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Activity: A Video Presentation, “West and East, Cultural Differences” depicting the differences between
Eastern and Eastern Thought.

A. TWO SIDES OF THE SAME PLANET. Write five (5) DIFFERENCEs between Western and Eastern
societies, cultures and individual in the table below.

No Western No. Eastern

1 They see the world as a collection of separate 1 Easterners see things as a whole. They tend to
individuals. focus more on the bigger picture.

2 Westerners tend to use more nouns when 2 They tend to use more verbs or action words when
communicating with their own children and communicating with their children and with other
with other people. people.

3 They focus more on the individualism of things. 3 Easterners focus more on the interaction between
two or more objects.

4 Westerners believe that the behavior of an 4 Easterners believe that the behavior of an object
object or a person depends on its own or a person depends on the surroundings or the
properties. situation. They believe that the situation is the
number one factor that affects the behavior of the
object or the person.

5 Western people have lesser connection with 5 Eastern people focus more on their connection
their surroundings. with their surroundings because they believe that
everything is interconnected with each other.

B. THE SELF ACROSS THE WORLD. How do the Western and Eastern society and culture affect your
self concept? Give 2 concrete evidences. (12 points)

No. The Effect of WESTERN Society and Culture to My Self Concrete Evidences

1 Western society and culture affects my view on where I  I am an artist, so I should be with
should place myself. I must place myself with people the group of people who also like
with the same properties and attributes like me. art.
 There is a certain feeling inside of
me that I should only befriend
people with the same age as I am.

2 Western society and culture made me sometimes  The quote “I was born this way” is
believe that my actions and behavior is based on the a famous quote that I also use
properties that I possess. sometimes
 I am an artist because maybe I was
already born with that gift.

3 Western society and culture gave me a sense of  I tend to take care of myself first
individualism. before I take care of others.
 I tend to set goals for myself
instead of setting goals for others.

No. The Effect of EASTERN Society and Culture to My Self Concrete Evidences

1 Eastern society and culture made me believe that I am a  I am a happy person because I
product of my surroundings. grew up with a family full of
positive vibes.
 I do not smoke or drink alcohol
because my family and friends do
not smoke or drink alcohol.

2 Eastern society and culture also made me to become  The thought of not insulting my
concerned with the people around me because my self friend for being chubby because I
and my actions can affect them. will hurt her feelings and may lead
her to depression and anxiety.
 The thought of obeying traffic
rules and regulations to avoid
accidents and become a burden to
other people.

3 Eastern society and culture made me see my self as a  The thought of immersing myself
part of my surroundings instead of being the subject. with my surroundings instead of
making my surroundings revolve
around me.
 When taking pictures, I would like
to give more focus or emphasis on
the background instead of my face.

C. Make a REFLECTION based on the video “West and East, Cultural Differences”(8 points)
There is a huge difference between the Western and Eastern culture. Western culture tends to focus more on
the object or the induvial itself and pay lesser attention to their surroundings. While Eastern culture tends to focus more
on the bigger picture. They focus more on the relationship of each object or individual with each other. Easterners
believe that the action of a particular object can cause a domino effect or chain reactions to its surroundings. The
surveys that the team used to compare their culture is remarkably interesting in a way that their responses were
unexpected. As I was watching the video, I can see that most of my point of view is closely related to Eastern culture. As
I was watching I thought to myself, “I really am an Asian!”. I felt really happy while watching the video seeing that my
thoughts are closely related to the Eastern culture and how far its difference is with the Western culture.

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