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His Purchased Wife


"You’re such a bitch! I will not leave you this

time.” I hear my cousin, Tia’s, angry voice and
I begin to shiver in fear.

I don’t know what I have done today to make

her so angry but now it has become my daily
routine to face the anger of Tia. No one,
literally no one stops her when she beats me
so bad. Once she nearly broke my ribs and
still no one came to my rescue to protect me,
I am just a waste in this house.

Tia starts pulling my hair, “You whore.” I look

into her eyes and all I see is disgust and
hatred towards me. “You bitch; again because
of you I had a breakup. What’s so special in
you that everyone wants to make you their

I am not the reason that her boyfriends

ditch her, she herself is the reason. Who
would like to be the boyfriend of this whore
who loves them for their bank balance? I
want to shout all this to her face but here I
am the weak one.

Soon my aunt walks into the room, Tia is still

pulling my hair and my aunt looks at me with
same disgust Tia does.

“Tia baby what happened? Why are you

making your hand dirty by pulling her hair?”

Wow! Great! Here, my aunt is worrying about

her daughter’s hand which will get dirty
after touching me instead of feeling bad for
my pain which her daughter is giving me by
pulling on my hair so harshly.

“You know mom, Jacob ditched me just

because of her. He said that my sister is
more beautiful than me. It’s the fifth time
that my boyfriend has ditched me because of
her. This time I will not leave her alone.”
Saying this Tia throws me against the wall
and place her hands around my throat
choking me.

She starts pressing my throat harshly with

an evil smirk on her face. I feel suffocated.
It feels like I will die in a minute. Big fat
tears stream down from my eyes due to pain
and suffocation.

“Lee...ave...Leave...meeee” I request Tia to

leave me as the pain is enough. I don’t know
for how long I would be able to survive this

“Leave her Tia and it’s an order.”

Tia leaves me hearing the order and I fall on

the ground breathing heavily, my face filled
with tears due to Tia’s torture.

“What is this Dad? Why did you stop me

from murdering this Bitch?” She looks in my
direction and throws a killing glare.

Even I am shocked as, in this family no one

cares for me. So why today did my uncle save
me from his princess’s wrath?

“You can take your revenge from her later

princess” he says lovingly to Tia then glares
in my direction. “And you, Emily. I need you
to be ready in next thirty minutes. Mr.
Knight will be coming home and we have very
important meeting. I want you to serve him
your best.”

I rub my face with my palm to remove my

tears and move to washroom to clean my
face. Then I change my dress to long skirt
and plain top. I prepare some light snacks for
the guest with drinks.

After nearly half an hour my uncle calls me

to serve the dishes.

I enter the living room with a tray in my

hands to find Tia and my aunt throwing killing
glares in my direction. Ignoring them I look
at man sitting in the center of room still with
the same attitude and ego. I give him a
forced smile and place the tray on table. Mr.
Knight gives me the same evil smile which Tia
gives me when she wants something from me.
I feel something off about him but I decide
to ignore it.

“Emily. Meet your future husband. He has

purchased you as his wife.”

Hearing my uncle’s words, the land seems to

slip from under my feet and I look at all of
them, shocked. I can’t be ‘His Purchase

Character sketch

Emily Parker: Sweet, innocent, bubbly girl.

But gets afraid very fast. Parker groups
belonged to her father but after his death
her uncle got possession of her business.
Now she lives the life of a maid in her own
house. Her life is a living hell by Tia, her

Liam Knight: “A cold hearted businessman”

as quoted by the media, has a big fan
following, is the most eligible bachelor and
has a long list of awards in his name. But he
has many secrets in his heart and hates girls
the most, thinking of them as Gold-diggers
who just want his money.

Tia Parker: Cousin of Emily. A gold-digger.

Female version of a playboy, who changes
boyfriends after emptying their bank
accounts. She is envious of Emily as Emily has
a perfect body which a girl can dream of.
Now she hates her more as she gets
purchased to be wife of the most eligible
bachelor, Liam Knight.

Grandmother of Liam: Wants best for her

grandson, Liam. Believes that Emily is the
best for her Liam. Always wants to see him
happy and the only lady in the world that
Liam loves.
Laura : Best friend of Emily with whom Emily
shares all her secrets. Laura is a very
positive girl who knows how to hide her pain
and bring a smile on everyone's face.

More characters will be introduced as this

story will progress.

1. First Meeting.

Emily's POV

“Where are you running, darling?” he grabs

me with his filthy hands, “Tonight you are all
mine.” I flinch and move away from him.

“How long will you run away from me?” he

moves closer to me. I try and move away
from him but end up hitting the wall behind
me, I look all around me trying to find an

“There is nowhere to run Babes?” He comes

closer to me and holds my cheeks in his

“Leave me. Otherwise….”

“Otherwise what? What will you do? Cry?” he

makes a crying face as if to mock me, “But no
one is around to listen to you besides me.” He
presses my cheek tighter and I cry in pain
and the bastard laughs in my face.

“You know Emily, I have always tried to get

you into my bed starting in college but you
and your little attitude always pushed me
away, but not anymore, not tonight, tonight
you are mine.” He speaks in a dangerous
voice. I can feel my stomach constrict and
my legs begin to feel weak.
I look up into his eyes which are filled with
nothing but hunger for me. He moves closer
to me and presses his lips on mine. I don't
want my first kiss to be this way, I try and
move out from his embrace with no luck.

“ leave…me...lea…vet”

“Leave!” I wake with a jolt looking around as

to where I am, I realize I'm in my room.

This dream has been haunting me every

night. I place my hands on my forehead
feeling the beads of sweat forming, I look at
the jug of water beside my bed and gulp it
down all at once.

I've been having this dream since the day Tia

released an advert in the local paper for a
one night stand with me. She is trying her
best to sell me to some rich bastard who can
use me and then throw me away like last
night's dinner, all she wants is money. Two
days ago she invited some guy who tried to
kiss me but I was lucky enough that my
uncle’s friend came over for a surprise visit
which ended up with Tia getting rid of the

I just don't know how long I will be lucky like

this from these guys she keeps finding, I
need to get away from here and it needs to
be soon.


“No Dad. That bitch is not coming with us” I

hear Tia’s loud cry come from the living room.

“Try and understand princess, it’s very

important for me to take Emily to that
party.” Why would my uncle want to take me
to his high five party, I thought I was a
disgrace to their small family!

“But why dad? And why should I give my

branded clothes to her?”

“The host of party was a very good friend to

her father and he is a very big investor in
our company. He just wants to meet Emily to
be sure that she is all good with us. So I
want to show her just equal to you in all
manners. It’s just one night don’t worry, oh
and I have booked the latest I-phone for
you.” He says in fatherly tone and pulls her
into a hug.

I look at both of them while hiding behind

the wall knowing that tonight will be no good
for me.

Wearing a very short black backless dress

with tons of makeup applied on my face, I
enter the party thrown by Jack, my uncle. I
remember he used to visit me with lot of
gifts but he stopped his visits after my Dad’s

“Emily. My daughter.” I hear the fatherly

voice of uncle Jack who engulfs me in his
warm hug. I feel so happy feeling this hug.
It’s been so long that someone has hugged
me so warmly.

“You have grown so much, just perfect like

your Mother.” He emotionally says and places
his hand on my head to give me his blessings.

“Make yourself comfortable and if you need

anything just call me. I am here in the party
only,” saying this he goes to greet some of
the other guests. My Uncle and Aunt also
mingle with their friends and I am left alone
with Tia who also eventually leaves me to find
some other rich hunk. So logically, I am left
all alone among people I don't know, which
doesn’t really bother me.

I have been roaming the party hall for an

hour while trying to hide myself from all the
dirty glances thrown in my direction.

Why did my uncle force me to wear such a

short dress?

“Where is your escort?” I turn to find the

most handsome hunk looking at me. At me?

He walks closer to me, looking dashing as

ever. I am seeing a handsome man approach
me for the first time in my life. He has a God
like body hidden beneath his tux. I know this
because of the way he carries himself in his
walk. As he gets closer I see his eyes are a
mesmerizing blue. His looks are ended with
blackish brown hair which have been pulled
back with a huge amount of gel.

He moves closer to me and I look here and

there pulling my dress down a little to cover
my exposed legs but fail to do so.

“So where is your escort?” he again asks me.

“I...I not here…with an...escort” I

stammer a little. Maybe due to his magnetic
personality which can attract anyone.

“So you are here with your family?” I just

hum and look here and there to find my
family. I know if anyone sees me with him
then I will face their wrath tonight.
“Would you like a dance with me?” he places
his palm in front of me in a very gentle
manner and I want to hold it but I fear Tia.

I don’t know from where my uncle comes

from as he forces me to dance with Mr.
Knight, the man talking with me who is his
new investor saying its not good if I doesn’t
fulfill his demand.

I place my palm in his and he takes a tight

hold over it. Much tighter compared to any
other and he seems to give me an evil smile. I
want to move away but can't due to his hold.
He takes me to the dance floor and places
his hand on my bare waist pulling me close. I
feel a chill run down my spine with his touch
and try to move away from him but he
tightens his hold on me crushing me to his
front. He starts moving his hands on my back
inappropriately. I again try to move away
from him but I am caged in his arms.

I am just feeling like my dreams but the

difference is this time it’s real.

“Be mine tonight.” He huskily whispers in my

ear sending chills down my body. I glare at
him hearing his words. “Don’t act innocent. I
know your sister is a one night type of girl
and you are no less a hottie. I want to see
what are you hiding behind this short yet hot

Hearing his words I lose everything and slap

him hard and move out from his embrace.

“How dare you slap me? You don’t know what

I can do. When I want something I get it,
and you will be mine one day.” he walks off
I don’t know what came over me and I take a
glass full of water from a waiter and empty
it by throwing it on Mr. Knight’s face.

“This water is to wake up you from your

dream. Do you honestly think you can make
anyone lie in your bed? But not me. Emily will
not lie on any other person’s bed especially
when treated like that!” I spit fire and exit
the party before anyone could say anything

I know I will face the consequences of

today’s Drama and that too very soon.

2. Meeting his Darling.

Liam POV

How dare a second class girl slap me and

throw water onto my face especially in front
of my business associates?

I look in the direction where that arrogant

girl, exited the party.

I will not leave this Parker Girl. I will make

her life hell.

I exit the party hall avoiding media. Thank

Goodness, they were not allowed inside the
hall otherwise this slap would make a big
scandal. My first day in New York after six
months has lead to what? A slap?! I have to
do something. I will get my revenge on that

“Drew!” I stylishly take out my cell phone and

dial my best detective Drew who has always
provided me with whatever information I
need within a small period of time.
“Am I dreaming or has Mr. Liam night called
me himself?” He speaks in his as usual
‘nothing matter’ tone to get a rise from me.

God knows how he does his work on time

when he is never so serious!

“There is work for you.”

“What work ,my King?” he mimics like a maid

in the court of a king.

“You have to find out about a girl.” I say

while irritation drips in my tone.

“What? girl! Breaking news the most famous

Liam Knight wants this detective Drew to
find out about a girl. I think I am dreaming a
dream which can never be fulfilled.”

Drama queen!
“It's a serious matter Drew.” I bark.

“I know, I know, matters related to girls are

always serious. Who is this lucky girl, hmm..
About whom Liam wants to get information?”
he again teases me.

“Keep talking nonsense and I will appoint

some other detective to do the work!” I bark
once again.

“Alright, alright! Don’t be angry. I am

serious.” He suddenly decided to act

“I want to know about the full history of the

other daughter of Parker. The one who is
quite less famous.”

“Noted boss. By tomorrow morning you will

have all the details of Emily.”

Who the hell is Emily?

“I want history of Parker’s daughter not your

new girlfriend, Emily.” I bark irritated. First
that girl spoils my mood now Drew is playing
with me.

“Boss, Emily is the same girl. You see I am a

detective and I always have this much
information about rich people, moreover
Emily is not his daughter but his niece.”

So her name is Emily!

“I hope that this time also you will not

disappoint me.” I order him.

“Yes boss! Detective Drew on duty. I will now

bid you adieu as I have to find about a girl
and it’s not easy.” Saying this he cuts the
call. With an evil smile on my lips I move
towards the valet who brings me my car from
the parking.

This Emily is so going to regret for her

actions from tonight's party.

Smoothly driving my car from the packed

street I take a left turn toward the highway
toward my mansion in New York where my
family is waiting for me. I arrived in New
York three hours ago when my secretary told
me about this party which was very
important for me to attend. So again
sidelining my family I came to this party
directly from the airport. My darling
Grandma has already called me so many times
in last two hours and I know she will be at
the door waiting for me. I was so happy to
see her again but that girl ruined my evening.

I bang my fist on steering wheel rewinding

the memories of that girl who spoiled my
night and dared to slap me.

I stop my car at the front gate of mansion

where the guard smiles seeing me and opens
the big mansion gate. Nodding to him, I drive
the car into the driveway of the mansion and
move toward the main gate after taking a
deep breath to control the rage burning
inside me.

“Darling.” I call loud enough for my Grandma

who is standing at door waiting for me. She is
the best who has always given me the love of
my parents who are always busy with their so
called charities and parties.

“Liam.” my Grandma lovingly calls me and

engulfs me in her warm hug. This is my home.
This hug is my home. “I missed my son so
much.” I didn’t know she was crying until now.
My Grandma is so emotional and especially
about me.

I broke the hug and looked at her lovingly.

She is the only lady in this world whom I love
and trust. Otherwise I hate girls and if I had
to make a list, it would be extra long.

“You know darling these tears don’t suit your

beautiful eyes.” I wipe her tears with the
pad of my thumbs and give her my true
charming smile.

“Why shouldn’t I cry? My son who arrived

after so long from London instead of visiting
me went to some party to find my Daughter
in law by himself.” She pouts like a child.
“What do you mean Grandma? I went to a
party to meet some business associates, not
to find a girl. You know my past experience
with girls.”

“Now don't lie to me,” she pulls my ears

angrily. “I am your Grandma and I have full
information about you.” A teasing smile
appears on her lips. What information has
she find out now?

“I did not understand.” I give her my best ‘I

don’t know a thing’ look.

“I know you found a girl at that party with

whom you were dancing like couples do these
days.” She pulls out her cell from her coat
pocket and shows me the photo of me and
that girl dancing at the party and we are
really close to each other.
But who the hell leaked this photo? I
thought my PR team had everything under
control then how come this photo leak out?

“I have decided. This girl will be your wife.”

No! I know if Grandma decides to make her

my wife then no one will change her decision.
I have to change her mind from marriage
track and especially from this second class

3. Getting information.

Liam POV

“What is this Grandma? I think you will send

me away from the front gate only.” I pouted
like a small child. The child living inside of me
always comes out in front of my Grandma.

“Then who has stopped you? Come inside. You

know I have prepared your room for you and
I know you will like it.” I roll my eyes at her.
I know my room will be the same as I left it
before leaving New York. I know my Grandma
too well.

“Where are you going Liam?” She calls after

me, noticing that I am running away from her
toward my room. I just want to hide from
her. I don’t want this marriage topic to start

“Will you not talk with your Darling? You are

home after such a long time. You know I only
have you with whom I can talk and share my
thoughts. Otherwise who cares about this old
women?” She emotionally blackmails me.

I release a deep sigh and move toward the

couch where Grandma is now seated.
“Now tell me what you want to talk about
Darling?” I take a seat beside her on the
couch and place my legs on the table to
straighten them out.

“About your marriage. ” she beams excitedly.

Not again!

I try to stand up from couch but Grandma

who knows my intention, gets a hold of my
arms to avoid me from what I intended to do.

“Not now Liam. Look at her photo Liam.”

Grandma again shows me our dance photo
“Look at this girl who looks so traditional and
well cultured. Just perfect for our family.”
She’s beaming again.

“And how do you know that she is well

mannered and from where the hell you get
these photos?” I ask her while keeping my
rage under control as best as I can. How can
Grandma think such a girl to be well

“The girl who dared to slap Liam Knight is for

sure well mannered.” My mouth drops open in
a perfect ‘O’ how come Grandma knew about
this slap? “And I have my own sources to
know about you.” she points a finger at me.

“This must be Drew. Adopted son and radio

of my Grandma.” I mutter under my breath.

“So when will you marry Emily?” She beams

excitedly with lot of hope in her eyes.

“We will see Grandma.” I again try to change

the topic. “Moreover I am tired from the
long Journey. See you tomorrow.” I kiss her
cheeks and stand up from couch.
“I know you hate girls and marriage after
seeing your parent’s relationship and after
what happened six months back but try to
understand that very girl is not like her
,Liam. Moreover we don’t know her side of
story. Maybe she was also regretting a
decision somewhere in her life.”

How many times has Grandma given me this

same speech but I can never trust a girl
especially after that incident six months

“You can call it my intuition, Liam but I

believe that this girl will give you the love
and care for which you have craved for. She
will be the light in your life. Please marry her
Liam. For your darling.” Till now tears are
coming from her eyes. With her age she is
getting emotional and gets many tricks in her
bag to blackmail me.
“We will discuss about this in morning.” I cup
her face in my palm lovingly. “I am very tired
from the journey and party.”

“You will think about her?” Grandma asks

with a hopeful voice.

Yes Grandma, I will think about her. I will

think about a way to take my revenge and
give her more humiliation than she has given
me today.

“Yes Grandma, I will think about her.”

“Oh my boy.” Grandma lovingly kisses my

forehead. “Good Night Liam.”

“Good night Darling.” I wink in her direction

and move toward my room.
My room is really the same as I left it. My
big king sized bed in the middle of the room
with its glory. My big portrait still hanging on
the wall telling that this room belongs to me.
I walk toward my walk in closet to select a
pair of night dress to retire for the day and
found all my clothes still placed in the same
place where I left them. After wearing black
trousers with white tee I walk directly
toward my bed and lay down to relax my stiff

Tring!! Tring!!

“Speak” I answer my mobile phone on which

Drew has just called. I hope he has found out
everything about her.

“Boss your work is done. I have all the

information about Emily you would need.” He
boasts and he has a right to boast as it’s only
two hours since I gave him the task.

“So fast. Are you sure your information is

right?” I doubt this time as sometimes the
information given by him has no proof they
are just his intuitions which unfortunately
are always correct.

“Yes boss, I have my own trusted source who

gave me all the information about her.”

“Then speak, what are you waiting for?”

Here the professional Drew is back who tells

me each and every information about her.
From her birth date to her school marks, her
friends and her BOYFRIEND.

“Are you sure that the last piece of

information is correct. That she had a
relationship with….”
“I am one hundred percent sure.” he cuts me
off very confidently which means he is sure
and Emily IS that girl who snatched
happiness away from my family six months
back. The girl due to whom I left everything
behind running to London. The reason of
complete turn in my life.

“I am asking again Drew, are you sure she

was seen with him most of the time, six
month back? You know for how long I’ve
wanted to find this girl.” I again ask him as I
don’t want to take my revenge on the wrong

“I don’t know if she is the girl behind the

misery of your family. But I am hundred
percent sure that she had a very good
relationship with him. I have even sent you
their photograph in which they look very
close. But to tell you the truth I don’t think
she is capable of breaking any person’s heart.
I will try to dig some more information in
this matter,” He says quite professionally as
he knows that I don’t like any joke regarding
matter related to ‘him’. He knows how
important it is for me to find his culprit, the
reason behind the misery in my family.

After ending the call I look at the photo

which is sent by Drew and he is right, they
must have had some relationship in past. The
way she is holding his hand clears all my
doubt. She is the girl whom I have been
searching for the last six months.

Now I will not leave this Emily at any cost. I

will make her life hell.

Welcome to hell Emily. I evilly laugh with

rage filling inside my heart. Now I know what
I have to do with this Emily. She will regret
the day she was born into this world. She will
wish for death each day. She will regret her
past sins. I will be her future from now on.
The future that will crush her under his

Next Chapter I will Upload:

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