Test 7 Class

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1.Choose the right verbs 11.

Choose the right verb:

How long … you…the book? My brother … a beard last year.
A) has, been A) have grown
B) have, been B) had grown
C) have, read C)have grew
D) are, read D) grew
E) has, read E)grow
2. Answer the question 12. Find the right word:
What is the capital of Great Britain? Cardiff is the capital of……
A) Ottawa A) England
B) Paris B) Wales
C) Astana C) Northern Ireland
D) Washington D) Scotland
E) London E) Britain 
3. Choose the right form of plural nouns: 13. Choose the verb in the right form:
A) Baby He ………….back home. Here he is.
B) Babys has come
C) Babies came
D)Babiys come
E) Babyes have come
4. Find the right verbs: came
It ……………for 3 hours already. 14. Find the right article
A) have been snowing She has got… lovely smile.
B) have snow A) The
C) has snow B)-
D) has been snowing C) An
E) snow D) A
5.Find the opposite word:  E) Any
Polite 15. Choose the right word :
A) Interesting  There is…. milk in the bottle.
B) Kind few
C) Big many
D) Patient little
E) Rude an
7. Choose the right modal verb: are
I…. get up early on Mondays. 16. Choose the right form 
Is to New hospital ………..by the Queen.
may A) were opened
able to B) open
have to C) opening
must D) opens
8. Find the right form of the verb: E) was opened
My brother … at the theatre yesterday. 17. Choose the right word:
Am He did the work……
Is A) Herself
Are B) Myself
Were C) Itself
Was D) Himself
9. Choose the right word: E) Themselves
There … a lot of bread on the table. 18. Choose the right form of the verb:
A)am Bread is … every day.
B) were eat
C) are eaten
D) weren’t eating
E)is eats
10. Choose the right word: eated
There was only……butter left. 19. Write the right word:
A) A few We …going to visit Picture Gallery. We are
B) A little interested in Russian art.
C) Many A)is
D) The B) were
E) A C) been
20. Write the necessary word: D) are
I rely…my friend. E) was


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