Paul Lee SITXCCS008 Assessment 1 - Short Answer Questions

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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name Paul Lee

Student Number 0000011137
Course and Code SIT31016
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer
service practices
Stream/Cluster Certificate III in patisserie
Trainer/Assessor Ashleigh Caddell

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Short Answer Questions
Assessment 2 Case Study & Policy development
Assessment 3 Observations
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
√ My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
√ I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment

Signature Paul Lee Date: 05/ 10/2021

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

 principles of quality customer service

 specific industry sector:
o professional service standards for service industry personnel
o attitudes and attributes expected by the service industries to work with customers
 roles and responsibilities of management, supervisors and operational personnel in providing quality service
 sources of information on current service trends and changes that affect service delivery
 internal and external environmental changes and their effect on planning for quality customer service:
o changes in the competitive environment
o economic climate
o introduction of new technologies or equipment
o management changes and organisational restructures
o recruitment practices
o trends in customer service preferences
 methods of formal and informal customer research:
o analysis of competitive environment and industry service trends
o customer service surveys
o customer focus groups
o qualitative or quantitative research
o seeking feedback from service delivery colleagues
o questioning customers
 methods of implementing quality service provision:
o developing, implementing and monitoring customer service policies and procedures
o involving staff in the development of customer service practices
o evaluating staff and customer feedback
 methods of assessing the effectiveness of customer service practices:
o examining overall business performance
o monitoring the ongoing effectiveness of:
 staff in meeting customer service standards
 policies and procedures in explaining practices
o reviewing numbers and nature of:
 complaints
 disputes
 responses of customers
o reviewing customer satisfaction survey statistics
 methods of obtaining feedback from customers:
o customer service discussions with employees during the course of each business day
o discussions with customers
o formal customer interviews
o regular staff meetings that involve service discussions
o seeking staff suggestions for content of customer service policies and procedures
o surveys of internal customers, external customers and staff
o improvements suggested by:
 customers involved in complaints or disputes
 suppliers
 staff, supervisors and managers
 industry schemes, accreditation schemes and codes of conduct aimed at improving customer service
 areas where organisational policies and procedures assist in ensuring quality customer service:
o acknowledging and greeting customers
o complaint and dispute management
o authority for different level personnel to resolve complaints, disputes, service issues and customer compensation
o loyalty programs
o presentation standards for customer environment and customer service personnel
o pricing and service guarantees
o product quality
o refunds and cancellation fees
o response times
o staff training for:
 customer service
 technical skills
 objectives, components and comprehensive details of consumer protection laws that relate to customer service, and
the business’ responsibility for:
o nominating and charging cancellation fees
o providing information on potential price increases
o providing refunds
o supplying products as described or substituting suitable products when unable
o formats for and content of policies and procedures.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
SSH to complete
Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper, computer with access to email, printer, teacher’s email address or as instructed otherwise.

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instructions
for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will
provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

Statement of Authenticity
√ I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
√ The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
√ I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Paul Lee Date: 05/ 10/2021

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date:    /    /   

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:    /    /     

Student Signature Paul Lee Date: 05/10/2021

Assessment 1

Short Answer Questions

Your task: Provide a detailed response to each of the following questions.

1. Explain how informal and formal research can be used to develop quality customer service. Provide an
example for each research method.

Obtaining information about customers In order to determine what quality customer service a particular
organization needs, first determine the needs and expectations of the customer. This can be achieved
through a variety of different research methods. Remember that each research method has its advantages
and disadvantages, and you should avoid basing your findings on just one method. Using a series of formal
and informal research methods, you can accurately understand customer expectations, needs and

Research method :

Formal research is passed

Internet search


Conduct investigations

Informal research is through

Search files



2. Why is it important to have an understanding of your competition in order to plan for quality customer
Because knowing who your competitors are and what they offer can help you differentiate your products,
services, and marketing. It will enable you to set competitive prices and help you respond to competitors'
marketing activities through your own initiatives. You can use this knowledge to develop marketing
strategies, take advantage of the weaknesses of competitors, and improve your business performance; also
you can assess any threats posed by new market entrants and current competitors. This knowledge will help
you really understand your level of success.

You may decide to establish the following information about your competitors:

What measures have they taken to improve customer service?

Do they have appropriate processes to manage and monitor their customer service?

What share do they occupy in the market?

Is there anything your competitors are doing that can be applied to your organization to improve customer

It is important for companies to have competitors because it is through them that you can get new ideas and
perspectives, learn how to stand out, and progressively grow your business. Use your competitors as a
catalyst for change and watch your business succeed.

3. When developing market knowledge, it is essential to have an awareness of how the market is divided.
Explain each of the following segments of the market. Provide examples of how each segment can influence
customer choices and trends.

Demographic segmentation
When creating a marketing campaign, you should not assume that all customers are similar. Population
segmentation refers to the classification of target markets based on specific variables such as age, education
level, wages, civilization, family type, and gender. This is a market segmentation that can help companies
better understand consumers and effectively meet their needs.
People of different ages consider various parts of the project or management when making decisions.
People with higher salaries will make various decisions compared to those with spending plans or restricting
their livelihoods. Individuals in different societies are attracted to different things.
For example: Different races and ethnic groups may respond to different marketing strategies. Different
groups may have different tastes for food, live in different neighbourhoods, and have different attitudes.

Geographic segmentation
Geographic is a common marketing strategy used to target products or services to people who live or shop
in specific locations. It works on the principle that people in this location have similar needs, desires, and
cultural considerations. This marketing method is common for small businesses that serve a broad
demographic customer base locally or regionally.
Australian resorts are famous for foreign guests from Japan, the United States, South Korea, China,
Singapore, the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries
In some cases, companies selectively use geographic segmentation to locate new local territories or regions.
For example, when Starbucks opens several new stores, it often distributes coupons for coffee and
beverages in certain areas. In this case, the company’s promotional goal is to increase customers in new
markets, but it may emphasize other goals, such as increasing market share or increasing profits in more
mature markets.

Psychographic segmentation
This is based on potential consumers' interests, personality, lifestyle, activities and other similar factors. This
market segmentation is to cater to consumers with similar preferences and needs and provide them with
things they value. Using this segmentation, companies target different information to different customer
groups of a single product, highlighting the value of the product, which is mutually beneficial to consumers
belonging to a segmented market.
For example, activities, interests, opinions-these three types can help companies identify customers who
have similar interests in activities, are interested in the same field, and what they think about certain things.

Behavioural segmentation
This is defined as the process of dividing the entire market into smaller homogeneous groups based on
customer buying behaviour. Behavioural segmentation is done by the organization based on the customer's
buying patterns (such as frequency of use, brand loyalty, desired benefits, on any occasion, etc.). It is done
by keeping in mind the needs and wishes of the customer based on the behaviour shown by the customer.
For example, segmenting the market based on the retention rate of consumers is a fair indicator of brand
loyalty among them. Brands with a high degree of loyalty have very high retention rates and do not need to
worry too much about acquiring new customers. However, brands with low loyalty need to constantly
include new and new consumers in their shopping baskets.

4. Why is it crucial for a manager to have in-depth knowledge of internal and external business environments
to provide quality customer service? Provide 2 examples each, for internal and external factors:

It is important for managers to understand this aspect of the business environment. A decent regulator will
explore the internal market to understand the impact on accessible assets. They will also investigate the
external market to understand business competitors, wait-and-see conditions and market patterns.

Internal environment
The environment inside and outside the tourism, hotel, tourism and event industry organizations is rarely
static. Changes occur frequently, which means that managers must adjust the way they provide services or
change the types of products sold. The key question is whether the company has foreseen and planned this
change accordingly. When planning the level of service quality, you need to understand the major changes
in the internal and external environment, many of which are detailed below. Management change and
organizational restructuring
External environment
External changes are usually more difficult to control because they involve changes in the market and
consumer preferences. However, managers need to prepare contingency plans for such changes and decide
how service methods may have to adapt.

Changes in the competitive environment

The competitive environment may refer to whether you are experiencing increasingly fierce competition,
such as whether there are new companies joining the industry, or whether one of your competitors is
occupying an increasing market share.

Use formal and informal research methods

Consider how to evaluate your competitors and ensure that you can retain your customers. What have they
done to increase sales and what actions can you take to implement similar strategies?

5. Identify three ways you can obtain information about current trends in your industry.

1. Utilize industry inspections and model reports - Industry pioneers usually conduct unique research and
integrate their findings into one huge report. By putting aside the main outline and really perusing its efforts,
we can often find in it Some things are important and relevant.

2. Persist in the distribution and power of specific industries - A large number of articles in these
distributions are likely to cite information from more detailed reports, so we can suspect that the data has a
more conversational and easier-to-process design.

3. Use various equipment and survey frames to identify orientation patterns - It is necessary to use various
devices at the same time to track the behaviour of our customers, any relationships between specific groups
of people, and our presentations.

6. Explain businesses’ responsibilities under Consumer Protection Law and how it impacts on customer service

Customer Protection Law
The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) was launched on January 1, 2011. It is part of the 2010 Competition and
Consumer Act and replaced the previous Trade Practices Act of 1974. The ACL covers customer and business
agreements similar to the purchase of insurance. The bill not only prevents companies from unreasonable
competition, but also protects companies from the influence of different organizations that may try to
compete abnormally. ACL also covers different parts of business leaders, such as-evaluation, promotion,
project safety and assurance.
Whether you work with customers or companies, provide services or sell goods, it is important to
understand your rights and obligations and how consumer law affects your business.
ACL replaces 17 existing federal, state, and territorial consumer laws, including:
 Business Conduct Standards
 Unfair Contract Law
 Harmful business practices
 Supervision of consumer transactions by certain types of companies
 Basic consumer rights of goods and services
 Consumer product safety supervision.

· These laws are jointly administered and enforced by the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission (ACCC) and state and territory consumer protection agencies.
Such as,
 If your customer asks for a bill, you must provide it for free.
 If you sell goods or services worth more than $75 (excluding GST), you must give your customers a bill.
 If you provide a receipt, they must specify you (supplier), your ABN and/or ACN (if any), the items
supplied, the date of supply, and the price.
 If there is a problem with your goods or services, your customers have the right to demand
compensation from you. This compensation can include a full refund, even if you have a "no refund"
7. Explain why it is important to have a clear refund and cancellation policy and what is required if there are
potential price increases.

Clients will be aware of purchasing from a retailer on the off chance that they can't give an assurance on
items they're selling.
Having a clear cancellation policy in place will help you and your customer. When the policy is stated and
communicated to the customer, then they are aware of what will happen if they decide to cancel. The policy
should be in writing and included on your website and in any correspondence, you have with the customer.
You must fulfil certain conditions and warranties set out by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA)
Such as, restaurants that charge surcharges on certain days do not need to provide a separate menu or price
list, nor do they need a separate price column to include surcharges. However, the menu must contain the
words "[percentage] surcharge" applicable to [specified day or days]', and these words must be at least as
conspicuous as the most conspicuous price on the menu.

If the menu does not list prices, the text must be displayed in a way that is conspicuous and visible to the
reader. These measures apply to the pricing of food and beverages.
The price displayed by the merchant must be clear and accurate, and will not mislead consumers. You
should always display the total price of the product or service. Some grocery retailers must also display the
unit price on their shelf labels. If you display or advertise the same product at multiple prices in the catalog,
you must sell the product at the lowest display (or advertised) price, or stop selling The commodity until the
price is corrected. It is not applicable when the advertisement indicates that prices in different regions are
different, the price is completely hidden by another price, the unit price is displayed, or the price is displayed
in overseas currencies. Some customers may be sensitive to price fluctuations, so you may see an increase
or decrease in demand for your products and services. Some markets are more price-sensitive than others,
and the sensitivity may change as the life cycle of consumers changes.

8. Describe the importance of providing accurate product information to customers in order to provide quality
customer service.

Accurate customer service will build trust among consumers, help build a positive brand reputation, and win
repeat customers in your way. To provide customers with accurate services, goods should not be sold under
an unacceptable mark. If the content on the menu indicates the type and starting point of the condiments in
the dish, then at this point, they should not be replaced. The customer retains the choice of completely
honest and precise data. The booking agent should be completely clear and fair in the data they provide.
You should never deceive customers or over-guarantee. The agreement should be displayed and provided to
each customer consistently. When the part of the insurance purchase that the business should follow is
discounts and cancellation of appointments. It is crucial to develop a revocation strategy and communicate
it clearly and unambiguously. Tickets for many occasions have relevant standards and guidelines, including
cancellation strategies printed directly on them.
9. In order to provide quality customer service, it is important to establish your target market. Provide 4
questions you should consider when developing a clear customer profile.

1. Who purchases or uses our item? In the event that you accept singular sightseers for instance, who are
your clients? What are the ages and genders of people who buy from you the most? 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-
55, or more aged? Male or female? Abroad travellers or home-grown guests?

2. When do they purchase or utilize our item?

3. How would they purchase or utilize our item? How do your clients accept their data prior to settling on
their choices?

4. For what reason do they purchase or utilize our item? Why clients pick one item over another is an
extremely perplexing question?

10. Why is consistency crucial to providing quality customer service?

Providing good service to customers is one thing, but achieving this goal with regular consistency is another.
However, it is this kind of consistency that today's customers demand. A good company will always be
aware of the important role that excellent customer service plays in its success. It is important to
understand that it takes time to win customers and build loyalty. In order to build good customer
relationships, if you want to keep customers coming Uneasy loyalty, you not only need to provide consistent
service, and also understand the fragility of customer relationships.

In fact, in order to ensure repeat sales and customer loyalty, it is very important that the interaction with
customers is consistently based on quality. If you maintain a consistent quality of service, customers'
confidence in the company will increase, making customers feel valuable.

11. Describe five common principles of customer service in detail.

1. Customers may not always be right, but they should never be made to feel that they are wrong – No
matter what the situation is, they should always be treated with dignity, and employees must never
regard interaction as an opportunity to prove their superior knowledge.

2. Control the situation - If a customer complaint is beyond the employee’s authority, ask for help. This
shows that employees understand customer needs and are willing to do their best to meet customer

3. Work harder - Many companies require employees to guide customers to the products they are
looking for, rather than simply point them in the right direction. Think about what a positive customer
experience it creates when we apply this principle to all our activities!

4. Empower employees to deal with customer outcomes - Employees who treat customers as people who
really need them enable them to constantly seek new ways to improve the customer experience.
When every employee follows this philosophy, the company will soon be known for its excellent
customer service and create a rich, customer-centric atmosphere.

5. Reward - Ask the customer if there is other need. Sometimes, customers have multiple requests, and
each request needs a solution. Every customer service employee should work hard to ensure that the
customer is completely satisfied with his customer service experience.

Employees do not always know how to provide excellent customer service, but managers can ensure that
employees provide the highest level of customer service by sharing these basic customer service principles.

12. Suggest three service standards to encourage quality customer service for your specific industry.

1. Use good communication and relationship skills to create affinity with customers.

2. Have an inspiring view of yourself and your work.

3. Maintain higher expectations of actual appearance through courtesy, understanding and respect for

13. Describe 3 industry schemes aimed at improving customer service, including 1 relevant to your work area

1. Tourism industry certification - A real example of a quality assurance framework implemented in the
tourism industry is a widely recognized certification program. It can also help prevent businesses from
operating in illegal or exploitative ways, which may result in fines or different types of disciplinary

2. Convenience rating system - Hotels, hostels, train stations, bed and breakfasts and any remaining
convenience base will be determined by an assessment framework commonly referred to as the star
framework: The Australian star rating chart. One star provides clean basic convenience, while five stars
show excellent global norms. This is obviously an impression of the level and ability of staffing.

3. Enhancing your customer service strategy your employees may have the skills and know - How to
interact with customers. But what organizational strategies can you use to acquire customers? Practice
proactive customer service by satisfying customers before they encounter problems
14. Define continuous improvement and explain how this process contributes to effective customer service.

Companies need to continuously innovate and improve their services-every 3 months must improve and
follow up to improve customer service. For all companies, it is important to establish a continuous
improvement process that will continuously improve the customer experience and help your customers Be
satisfied with your service and help increase loyalty. In order to provide high-quality customer service,
feedback should be added to the current help principles. The goal is to achieve continuous improvement
and ensure that your customer service team is proficient, understood and dedicated. Improve relationships
with customers, no matter how good your products are or how talented your employees are, the one thing
your customers are most likely to remember is their direct interaction with your company. The core of good
customer service is to listen carefully and meet the needs and wishes of customers. If you don’t often look
for opportunities to improve customer service, your relationship will stall.

A continuous improvement strategy is any policy or process in the workplace that helps to focus on
improving the way you work on a regular basis. This can be achieved through regular incremental
improvements or by focusing on achieving larger process improvements

15. Explain why it is essential to have an effective complaint handling procedure.

An effective complaint handling system provides the organization with benefits: such as timely and cost-
effective solutions to the problems that raised from dissatisfying. It provides information that can improve
service delivery.
Complaints are an important way for the management of an organization to be accountable to the public,
and it is also a valuable reminder for reviewing the performance of the organization and the behaviour of
people working in and for the organization. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with an
organization, related to its products, services, employees, or complaint handling. If the complaint is handled
properly, a good system can improve the reputation of the organization and increase the public’s trust in the
organization’s administrative procedures. This is allowed. Positive responses to expressions of dissatisfaction
and improvement of actions are vital to any successful business.

16. If you are faced with an escalating complaint, why is it necessary to involve management?

Managing customer service upgrades helps reduce the possibility of providing customers with incorrect and
inadequate solutions or leaving problems unresolved, which can frustrate customers or, worse, make them
Customers are the foundation of our business, but they also bring their personalities and problems to our
restaurant. If they join them with individuals who are fighting with them, they may end up venting their
disappointment to you instead of their associates and trying to increase consumer loyalty. We should stay
calm and focus on managing current problems. It is important that you take responsibility for this situation
and find an answer that satisfies both the customer and your foundation. As a leader, your first task is to
prevent unnecessary escalation, and you should deal with appeals quickly to prevent further acceleration of
the problem.

17. List three ways you can set a positive example for customer service as a manager.

1. Respond as quickly as possible. One of the biggest factors of good customer service is speed, especially
when customers request time-sensitive things.

2. Understanding the customer’s good interaction begins with understanding the customer’s needs.
Customers like personalization. Know your customers; remember their names and previous conversations. If
necessary, write down what was discussed before so that you can refer to it next time you meet.

3. Correcting mistakes Not taking responsibility for your own mistakes will surely lead to discredited
reputation. Transparency is important in business, and customer service is no exception. Always strive for
high-quality output, because it shows that you have a high level of standards.
18. Why should specific preferences of regular customers be communicated and shared with all staff?

Regular communication with customers helps the company customize services, improve products, and
provide first-class customer service. When customer-facing employees can speak and communicate well,
they will show confidence, honesty and reliability. Customers can be a source of new ideas. Good
communication is two-way. It’s important to allow customers to express their opinions about your product
or service and to suggest what improvements can be made.
The way to ensure that our profession or association meets its goals is to communicate our management
assumptions to employees. To do this, we must first investigate and understand organizational methods and
management objectives. In order to fully ensure that all employees understand and master the stratification
strategy, we should use a normal preparation system. The information that should be provided to our
employees can be identified as: quality of goods and guidelines for personal and work environment display
and appearance.

19. It is necessary for service standards to be communicated to and followed by both new and old staff. Which
policies and procedures can be used to assist in setting standards? Provide 3 examples.

In order to achieve reliable and undeniable customer care, employees should know what they usually do.
This means we need to set implementation guidelines and benchmarks. When we develop specifications and
benchmarks, we need to communicate our assumptions to your employees and ensure continuous
1. The consultation should ensure that everyone in your workplace understands the importance of company
policies and procedures and why they need to be effectively implemented. It will also ensure that policies
and procedures are realistic and feasible in daily work.
2. Policies and procedures for training all employees. You are obligated to provide your employees with
sufficient information, guidance, supervision and training. Ensure that new employees and contractors
receive training and are familiar with company policies and procedures, and that existing employees receive
appropriate training, such as annual refresher courses. It is also necessary to reiterate and discuss policies
and procedures with employees regularly at team meetings to ensure that employees always understand
the importance of policies and procedures.
3. Regular review of all policies and procedures. Policies and procedures must be reviewed regularly. When
any changes occur, ensure that your policies and procedures remain relevant and effective. For example,
when companies buy new machines, start using new chemicals, or adopt new production methods, changes
may occur. Any such changes mean that related procedures should be reviewed.
20. List 10 examples of policies and procedures which are commonly used in organisations to set standards for
customer service:

1. We will greet our customers in a courteous and professional manner.

2. We will effectively listen to customer requirements and take necessary measures to assist customers in a
timely manner. We will promptly notify customers of unexpected service delays.

3. We will inform our customers of the normal process time, when they expect it to be completed, and any
delays that may occur in the process.

4. We will contact customers to update them on our progress in this process.

5. We will respond to website questions/requests within 24 hours of normal working hours.

6. We will end contact with customers in a courteous and professional manner.

7. We will be considerate and cooperative to help every employee to ensure quality service.

8. When dealing with inappropriate comments and behaviours, we will hold ourselves and each other

9. Our goal is to exceed the expectations of all customer groups.

We will anticipate the needs of the people we serve by actively working to meet their needs.

10. We will pay attention to our communication methods ( audible voice, eye contact when talking with
people, intonation) and communicate in a professional manner

21. How can changes in technology affect the business’ customer service practices?

Companies that ultimately accept customer problems, dissatisfaction, or different needs can gain a clear
advantage. Learn how innovation can help you meet customer needs, customize your business cycle to best
serve customers, and ultimately increase your business proficiency.
For example, e-mails, real-time messaging, text messages, website and application instructions to
communicate with consumers.

22. How can management changes and organisational restructures affect the business’ customer service

For instance, If sales increase significantly, a new department or department’s new management structure
may be required
If a service suddenly becomes very popular
Merger or merger of two companies
Promotion or demotion of individual roles. In all these cases, the structure of the organization may change,
and with it comes the potential for cultural change. Corporate culture refers to the unwritten rules that
influence employee attitudes and behaviours and decision-making methods. Therefore, changes in the
management structure will have an impact on the quality of services provided. When newcomers take up
senior management positions, they need to evaluate and change policies and procedures related to
customer service. For example, the new manager may want to modify the company's response time method
for customer inquiries.
Restructuring often causes employees to panic and wonder how the changes will affect their job security.
When the news gets out that the company is restructuring, some employees may begin looking for new
employment. The stress of the restructuring sometimes takes away from the staff's focus on their actual

23. Describe three methods of formal and informal customer research you can implement to determine your
existing level of customer service.

1. Advertising promotion research
You can collect information about advertising effectiveness by measuring the following:
Your customers may respond to your marketing and promotion strategies by testing in forums such as focus
By analysing sales data, understand the effectiveness of each of your past and planned promotional

2. Customer Satisfaction Research

You can determine how satisfied customers are with your product quality and customer service by surveying
customers in the following ways:
Informal methods, such as talking to employees or product and service scorecards
Questionnaires for past and current customers.

3. Social media monitoring

Another way to measure customer feedback and customer service is to monitor your social media
engagement and feedback. Social media (especially Face book) is becoming a common element of many
corporate marketing and is increasingly being used by your customers to provide feedback, share customer
service experiences, and file complaints. It can also be used to run surveys and test concepts. If properly
managed, it can be one of your most powerful customer research tools.
24. You are reviewing feedback received from customers. List 4 aspects you will review and what this would
involve to evaluate responses critically.

1. How many complaints have occurred? To be precise, are they specific to a region or problem, or are they
broad? Both of these situations have positive and negative views.
2. Are employees communicating the desired level of help? If not, what are the boundaries of top-level
3. Is there a normal subject in the input? What does customer research say?
4. Has the strategy and method been followed? If not, why not? Is it accurate to say that they are vague or
25. While you are working a shift, you witness an employee get into an argument with a customer regarding a
delay in service. You record the incident and notice that there has recently been an increasing number of
disputes between staff members and customers. What would this indicate to you in terms of processes in
place and processes potentially lacking?

Take charge. If an employee is angry with the customer (and vice versa) and you feel that the situation is
escalating, please step in and be responsible. Your presence as a neutral party will calm both parties down.
Depending on the degree of conflict, you may want employees to leave the area while talking to customers.

Find out what happened.

Ask the customer's story. Apologies for any problems and correct the situation. If necessary, let employees

Talk to employees.
Find out what employees think about the situation (away from customers if necessary). Then discuss with
the staff your customer service policy and the different measures he or she should take next time.
Sometimes you will find that the customer is wrong. In this case, it is important to stand up for your
employees. Don't be rude to the customer; explain to the customer the situation and what you can do to
calm his or her anger.

26. In order to improve the quality of customer service delivered by a business, the existing level of service must
be determined. List 4 ways of obtaining customer feedback about your level of service:

1. Polls And Surveys.
2. Email and customer contact forms
3. Customer feedback surveys
4. Social media

27. List 2 things that must occur when a change or improvement needs to be implemented:

1. Customer Support Methods
New menus or new management may cause various types of customer complaints. For some ordinary
customers, the tendency cannot be changed in a short period of time.

2. Obstruction by workers
Effective reconstruction measures need to organize most of the workers to help from all aspects. Every
worker has certain psychological limitations, his usual familiarity, old habits, restrictive beliefs, etc.
28. Why is it important to communicate your policies and procedures to your staff and customers?

The policies and procedures in your organization help it operate effectively. They provide guidance to
employees and articulate your organization's philosophy, ethics, and standards. By providing a written
framework for the organization's operations, you can provide training and future reference documents
covering everything from daily tasks to safety processes to the organization's ethics and vision. The key to
making your policies and procedures work well is to ensure that they are effectively communicated. As the
workplace is constantly changing, policies and procedures are also changing. Communicating your policies
and procedures on a regular basis ensures that your employees are informed and involved.

Communicating your policies and procedures on a regular basis ensures that your employees are informed
and involved. The most important stakeholders to notify changes are employees, as they are usually
responsible for interacting with customers. It may also be useful to inform others of the changes, such as
supervisors, managers, and directors, who will be interested in the company's continued development.
29. List 3 common ways to make your policies and procedures readily available to your customers?
1. It is helpful to include employees at the same time when formulating strategies and techniques. Because
they manage customers, suppliers, and other business powerhouses in their daily business, they are in the
best state of investigation mode and improvement.

2. When cultivating a method, you should decide its general view, such as why you should develop a
strategy. The strategy should be consistent with the business vision and mission. For example, if the vision is
to provide the highest level of customer service compared to competitors, then the arrangements made at
this time should be adjusted to this overall point.

3. These arrangements should then be referenced when making the system. The customer care strategy
should be adjusted according to the customer assistance vision. By following this procedure, we will ensure
that the daily activities of cutting-edge employees are adapted to general business points and destinations.

30. Answer the following questions in relation to the data report below:

The following data report provides you with a summary of customer surveys that were recently conducted for
the “Coloured Sands Resort”. There were 200 customers who participated in this survey. Each customer was
provided with a questionnaire. The data was analysed and entered in the format below to provide a summary

You are required to review the summary, check the accuracy of figures and perform simple calculations to
reflect percentages. Analyse the provided data and identify areas that need further improvement and actions by
answering all questions below.

Scale Reception Room Service Restaurant Tours Seaside Entertainment

Very Good (108) (36) (58) Buffet is (74) Good (74) good access (88) the staff is
Reception good tours to the beach excellent
service on (52) Lots of (39) Swimming (80) Many
arrival is variety of food pool is nice. interesting
good. (24) Excellent activities for all

Good (80) (22) (66) Very good (64) good (40) all good (32) very good
food. organisatio entertainment
n of tours options
Not Good (6) Rooms are (30) (4) didn’t like the
too small expensive beach side
(56) Towels tours
are dirty
staff not able
to help
(46) Rooms
are not very
No 12 24 32

Total 200 200 200 200 200 200

a. Express the responses collected as percentages in each category (very good, good, etc.). Provide a
critical reflection on each department outlining which service aspects and operational factors you
should further investigate to help improve customer satisfaction. (For example why have some
customers not commented – how could this improved, e.g. by providing incentives; is the survey
specific enough to provide feedback for specific areas?)

Reception: Most of the criticism of reception is between excellent and great, and there is no bad
input. However, there are still 6% of people who have not commented, but overall, this is
enough. Therefore, the presentation should be kept by every employee in the office.

Room service and housekeeping: More than half of the investment is of no use to housekeeping
support and housekeeping, and 12% of visitors did not comment. Along these lines of thinking, in
order to further cultivate consumer loyalty, housekeeping and housekeeping staff should make
appropriate preparations, such as how to organize the room more easily, and how to help visitors
more easily, including language preparation.

Restaurant/ Eatery: All customers have positive feedback on the cafe because it can keep up
with the status quo of the restaurant.

Tour/Visit: Generally speaking, travel investment is acceptable; however, 15% of customers

believe that the cost is higher. In this way, in terms of value, hotels can cultivate diversified travel
costs to solve customer problems, such as the presentation of bundling costs or family costs.

Coastline: Overall, customer feedback is good, but 2% of customers still don’t care about
coastlines. They should provide better places for customers who do not care about the
waterfront to expand the scope of the retreat.

Entertainment: The customer gave very acceptable input, which shows that the diversion is still
very attractive and should continue to keep up with the situation and provide new diversions.
Special amusement projects can be distributed from time to time to master the secrets of
recreation and stimulate customer interest.

b. Suggest a suitable customer service strategy that can be implemented in the department which you
have identified as the major problem area to improve the customer service practice in that
area/department. Who should be involved and what would this require in terms of
participation/involvement and communication?

Obviously, the room management department should be improved. What the inn needs to do:

The visitor experience starts sometime before they show up. You should create a multifunctional
and intimate website that provides a visually attractive and socially confirmed experience that
they will appreciate in your residence.

Responding to visitor criticism Effectively request and respond to visitor criticism. When you
acknowledge and advance your online review, you show different browsers that you respect your
visitor's assessment, and you will do an excellent job of communicating general customer care.
Interact with your visitors on a personal level Use visitor input to determine future choices.

About employees: Every employee plays an important role in the visitor experience, and it is
important for every colleague to understand this. When hiring staff for your hotel, you need to
go beyond their basic abilities and meet and understand their personalities. The representative
should also be an acceptable communicator. The personal restraint of the inn staff is equally
important. When you recruit acceptable customer service staff at all costs, it is not difficult to
satisfy the visitors with you.

Infer more methodological frameworks: First, there must be accessible booking innovations so
that your visitors can book directly. Putting resources into an executive framework that includes
a booking engine, like a channel supervisor, will enable you to successfully complete
management tasks while effectively expanding your direct appointments. It is important to have
practical and creative innovation, so that the first time visitors participate in your
accommodation image is a positive impression. In addition, you should use a site designer device
that allows you to plan an engaging and responsive site that emphasizes the customer
experience, but can also refresh and keep up with no doubt.

Clearly share the ownership and/or professional expectations provided to you by management
with all employees. The profit and loss cycle goes back and forth, and it is important to share the
reality of operating costs at all levels.

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