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Program Name : Expository Writing Class

Program Duration : 27 April – 17 June 20201, 20 sessions
Program Schedule : Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday , 7.30 – 9.00 PM
Program Organizer : Sagara Abhipraya
(in partnership with IOM Tanjung Pinang)
Program Coordinator : Amalia Novita Sari, M.Sc.
Program Instructors : Sylvia F Taruna, S.Pd., Nurhamidah, M.Pd.

Program Description
Introduces skills in reading critically, exploring ideas, and writing. Covers composing essays which
support a thesis through structure appropriate to both thesis reader, and covers revision for clarity and

Program Materials

The main material used in this program is as follows:

 Southall, M. (2001). Expository Writing. SCS.

 Robitaille, J., & Connelly, R. (2007). Writer resources: From Paragraph to Essay, Second
Edition. Michael Rosenberg.
 Hutchinson, E. (2005). Expository Writing. Saddleback Educational Publishing

Intended Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Write for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts.

 Write coherent essays that develop ideas in support of a thesis.
 Paraphrase, summarize, and synthesize information effectively and ethically in order to
integrate and connect other iters’ ideas with one’s own.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

 Written assignments designed to promote integration of class material with personal reflection
and experience.
 Written assignments designed to stimulate critical thinking.
 Multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions that require integration, application, and
critical examination of material covered in class.
 Active participation in class discussion.

Course Contents and Schedule

Day/Date Session Topic

Tue/27 April 1 Course Introduction, Pre-test

Thu/29 April 2 Identifying the Organization and Structure of

Expository Writing
Sat/1 May 3 Writing Supporting Details for a Main Idea

Tue/4 May 4 Comparing Ineffective and Effective Writing

Thu/6 May 5 Recognizing a Lead and Thesis Statement (Topic
Sentence); Identifying Six Techniques for an
Effective Lead
Sat/8 May 6 Writing a Lead Using Six Techniques

Tue/18 May 7 Revising a Lead

Thu/20 May 8 Writing a Thesis (Topic Sentence)

Sat/22 May 9 Writing a Introductory Paragraph with a Lead and

Thesis Statement
Tue/25 May 10 Generating Three Distinct Main Ideas on a Topic

Thu/27 May 11 Including the Content of Supporting Details

Sat/29 May 12 Revising a Main Idea Sentence Using a Variety of

Sentence Starters and Specific Word Choices
Tue/1 June 13 Identifying Five Kinds of Supporting Details

Thu/3 June 14 Transitional Phrases

Sat/5 June 15 Relevant Supporting Details

Tue/8 June 16 Main Idea and Specific Supporting Details in

Example, Reason, Process, and Comparison and
Contrast Paragraphs
Thu/10 June 17 Identifying Three Effective Techniques

Sat/12 June 18 Revising an Ineffective Conclusion

Tue/15 June 19 Final Assignment Review Session

Thu/17 June 20 Course Evaluation, Post-test

*course contents are subject to change depending on students’ needs

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