because he
is speaking to people in a distant land, not in his native country. Although it is still
inappropriate to curse in public, I feel that public addresses should be formal and

Task 2. Code of Ethics (Class Standing)

Directions: Carefully analyze the question given and place your answer on the space provided.

The code of ethics in the workplace should be carefully thought since it will guide the employees
in assessing what is right and wrong for the business. If you were to put up your own business,
what values would you incorporate in your company’s code of ethics?
Maintain the Law and Order - The dedication to integrity starts with following the laws,
rules, and regulations of the places where we conduct business. In addition, each of
us must be familiar with the corporate policies, laws, rules, and regulations that pertain
to our individual roles.
Promote an Open and Transparent Communication Culture - Everyone at JS Holdings
should feel free to express themselves, especially when it comes to ethical concerns.
Managers must develop an open and supportive workplace in which employees feel
comfortable addressing such concerns.
Establish credibility and trust - The trust and confidence we earn from our employees,
customers, and shareholders is critical to the business's success. We build credibility
by keeping our promises, acting with honesty and integrity, and achieving our goals
entirely via honorable behavior.
Individual respect - We all have the right to work in an atmosphere that treats us with
respect and dignity. JS Holdings is devoted to fostering such an environment since it
brings out the best in every one of us, which directly adds to our company's success.

Directions: Rate yourself on how well you respond to some

trying times by answering the table below.

Descriptors Yes No

1. I can always recognize ethical issue. ✓

2. I can be aware of the different perspectives of stakeholders on an ✓


3. I am able to weigh things objectively. ✓

4. I can think of alternative courses of action for a dilemma. ✓

5. I can formulate policies to avoid the recurrence of the dilemma. ✓

How can you improve on the things that you less practice?
➢ I can improve on the areas I don't practice as much by reading more and more about
them. It is critical that we remain objective in our decisions and viewpoints, especially in
these trying times. Knowing what alternative course of action to take for a problem will
help us reduce the possibility of a negative outcome or prevent it from occurring. The next
step is to apply what I've learned and comprehended to situations related to them.

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