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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Here’s all about literature’s ➤ Brighten up your ➤ Composed Zverev
TODAY’S most awe-inspiring mothers
and what make them iconic
Navratri with some easy slips past Murray even THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2021

DIY Dandiya sticks as top women seeds fall
Newspaper in

could become like
common cold:

OF THE DAY Satellite
‘Indian economy poised to attain
double-digit growth in FY22’
Internet corona

is it useful:
It will be early two years
handy to
Telecom giant Airtel has connect people who live in after its out-
announced that its satellite remote or rural areas where break was
internet services will be ‘regular’ internet cannot
reported first in
available starting next year. reach. Further, it is expected
Satellite internet is wireless to deliver faster speeds. The China’s Wuhan, the coron-
internet beamed down from average internet speed is any- avirus pandemic continues
satellites orbiting the Earth. where from 10-40 Mbps
to wreak havoc across the
HOW DOES IT WORK No cable or anything is
required for satellite inter-
depending on where you live.
Satellite internet promises to world, as scientists are still
Satellite internet works by using radio waves to com- net, as it comes ‘directly’ take it up to as high as scrambling to find its origin

municate with satellites orbiting the Earth. Data is from satellites orbiting in 300Mbps — or at least that’s
he economy is poised to achieve 10.25 per cent GDP growth in FY space. Musk promised with Starlink.
or understand how the virus
2021-22 on the back of effective government policies, Reserve sent and retrieved through a communication network
that starts with your device and travels through your
works. Now, Sir Malcolm
Bank's accommodative policy stance and improved business senti-
ments, industry body PHDCCI said. The declining new coronavirus cases modem and satellite dish, out to a satellite in space, IS SATELLITE INTERNET THE Grant, the Founder Chair of
accelerated vaccination drive, improved consumer and business confi- then back to the Earth to ground stations, known as England’s National Health
dence, anticipated high demand amid the upcoming festive season, SAME AS WI-FI?
among others, will further enhance the pace of economic recovery in the
network operations cen- Service, has said that the
ters (NOC). And then, You can get Wi-Fi through a satellite internet con-
coming months, the chamber added. However, it highlighted the need to nection, but it’s not the same as Wi-Fi. Satellite Covid-19 virus will gradually
address the high commodity prices and shortages of raw materials to data travels back
through this net-
internet is a type of internet connection, while Wi-Fi become like our ‘common
support the consumption.
refers to a wireless network. You can set up a home cold’, but even that would
work—out to space
The RBI projected the GDP growth for the first quarter of the next Wi-Fi network with your satellite internet connec-
financial year at 17.2 per cent. The National Statistical Office, the offi-
and then back to your
tion, which will allow you to use the internet on a take some time, as “there
cial agency of the government, on August 31, had said the real GDP satellite dish on laptop, phone, tablet, or other wireless internet-con- is still so much about coro-
growth for the first quarter of 2021-22 was at 20.1 per cent. Earth—to deliver data nected device navirus that we do not
on your device.
understand”. “It is still a
TECHAWAY raging pandemic. In the
INSTAGRAM TO NOTIFY USERS OF United States, there are
OUTAGE OR ISSUE INSIDE APP Punctual and energy-efficient: That's 'world's 53,000 deaths each week.
first' AI-driven train In Europe, the incidence of

F acebook Inc’s Instagram said

on Monday it is testing a fea- On Oct 4, a six-hour-long
outage prevented the erman rail operator
cases is quite high even
though hospitalisations and

ture to notify users of out-
ages or technical issues directly on company’s 3.5 billion Deutsche Bahn and indus- The train is controlled by digi- death rates have come
the photo-sharing app, days after users from accessing its trial group Siemens has tal technology and is fully
two outages disrupted the social social media and messag- unveiled the world's first down. A big challenge will
automated. The driver remains
media giant’s services. The test will ing services, including automated, driverless train in the city
on the train to supervise the
be the winter season in the
run in the United States and will go WhatsApp, Instagram and of Hamburg, billing it as more punctual
on for a few months, Instagram said Messenger journey with passengers on northern hemisphere where
and energy efficient than the tradition-
in a blog post. al trains. Deutsche Bahn CEO Richard board. Shunting, such as turn- transmission could be
Lutz said, automated trains offer "a ing the train around, is done greater due to people being
The company is also more reliable" service "without having without on-board personnel. indoors,” he said.
planning to roll out a to lay a single kilometre of new track".
feature that will help
making it easier for

people to know whether From a summer of fire and record floods, to freak frosts and locusts invasions,
their account is at risk experts say man-made climate change is wreaking havoc on the world's
of being disabled weather. Here are some of the most devastating climate-fuelled disasters from

FLYING INSECTS: the past two years...

Greece's worst heatwave in decades In late June, a hot air heat dome


5 recent 1 fuelled deadly wildfires that burned
nearly 100,000 hectares (250,000
acres) this year in what the prime minis- 2 caused sustained, scorching tempera-
tures across much of western Canada
and the northwestern US. Residents

ter called the country's "greatest ecological in the British Columbia city of Lytton saw the
LOUISE PENNY TO WRITE NOVEL disaster in decades". The summer thermometer rise on June 30 to 49.6

blazes killed about 80 people in degrees Celsius , a national record.
s US forces left Afghanistan this summer and the Taliban seized Algeria and Turkey, with Italy Days later, the town was largely

control, Hillary Rodham Clinton responded not just as a former and Spain also ravaged by destroyed by a wildfire. The
secretary of state but in a capacity she never imagined for her- uncontrolled fire. extreme heat was "virtually
self— as a novelist seeing her first work of fiction anticipate current Scientists say, the impossible" without human-caused
events. ‘State of Terror', completed months ago and coming out this Mediterranean rim is a climate change, the World Weather
week, is a thriller co-written by Clinton and her friend Louise Penny, the climate change "hot spot" Attribution (WWA) science consor-
bestselling crime novelist. with worse to come. tium said.

 The main character, Ellen Four of the six costliest hurri-

Adams, is a new secretary of
state with a backstory familiar
to Clinton watchers
the surprise
choice for an
flooding in
5 canes to hit the US, including
Ida, have all occurred within the
last five
years, according to
the US National
memory killed 165 people in
incoming Oceanic and
July after heavy rainfall battered
administra- This Spring saw a late frost ravage Atmospheric

the country along with Switzerland,
tion led by French vineyards when plummeting Administration.
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria
her one- temperatures wiped out nearly a Experts blame cli-
and Belgium, where another 31 people died.
time politi- third of the country's grape har- mate-addled
The WWA said, a warming climate increased
cal rival, as Barack Obama had been, vests, causing up to two billion euros ($2.3 extreme weather —including extreme
the likelihood of the extreme two-day rainfall
when he brought in Clinton after the billion) in damages. The WWA's analysis said, rainfall — for hatching billions of locusts
behind the floods by about 20 per cent. For
2008 election climate change made the historic cold snap that swarmed East Africa in January of
every degree that Earth warms, the atmosphere
— which devastated most of France's wine 2020, threatening the region with a food
can hold about seven percent more moisture, sci-
regions — about 70 per cent likely. crisis.
entists say.
02 “I sustain myself with the love
of family.”


Parenting lessons from Are you new to

literature’s inspirational mothers pet parenting?
Literature can teach us a lot about life and living. After all, it is a reflection of reality in the form of fiction and non-fiction narrative. When it
Here are some bonding tips for new pet parents

comes to parenting, stories and literary narratives hold answers to many challenges parents face in their day to day life. Throughout literary t can be hard to understand nication is a two-day street. Spend
your new pet at first, but just ample time with them. Play men-
history, there have been many characters who have spread the message of love, highlighted the importance of togetherness and shed light on
like us, our furry babies too tally stimulating games. Give
the power of resilience. We bring to you some of the most memorable and awe-inspiring mothers from English literature have their own way of them freedom to be them-
communicating. Anand selves. Also to be their
MRS BENNET OF THE Deshpande, vet, There Alpha and show love
are various things
‘PRIDE AND explains, “The
one can do together to
through actions.
truth is that, Your pet needs to
PREJUDICE’ BY when you get a build trust. Take your pet for know that their
JANE AUSTEN pet home, it’s a walk, drive or trek, as explor- new family is
Many would see Mrs Bennet as a going to be a ing new places together can be also ready to
selfish, money-loving and an unkind strange world exciting. Practise commands offer uncondi-
person. The narrator in the book for them too. with them. tional love and a
refers to her as “a woman of mean Trust and commu- Salomi Gupte, canine safe environment.”
understanding, little information
and uncertain temper.” But what
would you really expect from a
mother of five daughters, living in a
society that created a space where
women were completely dependent
on their husband’s inheritance.
Mrs Bennet tried her best to Margaret March or Marmee as she was popularly called, is the
fulfil her responsibilities. She mother of four daughters. Like Mrs Bennet, she too had to under-
dedicated her life to securing her go a lot of challenges. Her daughters were rebellious and listened
children’s future and even got to their heart, which as per the society was unruly. Given that her
criticised for it. husband is away, she alone had to take care of her kids, helping
them behave and adhere to various rules and regulations.
THE BEST PART: One of her parenting tools was to remind her
children of the privileges they enjoyed over the
AKELA FROM ‘THE less fortunate. This evoked a sense of gratitude
in them and made them more responsible.
Through Akela, the wolf mother MRS WEASLEY FROM THE
from Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The ‘HARRY POTTER SERIES’
Jungle Book’, we learn that we
must love and embrace our kids, BY JK ROWLING
no matter what values they hold, Ronald Weasley’s mother,
what ideologies they inculcate Molly is like a supermom, who
and what path they choose. not only does magic, but TIPS TO BUILD TRUST WITH YOUR PET
THE BEST PART: While your also takes care of her
■ Do not keep them on a
child’s ideas and beliefs may dif- seven children. She
leash inside the house for
fer from yours, it is important to knows when to stand by
longer periods. Let their
accept them as they are – the her family and supports them
personality shine
way the wolf mother did. through thick and thin. However, she
does not shy away from pointing out ■ Training them early on
their mistakes and makes sure they will make them grow up
are apologetic for the wrongs they into confident adults
THE BEST PART: The parenting ■ Groom your pets
advice to steal from her is to shower regularly, brush and
immense love and affection on one’s child, bathe them, as it’s
but never spoil them. therapeutic and
TNN encourages trust

Times Life

ooking for a delicious ladoo
recipe? Try this flavourful and rich
recipe that is great for the up-
coming festival season
Our routine revolves around 24 hours a day, with around 12 hours of sunlight, and the remaining hours are night time. But,
INGREDIENTS did you know that there are places across the world where the sun does not go down for more than 70 days? Imagine how
➤ 1 1/2 cup desiccated coconut
interesting it would be for tourists to keep a track of time, when even the locals there get confused with no sunset for
➤ 1 tablespoon rose syrup
straight 70 days. To know about these five places, read on...
➤ 2 teaspoon ghee
➤ 1 handful roasted peanuts
➤ 1/2 cup condensed milk NORWAY From late May to late July, the sun actually does
➤ 2 tablespoon rose water Situated in the Arctic Circle, Norway is called the Land of the Midnight Sun, where from not set here, which is later compensated from the
➤ 1/2 cup crushed mixed dry fruits May to late July, the sun actually never sets. This means that for around a period of 76 beginning of November for the next 30 days, dur-
➤ 1 handful almonds days, the sun never goes down. In Svalbard, Norway, the sun shines continuously from ing which time the sun doesn’t rise, and this phe-
April 10 to August 23; it is also Europe’s northernmost inhabited region. nomenon is known as the ‘polar night’. This also
HOW TO MAKE add the desiccated coconut and continue cooking. means that the country remains in darkness dur-
Step 1: Ghee roast the coconut: keep stirring. Step 3: Ladoo is ready: Once the ing the harsh months of winter. Famed for snow-
Heat a pan and add 1 teaspoon Step 2: Add rose syrup and con- ladoo mixture is cooked nicely, add capped mountains and mesmerising glaciers,
ghee. Once the ghee is hot, roast densed milk: Once the coconut the roasted dry fruits and nuts by Alaska can be visited in either summer or winter.
the dry fruits and nuts, transfer to appears cooked, add condensed crushing them. Allow the mixture
a plate and keep aside. To the milk along with rose syrup and to cool down and make small
same pan, add 1 teaspoon ghee and rose water. Mix it all together and ladoos and enjoy. TNN



Iceland is Europe’s largest island after Great

Britain, and is also known for being the

ook after your eyes by eat- country that has no mosquitoes. During
ing a balanced diet and summer, nights are clear in Iceland, where- NUNAVUT, CANADA
avoiding smoking. If your as during the month of June, the sun actual- Nunavut is located around two degrees above
work involves looking at a ly never sets. To see the Midnight Sun in its the Arctic Circle, in the Northwest Territories of
screen, give your eyes regular full glory, you can visit the city of Akureyri Canada. This place sees around two months of
breaks throughout the day. If and Grimsey Island in the Arctic Circle. 24X7 sunlight, and during winter, the place sees
around 30 consecutive days of total darkness.
you need glasses, make sure
you wear them to avoid eye FINLAND
strain and always wear high- The land of thousand lakes and
quality sunglasses if you are islands, most parts of Finland get to
outside, even on cloudy days. see the sun straight for just 73 days
Even if you don’t wear glass- during summer. During this time, the
sun continues to shine for around 73
es, it’s recommended that you
days; during winter, this region sees
see an optician every two years.
no sunlight. It is also one of the rea-
DAILY MIRROR sons why people here sleep less in
summer, and more during winter.

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