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Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement in subject (Organizational behavior) for

1st tri-semester in post-graduation diploma in management

(Batch 2021-23)

Submitted by:-
Abhishek Chhetri Submitted to:-
SEC-A (PGFA2102)
(Human Resource Head)
Jack ma was born on September 10, 1964 , the
year of th Dragon , in Hangzhou , a city one hundred miles to the southwest of shanghai. His parents
named him ‘Yan’ ,meaning “cloud”. His parents named him “Ma”,is the same as the Chinese word
for horse.

Jack ma Yun is a Chinese business magnate ,investor and philanthropist. He is the co-founder
and former executive chairmen of Alibaba Group ,a multinational technology conglomerate, he also
founded yunfeng capital , a private equity firm.He is a strong proponent of an open and market
driven economy.


Jack Ma is the philanthropist and humanitarian who is deeply concerned about the state of the world,
for which he has great compassion and idealism Jack Ma radiates with a dynamic and effective
energy. He appears controlled and able. Jack values courage and trouble in the face of difficulties
and these rates show. Others can smell that he will not be pushed around. Jack Ma is he's extremely
determined person. His preliminarily life has shown that he was rejected for a job at KFC. He was
also only one of the five aspirants of the Chinese police academy that didn't get a job, and he was
rejected 10 times by Harvard University. Although he was defied with failure constantly, it
tutoredMr. Ma determination. Also, Jack Ma has a sense of humor. One the conspicuous illustration
is at the famed Alibaba 18th-anniversary periodic meeting. Jack Ma had to get up on the front of
workers and shareholders and talk about how great the company is. The highlight of the show was
Jack Ma entertaining an aggressive approach to the periodic meeting. He got up dressed as Michael
Jackson and danced a multitudinous songs‘Billie Jean’. He'd a full costume and was joined in the
hinder by numerous hop in front of thousands of Alibaba workers. It’s hard to believe that the CEO
of the Chinesee-commerce mammoth would get up and perform an amazing show. Really, he can
entertain his workers and shareholders in the meeting

Jack appears in proper manner of

dress, minding for the small print of his appearance. While he may spend utmost of his time in staid
business dress or suits, bright and cheerful colors work well for him. Ma is fashionable, but has his
own style.Jack Ma is a extroverted intuition perceiving personality persons as he belives in gathering
information as he belives in seeing theoretical possibilities and always finds his way to abstract
connections in the surrounding and world around him he always focuses his objective and he
persives the exterenal world to find relationship and observe the patterns between peoples ,things
and events. He always helped peoples to see the possibilities in the external world as he has ability to
think and explore across multiple context he was average in introvert thinking as he always strived
for efficiency and wanted the world to sence in logical manner, he has extraverted feeling as he is
average in it along with good etiquette that attached to decision making and judgement jack ma’s
introvert sensing is average as he belives in information gathering and he always ends by focusing on
the emotional and internal world of personal experience and correlates and diffences to his past
memories and experience as he got Exposure to the art form from his parents which helped him
explain his abilities as a communicator.As a boy jack fell in love with the English language
Jack Ma has a romantic personality, but his love is more impersonal as he tends to be focused He is
broad outlook on life allows himself. to see the enormous picture and very often shy away from
dealing with the minute details

As a boy jack fell in love with the English language and literature, particularly reading of Mark
Twain’s. The Adventure of Tom sawyer that he heeded to on a shortwave radio. Latterly it was the
appearance of foreign excursionists in demitasse that handed jack with his opening to the
outsideworld .In late 1978, when jack was fourteen demitasse launched a new “ open door” policy,
initiated by Deng Xiaoping, in pursuit of foreign trade and investment. After a decade of
fermentation the country was in the verge of ruin and desperately demanded hard currency, that
particular time 728 sightseer visited Hangzhou, but soon after the ensuing time more also fourty
thousand sightseer came to the megacity, jack saw a open occasion to exercise his English. He
started waking up before dawn and riding his bike forfourty twinkles to the Hangzhou Hotel to hail
foreigntourists.Every morning from five o’clock I would read English outside of the hostel. A lot of
foreign callers came from USA and Europe, he would give them a free stint of west lake and they
tutored him English, for nine times! he rehearsed English every morning no matter if it decolorized
or rained. An American sightseer who suggested and named jack the name Ma Yun came known in
English hereafter as Jack. He'll noway forget how important learning the English language has
helped him a lot in his life. It makes me understand the world more, helped him to meet the stylish
CEOs and leaders in the world, and made him understand the distance between China and the world.

In demitasse all high academy scholars those who hope to go on to advanced education have to pass
in merit base in advanced education entrance test, generally known as Gaokao. The gaokao takes
place over two or threedays.Maths, along with Chinese and foreign language obligatory, it's
extensively seen as utmost grueling in the world, taking huge quantum of medication and
memorization. Jack took the gaokao but failed poorly scoring1/120 in Math after that stopgap
crushed he took upoun slavish labour job delivering heavy packets of magazines from printers to
Hangzhou train station on a pedicab, Jack was rejected from multitudinous other jobs, including as a
server in a hostel he was always condemn by peoples as he wasn't altitudinous.

Jack resolved to have different faith, and took the gaokao again this time his calculi score bettered
slightly to19/120 but his overall score drop vastly.
Jack formerly again set about applying jobs to make ends meet, He applied 11 job operations but all
met with rejection, he was also rejected by KFC one out of 24 seeker that they did n’t like.
Undeterred, jack came a regular every Sunday at the library of Zhejiang University, where he
committed to memory the formulas and equations he'd have to master to pass the test. Jack noway
gained admission to a prestigious university in Beijing or Shanghai. But in 1984 he bettered his
calculi score89/120 in gaokao indeed though his scores was several points below the normal
acceptance rate at other university for a full four time undergraduate programme rather he'd been
relegated to two-three times associate’s degree course but Hangzhou Preceptors council had a many
space left for manly scholars where in jack got admission. In his alternate time of university jack was
tagged as a chairman of pupil union, where he launched a Top Ten lot vocalizers competition and he
was latterly a chairman of Hangzhou scholars Federation But yet Jack was not yet an entrepreneur
after graduating in 1988 with a bachelor degree in English ,he had become a lecturer in English and
internatonal Trade at the Hangzhou Institute For Electronic Engineering .While his fellow students
were all assigned to teach English in the middle school jack was only one out of Five hundreds
graduates who was assigned to teach in an Institute of Higher Learning but after that he started to
think of a future beyond teaching as he keen to serve out the remaing years of his contract, Jack
began to pursue opportunities outside his school. After his day job at he institute he started teaching
English classes at Hangzhou YMCA, Jack’s English class was popular as he spend very little time
teaching grammer ,vocabulary or reading out texts. Instead jack would always prefer to pick a topic
and engage in conversation his students came from wide varity of backgrounds from high schoolers
striving to study overseas ,to college student to factory worker and young professionals ,he would
often spend time with his students after class like drinking tea,playing cards and chatting, later jack
decided to launch his own English corner his sessions were held every Wednesday night the
anonymity in darkness conferred his students less self-conscious in practicing their imperfect
englsih, But jack’s teaching days was almost coming to an end as he resolved to launch his own
business before he turned thirty working part time on his new business ,after class,he named his first
company “Hope”.
In January 1994 ,at the age twenty
-nine ,Jack founded the Hangzhou Haibo translation agency ,when the first company started there
were only five staff ,member mostly retired teachers from the institute ,He rented two rooms at 27
Qingnian Road ,not far from west lake ,Jack convinced some students from his English night school
to lend a hand with the business,largly to help find his first client on opening day his students went to
Wulin square with banners to help publicize the company as few students ended up joining full time
nobody make such money at first as jack had lot of respect for him tremendously for a great ability
to motivate people and he can invest things that seems hopeless with exciting possibility. he can
make those around him get excited about life. Jack’s first business was focused on helping local
companies find coustomer overseas as he has to teach during day and had no time to help others with
translation work and he thought lotsof retired teachers had nothing to at home as their pension was
low as he wanted his translation company to be an intermediary. Jack was not able to find
commercial success with Hope initially but his first venture gave him direct exposure to the
entrepreneurial revolution that was transforming and his first tentative steps as an entrepreneur

For Jack Ma, customers come first, employees second, and investors third. According to him,
employees can create value and their enthusiasm will result to happy investors and customers.

He set up a unique work culture at Alibaba which came the foundation of its success. Ma was
known for being largely visible in the plant, singing karaoke with workers, and holding
company retreats. His workers treat him like a combination of a father figure, inspirational
practitioner and band leader.
Jack Ma is a man of great vision. When he first learned about the internet, he knew that it’s
going to be largely popular.
His visionary particularity pushed him to leave China Runners and follow his
own dream – to produce ane-commerce company.

He describe all the positive and formative hand conduct and actions that are n’t part of their formal
job description. It’s anything that workers do, out of their own free will, that supports their associates
and benefits the association as awhole.One of the important keys leading Jack Ma to come a
successful leader is “ Teamwork.” He believes he can't be successful without good team members
because he not a professional in multitudinous ways, analogous as technology. So, he needs great
people with great chops in the association. Once Jack Ma gave an interview on how to separate a
leader from an hand. His answer was a skill. He said, “ Your workers should have superior technical
chopsthanyou.However, it means that you have hired the wrong person, If they do n’t.”
Therefore,Mr. Ma treats his workers as mates. He has erected a culture of participation. Although he
is not good at technology and computers, he has training chops. He knows how to educate,
encourage, and inspire other people. Therefore, he uses those chops to communicate with his
workers to understand fluently the pretensions of the company, performing in everyone working
under a single thing, leading the company’s advanced performance. Also, he always leads his
workers to partake their idea and tries to make them feel comfortable while working (Husain, 2018).
Likewise,Mr. Ma likes to give an occasion to the new generation because when he was immature, no
bone gave him the occasion, so he wants to give the new generation a chance to show their
capability, which might be intelligent and work better than the former generation. He also believes in
erecting a team that works long hours and provides openings to these people is more important than
anything else.


- -OCB boosted hand morale and It increased people’s situations of work meaningfulness
- -It's good for hand performance and productivity; in fact, exploration shows that OCB
appreciatively predicts performance
- .- It created better social relations between workers and It reduced stress of employee
- -It created a sense of community among workers in Alibaba
- -It benifitted a lot to Employer community


To what extent do workers at Alibaba experience what the company intends to offer?

Why do they join the company and how do they feel as workers working there? Our

focus group discussion with workers in different functions and situations confirms that

Alibaba is indeed a unique company to work with. The following themes and direct citations capture
their exploits and the feeling of working at Alibaba Jack Ma is the attraction that draws people into
the company and provides them with a believable dream. In receant decade I hadn't seen a successful
model like the one Alibaba in interpersonal relationship training.

Although the objects for each time

feel to be truly high, ever we've always managed to negotiate those objects. With once success, we've
erected up confidence that we ’re suitable to achieve the objects no matter its six times with the
company. Occasion to make a difference by developing a new way of doing business From day one
in the company, we've been nurtured to have a dream. At all situations of the company are seeking
for an ideally that will change other people’s lives.


I ’ve noticed that the biggest difference in Alibaba then any other company as for decision making
in teams is a sense of power., the operation is great and truly professional; still, they look at
problems from the point of view of a professional director. For Alibaba, the company’s directors and
numerous workers always look at issues as possessors and would begin with theresult and look back
on how they should do commodity to arrive at the result. All workers areshareholders of the
company, and we can see the pride of power in the company.Director of Organization and People
Development, one time with the company Before I joined the company, I checked with a friend who
worked for Alibaba. Any one is extreme passioned energy to join the company as well as the positive
print leftBusiness HR Specialist, three times with the compane culture of the company is eternalized
from the 18 original authors and they help to make the culture with their conduct and language. We
can smell and see their passion. The passion of Alibaba is from within and radiates outward to
others. We can see that they truly believe in the company and the culture of Alibaba is erected from
there, not by programs or processes.The company is true to its values at all situations when it comes
to decision making When Jack Ma talks to operation about hiring, he told us that we must hire
people‘with the same smell.The speed of change is three to four times that of other associations. The
objects when we reach and surpass the targets, we also have a profound sense of accomplishment.
With the constant pressure and changes, we ’re also forced to estimate how we do our own jobs and
how we work as a platoon. Is it sufficient to enough to take responsibility to take desions only after
each approval


“Jack will meets with all new employees in a group setting and keeps meeting meetings with
management at least, Once a week, and monthly staff meetings with all employees. On the intrnet,
there’s a BBS that allows staff to post their thoughts and opinions. Jack often interacts with staff on
the BBS in an open and casual way.

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