Nursing & Medical Management

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The woman is arrived in the hospital. Pregnancy is confirmed, the woman should have a physical examination. At this time, the length of the pregnancy can be estimated and the date
of delivery can be predicted as accurately as possible.

 First physical examination during pregnancy is very thorough, examine the things that need to be examined.
 Follow-up examinations, if the examinations lack of something.
 After the first examination, a pregnant woman should see her doctor
 Other imaging
 X-rays are not routinely taken during pregnancy, but they can be taken safely when necessary. If an x-ray is required, the fetus is shielded by placing a lead-filled
garment over the woman’s lower abdomen to cover the uterus.
 Immunizations
 Experts recommend that all pregnant women be vaccinated against the influenza virus during the influenza (flu) season.
 Pregnant women can be given the hepatitis B vaccine  if needed.
 Experts recommend a booster shot for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis ( Tdap) after 20 weeks of pregnancy (preferably at 27 to 36 weeks) or after delivery, even if
the shots are up-to-date.
 The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine  and varicella vaccines are given, but it depends on the culture or practices your country execute.

 implementing strategies to prolong the early passive phase of fetal descent,

supporting involuntary bearing-down efforts, providing instruction and
During the First Stage of Labor
Depending on how far advanced the woman’s labor is when she arrives at the  and using maternal positions that can enhance descent and reduce pain
facility; (Roberts, 2003). Research suggests that strong pushing during the second
stage may be accompanied by a significant decline in fetal pH and may
 The nurse will determine assessment parameters of maternal-fetal status and
cause maternal muscle and nerve damage if done too early (Hansen et al.,
plan care accordingly.
 The nurse will provide high-touch, low-tech supportive nursing care during the
first stage of labor when admitting the woman and orienting her to the labor During the Third Stage of Labor
and birth suite.
During the third stage of labor, strong uterine contractions continue at regular
 Nursing care during this stage will include taking an admission history
intervals under the continuing influence of oxytocin. The uterine muscle fibers
(reviewing the prenatal record); checking the results of routine laboratory
shorten, or retract, with each contraction, leading to a gradual decrease in the size of
tests and any special tests such as chorionic villi sampling, amniocentesis,
the uterus, which helps shear the placenta away from its attachment site. The third
genetic studies, and biophysical profile done during pregnancy;
stage is complete when the placenta is delivered.
 asking the woman about her childbirth preparation (birth plan, classes taken,
coping skills); and completing a physical assessment of the woman to  Nursing care during the third stage of labor primarily focuses on immediate
establish a baseline of values for future comparison. newborn care and assessment and being available to assist with the delivery
of the placenta and inspecting it for intactness. Three hormones play
During the Second Stage of Labor
important roles in the third stage.
Nursing care during the second stage of labor focuses on  During this stage the woman experiences peak levels of oxytocin and
endorphins, while the high adrenaline levels that occurred during the second
 supporting the woman and her partner in making active decisions about her
stage of labor to aid with pushing begin falling. The hormone oxytocin causes
care and labor management,
uterine contractions and helps the woman to enact instinctive mothering
behaviors such as holding the newborn close to her body and cuddling the
 Skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and the newborn’s first attempt at During the Fourth Stage of Labor
breastfeeding further augment maternal oxytocin levels, strengthening the
The fourth stage of labor begins after the placenta is expelled and lasts up to 4 hours
uterine contractions that will help the placenta to separate and the uterus to
after birth, during which time recovery takes place. This recovery period may take
contract to prevent hemorrhage. Endorphins, the body’s natural opiates,
place in the same room where the woman gave birth, in a separate recovery area, or
produce an altered state of consciousness and aid in blocking out pain. In
in her postpartum room. During this stage, the woman’s body is beginning to
addition, the drop in adrenaline level from the second stage, which had kept
undergo the many physiologic and psychological changes that occur after birth.
the mother and baby alert at first contact, causes most women to experience
feelings of cold and shivering shortly after giving birth. The focus of nursing management during the fourth stage of labor involves frequent
 A crucial role for nurses during this time is to protect the natural hormonal close observation for hemorrhage, provision of comfort measures, and promotion of
family attachment.
process by ensuring unhurried and uninterrupted contact between mother
and newborn after birth, providing warmed blankets to prevent shivering, and
allowing skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding.

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