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Nature and Scope of Economics

● We study economics because
Introduction there is scarcity of many goods
● Economics is a social we want.
science which deals with ● Time, Money, and Technology
human wants and their are some of the generic scarce
satisfaction. in life. (TMT)
● It is mainly concerned with Introduction
the way in which a society ● These problems (TMT) are
chooses to employ its common to the individual as well
scare resources which as the state.
have alternative uses, for ● That is why we say economics is
the production of goods the science of scarcity.
for present and future ● And scarcity is the basic fact of
consumption. life.
● • The early writers used ● “OUR WANTS ARE UNLIMITED BUT
the term “Political MEANS ARE LIMITED”
Economy” for the ● This leads to choice making.
management of the state. ● If there is unlimited supply of
● A person who runs a goods which satisfy our wants
family is expected to the problem of choice will not
make the best use of the arise.
income of the household. ● It is true that we have many
● Similarly, the state is wants.
expected to get the ● But all wants are not of equal
maximum benefit for the importance.
society. ● So we choose the more
● The existence of “Human important and the more urgent
Wants” is the starting wants.
point of all economic ● “CHOICE IS THE ESSENCE OF
activity in the world. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY”
● Unless we make efforts, ● We may also say that economics
we cannot satisfy wants. is the science of choice.
● Hence, wants efforts and ● But not all goods we want are
satisfaction from the not scarce.
circle of economics. ● There are certain things like air
● We may say, economics is and sunshine which are available
the science of wants. in abundance.
● In the real world, the means
which satisfy our wants are
Importance of Economics limited, that is, there is scarcity
of the means which satisfy our ● If we put it to upper bracket of
wants. the society, economics is about
● Time and money are limited. the management or operation of
● And land, labor, capital which are the entire production and
used in production are limited. consumption of the people to be
able to meet everyone’s need.
Simplifying Economics ● The need to study intelligently of
● Economics is a social science how to allocate the limited
which studies about human natural resources and non-
wants and their satisfaction. natural resources to satisfy the
● Human wants are unlimited. unlimited wants of the people.
● So scarcity is the fundamental ● Therefore, economics is the
fact of life. study of efficient and effective
● As all wants are not of equal allocation of scare resources in
importance, this leads to choice. order to satisfy unlimited wants
of the people.
● Economics is the science of Great Economist Define Economics
choice. Adam Smith - the father of
● As there is scarcity of goods, we Economics, states that economics
have to pay a price for them. as an inquiry about the nature and
● So, economics studies about causes of the wealth of the nations.
pricing process. ● The term “wealth” has a special
● And, as prices are paid in money, meaning in Economics. In the
we study about the production of ordinary language, by wealth, we
wealth, exchange of wealth, mean money, but in economics,
distribution of wealth, and wealth refers to those goods
consumption of wealth. which satisfy human wants.
● As wealth is produced to ● But we should remember all
promote human welfare, we goods which satisfy human wants
study the relationship between are not wealth.
wealth and welfare.
Definition of Economics Adam Smith
● It came from Greek word ● For example, air and sunlight are
OIKONOMIA that means essential for us.
management of household ● We cannot live without them but
expenditure. they are not regarded as wealth
● Starting from the simple unit of because they are available in
society, home the income abundance and unlimited in
generated by the parents up to supply.
the budget it stretches to meet ● We consider only those goods
every need of the member of which are relatively scarce and
the family is already an have money value as wealth.
economics in action. ● Adam Smith was of the view
economics was concerned with
Economics the problems arising from
wealth-getting and wealth-using Micro means small, if refers o the
activities of people. study of small unit of society’s
● He was interested mainly in consumption, spending, production
studying the ways by which the and investment. (Family or
wealth of all nations could be individual)
It analyzes the details of economy.
Paul Samuelson
● Economics is a study of how the Typically, it deals with the economic
society could possibly use and behavior of individual unit such as
share the limited resources into the consumer or the goods’
different items of products and producer.
services for all the sectors of
the society for the present and Positive Economics - as
future consumption. Asimakopulos puts it, “Positive
● It is the study of how man works, economics can be defined as a
ooks, for food and find material body of systematized knowledge
needs, economics emphasizes concerning “WHAT IS”, while on the
problem in production of how to other hand;
solve or minimize the problem.
Normative Economics - tries to
Roger Le Roy Miller- the situation that develop criteria for “WHAT OUGHT TO
needs the decision of how, when, and BE”.
where the scarce resources be used.
Positive economics is mainly concerned
Gerardo Sicat - a specific study that with the description of economic events
points out how people and society and tries to formulate theories to
decides. People has unlimited needs. explain them.
In order to satisfy this, they get
resources that are limited. Positive economics, gives more
importance to ethical judgment.
Normative economics is concerned
Macro mean big, it refers to the
with the ideal rather the actual
study of large unit of society’s:
● Consumption
● Spending
Basic Tools or Methodology of
● Production
● Investment
Logic- it is the essence of good and
The study of the whole economy of
sound reasoning.
the country based of its measurement
of its production, income and spending
Conclusion must be drawn from
commonly called GrossNational Product
good and logical reasoning.
Mathematics – answers to
economic problems are best solve - Electricity from the solar power
with the use of numbers or or from hydro power?
quantitative description. - Rice from traditional or modern
method of farming?
Statistics – some of the theories are - Knowledge thru library or
based on observation and internet?
experimentation through the use of For whom the goods be produced?
statistics. - For the upper bracket of
It is the tool use in empirical - Or is it for the middle class?
validation. - It can also be for the benefit of
the general public?
Chapter 2 Economic Problems
Basic Economic Problems & - These three basic problems are
The Economic Systems interdependent.
- The society must make proper
Introduction choice about them in order to
Economics is the science of making meet the development
choice under conditions of scarcity. aspirations of people
What are the basic issues about
which choices are to be made? - The above three questions are
common to all economies but
Any society must make choices every economic system attempts
about three important problems. to make its own choice.
- The nature of a particular choice
They are the following Basic Economic in a particular society depends
Problems on its specific economic system.
1. What to produce, & in what - An economic system is a way of
quantities? answering these basic questions.
2. How shall goods be Produced? - Different economic systems
3. For whom the goods be answer the above questions
produced? differently.
- An economic system refers to
What to produce, & how many? how the different economic
elements will solve the central
Food or weapons; if so, in what problems of an economy: what,
quantities? how and for whom to produce.
- It refers to the production and
Is it more rice and less sugar or distribution of goods and
vice versa? services within which economic
activity takes place.
Prioritize education or - It refers to the way different
employment? economic elements, individual
workers and managers,
How to Produce? productive organization such as
factories or firms and
government agencies are linked The methods of production are
together to form an organic carried over by forefathers.
- Economic system consists Technological change and
of various individuals and innovations are closely constrained
their institutions like banking, because they may clash with tradition
education,factories, service and threaten the social order.
provider to cite among others.
Example of Traditional Economy
The most general economic system are: - in Saudi Arabia, the women are
- Traditional Economy not yet liberated from the house
- Capitalist Economy household chores. They are not
- Socialist Economy permitted to work for a career.
- Mixed Economy So most of the commodity it
produces favors the men
because they are the labor force
Traditional Economy in production.
● The basic problems are solved - Consequently, in Afghanistan
by traditions and custom. because of its tradition, they can
● It produces exactly to its afford to sacrifice themselves
consumption requirements. for jihad or holy war. Since all
● It is a subsistence (survival) men are assigned to be soldiers,
economy. military weapons are a must in
The means and ways of production are their economic activity. Women
based on customs, traditions and are no longer being sent to
beliefs. school once they finish their
elementary grades.
A subsistence economy where one
produces only the things they need. Capitalist or Market Economy
● This is an economic system in
There are not much of sales as there is which the production and
only small scale production. distribution of commodities take
place through the mechanism of
The same product will be produced by free markets.
every generation. The production
techniques are traditional. Free- Market - Refers to an economic
market operating by free competition.
It is a very backward type of
economy. It is the production of - Hence, it is also called as
products; trading and distribution market economy or free trade
of incomes are sanctioned by economy.
customs. Thus, it also refers to the
traditional manner of doing - Each individual be it a producer,
things, makes decisions on what, consumer or resource owner has
how, and for whom to produce. considerable economic freedom.
Profit is the only motive for the
Economic Freedom- Anyone can choose functioning of capitalism.
its own desire.
Production decisions involving high risks
- An individual has the freedom are taken by individual only to earn
to buy and sell any number of goods large profits.
and services and to choose any
occupation. Hence, profit-motive is the basic force
that drives the capitalist economy.
The resources are privately Freedom of Choice
owned and the people
themselves make decisions. The question ‘what to produce?’
will be determined by the
This is also known as capitalism or free producers.
enterprise economy and it follows the
laissez faire la police. They have the freedom to decide.

Laissez Faire- Means a french term Similarly consumers have the

which means let alone policy or leave it freedom to buy anything they want.
Market Force
- The economic problems are
being decided by the people who Market forces like demand, supply
actively participate in the and price are the signals to direct
interlocking network of market the system.
and prices.
Most of the economic activities
The Salient Feature of Capitalism are centered on price mechanism.
● Right to Private Property
● Profit- Motive 1. Location
● Freedom of choice 2. Demand
● Market Forces 3. Status
4. Economic Status
Right to Private Property 5. Quality
6. Season
Individuals have the right to buy and
own property. Disadvantage of Capitalism or Market
There is no limit and they can own
any amount of property. ● Inequalities
● Leads to Monopoly
They also have legal rights to use ● Mechanization and Automation
their property in any way they like. ● Welfare Ignored
● Exploitation of Labor
Profit - Motive ● Basic Social Needs are Ignored
Inequality the basic goods required which give
less profit.
Capitalism creates extreme inequalities
in income and wealth. Thus the welfare of public is ignored.

The producers, landlords, traders reap Exploitation of labor

huge profits and accumulate wealth.
Severe labor laws are enacted for the
Thus the rich become richer and the exclusive profit-motive of capitalists.
poor poorer.
Fire and hire policy will become the
The poor with limited means are unable order of the day.
to compete with the rich.
Such laws also help to exploit the
Thus capitalism widens the gap labor by keeping their wage rate at
between the rich and the poor creating its lowest minimum.

Leads to Monopoly Basic Social Need are Ignored

Inequality leads to Monopoly There are many basic social sectors

like literacy, public health, poverty,
Mega corporate units replace smaller drinking water, social welfare, and
units of production. social security.

Firms combine to form cartels and in As the profit margin in these sectors is
this process bring about reduction in low, capitalists will not invest.
number of firms engaged in production.
Hence most of these vital human issues
They often hike prices against the will be ignored in a capitalist system.
welfare of consumer.
Socialist or Comnmunistic Economy
Mechanization & Automation
In a socialist economy, the means of
Capitalism encourages mechanization production are owned and operated by
and automation. the State.

This will result in unemployment All decisions regarding production and

particularly in labor surplus distribution are taken by the central
economies. planning authority.

Welfare Ignored Hence the socialist economy is also

called a planned economy or command
In Under capitalism, private economy.
enterprises produce luxury goods
which give higher profits and ignore Social welfare is given importance.
Central Planning
Equal opportunity is given to all.
All such advantages have delivered Most of the economic policy
high level of human development. decisions will be taken by a
centralized planning authority.
Some of the most successful socialist
economies are China, Cuba, Vietnam Each and every sector of the
and North Korea. economy will be directed by well
designed planning.
Basic Characteristics Features of
Socialism/Communism No Market Force

● Social Welfare Motive In a centralized planned system of

● Limited Right to Private Property development, market forces have only
● Central Planning a limited role to play.
● No Market Forces
Production, commodity and factor
Social Welfare Motive prices, consumption and distribution will
be governed by development planning
In socialist economies, social or with welfare motive.
collective welfare will be the prime
motive. Merits of Socialist/Communism
Unlike capitalism, profit will not be the
aim of policy making. ❖ Efficient use of resources
❖ Economic stability
The decisions will be taken keeping the ❖ Maximization of Social Welfare
maximum welfare of the people in mind. ❖ Absence of Monopoly
❖ Basic needs are met
Thus social well-being of people will be ❖ No extreme inequality
the purpose of development.
Demerits of Socialist/Communism
Limited Right to Private Property ● Bureaucratic Expansion -
Government Interference
The right to private property is limited ● No Freedom - Absence of
under socialist economy. Economic Freedom
● No Competition - Absence of
All properties of the country will be Consumer’s Sovereignty
owned by the State. ● Absence of Technology - Limits
Technological Innovation
That is, the ownership is collective in
nature. Mixed Economy

No individual can accumulate too much In a mixed economy, both public and
property as in the case of capitalism. private institutions exercise economic
The public sector functions as a Because of its multifarious (diverse)
socialistic economy and the private applications, various sciences are
sector as a free enterprise economy. closely related to the study of
All decisions regarding what, how and
for whom to produce are taken by the Relationship of Economics to the other
State. Sciences
● Business Management
The private sector produces and ● History
distributes goods and services. ● Finance
● Sociology
It manufactures consumer and capital ● Psychology
goods in the interest of public welfare.
Business Management
A mixed economy possesses the - Business provides employment
freedom to hold private property, to opportunities to member of the
earn profit, to consume, produce and society, and is an important
distribute and to have any occupation. vehicle in the balance of
economic activity.
But if these freedoms affect public History
welfare adversely, they are regulated - The history of economics ideas
and controlled by the State. provides information regarding
theories that can be revisited in
The Main Feature of Mixed Economic order to evaluate present and
System future economic issues.
● Co- Existence of Public and
Private Sector Finance
● Consolidation of Merits of - Defined as the management of
Capitalism and Socialism money, credit, banking and
● Planning investment.
- It is a system that includes the
circulation of money, the
granting of credits, making of
investment and the provision of
banking facilities.
- it is the study of the behavior of
Chapter 4 Decision Making societies.
- In relation to sociology,
Introduction economics essentially deals with
the behavior of the consumer.
Economics is considered the queen of
all social sciences because it covers Psychology
almost every activity of man in relation - it is the study of the behavior of
to the society. man.
- Psychology is primarily useful in Equity- equity means justice and
the study of microeconomics, fairness. Thus, while technological
which scrutinizes and focuses on advancement may increase production,
the smallest units of the it can also bear
economy. disadvantages to employment of
Importance of Studying Economics
Due to the presence of new equipment
To Understand the Society- economics and6 machineries, manual labor may
seeks to analyze transactions made by not be necessary, and this can result in
the society the retrenchment or displacement of
and its member, particularly workers.
with regard to details on their
behavior and decision making. Effectiveness-means attainment of
goals and objectives.

To Understand Global Affairs- Economics is an important and

economics seeks to explain the functional tool that can be utilized by
internal operation and trade other fields. For instance, with the use
policies of countries. It also of both production (though manual
measures the competitiveness of labor or though technological
each country and identifies its advancement), whatever the output is,
comparative advantage in relation it will be useful for the consumption of
to other states. the society and the rest of the world.

To be an Informed Voter - an Important Terms in Economics

understanding of economics
develops individuals to be wise Wealth- refers to anything that has a
voters. Knowledge of economics functional value (usually money); can be
provides individuals with an traded for goods and services. Wealth
understanding of economic policies therefore, is the stock of net assets
that are apt (appropriate) for the owned by individuals or
state’s current situation. households.

Consumption - this refers to the direct

Efficiency- this refers to the utilization of the available goods and
productivity and proper allocation of services by the buyer if the consumer
economic resources. sector. it is also the satisfaction
obtained by consumers for the use of
it also refers to the relationship goods and services.
between scarce factor inputs and
outputs of goods and services. Production- it is defined as the
formation by firms of an output
The 3 E’s of Economics (products or services.) it is the
combination of land, labor, and capital
in order to produce outputs of the
goods and services.

Exchange - This is the process of

trading goods abd/ or services for
money and/or its equivalent. it also
includes the buying of goods and
services either in the form of barter or
though market.

Distribution - this is the process of

allocation or apportioning scare
resources to be utilized by the
household, the business sector, and the
rest of the world.

in specific term, however, it refers to

the process of storing and moving
products to customers often though
intermediaries such as wholesalers and

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