Corral Baga 10A Math Scaffold2

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Scaffold 3 – Part 2

Name/s: Paul Gabrielle T. Corral, Danica Anyah P. Baga 10A

(1) Given � � = �� +��� − ���� − ��� + ��

Find the roots and the x-coordinates of the midpoint between each consecutive roots. Evaluate the given
function at these values.

Root 1 Midpoint Root 2 Midpoint Root 3 Midpoint Root 4

(R1) R1 and R2 (R2) R2 and R3 (R3) R3 and R4 (R4)

x -5 -4 -3 -1 1 2 3

f(x) 0 -35 0 64 0 -35 0

Draw the graph of this function at the back of this worksheet.

(2) Multiply the function by 2 so that it becomes � � = �(�� +��� − ���� − ��� + ��)
Find the roots and the x-coordinates of the midpoint between each consecutive roots. Evaluate the given
function at these values.

Root 1 Midpoint Root 2 Midpoint Root 3 Midpoint Root 4

(R1) R1 and R2 (R2) R2 and R3 (R3) R3 and R4 (R4)

x -5 -4 -3 -1 1 2 3

f(x) 0 -70 0 128 0 -70 0

a) What changes does it do to the function?

The very thing that only changed throughout the function was the condition of multiplying it by
2 (two). There, the roots stayed the same. However, the function itself changed because of the
multiplication process. The graphing on the other side displayed alternated points in the y-axis
compared to the previous graph. As shown, it seemed to be almost the same but quite altered especially
the height in the middle as this was affected by the condition mentioned.
b) Draw the graph of this function at the back of this worksheet.

(3) Multiply the function by 1/4 so that it becomes � � = � (�� +��� − ���� − ��� + ��)
Find the roots and the x-coordinates of the midpoint between each consecutive roots. Evaluate the given
function at these values.

Root 1 Midpoint Root 2 Midpoint Root 3 Midpoint Root 4

(R1) R1 and R2 (R2) R2 and R3 (R3) R3 and R4 (R4)

x -5 -4 -3 -1 1 2 3

f(x) 0 -35/4 0 16 0 -35/4 0

a) What changes does it do to the function?

In the function of the 3rd (third) number, it was the same background as the one above,
only that it has a different given number to be multiplied, clearly the number 1/4 (one-fourth).
Overall, the roots remained untouched as the function developed since it's a result of
multiplication once again. When it comes to the graph, the same aftermath almost happened
like in the previous number, but it went quite short especially the height in the middle.
b) Draw the graph of this function at the back of this worksheet.
1. � � = �� +��� − ���� − ��� + ��

(-5, 0)

(3, 0) *the blue arrows are guides

(-4, -35) (2, -35)

2. � � = �(�� +��� − ���� − ��� + ��)

(-3, 0) (3, 0) *the yellow arrows are guides

(-4, -70) (2, -70)

3. � � = � (�� +��� − ���� − ��� + ��)

(-4, -35/4) (-2, -35/4)

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