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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the attainment of

Sarjana Degree in English Language Education


Sandi Irfan









This chapter presents the introduction of the research. It includes of

background of the research, statement of the problem, limitation of

problem, research objective, research question, assumption and also the

benefits of the research.

A. Background of study

Students’ attitudes towards language learning as well as the factors that

influence them have been studied by various researchers using different

methods. According to Zulfikar et al (2019) Attitude is one of the success

factors in language learning and also is considered as an essential factor

influencing language performance. According to Baron, Robesrt, Byrne &

Donn (2003, as citied in Zulfikar. et al. 2019) if a learner does not have

the interest and tendency in acquiring the target language to communicate

with others, this learner will possess a negative attitude and will not be

motivated and enthusiastic in language learning and the other hand student

positive attitude and will be motivated and engage in learning English.

“Attitudes were constructed around three components: cognitive

component or beliefs, An affective component or feelings and conative

component or behavior” Wenden (1991, as citied in Charoensuk et al,.

2017). Also he said that if students who have a bad attitude usually have

problems such as being easily bored when learning proses, not paying

attention and also feeling anxious. Otherwise Students with positive

learning attitudes are happy towards learning.

From the results of observations made by writer, it was found that some

students in high school still had problems regarding a negative attitude and

not only a negative attitude but also students with a positive attitude

toward English learning, students who have a negative attitude have

several issues consist with three factor cognitive, affective, and behaviour.

There are several aspect with those factor for example, In cognitive ,

the aspect are: students’ reasons for learning english, future orientation,

assessment purpose, cautions with english skills. For the affective asspect

there are English is interesting subject, lack of learning interest, learning

anxiety. And the last factor from behavior there are effective teaching

strategies, lack of participations, making self- scheduling.

Because of that researcher interest to investigate possible factor that

influencing negative and positive student’s attitude toward english

learning base on cognitive, affcetive and behaviour. To support this

investigation the writer will use qualitative research methodology and the

writer will employ the observation, field notes, questionnaire and also

interview as an instrument to support this reserach.

B. Statement of the Problem

There is something interesting that researcher found during

observation in classroom and the interview with a English teacher in


school that however student still have attittude issues toward English

learning in English as a foreign language regarding to cognitive or

knowledge, affective or emotions and also behavior issues.

C. Limitation of the Problem

This writer’s research is concerned and necessary to limit and focused

on the problems of the research students’ positive and negative attitude

toward English learning base on factor affecting or influencing the attitude

for one class at eleventh grade regarding to cognitive, affcetive and


D. Research Objectives

The objective of this research are following as:

1. To investigate possible factors that make students’ positive attitudes

toward learning English.

2. To investigate possible factors that make students’ negative attitudes

toward learning English.

E. Research Questions and Assumption

 Research question

1. What is possible factor that negatively affect student’ attitues at grade


2. What are possible factor that postively and negatively affect student’

attitues at grade eleventh?

 Assumption:

The writer assumed that attitude is one of the important factors in

language learning and also is as an essential factor influencing language

performance in English language learning in classroom other than that the

writer asummed that postive attitude is a really important thing for a

student to have a good performance in learning process and also a negative

attitude is the attitude that influensing and makes students’ performance

decrease during language learning.

F. Benefits of the research

This research are expected to be practical and theoretical foundation to

development of theories on language teaching learning foreign language

and the banefits of this reserach are following as:

a. Theoretical Benefits

1. Teacher: The researcher hopes that this research will be useful for

teachers to find out the theory about factors that affecting students'

attitudes toward English learning.

2. Students: Student will know how important to have a good attitude

toward English and because a good attitude will affecting their

achievment and their future.

3. The future researcher: The researcher hopes that this research will be

useful for researchers in the future, especially in learning how to

conduct a research and hope that this research will be useful in the

future for those who are concerned in the world of teaching and

learning English.

b. Practical Benefits

1. Teacher : Researchers hope that this research will be useful for

teachers when practicing in classroom so that they know and

recognize students' attitudes when studying.




This chapter describes theories, concepts of the researcher wich are

related with the research problem and also the previous research.

A. Attitude

 Definition of attitudes

Attitudes have been defined from different experts such as from

Wenden (1991), Krech (1982), graham (2005), Brown (1991). In general

context, an attitude is a psychological construct, according to Graham at al

(2005, ac citied in Jaipetch. 2017) as “a relatively enduring organization of

beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies toward socially significant

objects, groups, events or symbols”. In a language-learning context, the

term “language attitude” is defined more specifically in the Richards et al

(2002, p297 as citied Jaipetch. 2017) as follows: “The attitudes which

speakers of different languages or language varieties have toward each

other’s languages or to their own language”.

Expressions of positive or negative feelings toward a language may

reflect impressions of linguistic difficulty or simplicity, ease or difficulty

of learning, degree of importance, elegance, social status, etc. Attitudes

toward a language may also show what people feel about the speakers of

that language. Language attitudes may have an effect on second language


or foreign language learning. The measurement of language attitudes

provides information which is useful in language teaching and language

learning.” As can be seen in the above definitions, an attitude can be

simply described as an opinion and feeling which we usually have about

something, and this opinion and feeling can inϐluence our behaviors.

 The components of attitude

Wenden (1991, as citied in Charoensuk et al. 2017) mentions that

attitude can be devided into three aspect or component based on the

theoretical approaches of humanism, behaviorism, and cognitivism.

First the cognitive component, this component includes e beliefs,

thoughts or viewpoints about the object of the attitude Abidin (2012, as

citied in Charoensuk et al., 2017). This aspect of attitude involves the

beliefs of the language learners about the knowledge that they have

received and their understanding. This component are seperated into three

steps of:

 connecting the background knowledge and the new one.

 creating new knowledge.

 checking new knowledge.

 applying the new knowledge in many situations.

The second compenent is affective or emotional this compenent

includes students feeling and emotions to an object or target. According to

Liu et al (2016) the learning process is an emotional one and is affected by


different emotional factors. so the attitude can also help learners express if

they like or dislike the objects or the surrounding environment.

And the last compenent is behavioral, this compenent deal with the way

student behave in pacticural situations in classroom. In other hands it

refers to the tendency to adopt particular learning behaviors Abidin et al.,

(2012 as citied in Charoensuk et al., 2017). Positive attitude can lead to

learners’ positive behaviors toward courses of study. Such learners have

been observed to be more eager to solve problems, to acquire the

information and skills useful for their daily life, and to engage themselves

emotionally stated by Kara (2009, as citied in Charoensuk et al., 2017).

In conculsion the three attitudinal components are called the ABC

model of attitudes McLeod (2009, as citied in Charoensuk et al., 2017)

which consists of what we feel, what we do, and what we think about

someone or something. For example, “I’m scared of my English teacher,”

“I’ll avoid speaking English to him,” and “I think he is too strict.” states

that feelings, behaviors, and thoughts are all related, but the last two are

easier to change than the ϐirst one. This is because we have more control

over what we think and what we do. For the present study, the

questionnaire items were designed to cover all the three attitudinal

components, so that the research would yield a holistic view of the

students’ attitudes.

 Attitudes in language learning


According to Zulfikar et al (2019) Attitude is one of the success factors

in language learning and also is considered as an essential factor

influencing language performance. Wenden (1991, as citied in Charoensuk

et al,. 2017) stated attitudes is not only about behavior, but also about

feelings, beliefs, and behavior tendencies. Eshghinejad S (2016) mentions

that generally, it is believed that learners’ attitudes dictate whether or not

they will be able to absorb the details of language. In other words,

achievement in a target language relies not only on intellectual capacity

but also on the learner’s attitudes toward language learning.

Similliary, Baron et al (2003, as citied in Zulfikar. et al. 2019) mentions

that if a learner does not have the interest and tendency in acquiring the

target language to communicate with others, this learner will possess a

negative attitude and will not be motivated and enthusiastic in language

learning and the other hand student positive attitude and will be motivated

and engage in learning English

So, Based on theory and expert above, the writer can be concluded that

attitude are related to learning process because attitudes are the internal

factor that can influensing or affecting in learning english in the classroom

which includes the components of cognitive, affective and behavior

 Factor influencing attitudes

Beside from three component attitudes there external factor that

influencing students atitude. There are some extermal factors that can

influenceand affecting stduents’ attitudes toward learning English.

According to Sultana et al (2016) students’ parents have a big positive

effect on students achievement and abilities in learning English other than

that they also affecting students’ attendence in classroom. When their

children do not attend well in English subject the parents will feel anxious.

Other factor that can infuence students; attitudes toward english

learning is that a teacher have big impact to influensing the students’

attitude . Student point of view to teacher as a person who has a role in

forming students; attitudes. Way how teacher teaching, Practice and

teaching styles from a teacher will be perceived diffrently by students, so

this case can influensing to student relationship with teacher. If teacher

teaching practiced are agreed and liked by student it can make a good

relationship and the other hand student will leave a class if students did not

like their teacher teaching methods.

From the expert explanation above the writer can be concluded that are

various factors that can influensing students’ attitude toward learning

English. The students’ attitudes can be influensed from various or different

factors such as teacher and parents’s roles and this means that every

students can have a different factor to influensing their attitude toward

english learning.

B. English language learning

1. Theories of learning

English Language learning is the process by which humans acquire the

capacity to use language. Meyer (2009, as citied in Yusuf F, 2018) said that

the study of language is conducted within the field of linguistics. The

primary interest is the scientific study of language. Like a biologist

studying the structure of cells, a linguist studies the structure of language:

how speakers create meaning through combinations of sounds, words, and

sentences that ultimately result in texts extended stretches of language (e.g.

a conversation between friends, a speech, and an article in a newspaper).

This is an important point because much of what is written and said about

language is highly evaluative: many teachers tell their students not to use a

word like ain’t because it is “ignorant” or the product of “lazy” speech

patterns; similar sentiments are expressed in popular books and articles on

English usage.

The starting point of all language teaching should be understood of how

people learn(theories of learning). Identifies the devolvement in learning

theory into five main stages; behaviorism, mentalism, cognitive code,

affective factor, and learning and acquisition. Hutchinson, (1987:39, as

citied in Masruddin 2018) :

a. Behaviorism

The theory point out that learning is a mechanical process of habit

sequence. This method laid down a set of guiding methodological


principles, based on the behaviorist stimulus-response and secondly

assumption that second formation and proceeds by means of the frequent

reinforcement of a stimulus-response learning should reflect and imitate the

perceived process of mother tongue learning. It also implies that a teacher

should expose learning activities and language inputs which can stimulate

to interest, react and communicate they are learning.

b. Mentalism

Chomsky concluded that thinking must be ruled-governed; a finite, and

fairly small, set of rules enables the mind the deal with the potentially

infinite range of experiences it may encounter. This can also be

hypothesized that when a learner has a good commanding structure, he/she

will easily masret the target language he/she learning.

c. Cognitive code

This theory views learners as thinking beings. Learning as a process in

which the learners actively try to make sense of data, and data can be said

to have taken place when the learners have managed to impose sort of

meaningful interpretation or patterns on the data. The basic teaching-

technique as associated with a cognitive theory of language learning is the

problemsolving task.

d. The affective factors

This stage views learners as emotional beings. People do not only

think,but also have feelings. Learning, particularly the learning of a

language is an emotional experience, and the feeling that the learning


process evokes will have a crucial bearing on the success or failure of the

learning.The importance emotional factor is easily seen if we consider the

relationship between the cognitive and affective aspect of learning one of

vital important elements in foreign language setting,especially in the

development of ESP (English for Specific Purposes.

2. Types of Learning Style

Davis (1989, as citied in Masruddin. 2018) stated about three

method/style learning from the point of view for perceptual modality

preferences, there are:

a. Visual learners

Visual means something that can see through eyes. Somtimes visual

learners works well alone or maybe with one orther person, for reading and

reviewing this can see well from reading a book. Students will memorize

and understand data and instruction better if the teacher read them. Oral

explanation as auditory do not need much for visual learner if they want to

memorize the data. To be alone with his own space is something that the

visual learners often needs to study quitetly as dar as posible from oral

learners wich they need to discuss everything. The visual learners will take

evry opportunity to write something or to draw the incomeing auditory

information. Also they will translate the data that dave given to them to

words or picture.

b. Auditory learners

Auditory learners learn more excellently through the hearing. This style

may benefit from calming music background. This learner style learn from

either hearing words spoken or oral explanation.

Auditory learners might be memorizing infromation by reading a loud or

moving their lips as they read especially when they are learning new

material. Hearing audiotapes lectures and class discussion is something

that auditory learner lern their benefit, they are really good at hearing

things, listening and speaking, this kind of learning dont need visual in their

mind but will verify the informations trough their skill of listening and

reapating. It comprises the listening learner and the auditory learner.

c. Tactile learner

Tactile learner learn more excellently into sense of touch( hands on).

when they got the chance to do “hands on” experiences with materials it is

the best way that they learn. For example when they working at laboratory

and experiment things, building model and handling,toucing and working

with material provide them with the most successful learning situation.

The way they understanding that can help this kind learning style for

gathering a new data is from notes writer, instructions, and physical

involvement, The tactile learner usually needs more concrete experiences to

learn what is being taught, In a classroom setting they may learn best if the

assignments are geared to hands on activities such as experiments, concrete

materials, trial error,and trips.


So the conclutions of these learning style are not outright, for sure a lot

of learners have their own style trough a variety of senses. Certain students

might equally be strong in the three perceptual modalities, or in two

perceptual modalities of either combination.

3. Basic Principles of Language Learning

According to TESOL (2017) communicative language teaching (CLT)

and points that learners in EFL settings can easily lose sight of:

1. Language is a tool for communication,

2. learning a language involves mastery of both skill and knowledge,

3. learners need to give serious consideration to the impact of feelings on

language study, and

4. learners vary considerably in their preferred approaches to learning.

C. Previous Research

There are some related studies that have been conducted by many

researchers about students’ attitudes toward learning English. For instance,

first reserachers were Zulfikar T et al in 2019 about An Exploration of

English Students’ Attitude towards English Learning the aim of this

research is exploring EFL students’ beliefs and attitudes toward learning

English. which was intended to explore the attitude of EFL students in an

Islamic higher institution in Aceh by exploring students' emotional,

cognitive, and behavioral attitudes. This research using mixed methods and

the research’s intrument use interview, the interview with the participants


using in-depth interviews attitudes also the participants of this study were

six students drawn from 55 students participant. These participants were

taken through purposive sampling technique, in which they’re selected

because they got the highest and the lowest score of each aspect referring to

the data from the questionnaire and the result of this research are three

important codings in regard with types of attitudes emerging through the

research: cognitive, emotional and behavioral attitudes. The cognitive

aspects of attitude range from personal to communal issues. The data reveal

that all of them like English for several reasons: English is seen as an

important language for brighter future and also assessment purpose.The

emotional aspect and English learning attitudes yield very interesting

findings as well. It shows that some students are indeed interested in

learning English, while others argued that English is very difficult to learn

and thus they do not have that much interest in learning English. Some of

the students state that they feel anxiety in learning English. This feeling of

anxiety actually distracts their learning and inhibits their language abilities.

And the behavioral aspect of the attitude, it was found out that one of them

suggested that she paid attention on the lecturer’s and that some students

participating in the research felt reluctant to participate because of anxiety


And the second researcher named Addisu Sewbihon Getie, he did

research about  Factors affecting the attitudes of students towards learning

English as a foreign language in 2020, the reason why the writer do a


research about this because he wanted to fill a gap from the previous

research that he read and This differentiates the study from the previous

researches because their focus was just to find out the attitudes of students

towards learning English. Actually, there are some international research

studies concerning factors affecting second/foreign language learning not

students’ attitudes. Indeed, this confirms the researcher’s present work

different from the other researchers. The methodolgy that he use was mixed

mithod with questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions as an

instrument along side is 1030 population (consists of 522 female students

and 508 male students); the researcher took 10% (103 students) for the

subjects of the study at High School Grade 10 students in Debre Markos

town, found in East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. And the result

of this research is conclusions: firstly, learners were both instrumentally

and integratively motivated since most responses indicated that they wanted

to learEnglish to secure good jobs, to pass the Ethiopian National

Examinations (instrumental), to liveabroad and to have a good profession in

English (integrative). Secondly, students have positiveattitudes towards

learning English language; they know the status and importance of English,

andthey are interested in learning school subjects in English language.

Thirdly, students have negativeattitudes towards English as foreign

language teachers. Besides, there are factors such as lack ofconducive

learning Environment, lack of encouragement from English teachers, fear

of makingmistakes and frustration (learners themselves), lack of


opportunities to practice English, poorbackground and lack of resources

which negatively affected students’ attitudes towards learningEnglish as a

foreign language in Debremarkos Comprehensive High School. Fourthly,

while comparing to what extent the identified factors influence the attitudes

of students towards learning English as a foreign language, educational

factors were found to be negatively affecting factors.The rest are almost

factors that affect students’ attitude positively. Fifthly, the social factors

affect students’ attitudes positively. More specifically, they have positive

attitudes towards English nativespeakers; their peer groups have positive

attitudes towards learning English. Students’ parentshave positive attitudes

towards learning English as a foreign language by their children. On the

other hand, students have negative attitudes towards educational factors or

these factors affectstudents’ attitudes negatively.

And the last similiar research of this previous research came from is

Herwiana and E N Laili in 2019 about  Students’ Attitude Towards English

Language Learning and the aim of their research is to find out the students’

attitude towards English language learning in Jombang elementary schools

because . Attitude is one of the factors that influence the language

acquisition, aslo background of their research are There so many parents

and students who complains about the teaching of English in elementary

school. They said the lesson is difficult and not suitable for their children.

Elementary English teacher teaches about grammar and translation which is

not suitable for young learner. This condition make the students feel

frustrated to learn English. In the process of teaching and learning there are

also some points to be consider one of them is attitude. Secondary School

Students’ Attitude Toward English Spelling and Writing” said that learner’s

attitude is considered a key motivational component and an important

nonlinguistic factor that influences second-language learning.

The researchers methodology is qualitative as rersearch design with

questionnaire and observation as instrument and 24 students from grade 4th

and 5th as participant aslo the the research set in SDN Jombang 2 and SDN

Jombang 3 also SDN Kwaron 2 and SDN Cukir 1.

And The result of Herwiana and E N Laili’ reserach are The first

variable is about students’ attitude toward the subject, English. The

question is about student’s interest in English. Mostly students stated that

they were interested in English. They were 22 students who answered “yes”

and only 2 students answered “no”. There were 91.6% who interested in

learning English. There were 83% students stated that they felt more active

in questioning and answering when they were learning English.

Most of students were happy when learning English. From the data it

can be concluded 87.5% students said happy, 8,3 % students said they were

not happy, and 4% students did not answer whether they were happy or not.

Furthermore, 87.5% students felt that they had self confidence in learning

English and this date gathered from Students Attitude Towards the Process

of Teaching and Learning English Teacher performance, teaching method,

classroom atmosphere and the material.



In this chapter provides research methods, research approach, research

design, Participants, data collection methods & instrument, data analyst, and


A. Research Approach

The research approach in this research is qualitative method. Creswell et al

(2016) mentions that qualitative research is a means for exploring and

understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social human

problem. The process of research includes emerging questions and

procedures; collecting data in the participants setting; analyzing the data

inductively, building from particulars to general themes; and making

interpretations of the meaning of data. A number of authors of introductory

these characteristics, such as Creswell (2013), Hatch (2002), and Marshall

and Rossman (2011). Along the lines of:

 Natural setting: Tend to collect data in the field at the site where

participants experience the issue or problem under study.

 Researcher as key instrument: Collect data themselves through examining

documents, observing behavior, or interviewing participant

 Multiple sources of data: Gather multiple forms of data, such as

interviews, observations, documents, and audiovisual information rather

than rely on a single data source.


 Inductive and deductive data analysis: Build their patterns, categories,

and themes from the bottom up by organizing the data into increasingly

more abstract units of information.

 And also the expert mention other characteristic such as Emergent design,

participant, Reflexivity, Holistic account.

So this approach is used because the writer wants to investigate and

understand a phenomenon using qualitative method and the writer wants to

analysis the various factors which affecting students’ attitudes and behave in

a particular situation in learning English.

B. Research Design

According to Cresweell (2012) Research design is the researcher’s plan of

how to proceed and achieve an understanding of some group or some

phenomenon in its context/subject. Base on the explanation, this research use

descriptive research as a design with qualitative approach to support this

research. Descriptive research is scientific research that describes about

event, phenomena or fact systematically dealing with certain area or


In this research writer will done the insvestigation inside classroom. The

focus of this research is find out students’ negative and positive attitudes

toward English language learning base on possible factors that influencing

students attitude toward English language learning.

C. Participant

In this research, the researcher will use one class as a participant for

questionnaire and also 10% of total students who have high,medium and low

grade at the same class.

D. Data collection method and istrument

There are several methods and instruments will use by the researcher to

gain the data and support this research and the instrument will be presented in

some sections below:

1. Observation and Field notes data collection

Creswell et al (2013) mentions that The majority of qualitative

research methods encourage researchers to take field notes to enhance data

and provide rich context for analysis, this field notes support the research

along side the observation. Also Creswell (2013) said that observation “as the

process of gathering open-ended, firsthand information by observing people

and places at a research site”.

So the observation that will use by researcher will conduct in one or two

meetings in classroom at grade 11 that occurred in around one or two weeks.

The available time that will use for observations will choose by a teacher

base on English class schedule in School. This observation is aim to

investigate students’ attitudes by observing their attitudes during learning

learning English in classroom. this attitude related with behavior factor or

aspect in classroom such as how the students pay attentions to teacher, how

to react or answer a questions from the teacher, envirovment.


In addition, the researcher recorded the students’ situation in classroom in

form of audio visual or video recording and photos. All the data will obtain

from the field notes and video recording that will use by the researcher to

analyze the circumstance of the research site.

2. Questionnare data collection

Questioner is an instrument in which respondents provide written

responses to questions or mark items that indicate their responses. In this

research, the researcher uses questionnaire to collect the data. According to

Cresswell (2012) there are three types of the question there are close-ended

question, open-ended questions, semi closed ended questions.

The questioner of this research will use close-ended questions where

Close-ended questions are provided with 4 optional answer, there are: Agree,

Strongly Agree, disagree and Strongly Disagree. The questionnaire will

contain several question related to factor influensing students attitude wich is

cognitive, affective and behaviour and The item of the questions will be

written in Bahasa Indonesia for better understanding. The students will

answer the questions in the description form base on their opinion and

knowledge background.

3. Interview data collection

Creswell (2012) mentions that interviews are primarily done in qualitative

research and occur when researchers ask one or more participants general,

open-ended questions and record their answers.


After researcher finish do an observations in classroom the researcher will

conduct an interview with students and the researcher will ask 10% of total

students in class consist with student who has high grade, students who has

medium grade and also student who has low grade. To get this percentage

researcher will ask to the teacher about student’s grade in class.

There is a number of questions prepared by the researcher which focused

on possible factor that influensing students’ positive and negative attitudes

toward English langauge learning consist with cognitive, affective and

behavior factor. This interview the researcher will conducts face-to-face

interviews with participants, the interviews involve unstructured and

generally open-ended questions that are few in number and intended to elicit

views and opinions from the participant and during the interview the

researcher will attemp to record the interview process in form of notes and

audio recording.

E. Data analysis

1. Data obeservation and field notes

In this analysis the researcher will be obsering the students’ behaviour

also the environment when they learning English in classroom. The

researcher will collect the data observation using observation sheet and field

notes and in additional the researcher will also use a photo and video recorder

to collect the data to analys analyze the circumstance of the research site or

classroom. This data analysis will conduct to answe research question

number 1

2. Data Questionnare

In this data analyis, the researcher will conduct a form sheet using media

such as Google form and share the form with students in the classroom. The

item question will be using bahasa indonesia for better understanding and

question will related to attitudes aspect (cognitive, affective and behavior).

The researcher will use close-ended questions type that are provided 4

optional answer such as: Agree, Strongly Agree, disagree and Strongly

Disagree. And after that researcher will making a coclusion based on the

result of the analysis. This data analysis will conduct to answe research

question number 2

3. Data interview

For the interview data analysis, researcher will interview 10% of total

student in classroom consist: students with high grade, medium grade and

low grade, to know the students’ grade data the researcher will ask to their

teacher first. The researcher will interview students about what are possible

factor that influensing their attitudes toward English learning consist with

Cognitive, affective and behavior.

The researcher will conduct hands writing notes when interviewing

students and addtional support with photo camera. This instrument is anable

to researcher to obtain the information wich maybe unable found in the

observation. So This data analysis will conduct to answer research question

number 2

F. Triangulation

According to Noble H and Heale R (2019) Triangulation is a method used

to increase the credibility and validity of research findings, by combining

theories, methods or observers in a research study, can help ensure that

fundamental biases arising from the use of a single method or a single

observer are overcome.

This research is undertaking to explore students’ negative and positive

attitudes in dayeuhkolot highschool. The focus and aim in this research is on

the problems of the resarch students’ positive and negative attitude toward

English learning base on factor affecting or influencing the attitude for one

class at grade eleventh with the assumption that a postive attitude is a really

important thing for a student to have a good performance in learning process

and also a negative attitude is the attitude that influensing and makes

students’ performance decrease during language learning

A multiple previos research was choosen for this research because with

those previous research researcher will allowed asumption to be made.

Additionally qualitative method will be used in this research with

observation, field notes,interview and quationnaire as an instrument.

The first and second instrument that researcher use are observation and field

notes, this observation will allowing researcher to insvestigate students

attitudes during English learning in classroom, during the observation

researcher will investigate how students behave in pacticular situation in

classroom and the data will be obtain with field notes.


The next instrument is interview conduct on purposive selected sample.

The data will be analys to show their own responses to questions with open-

ended questionnaire type, so the students answer the questions by their own

responses, thoughts and words with honest.

The last instrument that will be use int this research is intervew with six

students in the same class. This method instrument is to determine their

perceptions of the students’ attitudes toward english in classroom and this

interview will use interview form that related to attitudes factor (cognitive,

affective and behavior).

If the analysis completed with qualitative method using observation, field

notes, interview and quastionnaire, the final step is to analysis both

intrument to shows the result and the conclution.



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