Extraction of Doppler Signature of Micro-To-Macro Rotations/motions Using Continuous Wave Radar-Assisted Measurement System

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IET Science, Measurement & Technology

Research Article

Extraction of Doppler signature of micro-to- ISSN 1751-8822

Received on 12th October 2018
Revised 21st November 2019
macro rotations/motions using continuous Accepted on 9th March 2020
doi: 10.1049/iet-smt.2018.5563
wave radar-assisted measurement system www.ietdl.org

Harish C. Kumawat1, Arockia Bazil Raj1

1Electronics Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, India
E-mail: brazilraj.a@diat.ac.in

Abstract: Mechanical–structural vibration and/or rotational parts of the targets will induce micro-Doppler frequency in addition to
the main Doppler components. In the today's military era, detections, measurements and decision making have to be made after
the thorough analysis of main and micro-Doppler signatures of the targets to get their full profile particularly for defence
applications. In addition, few of the low radar cross-section targets can be detected only by extracting and processing the micro-
Doppler signatures corresponding to the rotations of their propellant rotor blades. Therefore, experimental studies to measure
the micro-to-macro rotation/motion generated Doppler frequency and performing its associated measurements become
significant. The authors built a C-band (5.3 GHz) continuous wave radar and used it to measure the Doppler frequency
generated by micro-to-macro rotations/motions. The detection and measurement accuracy of the developed radar is assessed
by series of different open-environment experimental case studies: revolution per minute measurement of rotating blades,
separation of multiple rotating blades, oscillation per minute measurement of a swinging pendulum, detection of approaching/
receding motion and the Doppler signature extraction of walking/jogging/cycling person. All these measurement values are
validated against the standard master instrument readings and theoretical calculations. Finally, the limitations of this system and
required near-future research works to enhance its performance are listed.

1 Introduction hand/leg/head movements of walking/jogging person and leg/pedal

movements of a cycling person, modulate the RF signal that falls
Radar is an electromagnetic wave-assisted object (target) detection on it and this modulation gets superimposed on the main Doppler;
system that uses RF wave to determine target range, angle and and therefore the echo signal consists of two components:
Q1 velocity [1]. Basically, radars can be operated in the principle of
primarily the main Doppler generated by target's whole-body
monostatic or bistatic with the technology of continuous wave motion and secondary micro-Doppler generated by micro motions/
(CW), pulse wave, frequency/phase-modulated wave etc. [2, 3]. rotations of the target [10–12]. Few such aerial targets are drones,
Monostatic radar involves a single antenna to transmit (Tx)/receive unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and quadcopter/mini-helicopter
(Rx), whereas bistatic radar involves two antennas. Pulse radar etc., which have rotating blades for their propulsion that generate
requires relatively high-power pulse than the CW radar for a given micro-Doppler and they have the capability of steadily flying at a
range, for example to have an average power of 33.01 dBm in a point. Furthermore, when we look only for the main Doppler
CW radar, the maximum power of the radar has to be 36.02 dBm, component, a steadily flying target (with zero motion) will give
whereas in pulse radar, having 5 μs pulse width and 5 ms pulse velocity of 0 m/s and we do not get any signature other than the
repetition time, the maximum power of the radar has to be 63.01  detection. When we also look for the micro-Doppler component,
dBm. In addition, the design of pulsed radar and its associated we get signature about micro-motion of the platform and micro-
signal processing algorithms, particularly for Doppler frequency rotation of blades so as to precisely extract the signature of the
extraction/processing, are slightly complicated [2, 4]. The CW same targets [13, 14]. For the identification and classification of
radar with/without modulation has a very broad area of such targets, one should extract and utilise different Doppler
applications such as traffic control, micro-to-macro motion/rotation features of the target.
measurement, revolution per minute (RPM) measurement, Several model designs and simulation studies have been carried
pendulum oscillation per minute (OPM) measurement, velocity out by the researchers worldwide in this field in the recent years for
measurement, weather monitoring, biomedical imaging, person generating the Doppler profile of human walk, cycling person,
monitoring/recognition, synthetic aperture radar (SAR)/inverse blade rotations of helicopter/UAV/drones, rotation of wind-turbine
SAR imaging, ground penetration, through-wall imaging, foliage etc. [15–17]. Nowadays, the experimental researches have been
(foliage target) imaging, detection of approaching/receding motion started to verify and validate the radar designs and signal
etc. [5–7]. The prime advantages of CW radar-assisted processing algorithms for the extraction of Doppler components of
measurements over other conventional measurement systems are micro-to-macro motion/rotation and the study of full behavioural
(i) no physical contact to target, (ii) low power and simple profile of the targets. By carefully processing and extracting the
circuitry, (iii) no fine line-of-sight (LoS) alignment to target, (iv) Doppler profile from the radar signal, it is possible to measure
capability of micro-to-macro motion sensing and (v) continuous several parameters corresponding to the target's whole body and its
motion/movement monitoring etc.; thus, the CW radars are more parts motions/rotations [18, 19]. Therefore, developing a radar
commonly being used in a wide spectrum of civil and military system with the capability of measuring these Doppler components
applications. becomes significant, which is the main contribution in this paper.
Mechanical vibration in the target and structural rotation of In this work, a cost-effective C-band CW radar is designed and
target's body parts will induce additional frequency modulation on used to extract the micro-Doppler signatures generated by micro-
the radar echo signal, called the micro-Doppler effect that to-macro rotations/motions of the target. To perform these tasks,
generates sidebands around the target's main Doppler frequency different types of targets i.e. rotating double/ triple blades, walking/
called the micro-Doppler frequency [8, 9]. In general, the micro jogging/cycling person, oscillating pendulum and approaching/
motions/rotations of the targets, like the rotation of rotor's blades, receding motion target are operated in front of the radar in an open
oscillation of the pendulum, wings flapping of the robotic spy bird,
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© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020
environment. The extracted Doppler signatures are subsequently cfd f dλ
processed to have important measurements on the target. The vθ = cos θ = cos θ (5)
2f 2
accuracy and stability of these measurements are validated against
the standard instrument readings and theoretical estimations. The When the micro-Doppler is generated by a rotating structure i.e.
measurements conducted, based on the Doppler signature, in this rotating blades, the RPM of that rotating blade can be estimated by
work are (i) RPM measurement of rotating blades, (ii) separation of [24]
multiple rotating targets, (iii) pendulum OPM measurement, (iv)
detection of approaching/receding motion and (v) micro-Doppler fd
extraction of walking/jogging/cycling person. The rest of this paper RPM = × 60, N = 2, 3, 4… (6)
is organised as follows: Section 2 details the background concepts
associated with this work, Section 3 briefs the related works based where N is the number of blades in the rotating structure. Typically,
on the recent literatures, Section 4 describes the developed radar N is 2 for drone/UAV/quadcopter propeller and it varies from 2 to 6
test bed and Section 5 presents the analyses of experimental results. for helicopters of different radar cross-section (RCS) and payload
capacity [13, 14, 25]. More than one rotating target or a target
2 Background concepts having multiple rotating parts can be distinguished based on the
micro-Doppler frequency and range profiles generated by them
Several basic concepts related to the CW radar design, operation
[13, 26, 27]. Whole body and parts of a walking/jogging/cycling
and measurements using them can be found in [2, 20, 21]. Short
person can be distinguished by carefully analysing the micro-
descriptions on a few background concepts related to this work are
Doppler spectral signatures [21, 28]. The developed CW radar
given in this section. First, in an RF mixer, the phenomenon of
could also be used to measure the OPM of a swinging pendulum.
mixing of two signals is just as the multiplication of samples of
The rate of oscillation of a simple pendulum depends upon its
two time-domain signals [2, 22]. Let us assume two sinusoidal
length and not the mass of bob or amplitude [29]. The theoretical
(radar transmitting and receiving) signals as
pendulum oscillation time period (T) and OPM can be estimated by
x1 t = A1 sin 2π f 1t + θ1 and x2 t = A2sin 2π f 2t + θ2 (1)
l 60
T = 2π and OPM = (7)
where x1(t) and x2(t) represent the two different time-domain g T
signals of amplitudes A1 and A2, frequencies f1 and f2, phases θ1
where l is the length of the pendulum rope and g is the gravitational
and θ2, respectively, and t is the real time. Then, the output signal
acceleration (9.8 m/s2). Of course, the Doppler frequency profile
x(t) of the RF mixer is given by generated by the swinging pendulum will die-down for every cycle
over time. The OPM and T are obtained using this radar as
x t = 0.5 A1 A2 cos 2π f 1 − f 2 t + θ1 − θ2 − cos
2π f 1 + f 2 t + θ1 + θ2 (2)
N 60
OPM = and T = (8)
Equation (2) shows that there are two frequency components: low
frequency (f1−f2) and a high frequency (f1 + f2), two-phase where N is the number of Doppler peaks obtained on the
components: (θ1−θ2) and (θ1 + θ2) and amplitude: 0.5A1A2. spectrogram plot within a minute. The value of N is automatically
Practically, a few more order of the harmonics will also be calculated using the spectrogram peak detection algorithm
generated by the mixer while mixing two signals [2, 23]. Based on presented in [30] so as to have the automatic measurement of OPM
the application of interest, we need to select either low frequency and T.
(f1−f2) or high frequency (f1 + f2) by passing x(t) into an appropriate All these radar measurement values are validated against the
filter. In case a low-pass filter is used, the second term in (2) is standard laser tachometer (DT-2234C) measurement readings or
rejected and then it becomes as theoretical estimations. The measurement deviation errors in per
cent are calculated as [31]
x t = 0.5 A1 A2 cos 2π f 1 − f 2 t + θ1 − θ2 (3)
Measured/theoretical value − Radar value
Error in % =
Assume that both the frequency (Tx and Rx) components are at the Measured/theoretical value
same value i.e. (f1 = f2 for a static target), then, (3) becomes only × 100
the ‘cos’ function of phase difference i.e. cos(θ1−θ2). The θ1 is
normally 0° since it is corresponding to phase of the radar
The root mean square error (RMSE) of measured/theoretical and
transmitting signal; thus, the x(t) becomes only the ‘cos’ function
radar values is calculated by [32]
of θ2 i.e. cos(θ2), which shows that the value of (3) depends on the
target's range. As long as the range is constant (static target), the n 2
value of (3) is also constant. In the case of moving or rotational ∑i = 1 Mi − Ri (10)
target, the range gets varied over time and it leads to the phase n
changes in accordance with the vibrations/rotations/motions. This
phase change over the time generates frequency [2] called the where n is the measured value sample length, and Mi and Ri are
micro-Doppler frequency (fd) [19, 20]. In this work, the rate of standard instrument/theoretical readings and radar measurement
change of range due to vibrations/rotations/motions of target and/or values, respectively.
its parts along the radial direction can be taken as radial velocity
(vr) of the target and it can be measured based on the fd as [1, 2] 3 Background and related works
f dλ f dc Several applications are coming up with the CW or pulse radar due
vr = = (4) to various advantages of one over the other. Few of the surveys
2 2f more relevant to our work are reviewed in this section. Misans and
Terauds [5] developed a CW radar of K-band to measure the speed
where c is the speed of the electromagnetic signal, λ is the radar of a land vehicle using zero-crossing and least-square method.
wavelength and f is the radar frequency. If there is an angle (θ) Ding et al. [8] have proposed an approach with the combination of
between radar LoS and rotation/vibration/motion vector of the linear predictive coding and Hough transform to obtain the human-
target, then (4) becomes as [1, 9] walking micro-Doppler profile using the commercial CW radar of
2.4 GHz. Fei et al. [10] developed models to generate the Doppler
components corresponding to human gaits. Kim et al. [11]

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Fig. 1  Photograph of developed CW radar (5.3 GHz) while in field trails

Fig. 2  Schematic illustrating the main sections of developed CW radar

designed a Doppler radar of 7.25 GHz to obtain the spectrogram This CW radar is used to measure the Doppler frequencies that
corresponding to the physical movements of walking man, dog, are corresponding to micro-to-macro motions/rotations, walking/
cycling man and vehicle. Gurbu et al. [15] presented CW radar of jogging person, cycling person, oscillating pendulum and
10 GHz and pulsed radar of 5.8 GHz systems to recognise home- approaching/receding motion. The photograph of developed radar
aided and unaided walking profile of a person using his micro- taken during the field trial is shown in Fig. 1 and it consists of RF
Doppler signatures. Jose-Maria et al. developed a short-range signal generator (i), antenna Tx/Rx assembly (ii), RF subsystem
Q2 prototype C-band and K-band Doppler radar to measure the and signal acquisition assembly (iii), digital storage oscilloscope
rotation rate of the wind turbine. Micro-Doppler signature (iv), DC power sources (v) and radar display (vi) as marked. The
generated by the turbine rotations is used to analyse its functional Tx/Rx antennas are mounted one over another with 15 cm gap (to
profile [16]. Chenchen et al. analysed the Doppler profile reduce the mutual RF coupling) on a wooden stool. Targets are
Q3 corresponding to vertical axis rotation of a 1.5 m tall wind-turbine operated in front of the radar during field trials i.e. in an open
model. The anechoic chamber experimental results are compared outdoor environment.
with the results of the horizontal rotation of another three-blade The main sections of developed CW radar are (i) RF system
turbine model [17]. Narayanan and Zenaldin [18] designed a C- assembly, (ii) radar signal acquisition and (iii) extraction of
band Doppler radar and used it to detect the micro-Doppler profile Doppler signatures.
of a human behind a cinderblock wall. The RF section of developed low-power and short-range CW
Singh and Kim [20] developed a Doppler radar of W-band to radar consists of RF source, amplifier, power splitter, up-mixer,
have an indoor measurement of the rotation rate of the blade of baseband signal generator, power amplifier and Tx rectangular
double/quad rotors. Wang et al. developed CW and pulse Doppler microstrip antenna (RMSA) at the transmitter chain and Rx
radar of 3 GHz (S-band) for human sensing applications. The RMSA, low noise amplifier (LNA) and down-mixer at the receiver
authors examined the sensing of the developed radar with riding chain as shown in Fig. 2. Radar main subsystems and their
exercise bike and walking person targets [21]. specifications are given in Table 1. The radar frequency (f1) and
Singh and Kim [27] developed micro-Doppler radar to get the transmitted power chosen in this design are 5.3 GHz (C-band) and
Doppler signature of the oscillating pendulum and walking person. 0 dBm, respectively. The local oscillator (LO) port of Tx-mixer is
Karabacak et al. used the micro-Doppler signature to classify terminated with 50 Ω load for the time being and used later. The
pedestrians from animals. The experiments and data collections are transmitting antenna is a narrow-band rectangular 4 × 1 array with
done with commercial radar of 77 GHz [28]. In lieu of the above 3 dB beamwidth of 23° and 22° for E and H planes, respectively.
on-going research works, building a CW radar with the capability The receiving antenna is identical to the transmitting one. Due to
to measure the micro-to-macro motion/rotation generated Doppler the signal round-trip-journey and RCS of the target, the received
signatures, velocity, RPM, pendulum oscillation period/OPM of signal strength is very low and this weak echo signal is amplified,
low RCS targets become significant which is the main contribution without degrading the signal-to-noise ratio, by a suitable LNA. The
in the work reported in subsequent sections. received RF signal whose frequency falls within the bandwidth of
LNA only gets amplified and comes out. After amplification, the
4 Design of CW radar and its descriptions echo signal is provided to the down-mixer that gets another signal
from the power splitter as shown in Fig. 2.
A C-band CW radar is developed, with required RF subsystems, The signal tapped from the power splitter acts as a reference
data acquisition circuit and signal processing algorithm at the radar signal and it gets superheterodyned with the received RF signal, as
system design laboratory of our institute. per (1)–(3), to get the baseband signal and/or determine the

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Table 1 Radar sub-systems and their main specifications
S.No. Sub-systems Main specifications
1 RF source bandwidth: 9 kHz–13 GHz
power: 0 dBm (CW signal)
frequency (f1): 5.3 GHz (C-band)
2 RF amplifier bandwidth: 0.05–6 GHz
gain: 21 dB
3 power splitter isolation: 16–28 dB; splitting: 3 dB
max power input: 1.5 W
4 baseband signal generator bandwidth: 1 µHz–100 MHz
frequency (f2): 1 kHz
amplitude: 50 mVpp
5 mixer LO-IF isolation: 10–23 dB
LO-RF isolation: 11–25 dB
conversion loss: 8.5 dB
6 Tx/Rx RMSA bandwidth: 5.26–5.34 GHz
gain: 6.5 dBi
7 LNA noise figure: 1.9–3.0 dB
gain: 22–24 dB
8 ADC resolution: 12 bit (parallel out)
analogue channels: 8 (Muxcore:FQ0424)
sampling rate: 0.1 Msps
ADC core: AD1674

equal to 5,300,000,500 or 5,299,999,500 Hz, respectively. This

frequency gets superheterodyned with the f1 i.e. 5.3 GHz at the
down-mixer as shown in Fig. 2, then the output of baseband
amplifier is the baseband frequency i.e. in this example 0.5 kHz
[38, 39] in both cases, which is actually fd due to approaching or
receding motion of the target. Therefore, distinguishing the
approaching and receding target in the CW radar configuration
using the Doppler frequency is impossible and this limitation
invites some other technique to find the approaching/receding
motion of the target. One technique available in the literature to
find the approaching/receding motion of the target in CW radar is
in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) signal generation [2, 21, 22].
In this method, huge computations have to be performed to (i)
down-convert the received signal to IF level, (ii) mix with the
‘sine’ and ‘cosine’ reference signals and (iii) filter the high-
Fig. 3  Distinguishing the approaching/receding motion target using
frequency components in the both (I and Q) channels to generate
frequency shifting method
the I(t) and Q(t) [2, 21] signals, to find the approaching/receding
motion target. In order to avoid these huge complex computations
Doppler frequency (fd). The received radar signal is applied into a while finding the approaching/receding motion target, a simple
data acquisition system which is designed with a baseband filter frequency shifting algorithm is used in this work. In this CW radar,
and amplifier (LM358), bipolar analogue to digital converter the aimed target maximum radial velocity is 28.30 m/s and its
(ADC) [33] and digital circuit built in a field programmable gate corresponding radial Doppler frequency is 1 kHz. Therefore,
array as shown in Fig. 2. More details on the digital designs/ instead of transmitting only the radar signal i.e. f1, we have chosen
interface protocols/simulations techniques and radar signal a baseband signal (f2) at 1 kHz and (f1 + f2) i.e. 5,300,001,000 Hz is
logging/ analysis/measurement computations in a MATLAB
transmitted as shown in Fig. 3. This RF signal falls on the target
environment can be found in our previous publications [34–39].
and comes back to the receiving antenna with or without Doppler
The received radar signal (DC through 2 kHz in this work) is
component as [(f1 + f2) ± fd] or (f1 + f2), respectively. This echo
applied to a PC i.e. to a MATLAB environment, as detailed in [23,
35, 39], where all the signal processing algorithms related to the signal is made to mix with the radar signal i.e. f1 and hence, after
noise cancellation, real-time plot handling, data recording and mixing, the baseband filter output varies only between 0 Hz and 2 
measurements reported in this paper are carried out. Further, the kHz i.e. 0 Hz and (f2 + max(fd)). This signal goes into the baseband
CW radar cannot be directly used to find the approaching/receding amplifier to improve the signal strength. In fact, the baseband filter
motion target [2, 38, 39]. and amplifier are designed for the bandwidth of 0–2 kHz in this
When using the received power (Pr) as a measurement variable work [39]. The frequency of baseband amplifier will be 0 Hz when
to find the approaching/receding motion target, the Pr depends on the target recedes the radar at the Doppler frequency of 1 kHz
the impact of clutters, environmental changes and RCS fluctuations (negative Doppler), 1 kHz when the target is static i.e. fd = 0 Hz
of the target over its travel range [1, 2, 39]. Thus, this measurement and 2 kHz when the target is approaching radar at the Doppler
method is not a reliable one to find the approaching/receding frequency of 1 kHz (positive Doppler). Thus, in this frequency
motion target particularly in open environment. Thus, the only shifting method, the actual Doppler frequency variations from −1
measurement variable left out in CW radar to find the approaching/ to +1 kHz are linearly shifted into 0 Hz–2 kHz and the
receding motion of the target is Doppler frequency. In this work, approaching/receding motion target is found just with only FFT
the radar frequency i.e. f1 is 5.3 GHz, suppose the fd is  +0.5 or operation/function.
−0.5 kHz due to approaching or receding motion of the target, then Q4
the received signal frequency (fr) is (f1 + fd) or (f1−fd) which is

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Q12 Fig. 4  Targets operated in front of the radar to validate its Doppler signature extraction accuracy and stability

Fig. 5  Picture of outdoor experimental setup with

Q13 (a) Double rotating blade target, (b) Its time-series plot of radar echo signal, (c) Its magnitude spectrum, (d) Its spectrogram

5 Experimental results and data analysis respectively. When the fan's blades rotate, the radar signal that falls
on the faces of the rotating blades gets modulated and reflected
The detection, extraction of Doppler generated by rotation/motion back to the receiving antenna.
of the target and accomplishing the targeted measurements using The radar receives the echo signal, down converts, filters,
the developed CW radar is experimentally investigated in different amplifies, samples and sends the samples to the data logging
cases i.e. with different types of targets. To perform these tasks, computer as discussed in Section 4. The cause for the Doppler
rotating double blades fan (a), rotating triple blades fan (b), generation i.e. modulation in this case is the rotation of the blades
oscillating pendulum (c), approaching/receding motion target (d), in front of the radar. The received time-series voltage signal, i.e.
walking person (e), jogging person (f) and cycling person (g), as the output of the baseband amplifier, corresponding to the Doppler
shown in Fig. 4 are operated in front of the radar in the open field of rotating blades is acquired for a period of 5 s and the results are
to have the realistic measurements. The experimental results shown in Figs. 5b and 6b for both targets. The contribution of
associated with all these measurements are reported in this section clutters and noise present in the time-series signal is removed by a
with computed measurement errors in terms of deviation and RMS bandpass filter of cutoff frequency 2 Hz–2 kHz. The frequency
errors. components present in the time-domain radar signal, shown in
Fig. 5b, are clearly appearing in the magnitude spectrum plot
5.1 RPM measurement of rotating blades shown in Fig. 5c and the observations are given in Table 2.
The experiment of measuring the Doppler frequency and RPM of The strong Doppler of 20.5 Hz is corresponding to the blade
rotating blades of targets is conducted in the outdoor field through rotations while the other week frequency components of 40.99 and
which the measurement accuracy of developed CW radar is 143.4 Hz are corresponding to the vibration of rotating structure
examined. For this experiment, two types of fans are taken, one fan base platform that occurred throughout the measurements and
having two blades of each length 25 cm (shown in Fig. 4a) and pickup of these Doppler components proves the sensitivity of the
second fan having three blades of each length 7 cm (as shown in developed radar system even for the micro-vibrations. The
Fig. 4b) and these two targets are operated separately in front of the spectrogram plot on the radar echo signal, shown in Fig. 5b, is also
radar at 615 and 1725 rpm as shown in Figs. 5a and 6a, generated and shown in Fig. 5d that clearly shows all these strong

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Fig. 6  Picture of outdoor experimental setup with
(a) Triple rotating blade target, (b) Its time-series plot of radar echo signal, (c) Its magnitude spectrum, (d) Its spectrogram

Table 2 RPM measurement of rotating target as given in Table 3. To examine the stability, accuracy and
Double blades rotations (N = 2) repeatability of RPM measurement of rotating blades using the
Tachometer Measured fd, Power, Remark developed radar, several experimental trials are conducted in the
reading Hz dB/Hz outdoor environment and a portion of the results are given in
Table 4. Both rotating targets are operated in front of the radar, at
615 RPM 020.50 −20.14 due to blades
the range of 2 m, at different RPMs, individually, and the RPMs
are measured using the tachometer and radar. The measurement
040.99 −39.77 due to base- deviation errors (in %) are computed inputting the tachometer and
platform vibration radar measurements in (9) and the measurement error statistics are
143.40 −46.61 due to base- given in Table 4. The maximum measurement deviation error
platform vibration obtained is −0.25 and +0.70% for double and triple rotating blades,
respectively. These results prove that the radar measurements keep
a good correlation with the tachometer readings and the radar
Table 3 RPM measurement of rotating target system is stable and accurate for the measurements of different
Triple blades rotations (N = 3) RPMs. To examine the radar measurement repeatability, a double
Tachometer Measured fd, Power, Remark blades target is operated in front of the radar at different RPMs:
reading dB/Hz 392, 615, 910, 1230, 1497 and 1672 rpm one by one at the range of
2 m at the beginning of the experiment and the same order of RPM
1725 RPM 057.53 −45.66 due to stand is repeated at different trial ranges: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 m. The
vibrations corresponding radar signals measured for all the RPMs at all the
086.25 −18.92 due to blades ranges are recorded in the computer where all the calculations
rotation associated with the RPM measurement are carried out. The radar
115.00 −43.99 due to base- RPM measurement values are given in the right part of Table 4
platform vibrations against the respective trial range. The RMS error value on these
172.50 −47.88 due to grill radar measurement RPM values is computed, using (10), to
vibrations examine the correctness of radar RPM repeatability measurement
and the same is also given in Table 4. The observed maximum
RMS error value is 2.27 and this value clearly evidences the
and weak frequency components and their stability throughout the accuracy of radar RPM repeatability measurements. However, the
measurement time. radial direction of radar has to be properly aligned along the blades
Using (6), the calculated RPM for the measured strong Doppler rotational vector direction to have accurate RPM measurements.
frequency of 20.5 Hz is 615 which keeps a good correlation with
the laser tachometer (DT-2234C) reading i.e. 615 RPM as given in 5.2 Separation of multiple rotating targets
Table 2. Similarly, the magnitude spectrum and spectrogram plots
are generated for triple-blade rotations as shown in Figs. 6c and d, In order to examine the capability of developed CW radar in terms
respectively, on the time-domain radar echo signal shown in of Doppler frequency separations, an experiment with two
Fig. 6b. The observations are given in Table 3 which clearly show simultaneous rotating targets is conducted. In this case, one fan
that the developed radar picked-up the strong (86.25 Hz) as well as (triple blades) is located at a distance of 1 m while another one
weak Doppler signals (57.53, 115 and 172.5 Hz) during the (double blades) is at 2 m as shown in Fig. 7a and both are operated
measurements. Again this result proves the sensitivity of the at different RPMs i.e. 1163 and 1123 RPM, respectively.
developed radar even for the micro-vibrations. The calculated The time-series echo signal is logged for 5 s as shown in
RPM, as per (6), using the strong Doppler frequency is 1725 which Fig. 7b. The radar echo signal gets modulated due to the
keeps good correlation with the tachometer reading i.e. 1725 RPM contribution of two rotating targets of different speeds and ranges.

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Table 4 RPM measurements, deviation and RMS error
Measurement stability and accuracy analysis (range = 2 m) Measurement repeatability analysis
Trial ID Tachometer reading Radar M/m (RPM) Error, % Measurement is corresponding to double
(RPM) blade rotations (N = 2)
Double Triple Double Triple Double Triple Trial range, Radar M/m (RPM) RMS error
blades blades blades blades blades blades m
1 0392 0200 0392.4 0198.6 −0.10 +0.70 2 392.4, 613.9, 912.3, 1.77
1227.7, 1495.1, 1670.2
2 0615 0472 0613.9 0468.9 +0.17 +0.65 3 389.8, 617.4, 911.5, 2.17
1227.9, 1494.5, 1669.8
3 0910 1020 0912.3 1023.2 −0.25 −0.31 4 391.3, 616.7, 907.8, 2.20
1232.9, 1500.1, 1670.3
4 1230 1376 1227.7 1380.6 +018 −0.33 5 393.3, 612.9, 908.3, 2.03
1228.0, 1495.3, 1669.0
5 1497 1465 1495.1 1462.5 +0.12 +0.17 6 390.1, 616.2, 909.5, 1.95
1231.2, 1494.0, 1669.3
6 1672 1792 1670.2 1790.8 +0.10 +0.06 7 391.0, 616.5, 906.7, 2.27
1232.1, 1500.2, 1670.5

Fig. 7  Picture of outdoor experimental setup with

(a) Simultaneous rotations of double and triple blade targets, (b) Their time-series plots of radar echo signals, (c) Their magnitude spectrums, (d) Their spectrograms

intensity (−46 dB/Hz). These results prove that the developed CW

radar accurately distinguish the Doppler frequencies generated by
the simultaneous rotation of two targets. The calculated
corresponding RPM for these two Doppler frequencies is 1163.4
and 1123.8 RPM, respectively, which keeps good correlation with
the tachometer readings. However, if both the targets are operated
at the same RPM, this system cannot separate them since the
Doppler will overlap with each other.

5.3 Pendulum oscillation measurement

As shown in Fig. 8, when a pendulum is dropped from position1
Fig. 8  Geometrical illustration of oscillating pendulum
(P1), it comes down to position P2 and then goes to position P3.
During this journey, the initial angle θP1 gets decreased to 0° (on
The power spectrum of the logged time-series echo signal is
radial axis) and increased to θP3. This journey profile increases the
generated and the results are shown in Fig. 7c. The spectrum
clearly exhibits two strong frequency components at 58.17 and Doppler to the maximum while coming from P2 from P1,
37.46 Hz which are corresponding to the RPM of two rotating decreases the Doppler while going from P2 to P3 so as to complete
targets. Further, the corresponding spectrogram results shown in a half cycle of Doppler profile on the time–frequency
Fig. 7d also exhibit that closer target keeps high amplitude/ (spectrogram) domain. Therefore, there will be two Doppler peaks
intensity (−42 dB/Hz) and distant one keeps lower amplitude/ for every cycle of the pendulum swing. This journey continuous till
the pendulum reaches the equilibrium state.

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Fig. 9  Picture of outdoor experimental setup with
(a) Swinging pendulum target, (b) Its time-series plot of radar echo signal, (c) Its magnitude spectrum, (d) Its spectrogram

Table 5 OPM and T measurement results and error 5.4 Detection of approaching/receding motion target
In order to validate the frequency shifting technique (explained in
Trail ID Mass/length, Theory T Radar T Error, %
Section 4) in detecting the approaching/receding motion target, an
kg/m (s)/OPM (s)/OPM
experiment is conducted by operating a car (for good RCS and
1 0.351/0.82 1.81/33.00 1.79/33.50 01.1/−1.5 controlled speed i.e. 50 km/h), as a target, in front of the radar as
2 0.351/1.50 2.45/24.48 2.44/24.50 0.4/−0.08 shown in Fig. 10a. Now, the radar power is increased to 25 dBm to
3 0.351/2.00 2.83/21.14 2.79/21.50 1.41/−1.7 cover the maximum range of 300 m and baseband signal (f2) is
4 0.100/0.82 1.81/33.00 1.79/33.50 1.1/−1.51 applied at the frequency of 1 kHz. The scenarios in this experiment
5 0.100/1.50 2.45/24.48 2.50/24.00 −2.04/1.9 are (i) initially the car is stopped (static target) in front of the radar
6 0.100/2.00 2.83/21.14 2.79/21.50 1.41/−1.7 at the range of 250 m, (ii) the car is driven towards the radar at a
specified speed (approaching target) and (iii) the car is driven from
the radar at a specified speed (receding target). The time-series
signals for all these scenarios are recorded and a portion of those
In order to examine the capability of developed CW radar in
signals (1 s for static target, 5 s for approaching the target and 5 s
extracting low Doppler profile corresponding to an oscillating
for receding target) is combined and shown in Fig. 10b. The
pendulum, a reflecting aluminium foil sheet surrounded pendulum
magnitude spectrum and spectrogram plot of the time-series signal
bob of different length of rope are made to swing (oscillate) in
are shown in Figs. 10c and d, respectively. The magnitude
front of the radar at a range of 3 m as shown in Fig. 9a. An end of
spectrum clearly exhibits that the echo time-series signal has three
pendulum rope is tied at the top of a 2 m stand for the experimental
frequency components: 0.5, 1 and 1.5 kHz. Since the Doppler
trials and thus, the pendulum can freely swing in front of the radar.
components corresponding to the approaching and receding motion
The pendulum bob is taken up to a point, released from there, as
target are superimposed with the reference baseband frequency i.e.
shown in Fig. 8, and then the pendulum starts swinging. The echo
f2 = 1 kHz, the spectrum is clean and strong. Further, the
time-series signal corresponding to this experiment and its
magnitude spectrogram plot are shown in Figs. 9b and c, spectrogram plot shows the time occurrence of these frequencies as
respectively. The time-series signal has multiple Doppler frequency 1 kHz for the static target (only reference baseband frequency f2)
components (DC through 70 Hz) as seen in Fig. 9c. The Doppler for first 1 s, 1.5 kHz for approaching motion target (reference
component corresponding to positions P1, P2 and P3 are marked in baseband frequency + Doppler i.e. f2 + fd = 1.5 kHz) for next 5 s
the spectrogram plot shown in Fig. 9d. Every two peaks in the and 0.5 kHz for receding motion target (reference baseband
spectrogram plot are equal to one cycle of the pendulum swing. frequency − Doppler i.e. f2−fd = 0.5 kHz) for another 5 s. Thus, the
The OPM and T are calculated by automatically finding the measured frequency (f2±fd) accurately distinguishes the
number of Doppler peaks per minute and inputting it in (8). The approaching/receding motion target and static target. The actual
calculated OPM and T in this experiment are 33 and 1.81 s, Doppler frequency in both cases is 0.5 kHz i.e. the radial velocity
respectively. is 14.15 m/s (≃50 km/h) which is the actual speed of the operated
The radar measurements of OPM and T corresponding to car target. These results prove the capability of the frequency
different mass and rope length of pendulums and their theoretical shifting technique and a developed radar system in detecting the
values calculated using (7) during different trials are given in approaching/receding motion target as well as finding the speed
Table 5. The measurement results keep good correlation with the (radial velocity) of the target.
theoretical values. These results prove the stability and accuracy of
OPM and T measurement using the developed radar system. 5.5 Human walking and jogging Doppler profile extraction
In this case, the Doppler signatures of a walking and jogging
person are analysed. Developed radar is used to acquire the echo
signal of a person (target) walking towards the radar with reducing
8 IET Sci. Meas. Technol.
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Fig. 10  Picture of outdoor experimental setup with
(a) A car target, (b) Time-series plot of radar echo signal, (c) Magnitude spectrum, (d) Spectrogram

Fig. 11  Picture of an outdoor experimental setup with

(a) A walking human target, (b) Time-series plot of radar echo signal, (c) Magnitude spectrum, (d) Spectrogram

the speed as he comes closer, as shown in Fig. 11a. A portion of goes closer to the radar. In addition to this, as the target
the time-series signal corresponding to this experiment and its approaches, the radar starts picking up the legs and hands
magnitude spectrum is shown in Figs. 11b and c, respectively. The movements as well, which are reflected on the spectrogram as
plots clearly show that (i) first 0.25 s (beyond 15 m range) radar marked. To confirm and demonstrate the pickups corresponding to
received very weak signal, (ii) echo signal amplitude increases as these different motions, several different experiments were
the target approaches the radar and (iii) echo signal has a spectrum conducted and the spectrogram results of two experiments are
of frequency components due to the body, hands and legs presented in Figs. 12a and b. Fig. 12a is corresponding to a target
movements while walking. The spectrogram plot of this walking towards the radar from a closer range i.e. 10 m in this
experiment shown in Fig. 11d evidences these observations. Since work. Thus, the Doppler signatures corresponding to hands and
the person was walking towards the radar, the Doppler signature legs movements are clearly detected from the 0 s onwards in
appears above ≃37 Hz (biased with) due to the target walking addition to the walking main Doppler i.e. ≃23 Hz (0.65 m/s).
speed i.e. body movement velocity (≃1.04 m/s) and this frequency Another result shown in Fig. 12b is corresponding to a target
approaches 0 Hz as the target reduces the walking speed when it slowly, with little steps, walking (0.57 m/s) towards the radar
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Fig. 12  Confirmatory demonstration experimental spectrogram results for walking human target with
(a) Hands movement, (b) Without hands movement with little steps

Fig. 13  Picture of an outdoor experimental setup with

(a) A jogging human target, (b) Time-series plot of radar echo signal, (c) Magnitude spectrum, (d) Spectrogram

without hands movement. Therefore, in this spectrogram result, no corresponding to one jog. The number of jogs per minute can be
frequency component is detected other than the Doppler signature measured just by counting the vertical Doppler signatures for a
of body movements and this value goes down as the slowly period of 1 min which, in Fig. 13d, is 72 min−1 and this
Q5 walking target approaches the radar. These two spectrogram results measurement value matches with the manual count. To confirm
confirm and demonstrate the radar pickups of body, hands and legs and demonstrate this Doppler profile for the jogging case, several
movements of a walking target. The radar system is also used to different experiments were conducted and the spectrogram results
acquire the echo signal of a person (target) jogging in front of the of two experiments are presented in Figs. 14a and b. Fig. 14a is a
radar at a range of 4 m as shown in Fig. 13a, the time-series signal spectrogram result corresponding to a jogging-speed-increased
corresponding to this experiment and its magnitude spectrum plot (108 jogs per minute) wide-range hands movements target. This
are shown in Figs. 13b and c, respectively. The main observations profile change of the target is reflected in the spectrogram where
are (i) echo signal is stationary and repeat its periodicity around 0  vertical Doppler signature count is 108 min−1 and the Doppler
V, about a period ≃0.83 s, as the person jogs at a spot and (ii) echo signature corresponding to the hands movements appears above 50 
signal has multiple frequency components mainly between DC and Hz. Another spectrogram signal, shown in Fig. 14b, is
58 Hz. Fig. 13d shows the spectrogram of this experiment and its corresponding to the same speed of jogging target but the hands
evidences for the spectral periodicity. Since the person just jogs at movements are restricted to narrow range. This profile is directly
a spot i.e. no body movements unlike walking target, the Doppler reflected in the spectrogram as the number of vertical Doppler
signature appears just above the 0 Hz, which is not in the case of signature count in this case is also is 108 min−1 and the Doppler
the walking target due to its radial velocity component. components corresponding to the hands movements appear mostly
It is also noted that in the walking case, the frequency goes to 0  below 50 Hz. These two spectrogram results confirm and
Hz only when the target stops walking. Further, the Doppler demonstrate the radar pickups of legs/knees and hands movements
signature of jogging case consists of vertical signatures due to the of a jogging target. However, extraction of accurate Doppler
legs/knees (strong signal) and hands (week signal) coherent signature of walking profile of the person and counting the number
movements at a spot and every vertical Doppler signature is

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Fig. 14  Confirmatory demonstration experimental spectrogram results for
(a) A jogging speed increased and wide-range hands movement human target, (b) Jogging speed increased and narrow-range hands movement human target

Fig. 15  Picture of an outdoor experimental setup with

(a) A cycling human target (arrive – stop), (b) Time-series plot of radar echo signal, (c) Magnitude spectrum, (d) Spectrogram

of steps walked become difficult in this system due to the operating starts going down at the time instant 7.30 s as the break is applied
frequency of this radar. to reduce the speed and reaches the 0 Hz at the time instant 9.20 s.
This Doppler signature matches with the bicycle target riding
5.6 Doppler extraction of cycling motions profile i.e. the person rode the bicycle at a constant speed (2.12 
m/s) for the first 7.30 s and applied break slowly from the time
This experimental study is devoted to analyse the Doppler instant 7.30 s to reduce the speed. During thie time i.e. after 7.30 s,
signatures of a person riding a bicycle. In this study, the the echo signal power is high (≃−33 dB/Hz) due to the closeness of
transmitting power is kept at 6 dBm and hence, the target is the bicycle target to the radar. After 9.20 s, no frequency
operated from a range of 40 m. This bicycle target is operated in component is received because the bicycle motion is completely
two different scenarios, in front of the radar, in this experimental stopped. Further, after 7.30 s i.e. during the bicycle motion
study as (i) person rides the bicycle towards the radar and stops it stopping period, additional frequency components are observed
after coming closer as shown in Fig. 15a and (ii) person rides the around the main descending Doppler due to the activates of
bicycle towards the radar, diverge/move-away (takes a left) after applying break, balancing the cycle, keeping the legs down to stop
coming closer and continuous riding as shown in Fig. 16a. The Q7 the cycle motion etc., and all these movements/motions in front of
Q6 time-series and magnitude spectrum plots, for the first scenario, are the radar generate multiple micro-Doppler signatures, which are
shown in Figs. 15b and c, respectively. The main observations are reflected in Fig. 15d. In addition to these signatures, few more
(i) echo signal reaches maximum amplitude when the target comes frequency components of maximum bandwidth 47 Hz (micro-
closer and (ii) frequency present in the echo signal varies between Doppler) are also observed below the main Doppler (75 Hz) during
DC and 80 Hz. The spectrogram result corresponding to Fig. 15b is the period of riding the bicycle target i.e. 0–7.30 s. This additional
shown in Fig. 15d, which evidences for these observations. The signature is due to the bicycle pedalling (knees/legs) motions. To
measured Doppler frequency due to the bicycle target motion i.e. confirm and demonstrate all these Doppler signatures, several
due to mainly the body motion is 75 Hz (2.12 m/s) and this experiments were conducted and the spectrogram results of two
frequency is observed during the entire period of cycling motion experiments are presented in Figs. 17a and b.
i.e. 0–7.30 s. During this period the signal amplitude increases
from −58 to −46 dB/Hz. This measured Doppler frequency (75 Hz)
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Fig. 16  Picture of an outdoor experimental setup with
(a) A cycling human target (arrive – diverge), (b) Time-series plot of radar echo signal, (c) Magnitude spectrum, (d) Spectrograms

Fig. 17  Confirmatory demonstration experimental spectrogram result for a cycling human target with
(a) Increased speed and pedalling, (b) With no pedalling within radar FoV

The experimentation scenario for Fig. 17a is (i) bicycle target maximum echo power (≃−22 dB/Hz) is measured when the target
was rode at increased (by adjusting the bicycle gear) speed (3.6  is close the radar. The time-series and magnitude spectrum plots for
m/s) and (ii) pedalling was stopped, the break was applied at the the second scenario i.e. ride-diverge experimental study are shown
time instant of 8 s and hence, the speed was gradually reduced. in Figs. 16b and c, respectively. The main observations are (i)
This experimentation profile is reflected in the Doppler signature in signal amplitude increases as the target approaches the radar and
Fig. 17a as the measured main Doppler frequency is 130 Hz, this (ii) the magnitude spectrum consists of a wide range of frequency
frequency starts descending at the time instant of 8th second, the components between DC and ≃190 Hz unlike the previous cases.
micro-Doppler signature (max. bandwidth of 60 Hz) due to the The spectrogram corresponding to Fig. 16b is shown in Fig. 16d
pedalling motions is also observed for the period of 0–8 s, which evidences for these observations. The echo signal power
additional frequency components around the descending Doppler increases from ≃−63 to ≃−28 dB/Hz as the target approaches the
are also observed and the maximum echo signal power (≃−25  radar. The micro-Doppler signature (bandwidth of 45 Hz)
dB/Hz) is measured when the target is close to the radar. To further corresponding to the pedalling motion is also observed in this case.
investigate the influence of pedalling motions in the Doppler The measured main Doppler frequency is 125 Hz (3.53 m/s) and
signature, another experiment is conducted as (i) the bicycle target this signature is observed till the time instant 5.30 s i.e. till the time
was rode at the increased speed of 4.25 m/s from the range of 80 m the bicycle target got exposed in front of the radar. After the 5.30 s,
and (ii) the pedalling is stopped at 40 m i.e. after entering into the the target starts to diverge (take aside); hence, the Doppler
radar beam. Since no bicycle pedalling within the radar field of signature highly fluctuates (bandwidth of 190 Hz) during the
view (FoV), the speed is gradually decreased as the target period of turning the bicycle target to the left side and the signature
approaches the radar. This target profile is reflected in the reaches 0 Hz as the target moves away from the radar FoV. During
spectrogram plot in Fig. 17b as the measured main Doppler this turning time, the radar signal is influenced by every motion/
frequency at 0 s is 150 Hz, this frequency is gradually reduced to 0  movement of the target i.e. body/bicycle motions, pedalling
Hz, since no pedalling in this case, no any micro-Doppler signature process, knees/legs movements etc. Since all the actions happen in
corresponding to the pedalling motion is observed, additional front of the radar during the turning time, the spectrum gets highly
frequency components during the bicycle stopping time i.e. after fluctuated as shown in Fig. 16d. Further, in this case, the bicycle
the time instant of 8 s are observed as in the above cases and the target speed is low (3.12 m/s); hence, the Doppler signature is

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Fig. 18  Confirmatory demonstration experimental spectrogram result for a cycling human target with
(a) Increased speed and turning, (b) With no pedalling within radar FoV

picked up by the antenna sidelobes for a period of ≃2 s when the the scenarios where LoS alignment becomes difficult (e.g. RPM
target crosses the radar at a side and the corresponding Doppler measurement of a wind turbine), (ii) modulating radar signal (e.g.
signature is reflected in Fig. 16d. Since the pickups are from linear frequency modulation), finding the targets ranges and
sidelobes, the power level of the echo signal is very low i.e. ≃−68  separating them even they rotate at same RPM (e.g. RPM
dB/Hz. To confirm and demonstrate these observations, several measurement of a quadcopter propeller rotor blades) and (iii)
experiments were conducted and spectrogram results operating the radar at higher frequency (shorter wavelength) so as
corresponding to two experiments are shown in Figs. 18a and b. to have more accurate measurements even for tiny movements of
The riding speed increased (4.4 m/s) bicycle target was operated in low RCS targets (e.g. counting of walking/knee/leg steps, hands/
front of the radar for first 5 s and then the target was taken aside. head movements and heartbeat/ respiration rate measurement).
The spectrogram signature corresponding to this experiment is These detections/measurements will support for the accurate
shown in Fig. 18a which reflects this scenario. identification and classification of targets. Further, though all the
The measured main Doppler is 155 Hz, pedalling micro- radar measurements in this work keep good correlation to standard
Doppler signature (max. bandwidth of 65 Hz) is observed and huge instrument readings, the error values are not equal to zero. This is
Doppler fluctuation (max. bandwidth of 245 Hz) is observed due to the radar wavelength which can be definitely avoided by
during the period of taking aside. Since the target is operated at an decreasing the wavelength i.e. operating the radar at higher bands
increased speed (4.4 m/s) in this case, the Doppler signature picked namely X, Ku, K, Ka etc. Addressing these limitations/
up the antenna sidelobes disappear within a second unlike the requirements to enhance the performance of this measurement
previous case. Another experiment is conducted with the same system is the near future research work.
target operating at a speed of 4.3 m/s within the FoV of radar
without pedalling and taking aside after coming closer to the radar. 7 Acknowledgments
The corresponding Doppler signature is shown in Fig. 18b, where
initially the main Doppler signature is at 150 Hz and this value All the authors express their sincere thanks to Prof. Surendra Pal
gradually descends till the 7.30 s. Since no pedalling in this case, (https://surendrapal.wixsite.com/spal/research-blog) for his
no any micro-Doppler signature relevant to pedalling is observed. unparallel technical and administrative support provided during all
During the turning period, a huge Doppler fluctuation (max. the stages of the work reported in this paper.
bandwidth of 210 Hz) and antenna sidelobe pickups are also
observed. Similar results are obtained in all the experimental trials 8 References
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Interaction, 2016, vol. 84, pp. 36–40 and Automation (ICCUBEA), Pune, India, September 2019

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