Answer Paper Dular Patel Section B 197220: SDG Handprint Lab Examination

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Answer Paper

Dular Patel
Section B
SDG Handprint Lab Examination

● Total Marks: 100
● Time: 2 PM to 5 PM. You have 3 hours to complete and submit your answers. No late
submissions will be accepted.
● This is an open book (Google) exam. However, no copy paste answers will be accepted.
We suggest you answer in your own words.
● Mention the Section and Question numbers correctly while answering.
● All sections (A to E) are compulsory. However, there are choices given within some
● You are requested to be online during the exam as Section E requires you to watch an
online video before answering the questions (link given).
● Submit your answers in word document
● Deadline for submission: 9 April 2020, 5 PM

Section A: Choose the most appropriate Answer. Each Question carry 2 Marks,
Total: 16 Marks

1. Which of the following best describes Sustainable Development?

a. Development that provides for economic and social viability even if that results in
environmental degradation for the future
b. Development that provides environmental sustainability even if that results in
economic and social degradation for future generations
c. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs
d. Development that meets the needs of the future generations even if that means
present society’s needs go unmet

2. What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

a. The UN’s plan to stop climate changes
b. A universal plan to end poverty, protect our planet and ensure prosperity for all
c. A plan which says rich countries must give money to poor countries
d. A country’s plan to create jobs for everyone

3. How many goals does the plan consist of?

a. 8
b. 11
c. 17
d. 20

4. When is the deadline for achieving these goals?

a. 2020
b. 2030
c. 2050
d. 2100

5. Which three dimensions does sustainable development consist of?

a. Economy, Social and Environmental
b. Peace, Human rights and Environment
c. Environment, Economy and Ecology
d. Economy, Ecology and Environment

6. Which of these sustainable development aims did not feature as a

standalone millennium development goal?
a. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
b. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
c. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
d. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all

7. What can individuals do to help realize the achievement of the Sustainable

Development Goals?
a. Create projects and partnerships of their own and participate in existing
initiatives to help achieve one or more of the goals
b. Use their positions in society — as teachers, decision-makers, students,
consumers, role-models, and ordinary citizens — to voice support for the
Goals, to make decisions that advance the Goals, and to take actions help to
implement the Goals
c. Hold their governments and the private sector accountable and support
reputable civil society organizations
d. All of the above ... and more.
8. The sustainable development goals are designed to apply to which
a. Only countries in sub-Saharan Africa
b. Low- and middle-income countries, but not high-income countries
c. All countries, both rich and poor
d. Only countries where more than 50% of the population live below the poverty

Section B: Answer each in 100 words. E ach Question carry 4 Marks, Total:
20 Marks
1. What do you mean by the following terms? (4 Mark Each)
a. Global Warming
Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall
temperature. Though this warming trend has been going on for a long
time, its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred years due to
the burning of fossil fuels. As the human population has increased, so has
the volume of fossil fuels burned. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural
gas, and burning them causes what is known as the “greenhouse effect”
in Earth’s atmosphere.
The greenhouse effect is when the Sun’s rays penetrate the atmosphere,
but when that heat is reflected off the surface cannot escape back into
space. Gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels prevent the heat
from leaving the atmosphere. These greenhouse gasses are carbon
dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, water vapor, methane, and nitrous oxide.
The excess heat in the atmosphere has caused the average global
temperature to rise overtime, otherwise known as global warming.

b. Kyoto Protocol
The 1997 Kyoto Protocol shares the Convention’s objective, principles
and institutions, but significantly strengthens the Convention by
committing Annex I Parties to individual, legally-binding targets to limit or
reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Only Parties to the Convention
that have also become Parties to the Protocol (i.e by ratifying, accepting,
approving, or acceding to it) are bound by the Protocol’s commitments.
171 Parties have ratified the Protocol to date. Of these, 35 countries and
the EEC are required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions below levels
specified for each of them in the treaty. The individual targets for Annex I
Parties are listed in the Kyoto Protocol’s Annex B. These add up to a total
cut in greenhouse-gas emissions of at least 5% from 1990 levels in the
commitment period 2008-2012. After two and a half years of intense
negotiations, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted at COP 3 in Kyoto, Japan,
on 11 December 1997.

c. Environment
The environment consists of the air, water, land, and all the conditions
that surround living organisms. It is important to note that all the systems
in the environment are interrelated such as the interactions of animals and
humans on the ecosystems.
In India, the present environment is undergoing rapid change due to a
population explosion. Many environmental issues due to this growth are
affecting the people of India. First of all, environmental degradation, the
deterioration of the earth, is being caused by over farming the land to
provide for this growing population. As the soil gets poorer, so do crops.
As a result, famine and disease become widespread as there is not
enough food to feed the populace.

2. Give two examples each of: (2 Mark Each)

a. Misuse of resources
Commercial interests like trading in products out of natural resources.
Ignorance on necessity to preserve natural resources.
b. Resource overuse
Extinction of species.
44Soil erosion.
3. Differentiate between: (2 Marks Each)
a. Handprint and Footprint
The concept of handprint has been introduced to measure and
communicate the positive changes of actions and the beneficial impacts,
whereas the footprint measures the negative impacts in terms of
emissions and resource consumption.
b. Renewable and non-renewable resources
Renewable resources are solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy,
biofuels, cultivated plants, biomass, air, water and soil. In contrast, non-
renewable resources are those that are available to us in limited
quantities, or those that are renewed so slowly that the rate at which they
are consumed is too fast.

Section C: Answer any 3 of the following each in 200 words. Each Question carry
8 Mark, Total: 24 Marks
1. Industrialization was the major turning point in history. How did
industrialization change the way of human life?
Industrialization made a big change in the world. There were many different
things that made the industrial revolution. Industrialization changed the world by
advances and increases using machines, Economics, social impacts,
Urbanization and industrialization , Population growth, and Capitalism. There was
an advance in production of products using machines. The proletariat worked in
the factories which made a big increase in product production. Steam engines
and railroads made transportation easier, and it also made wages lower due to
people being productive without machines. Some countries were productive
without machines due to high wages because of production costs. Mining and
textile industries also helped. The machines ended up making product production
easier which advanced industrialization. Capitalism in the industrial revolution
was very important. Capitalism was bases on people being able to work freely
and also be protected while they work. It persuaded trade and politics for the
bourgeoisie. It also had to do with how much workers were paid. Industrialization
was a shift in economics, while urbanization was a social shift in population.
These two both have impacts on industrialization. If you have a big population,
they would be your industry. Factories would have to be built so people could
have jobs. People will move where jobs are, which makes a bigger population.
This is what urbanization is. It gives jobs to people and grows the population.
Urbanization made a big impact on the industrial revolution.

2. Illustrate the three pillar model of sustainability.

The standard diagrams for visualizing the three pillars are simplistic. To see the
more correct relationship requires a diagram like the one shown.
The largest system of them all is the biosphere we live in. It contains the human
system, which has two main systems: social and economic. When groups of
people, from a tribe to a nation, agree to form a government they form a social
contract to increase their general welfare. This contract binds the social and
economic systems of the group of individuals together. The people (the social
subsystem) are working together under a central government to maximize their
economic system's output.Seeing the overall system this way makes it clear that
environmental sustainability must have the highest priority, because the lower the
carrying capacity of the environment, the lower the common good delivered by
the social system and the less output the economic system can produce.

3. Explain the connection between lifestyle and climate change.

Atmosphere is commonly characterized as normal climate, and all things
considered, environmental change and climate are entwined. Perceptions can
show that there have been changes in climate, and it is the insights of changes in
climate after some time that distinguish environmental change. While climate and
atmosphere are firmly related, there are significant contrasts.
A typical disarray among climate and atmosphere emerges when researchers
are asked how they can foresee atmosphere quite a while from now when they
can't anticipate the climate half a month from now. The confused idea of climate
makes it capricious past a couple of days. Anticipating changes in atmosphere
(i.e., long haul normal climate) because of changes in environmental
arrangement or different components is a totally different and substantially more
sensible issue. As a relationship, while it is difficult to anticipate the age at which
a specific man will bite the dust, we can say with high certainty that the normal
time of death for men in industrialized nations is around 75.
Lifestyle change is a complementary call for a continuous effort encompassing
spread of awareness of sustainable lifestyles, energy concerns, building of
synergies between policy, regulation, technology, market forces and ethical
imperatives. The focus of change needs to be on patterns of energy
consumption. It is important to include this in the global policy discourse

4. How can we as individuals contribute to Sustainable Development? Also,

describe a sustainable activity that you practice in your daily life.

Section D: Read the paragraph given below and answer any 4 questions. Each
question carries 5 Marks. (Total 20 Marks)
Air pollution in Asia has worsened since 2000 and is responsible for the deaths of
thousands of people in Beijing, Jakarta, Seoul and Manila. The pollution is a result of
the use of fossil fuels by the industry and transport sectors. The problem got
aggravated in Asia due to the use of poor quality fuel, inefficient method of energy
production, use
of vehicles in poor condition and traffic congestion. This was revealed during a research
conducted by the World Bank and Stockholm Development Institute. The research
states that air pollution in the continent has surpassed the combined emissions in
Europe and North America. The deaths caused by fine particulate matter far exceed
those caused by sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ozone and lead. The health costs in
major Asian cities now exceed for 15-18 percent of urban income expenditure, claims
World Bank officials.
a. Identify any one component that needs to be addressed towards attaining
social, economic and environmental sustainability in the case illustrated.
One component that may be addressed is awareness among common people
about the importance of using clean fuel and regular inspection for emission by
their vehicles. They should know about the adverse effects of not doing the
same. Air pollution is taken very lightly by some people; given the enormous
population of Asian countries, sustainability can't be achieved until each citizen
becomes responsible.

b. Compare the given situation in the cities stated in the text with any major
Indian city. Do you see any such catastrophe to happen/is happening here?
The condition of air quality in Delhi is not unlike the condition illustrated in this
case. During winter, air pollution becomes so bad that the citizens are virtually
living in a gas chamber. There is a surge in cases related to respiratory
problems, and going outside without a mask becomes very risky. Such a
situation should not be tolerated in the slightest, yet unfortunately, it seems to
worsen every year.

c. Which multilateral environmental agreement(s) in the past was proposed to curb

the growing impact of pollution on humanity specific to the nations discussed
d. A comprehensive campaign to address air pollution needs to be launched
for school children, what programme would you envisage for this. What is
the outcome anticipated? Bring out a slogan and the key message that
needs to be addressed.
Children need to be made aware of the air pollution scenario in a way that is not
too technical but at the same time manages to capture their attention and makes
them understand the gravity of the situation. The key message to be delivered is
a sense of belonging and thus a sense of responsibility, towards the air they
breathe. Only by having an educated and responsible generation can there be an
everlasting solution to this problem. A slogan may be: "Don't let our future go up
in smoke".

e. There is a sudden decision to remove all vehicles from the road that fails to
meet specified norms of emission level within a specified time period. As
part of the citizen forum you are requested to give views on the enforced
regulation. State your views on this.

I feel that the motive of the decision is praiseworthy, however sudden decisions
always lead to panic and confusion, and eventually end up being
counterproductive. While such vehicles definitely should not be allowed in the
road, there should be a period to allow people for inspection of their vehicles for
emissions and then taking further steps. For people whose livelihood depends on
running vehicles like auto wallahs, such a sudden decision will not be taken in
good spirits. A time period would allow the situation to be handled better and also
the goal to be achieved.

Section E: Watch the animation movie, “Operation Sustainability - a Story on the

World’s Most Important Customer” and answer the questions given below. Each
question carries 4 Marks. (Total 20 Marks)
Video: Y


a. Anything you agree or disagree upon about what you saw in the video?
What and why?
Yes, I agree with how the video tries to potray the various problems in the
environment. I strongly agree with the point the watch makes i.e. we cannot do
anything by only reading the newspaper or listening to news at our home and
feeling bad about it. If we want to bring a change in the world we should take a
step towards bringing it. We as human beings always tend to always wait for
someone to take the first step, and therefore the waiting loop does not end. If we
really want to save the environment and see a better future our little contribution
can make a difference as the saying goes, ‘Every drop of water is required to
make the sea.’
b. What are some of the human induced environment issues mentioned in the
Some human induced problems introduced in the video are:
1. The big fish trawlers at sea can drain coasts for fishes and also ruin the
ecosystem. This also makes life difficult for the fisherman.
2. The garbage collected is burnt in the middle of the city. The people from
the poor background usually pick up the jobs of ragpickers for their livelihood.
The job is very risky, because the gases emitted from the burning garbage is
harmful for both the life of the ragpickers and the environment
3. The problem of child labour and poverty has also been showcased in the
video. The video informs us how most women working in the unsafe conditions of
the factory are below 16 years of age.
4. The various drawbacks of industrial farming such as overuse of
pesticides, water and heavy machinery can harm wildlife and also destroy soil
and livelihood of local people.

c. What are the main objectives of SDGs as mentioned in the video?

There are three main objectives of sustainable development goals mentioned in
the video. The objectives that the digital watch in the video mentions are first,
ending poverty, however I do not agree with this objective because endoing
poverty would not solve our problems, but it will create some. It is required that
there is a balance between the rich and the poor in the society. The second
objective mentioned is fighting for equality, According to me the fight should not
only be gender based but it should also be related to the educational and job
opportunities among different classes of people. The third objective mention is to
tackle climate change. The watch clearly mentions in the video that we are the
last generation which can tackle climate change, and if we do not step forward to
taking care of the climate, the future generations will be helpless.

d. Who according to the video can bring the change?

There are three main objectives of sustainable development goals mentioned in
the video. The objectives that the digital watch in the video mentions are first,
ending poverty, however I do not agree with this objective because endoing
poverty would not solve our problems, but it will create some. It is required that
there is a balance between the rich and the poor in the society. The second
objective mentioned is fighting for equality, According to me the fight should not
only be gender based but it should also be related to the educational and job
opportunities among different classes of people. The third objective mention is to
tackle climate change. The watch clearly mentions in the video that we are the
last generation which can tackle climate change, and if we do not step forward to
taking care of the climate, the future generations will be helpless.

e. Do we have an ethical responsibility regarding our consumption? Why/

why not?
Sustainable consumption is important because human beings exert extreme
stress on the planet and its resources. Every living being on this planet depends
on it for its resources, and our planet being only one has finite resources. In the
video it shows how the girl orders for a new watch , even though she has a good
working watch already. We need to understand the fact that materialistic things
can never satisfy us and also that human wants are unlimited. Therefore it is our
ethical responsibility that we limit our needs on an individual level, which would
inturn put less pressure on the environment and its resources.

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