Among of Life Built Around: Highly Dependent Enterprises

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Naveen lComay an dey

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4.1 Concept of Rural
marked non-urban style of life,
he word 'Rural' means an area which is by
Rural is
socal organization and settlement pattern.
consists homesteads; Socially
noticeably agriculnural, its settlement system of villages or it signifies
rooted community life
among people, more deeply
greater inter dependence and a slow moving
nature and natural phenomenon; and
rhythm of life built around
animal enterprises, tree crops
occupationally it is highly dependent on crop farming,
rclated activities
as well change. Since it
The term 'Development' means quantitative as qualitative means
change, which bas meaning only when seen against something at a particular time,
also given type of
it camies a meaning which is not anly relative but subjective. Only a

to in a
quantitetive cum-qualitative change is considered be development positive sense.
If the change is not of appreciable quality, and quantity, it is either mal-development or

negative development.
In the same sequence of thinking, nural development, would essentially mean desired
positive change in the rural areas-both in a quantitative as well as qualitative sense. Thus rural
development is an areal-concept. It is a complete term which means a variety of elements
(Social, Econcmic, Technological and Natural) of human life and

Rural development means noticeable changes in all these components. But such
changes should take place in a mutually supporting relationship so as to generate organic and
optimum development. Orgaric development is one which maintains a healthy relationship
among the various elements or components of a system.
The concept of rural development was bome in the context of agriculture and for a
long time it encompassed agricultural development Since 1970s, the concept bhas become
more definite in its interpretation and it is being regarded as a design to improve the
economic and social life especially, by extending benefits of development to the poorest,

small farmers,tenants and landless. Now, rural development is not exclusively restricted
to any single activity or area, it travels many or all areas which anyway affect upgrading,
enlisting and petrifying improvement of transformation in socio-economic lives of rual

people. Rurel development means overall improvement of the juality of life for rual

people. It is about reduction of poverty, increasing productivity, providing basic services

like health, education, drinking wnter, sanitation, extending infrastructure, attempt to
reverse distorted land distribution and ownership and host of other aspects redressing
inequality, exploitation and deprivation in any conceivable sense. The general credence is

that for breaking the "interlocking logjam' and disadvantages, it will surely require
attacking several baiers through concerted action and multi pronged strategy.
Rural development as a concept for planning and executing changes in rural areas is

based on the assumption, that production increases and social improvements are not mutually exclusive,
but on the contrary, are mutualy strengthening. The relation between the two is complemented so

heavily that development on. one front cannot proceed beyond a point, without a
simultaneous or prior change in the other. Another trendin rural development is the special
emphasis on the weaker sections of the society, i.e. the
rural poor, not merely for improving their level of living, out also to bring about a greater
degree of thbeir involvement in the development process.

Meaning of Rural Development:
Meaning of development is growth or evolution, stage of advancement. In the context
of rural background it means developing better physical, social and economic conditions
of a of the rural small scale
specific group people, poor living in the rural areas. This group includes
tenants and the
farmers, landless. Improving the living standard or well being
of the people them and basic
providing security needs like food, shelter, clothing and
employment the rural hazards
; making areas more productive and less vulnerable to natural1
like poverty and them
exploitation; giving mutually beneficial relation and
ensuring them, that development is self sustaining, involving the mass of people with
litle of traditional
disrupion customs and administrative decentralization.
4.3 Definition
of Rural Development:

Rural canbe defined

development as "an integrated development of the area and the
people through optimum
development and utilisation of local resources-physical
D1ological and human and by bringing about necessary institutional, strucrural, and
changes of rural public."
The ultimate objective is of weak of
improving quality of life of 'rural poor and the 'rural
our country. Thus rural
development is the means to the "process of inprovng
basic needs, employment facilities and developing
increasing productivity and
of resources potenuBis
rurai through integration of
Development spatial, functional and temporal aspects
ofrural area
means, development of the in
threugh people living rural areas
implementation of various rural
development includes sustained increase in developmental schemes. The objectives ot
productive per capita output and
employment and greater equity incomes, expansion ot
Rural in the distribution of the benefits of growth.
development over the
years, bas emerged as "a strategy designed
economic, social and cultural life of groupof to improve
areas. Increased employment, specific people as well as living in rural
higher productivity,
minimum higher
acceptable level of food, income as well as ensunng
objectives of naral development. clothing, shelter, education and health in the main
Thus, rural development of infrastructure. "Rural
development means,
must a major part of development
if a
greatest need development strategy larger segment of those in
are to benefit"
4.4 of Rural
Multiple Objectives Development:
More production,
emphasis more employment, more equitable distribution
on the rural of income and
poor. Local-level then a tool to translate
objectives into planning is
programmes in a local
for rural area. The
development will depend.on the efficacy of local-level planning
extent of
planning, decentralization of
administration and budgeting to the local decision-making,
substantial level.
measure of
decentralization to the local levels
necessarily involve the reinforcing of local level in a country would
institutions. The adjustments needed, would government and other development
vary significantly from
Unless the functional to country
aspects of rural are
the lower levels development projects completely country.
government, problems would arise delegated to
functions of with regard to overlapping
central and local
for strong planning and government the need
departments. Almost unanimous on
planning executive machinery for rural development at local
Local level has its great merit, when it is the level.
it carried out
areas", as would enable the identification of within "manageable unit
the basic inter-relations
different of between the
components rural development and help in
strategy suited to each local-level evolving the most
the same time,
area. At appropriate
flexibility needed to modify programmes, as conditions management would provide the
become better
understood or as
circumstances planning for rural development
chauges. Other advantages of local level

(a) ensure local entbusiasm,

participation and evoke local

b) tnake local distribution of resources possible,

(c) establisb closer
correspondence between the resources endowment and potentials
of an
contents and
area and the of
magnitude development
() establish greater programmes taken up therein,
within the sphere complementarities between inter-dependent programmes falling
difierent departments and
(e) obtain of field level experiences for making the
feed-back in terms
at other planning
process the hierarchic
The levels more realistic and efective.
changing policy objectives and
countries are now compulsions before the developing
quite clear. The of
logic local level planning as the
intervention for rural frame work of instrument of state
development, within the larger
seems almost for devising multi-level planning
compelling. This underlines the case
guidelines for an effective Local-Level-Planning appropriate national
countries, so that some for rural
development by individual
integrating the National ways of reaching the new development goals and
Planning Priorities
and the felt needs of local
be explained and communities may
systemaically acted upon.
45 Characteristic
of Rural Development:
Agriculture is the back bone of Indian 2001
economy about 72.2 % in
population lives in rural census, of its
areas, mainly
fuel, firewood and fibre dependent on agriculture. In order to meet food,
requirement of ever increasing population,
through it is essential to
develop a system which most
resources of these
needs of the are
available within the village people met from the
ecosystem as far as
the possible, without
environmental and ecological balance. disturbing it's
Many Plans such as IRDP (Integrated Rural
Program1nes / Development Programme);
Development Programme); (Drought Prone Area Programme);
(lntegrated Tribal Development
Programme); NREP (National Rural Employment
Programme) SFDA (Small famers Development Agencies);
Farmers and MFAL (Marginal
Agricultural Labourers Agencies); TRYSEM (Training
Self of Rural Youth for
Employment) etc. and
have been developed implemented for raising socio-economic
status of the nural people, but most of them bave not made any remarkable
most progress. The
logical and scientific approach of rural
development should be based on

management of natural resources through scientific and sustainable basis involving the wbole

ecosystem in its totality.

A6 Strategy For Rural Development:

The word refers the which
strategy to dynamic process by a programme is aligned with
the organizational structure to meet the demands of the environment. Strategy must
be so designed, as to ensure the desired results are created by the implementation of

A for nural must be
sturategy development recognized by the following three points,

a) The rate of transfer of people out of low productivity agriculture and related activities
into more rewarding pursuits has been slow ; and, given the relative size of the
sector in most
developing countries, it will remain slow.
6) The mass of the people in rural areas face varying degrees of poverty: ther position is
likely to get worse, if population expands at unprecedented rates, while limitations
continue regarding availability of resources, technology, and institutions and
areas have
c)Rural labour, land and at least some capital, which, if mobilized may
reduce poverty and improve the quality of life.
Rural however that
development recognizes, improved food supplies and
nutrition, together with such basic servites as health and ecucation, can directly improve the
physical well-being and quality of life of the rural poor, and indirectly ephance their
productivity and their ability to contribute to the national economy.
A strategy for rural development aimed at raising growth rates and distribution, the

fruits of growth more fairly implies greater interaction between thee modera and traditional
sectors, especially in the form of increased trade in farm products, and in technical inputs
and services.
The objectives of development include sustained increases in per capita output and incomes,
expansion in productive employment, and greater equity in the distribution of the benefits
of growth. In other words, it means that people should have an adequate
income to improve their living standards on a continuing basis.

A programme of rral development must embrace a wide range and mix of acthvities,
including projects to raise agriculrural ourput, to improve health and education, lo
expand communications and to improve housing. It also includes improvements in

naral infrastruchure and nial envircnment. Villages should be connected with all weather
roads, assured with safe drinking water throughout the year, have proper sanitation,
facilites for the treatment of diseases as well for the development of healthy habits,
education-incuding adult education, increase their sense of awareness of better living and
a good life. Paul and Subramaniam have suggested a set of six strategy proportions.

i) The weaker sections of the population are likely to benefit from a programme
when its service is designed to meet the carrying needs of beneficiary groups

through a process of adaptation over time, where necessary".

i) "The stronger the vertical and horizontal linkage in a programme service, the

greater the chances that the programme will benefit the weaker sections"
ii) "The wcaker sections are likely to benefit from a programme when its
service is so designed that its appropriation by others is rendered difficult or
v) The more participative process of identification of the intended beneficiaries, the
greater the chance that the programme benefits will reach them.

)Tbe lower the technologrcal and institutional bariers to entry in the design of
a programme, the higher the livelihood that the weaker sections will benefit from its
in the
1) The stronger the participation of the poor beneficiaries, or their organizations
and of the
planning implementation programme, the higher the probability
of the
benefits for the weaker sections.
Approaches to Rural Area Problems:
Rural is the ultimate
development analysis which involves the provision of opportunities
for optimum utilisation of human
resources in rural areas. Human resource development
in its turn can take if there is
place only adequate nutrition and working opportunities
available for the rural masses.
Approaches to Rural Area Problems are
Need for
i) appropriate analytical methodology in identifying local area
Field and data
ii) survey primary collection, secondary sources, tertiary

sources, application of remote sensing methods, photographs, and other

scientific methods.

applng and
generalizations -
at a meaningful rural base
ydemetc tools,
unit leveis; Use o
) analysis, effective
Preparation of analysis of census data, etc.
detailed questionnaires for rural
Tdenatication of
areas by type in specific arcas; specificauo and
Tabular representation of nural
analysis and problem solving modeis.
area's problems, generalizations and use O
bypothetical models;
testing of available
v Analysis of unique developmental theories
social and cultural problems related developmenta
theories, in the
specific regions and areas.
4.8 Approaches to Integrated Rural
i) Historical
Area Develop ment :
countries. perspective of
rural development and
planning in different regions and
i) Rural Planning, a multi to organisation of rural
faceted problem in relation
space, basic rural unit for
using resources efficiently, easy availability of land
population, land-use
models, of
increasing the rate of organisation rural people, rural labour,
and production. participation of both the people andresources in development

ii) Policy for developing farmers:

uplifting the lifestyle of the
social improving the
agricultural infrastructure; farmer's
operatives, their regional integration with multi-purpose farmer's co-
progressive road, system etc.,
elimination of gaps in the electricity, irrigation
new system of
attempts at spatial
integration in functional agricultural development;
distributional co-ordination settlements and agro-
schemes at micro-level. -

iv) Policy of rural industrial development

farmer's integration of farming and
industrial co-operatives and industrial industries,
absorbing rural labour in
agro-industrial, agro-urban sectors and
creating opportunities for
processing non-food food-
crop processing base
their centres, modules; developing rural units and
locations of market towns and marketing facilities and institutional
network of planning for integrated growth
agro-urban communities, of rural-urban
areas as further step of
growth; introduction of
technology. appropriate modern scientific
Modernization of rural
v) society
cultural policies and planning for transfer

loyalty and values from traditional Centres as

technology to modern technology, rural

modernized centres, of
scope intermediate or appropriate technology,
increasing education, social
relationship between planning, development from caste
and class to
community consciousness, group responsibility, evolving
knowledge of diffusion, training,
schemes Communication systems, nural health, improvement
together with
family planning schemes.
Planning of village, rural living nral buildings,
spacc, housing and other rural
institutional building and
institutions and spatial units, consolidation of space, organizing
construction of
and schemes for conservation of nural space resources,
also beautifying nurallandscape.
vii) Cost and and planning
benefit analysis of rural
development al
under the ensured micro-level
rural polices framing for the achievement of desired goals, phasing of
development planning in
long-term perspective.


Aziz Rural Development China, The

Sartaj (1978): Learning from
London . Macmillan
Press Ltd.,
Basu Ansuman and
Ghose Dillp Kumar (1995):
Parjalochama". (A "Bharater Gramonnayan
Review of Rural in
Parshad, Calcutta India) Paschimbanga Pustak
Chandhuri Dr. Concept in Geography, Indian
Mr. (1986): Methods and
Geographic Stucy, Calcutta Economic

Chisholm Michael (1962) : Rural Settlement and land

Hucthinson London. in Location.,
use; an
Das Purnendu Sekhar Planning and Participatory Rural
(2005): Decentralization
Development, Concept
Datta Company, New Deihi.
Prabhat Panchayats The West-Bengal
(1996): Rural Development through
experience, and
Department of Information culnuaral afairs, Government of
Calcutta. west Bengal,
Datta Prabbat Rural Development & Local
(2001): Panchayats, Autonomy, Dasgupta
and Co. Pv
Ltd., Calcutta
Desai Vasant (1988): Rural Development (Vol.-1) Issues & Problems,
Publishing House, Bombay Himalaya

mean honesty. and high regard for
cthcal the golden rule. trustworthiness.
prncnles we
the seientilic recod
NAS definition: "For is character and
report individuals research integrity an aspect ofmoral
ne mvOlves above all a commitnent to intellectual honesty and persOna
POsbilit for ones actions and to a range of practices that characterize responsidie

esearch conduet." These practices include:

onest and fairness in
proposing. performing, and reporting researc
ACracyand fairness in representing contributions to research proposals and reports,
Proficiency and fairness in peer review
ollegiality in scientific interactions. communications and sharing of resources;
4. Protection
Disclosure of conflicts of interest;
human subjects in the conduct of research:
6. Humane care of animals in the conduct of research:
7. Adherence to the mutual responsibilities of mentors and trainees."

Whilc science encourages (no. requires) vigorous defense of one's ideas and work. ultimately research
integrity means examining the data with objectivity and being guided by the results rather than by
preconceived notions.

We will return to the importance of preserving the integrity of the scientific record in the
section on misconduct.

Welfare of Animals Used in Seientitic Testing and Research

Why are animals used?
Animals are used for many reasons including: basic research to understand biological
and testing the
processes: development of new medcines treatments; safety of substances
which might be dangerouS tohumans or the environment and for teaching.
Animals are used test treatments for human conditions and to
mostly to develop and
also treatments for other animals and to
understand human
biology. but to develop veterinary
obtain fundamental knowledge.
welfare? eflects on some animals

How does research affect animal

animals varies from almost insigniticant
The impact of research on to major effects
observation behaviour) .
(for instance where nothing mere occurs than of their
may also
or distressing procedures. The
of animals
on some that undergo very painful
and does not meet their needs.
be affected if their housing husbandry
an unintended research (tor
consequence_of the
cases harm may be caused as sensor to
In some where the objective was to place a
Instance. the pain
of an injection or surgery research on animals causes
can be
montor some biological Junction. Less commonly. so thal
is serious diseases or
the objective induce
harm wlhen
tested. for example.
What kind of harm
Pain do research
animals used in
Some experiment eNpericnce?
conditions like t l volve on animals or the induction of painful
surgery potentially
about hoW arthritis or ca to
look for there
painful exDeriesanimals perceiveCancer
new trealments. Whilst
it is is some debate
e nces. likely
process pain thal
Researeh has
many animal species suffer

shown that many species respond to


O we humans and that

learn about painkilling
drugs can reduee stimuli that woula D
1now seems different species, the more we their responses to such S uli The
pcssible that suspect that many are
understanding of animal even fish and
crustaceans experience capaoic O
gOSng and treating and pain has developed. great pain. for instance. nd
research than it it. it is now progress has also
many years ago. far more common to treat pain in been iau "
Other animals uscd
states of
Vdny animals poor welfare also
oer than pain. In seem lo be capable of experiencing
fact. weltfare
ueberately exposing animals are sometimes used to poor caused by something
anmais are housed them to experiences that make model human mood
eroups in
cages. can cause welfare them anxious or disorders by
Many factors in problems too. As an depressed. Ihe way
cmperature. the amount of these cages can example: mice are often kept in
Lney wll sometimes fight,. space available and the compromise their welfare such as tne
Singiy, in relatively small for instance). Primates social group with
used in researeh which they are housed
animals. An important cages. which can cause enmotional are sometimes housed
better area of
ways to house research on the problems for these highly social
handle them. welfare of research animals is
How has UFAW the search for
UFAW helped?
has worked
research since its foundation in
by improve
education supporting scientific studies to 1926 to the welfare of used
and to understand animals
training improve the lives of and improve their in
The 3Rs animals used for seientific
welfare alongside
Whilst working for UFAW purposes
in the
concept of the 3Rs 1950s William Russell
book The Principles Replacement, Reduction and Rex Burch developed
broadly of Humane Experimental and Refinement (set out in the
The 3Rs as the framework Technique) and these their seminal
principles suggest uhat under which research on principles are now
. on animals: there are three ways lo lessen animals should be conducted.
Replace animals with other ways gaining impact ol
seientific research
models. tissue culture. of the knowledge required (by
2. Reduce the artificial organs etc. to using
efficient number of animals used to understand biological computer
3. experiments which use fewer achieve the results (for processes)
Refine the way animals are ureated to animals) impacts example by doing more
cause less suffering to minimise
the animals or any upon them
scientific aims) to improve their wellare whilst (the aim being to
still achieving the
Computer ethics is part of
professionals should philosophy concerned how
make decisions with computing
Anne Pierce. a regarding professional and social conduct.
professor in the Department of Margaret
at Georgia
Mathematics and Computers

UFA W- T Uniuvei ties Fedwgbion har Animal wllov

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