Class 6 English Midterm Model QP-2021-2022

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CLASS: VI ENGLISH Max. Marks: 80
Time: 3 hrs.


15 20 15 30 80


I. Read the story carefully and answer the following questions. (2x4=8)

There was once a king of Scotland whose name was Robert Bruce. He needed to be both
brave and wise because the times in which he lived were wild and rude. The King of England
was at war with him and had led a great army into Scotland to drive him out of the land. Battle
after battle had been fought. Six times Bruce had led his brave little army against his foes and six
times his men had been beaten and driven into flight. At last his army was scattered, and he was
forced to hide in the woods and in lonely places among the mountains.
One rainy day, Bruce was lying on the ground hopelessly. He was ready to give up all
hope. It seemed to him that there was no use for him to try to do anything more. As he laid
thinking, he saw a spider over his head making ready to weave her web. He watched her as she
toiled slowly and with great care. Six times she tried to throw her frail thread from one beam to
another, and six times it fell short. But the spider did not lose hope with the sixth failure. With
still more care, she made ready to try for the seventh time. The thread was carried safely to the
beam and fastened there. “I, too, will try a seventh time!” cried Bruce.
He arose and called his men together. He told them of his plans and sent them out with
messages of cheer to his disheartened people. Soon there was an army of brave Scotchmen
around him. Another battle was fought, and the King of England was retreated to his own
country. After that day, no one by the name of Bruce would ever hurt a spider. The lesson which
the little creature had taught the king was never forgotten.
1. Why Robert Bruce wanted to be both brave and wise?
2. What happened when Bruce and his army had fought against the English army?
3. What did he see when he was lying hopelessly on a rainy day?
4. What happened in the seventh battle?


II. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

Albert Einstein was born on 14th March 1879 in Ulm, Germany. His father was an
electrical engineer and his mother was a musician. She helped him to learn music. He didn't
speak until he was two years old. When he was six, his father gave him a compass. He was
fascinated by the way the needle always pointed towards the north. This experience helped to
create a great curiosity in him. He attended a High school called Luitpold Gymnasium, Munich.
After a year in Italy, he went to Zurich, Switzerland. He took a job at the Swiss Patent
Office, examining patents for people's inventions. The year 1905 was an exceptional year for
Einstein. In that year he published three outstanding papers. He outlined his photoelectric law in
which he discussed the behavior of light. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for this paper.
The second paper, which was his most famous, explored the relation of mass to energy. The third
paper was on the Special Theory of Relativity. He concluded the speed of light is always the
same; 186,000 miles a second.
The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey had invited him to be their
Director. He spent the rest of his life in America. Einstein was married two times. He died at the
age of 76. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern
physics. Einstein's work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.
1. What was the wonder that Albert Einstein had when he was six? (2)
2. What were the three papers Albert presented in 1905? (2)
3. Name the institution where Albert Einstein worked as the Director. (1)
4. Find the antonym for the word ‘ancient’ from the passage. (1)
5. Find the synonym for the word ‘well known’ from the passage. (1)


III. You are the reporter of the daily newspaper, “THE HINDU”. Imagine there was a heavy
cyclone and thunder storm hit on the coastal regions of Doha leaving a great deal of destructions
and casualties. Write a possible report describing all the necessary details in not less than 60
words. (6)

IV. Write a paragraph about the topic “Merits and demerits of online education” (4)

V. Imagine you are the sports captain of your school. You need some sports equipment urgently
for the upcoming Sports Day competitions. Draft a letter to the principal requesting for the
necessary help. (10)



VI. Identify the correct question tags to complete the sentences. (1x3=3)

1. He is going to England tomorrow, __________________?

2. They don’t like their new class teacher, _________________?
3. My aunt prepared a yummy cake, ___________________?

VII. Fill in the blanks with correctly spelt word. (1x2=2)

1. Camel is called the ship of the ___________. (desert/dessert)

2. ___________ makes us perfect. (practise/practice)

VIII. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct prepositions from the brackets. (½x4=2)

1. The class begins_____(in/at) three O’ clock.

2. Remember to come_____(on/in) time.
3. The little boy hid______(through/behind) the curtain.
4. The boat went ____(in/under) the bridge.

IX. Change these sentences into Passive Voice. (1x3=3)

1. I read a lesson.
2. I am reading a book.
3. The students have completed the assignment.

X. Fill in the blanks using appropriate articles. (½x4=2)

1. My uncle has brought ______ amazing story book for me.

2. Arjun was making ______ tasty salad.
3. You must speak ______ truth!
4. Kartika had ______ cute little puppy.

XI. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of adjectives. (1x3=3)

1. Mt. Everest is the __________ (high) mountain in the world.

2. Renu is __________ (bright) than her Nila.
3. My doll is __________ (beautiful) than yours.



XII. Answer the following questions in one sentence. (1x6=6)

1. Who wrote the poem ‘The Kite’?

2. Who was the second master of the dog?
3. How beauty is heard?
4. Why did the elf grant Patrick a wish?
5. Where did Kalpana Chawla graduate from?
6. Who wrote the story ‘A Different Kind of School’?

XIII. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (2x5=10)

1. Where did each of the birds find home?

2. What was the farmer’s comment on his wife’s fear?
3. Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
4. What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist?
5. What made Ray think the visitor was not really a shopper?

XIV. Answer any three of these questions in short paragraph. (3x3=9)

1. Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.

2. Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd?
3. Did the farmer’s wife repent her hasty action? How does she show that?
4. How did the rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?

XV. Write any one of the following questions in not less than 100 words. (1x5=5)

1. Describe how the dog finally found man as his master.

2. Describe a recent quarrel that you have had with your siblings or friends. Also describe
how it ended.



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