The Smoking Habit of Teenage Boys

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“The Smoking Habit of Teenage Boys”

Supporting Lecturer:
Ns.Yelmi Reni Putri, S.Kep.,MAN

Arranged By:
Bella Angelvina (1814201074)


Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Praise the presence of Allah SWT for giving us The grace and guidance so I can finish This
Paper entitled “The Smoking Habit of Teenage Boys” for complete my English task.

The writer realize that this paper isn’t perfect, so I hope the reader can give me the suggestions
and cricits for the better paper.

The Writer would like to say Thankyou for all the parties, especially for the English supporting
lecturer “Ns.Yelmi Reni Putri,S.Kep.,MAN” who guided me on writing this paper.

I hope this paper can useful for nurse student and the reader.

Duri, September 20, 2020

Bella Angelvina


I. Background
Smoking is a habit which can be found in almost every circle on Public. Many people
know bad effects of smoking behavior,however the number of smokers continues to
increase. Smoking behavior is a behavior that burns a product tobacco is meant for
incinerated, smoked and / or inhaled including kretek, white cigarettes, cigars or other
forms resulting from plant nicotina tabacum, nicotina rustica and other species or their
synthetics whose smoke contains nicotine and tar, with or without addictives
(Kemenkes, 2013).
Smoking, as a form of health risk behavior is increasingly prevalent among young people
and even adolescents (Sarafino & Smith, 2011; Smet, 1994).
Aditama et al (1998) showed that in 14 provinces in Indonesia, smoking started at the age
of 10, especially for boys. If since the age of 10 a child has started smoking and then
develops into a habit, it can be predicted that 10-20 years later will grow into an
individual who has a high risk of suffering from certain diseases.
An activity that can be directly observed in male adolescents is smoking behavior.
Smoking behavior is behavior that is considered very detrimental from various
perspectives, both for his self and for others around it (Aula, 2010)(Febrijanto &
Fikriyah, 2012).
According to the WHO survey institute in 2008, Indonesia was ranked 3rd as the largest
number of smokers in the world, and now Indonesia is also setting a new record, namely
the highest number of teenage smokers in the world. As much as 13.2% of the total
teenagers in Indonesia are active smokers.
Smoking habits in teenagers schools in Indonesia are often seen at high school students,
because at this age is an intermediate period between childhood to adulthood.
Adolescence, including a very period determine because at this time the teenager have
many changes in psychological and physical aspects(Batubara, 2016). The psychological
changes make confusion among teenagers, so that they experience emotional turmoil and
mental stress make it easy to stray from the rules and social norms prevailing on Public.
Based on basic health research data 2007, age trend started smoking on adolescents aged
10-14 years (1.1%) and age 15-19 years, namely (44.4%). This data then increased in
2013, that is in adolescents age 10-14 years (15.9%) and age 15-19year there's (60.3%)
(Depkes, 2013)(Maharani et al., 2018).
Factors that influence smoking habits the students are the age of the students who are still
unstable and easily influenced by the social environment.
Smoking behavior that is considered detrimental has shifted into pleasant behavior and
into obsessive activities. The biggest factor of smoking is social or environmental factors.
Related to this, we certainly know that a person's character is largely formed by the
surrounding environment, family, neighbors, or friends (Aula, 2010).
In some adolescents, they smoke to increase their self-esteem because they're believed
smoking can improve their self-image, such as making them look more mature, calmer
and so on. This is based on the belief that smoking can give a positive image to the
perpetrator. Smoking is considered as a way to maintain body weight or diet, even
according to (Piper, Piasecki, Federman, Bolt 2004) smoking is one of the motives for
addiction to cigarettes.
The behavior of trying to smoke can develop into regular use because cigarettes contain
nicotine which is addictive. Nicotine is a psychoactive substance that stimulates and
motivates smokers to always smoke (Aditamadkk, 1998)(Astuti, 2012).

II. Formulation of The Problems

1. What’s the definition of cigarettes?
2. What’s the impact of smoking for teenagers boys health ?
3. What’s substances are contained on cigarettes?
4. How to Overcome The Smoking Habit of Teenager?

III. Purpose
1. To know the definition of cigarettes
2. To know the impact of smoking for teenagers boys health
3. To find out the substances are contained on cigarettes
4. To find out How to Solve The Smoking Habit of Teenager.


Smoking is a habit which can be found in almost every circle Public. Many
people know various bad effects of smoking behavior, however the number of
smokers continues to increase. Moment this age group of smokers also varies. The
2012 Tobacco Atlas reports that about 35% of male smokers come from
developed countries and 50% of developing countries. In the past decade at least
50 million people died as a result of contracting it illness due to smoking. Most of
the deaths occur in countries middle income and poor it’s about 80% of deaths
including Indonesia (Asizah, 2015).
Teenage is a time individual life where there is psychological exploration to find
identity self. During the transition from childhood to adolescence, individuals
begin develop abstract characteristics and self-concept becomes more distinct.
teenage has unique characteristics, one of which is the nature of wanting to
imitate something seen, to the circumstances, as well as the surrounding
environment (Kusmiran, 2011).
Based on basic health research data 2007, age trend started smoking on
adolescents aged 10-14 years (1.1%) and age15-19 years, (44.4%). This data then
increased in 2013, namely in adolescents age 10-14 years (15.9%) and age 15-
19year there (60.3%) (Depkes, 2013).
The desire to be independent will arise in adolescents. One form this
independence is starting to break away from the influence of parents and
emotional dependence on parents. Based on the characteristics possessed(such as
being egocentesis, role confusion, etc.). In adolescence one person spends more
time with peers than does with his parents so that behavior and norms or rules are
normal which is held much influenced by their peers (Kusmiran, 2011).
Adolescent habits that are difficult to avoid is smoking, smoking habits on
Adolescents can be influenced by various factors, including during development
children who are looking for self-identity and always want to try new things that
existin the environment. Even though teenagers want to escape from the influence
of their parents however several studies have proven that the habit of smoking is
on adolescence begins because of following the habits of parents who smoke, role
information media in advertising cigarettes and also films that are notdirectly
promote the smoking behavior of the main characteras a figure much admired by
the audience (Husaini, 2007)(Hakim, 2015).
Another factor that affects smoking habits is lack of attention from parents due to
busyness and high socioeconomic levels, so that adolescents easy to get
cigarettes. How many research results also found that adolescents, especially
women who smoke because they want to be elderly. In the person who stopped
smoking, they say that quitting smoking will be difficult concentrate, restless,
even fat, while smoking will feelmore mature and can come up with ideas or
inspiration. Psychological and physiological factors this is what a lot of influence
on smoking habits in society (Tandra, 2003).

1. Topic: The Smoking Habit of Teenage Boys.
2. Target: Students and Parents.
3. Method: Lecture, Discussion, Practice, and Question &Answer.
4. Media: Laptop, leaflets, and video.
5. Time and Place:
a. Day: Friday
b. Date: June, 15 2020
c. Hours: 60 Minutes – 1 Hour.
d. Time: 08.00 Am.
e. Place: SHS 1 Mandau
6. Place settings:


 : Presentator

 : Audience

 : Facilitator

 : Moderator

 : Observer

 : Media
C. Division of Tasks
1. Person in Charge
a) Moderator: Abderrouf
b) Presentator: Bella Angelvina
c) Observer: Umayah Nurvianie
d) Facilitator: Maisaroh
2. Job Description.
a) Moderator.
The role of moderator at the beginning of Health Promotion
1) Open extension.
2) Introducing yourself and group members.
3) Classification of time and place contracts.
4) Creating a language contract.
5) Delivering outreach objectives.
6) Delivering information systematics.
The role of moderator at the end of the Health Promotion
1) Re-evaluate the client's knowledge of the material given
(ask each point that has been explained).
2) Delivering Conclusions.
3) Close the health promotion education.
b) Presentator
1) Fostering a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere during the
2) Exploring the audience's knowledge about the material
points to be explained.
3) Providing positive reinforcement on the audience's answer
(does not mean justifying wrong answers).
4) Explain the material in easy to understand language.
c) Observer
1) Observing the course of the health promotion education.
2) Documenting the course of extension.
3) Points documented related to structure evaluation, process
evaluation, final evaluation.
d) Facilitator
1) Maintain smooth education.
2) Facilitating the audience to ask questions.
3) Maintaining calm during outreach.
D. Extension Activities

Number Extension Activities Participant Activities Time

1. Orientation Phase 5 Minutes
1. Greeting and introducing all Answer greetings
group members
2. Explain the topic Listen and pay attention
3. Explain the purpose of Listen and pay attention
2. Work Phase 50 Minutes
4.Exploring the audience's Answer questions
knowledge about
understanding The Smoking
Habit of Teenage Boys
5. Give reinforecement about Listen and pay attention
the definition of Smoking
6.Explain to the audience about Listen and pay attention
The Smoking Habit of Teenage
7. Exploring audience Answer questions
knowledge about the negative
impact of The Smoking Habit
Teenage Boys
8. Member reinforecement on Listen and pay attention
the substances cigarettes.
9. Explain about the The Listen and pay attention
Smoking Habit of Teenage
10. Exploring audience Answer questions
knowledge about the factors
that cause Smoking Habit of
Teenage Boys
11. Provide reinforecement Listen and pay attention
about the factors that cause
Smoking Habit of Teenage
12. Explain about the factors Listen and pay attention
that cause Smoking Habit of
Teenage Boys
13. Exploring audience Answer questions
knowledge about cigarettes
14. Provide reinforecement Listen and pay attention
about exploring audience
knowledge about the bad
impact of smoking
15. Explain about exploring Listen and pay attention
audience knowledge about bad
impact of smoking
16. Explore audience Answer questions
knowledge about how to solve
the bad habit of smoking on
17. Provide reinforecement on Listen and pay attention
the solve the bad habit of
smoking on teenage
18. Describes the how to solve Listen and pay attention
the bad habit of smoking on
3 Closing 5 Minutes
19. Re-evaluate the material Delivering responses during
that has been given. activities.
20. Provide positive Receive reinforcement.
reinforcement to participants.
21. Provide opportunities for Ask questions
extension participants to ask
22. Summing up the extension Listen carefully
23. Closing the meeting and Responding to greetings
giving greetings.

E. Evaluation
1. Structure Evaluation:
a. Readiness of Students to Provide Extension Materials
b. Media And Tools Adequate.
c. Settings In Accordance With Activities.
d. Quiet atmosphere and nothing downstream
2. Process Evaluation:
a. During the Extension Process, it is expected that the audience can
attend all activities.
b. During the Extension Activities, Active Audiences are expected.

3. Evaluation of Results:
a. 60% of participants were able to answer the questions suggested
by the moderator during the evaluation.
b. 40% of participants were able to mention again about:
1) Knowing the Definition of cigarettes.
2) Knowing the bad impact of smoking.
3) Knowing the factors that cause smoking habit of teenage
4) Knowing How to Solve the smoking habit of teenage


A. Definition of Teenager
The word "Remaja" comes from the Latin meaning adolescene to grow or to grow
maturity (Golinko, 1984, Rice, 1990 in Jahja, 2011)(Saputro, 2018).
Adolescence is a period of transition development between childhood and adulthood
generall begins at age 12 or 13 years and ending in the late teens or early twenty years
(Papalia and Ods).
Adolescence is a transitional period from children to adults. On this period
various changes took place both hormonal, physical, psychological changes and
social. This change happened tremendously fast and sometimes without us
knowing it. Physical changes what stands out is the development of sex cues
secondary, the occurrence of growth pacing, and change behavior and social
relationships with the environment.
Adolescence is defined as a transitional period from childhood to childhoodadults, the
age limit for adolescents varies according to the local socio-culture. According to WHO
(World Health Organization). The age limit for adolescence is 12 to 24 years old.
According to Sarwono (2005: 8), "adolescents in the sense of adolescenc (English)comes
from the word adolscere which means to grow towards maturity. In terms of this means
not only physical maturity, but especially social maturity psychological. Teenagers in a
psychological sense are closely related to life and social conditions, such as adolescence
which is very long and some a real most non existent. However, it is necessary for
practical purposes too set a certain limit. One definition of a teenager is based on
practical goals are given by health organizations world or WHO (World Health
Organization) .
As for adolescent boundaries according to WHO (1979) in Sarwono (2005: 9),
Stated in 3 criteria, namely biological, psychological and socio-economic.
So the complete definition says adolescents are:
1. The individual develops from the first time he shows signs secondary sexuality
until the time he reaches sexual maturity.
2. Individuals experience psychological development and identification patterns
from children become adults.
3. There is a shift from full socio-economic dependence to a relatively more
independent state.
4. A man or woman who can be said to be a teenager namely 13 to 21 years of age.
Wirawan explained that to define adolescence it should be adjusted with the local culture, so that
in Indonesia the age limit is used 11-24 years and not married with the following considerations:

1. Age 11 years is the age at which generally secondary signs begin to appear.
2. In Indonesian society, 11 years of age are considered puberty, both according to
custom and religion, so that society no longer treats them as children.
3. At that age there are signs of perfecting mental development as they are achieved
ego identity (according to Ericson), reaching the genital phase of psychosexual
development (according to Freud), and the peak of cognitive (according to
Piaget), and mora (according to Kohlberg).
4. The age limit of 24 years is the maximum limit, namely to provide opportunities
for those who Until that age limit, they still depend on their parents, they don't
have rights full as a parent.
5. In this definition, marital status really determines whether an individual is stil
classified as a teenager or not.
B. Cigarattes
a. Definition of Cigarettes
A cigarette is a roll of tobacco (about the size of a little finger) wrapped in leaves
or paper. If given the prefix "Me" becomes smoking which means smoke
cigarettes (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, 2002).
Smoking is sucking tobacco smoke that is burned into the body and then blowing
it back out (Armstrong, 2000).
Cigarettes are product processed tobacco including cigars or other ingredients
produced from planting Nicotiana Tabacum, Nicotiana Rustic and other species or
syntheses containing nicotine and tar with or without additives (Prakasa, 2015)
(Alamsyah, 2017).

b. Substances Contained in Cigarettes

 Each puff of cigarette smoke includes more than 4000 chemicals, half of
which are produced by the burning of tobacco leaves and half of which is
a chemical reaction from the burned cigarette and partially is a component
that is inserted during the cigarette-making process or the mixing of
chemicals to improve the taste and quality of cigarettes (Mustikaningrum,
 Tar is a hydrocarbon substance that is sticky and sticks to the lungs. Tar
settles along the inner lining of the lungs which from year to year get
thicker, causing shortness of breath and lung cancer. The tar content in
tobacco is between 0.5–35 mg / stick (Mustikaningrum, 2010).
 Nicotine inhibits cilia activity in the lungs and has addictive and
psychoactive effects. Smokers experience pleasure, reduced anxiety,
tolerance and physical attachment. This is what makes it difficult for
smokers to quit. Most of the effects of smoking on weight loss are
mediated by the nicotine inhaled from cigarette smoke. Nicotine will
increase levels of neurotransmitters, such as the systemic release of
catecholamines, dopamine and serotonin in the brain, suppress appetite,
thereby reducing food intake (Irianti, 2016).
Nicotine can also stimulate the heart-stimulating hormone adrenaline and
blood pressure. The heart cannot rest and blood pressure will get higher,
causing hypertension. Another effect is to stimulate platelet clotting.
Clumped platelets will clog narrowed blood vessels due to carbon
monoxide. The nicotine content in cigarettes is 0.5 - 3 nanograms
(Mustikaningrum, 2010).
 Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that comes from incomplete
combustion of tobacco when smoking cigarettes. Carbon monoxide causes
the lining of the airways to swell, which prevents air from moving in and
out of the lungs. This results in the lungs lack of oxygen to be channeled
(Kimia et al., 2017)to muscle cells and the lungs themselves. Carbon
monoxide can reduce the ability of hemoglobin.
Carbon monoxide has an affinity for hemoglobin 300 times stronger than
oxygen (Bustan, 2013).
Carbon monoxide reduces the ability of muscle cells to take in oxygen
because the heart works harder which continues with a decrease in the
heart's pumping ability. Apart from these substances, cigarettes also
contain other substances, such as cadmium, ammonia, cyanide acid
(HCN), nitric oxide (NO), formaldehyde, phenol, sulfuric acid (H2S),
pyridine, methyl chloride, and methanol (Mustikaningrum, 2010).
C. Factors Affecting of Smoking Behavior.
According to Lewin in Komasari and Helmi (2000), smoking behavior is caused
by self and environmental factors. Suryaningrat (2007) states that smoking
behavior is a dangerous behavior for health. However, there are still many people
who did.(Rochayati & Hidayat, 2015)

The factors that cause a person to smoke is,

1. Family influence a person who comes from a conservative family (a family that looks
after and cares for their children) has a harder time getting involved with smoking.
Meanwhile, people who come from permissive families (families that do not really care
for their children and accept children's behavior) tend to be easy to get involved with
smoking. In the Journal of Consumer Affairs (Aliyah, 2011) states that smoking parents
will be influential in encouraging their children to become novice smokers at an early
age. Psychologically, parents' tolerance of cigarette smoke at home will form a value for
children that smoking is something they can do and that they feel free to smoke because
there are no moral sanctions given by parents (Mu'tadin, 2002). Another example is the
existence of internal family problems. For example, a child comes from a broken home,
one of which is triggered by a parent's divorce. The child does smoking activities as a
form of protest and resistance against his parents for not paying attention to him
(Suryaningrat, 2007).
2. The Influence of Friends Someone who has smoking friends is more likely to smoke than
someone who does not have smoking friends. Many people are encouraged to become
new smokers to fit in with the social community.
Cigarettes make them feel more accepted by many people (Mu'tadin, 2002).
From this fact, there are two possibilities:
*The person is influenced by his friends.
*His friends were influenced by him.
3. Personality Factors People try to smoke out of curiosity or want to escape pain and
boredom. Personally, mental conditions that are in decline such as stress, anxiety, fear,
disappointment and despair often encourage people to smoke cigarettes. They feel calmer
and find it easier to get through the tough times after smoking. (Suryaningrat, 2007).
4. The Effect of Advertising In visual media,such as television, billboards and magazines,
advertisement displays are very provocative by showing that smoking a person will be
more macho (Suryanigrat, 2007). Advertising is an information medium that is made in
such a way that it can attract consumers or audiences voluntarily to be compelled to take
an action as desired by the advertiser. Many cigarette advertisements in print and
electronic media have stimulated public curiosity about cigarette products. The portrayal
of characters and challenging scenes in advertisements makes people imitate them.
Existing advertisements stimulate them to smoke with a different inducement. Even
though the advertisement does not depict people smoking, scenes that are identical with
mighty and imaginative things influence them to consume cigarettes (Mu'tadin, 2002).
The cigarette advertisement theme always displays positive messages such as macho,
stylish, caring, loyal friends, and inspiring. Based on Prof. University research. Dr.
Hamka (Uhamka) and the National Commission for Child Protection (2007), cigarette
advertising is one of the causes of the increasing number of smokers in Indonesia
(Candra, 2008).
Smoking behavior is a behavior that burns a product tobacco is meant for
incinerated, smoked and / or inhaled including kretek cigarettes, white cigarettes,
cigars or other forms resulting from nicotina tabacum plant, nicotin a rustica and
other species or their synthetics whose smoke contains nicotine and tar,with or
without additives(Kemenkes, 2013).
The factors that influence smoking habits in teenage are psychological, biological and
environmental factors. An activity that can be directly observed in male adolescents is
smoking behavior. Smoking behavior is a behavior that is considered very detrimental
from various perspectives, both for oneself and for others around it (Aula, 2010).
According to Levy (in Nasution, 2007) smoking behavior is an activity carried out by
individuals in the form of burning and smoking and can cause smoke that can be inhaled
by the people around them.
Even though everyone knows about the dangers caused by smoking, this never
subsides and almost every time you can find many people who are smoking, even
smoking behavior is very normall for adolescents, especially boys (Susilo, 2009).

Erickson (Komasari and Helmi, 2000) said that smoking related to the period of looking
for identity in adolescents. Tomkins (mu'tadin,2002) the function of smoking is indicated
by the feelings experienced by smokers, such as positive feelings and negative feelings.
Smoking behavior has 4 stages so that it reaches the smoking stage, including:

1. Prepatory Stage.
Someone gets a pleasant picture by hearing, seeing, and reading, giving
rise interest on smoking.
2. Intination Stage (Smoking Pioneering Stages).
The stage where a person starts pioneering or trying to smoke and whether
to continue smoking behavior.
3. Becoming a Smoker Stage.
If someone starts smoking as much four cigarettes a day, so he has a
tendency to become a smoker.
4. Maintaining of Smoking Stage.
At this stage smoking has become one of the self-regulating. And smoking
is done to obtain a pleasant psychological effect (Clearly, 2000).
(Widiansyah, 2014)

Like the use of other substances, there are several factors for adolescents so that they become
smokers, for example psychological factors, biological factors, environmental factors (Subanada,
2008). The reasons for a teenager to start smoking for the first time from various studies include:
feeling like experimenting, joining in their friends, wanting to know the goodness of smoking,
just wanting to feel, to look maco, imitating his parents, for fun, relieving tension, just social
habits, symbol of maturity, looking for inspiration. And other reasons are as a stress reliever,
saturation remover, difficulty in releasing oneself, environmental influences, anti-acid mouth fad,
dessert, enjoyment.For most students, starting smoking is due to environmental forces. For
example, the student started smoking because he was ashamed of his friends who smoked, so he
started smoking and eventually a habit or addiction to cigarettes. Most students also think that by
smoking they feel great, stylish, and recognized. Even if he is not very good at taking care of
himself, smoking is the beginning of someone falling into illegal drugs.

D. Impact of Smoking Behavior

Smoking behavior has various effects on smokers. According to Ogden (2000),
behavior has two impacts, positive and negative impacts.
1. Positive Impact.
Smoking has very little positive impact on health. Graham in Ogden
(2000) states that smoking by smoking can produce a positive mood and
can help individuals deal with difficult situations. Smet (1994) mentions
the advantages of smoking (especially for smokers), namely reducing
tension, helping concentration, social support and fun.
1) Reducing stress and feeling uncomfortable, indirectly makes
teenagers more courageous.
2) Generate a feeling of pleasure.
3) Strengthen association between friends, especially when all friends
4) Increase courage and feelings of manly, hero and macho.
5) Reducing appetite, so that it can prevent obesity.
Of the five benefits arising from smoking, especially for adolescents who
are used as an excuse to smoke, it tends to reduce stress, strengthen
relationships and increase courage and male feelings.
2. Negative Impact.
Smoking can have a very negative impact on health (Sumartono, 2009).
Smoking does not cause disease but can trigger a type of disease.
Cigarettes also do not cause death directly but can encourage the
emergence of diseases that can cause death. Various diseases that are
triggered by smoking start from head to toe disease. These include: heart
disease, cancer, respiratory disease, increased blood pressure, blood vessel
disorders, blurred vision, etc. such as warning messages printed on
cigarette packs. (Suryaningrat, 2007).
a. Cigarettes contain 4000 types of toxic substances that are harmful
to health, including those that are well known are carbon monoxide
(co) which can be deadly, nicotine which promotes calcification of
the heart and blood vessels, tar which can clog and reduce airway
function and cause cancer, and various toxins in the liver, brain
and cancer-forming.
b. Cigarettes reduce concentration, for example, while driving and
c. Smoking decreases fitness.
d. Cigarettes not only poison the smokers themselves, but also those
around them (as passive smokers) with the same dangers.
e. Cigarettes cause dependence and feelings of missing something. If
cigarettes are not available, it will result in a decrease in learning
and work achievement.
f. Cigarettes are wasteful.
g. Cigarettes can start fires.
h. Interferes with performance at school.
Teens or school children who smoke tend to experience a decline
in their exercise scores, get tired quickly because they cannot walk
long distances or run fast due to shortness of breath due to
i. Impaired lung development.
The body develops at a growing stage and if a person starts
smoking in adolescence, it can interfere with the development of
his lungs.
j. Economic impact.
The economic impact felt by children is biased from time to time.
Maybe at first he only wanted one cigarette a day, but the portions
will continue to grow. From one cigarette can become one pack of
cigarettes every day when they feel addicted and cannot leave the
cigarette. They can steal your money to buy cigarettes, and you
have to be aware of that. Many smokers spend much more on their
meals than they do to buy cigarettes themselves.
k. It's harder to heal when sick.
When a teenager / student is sick, it will be more difficult for them
to return to normal health, because smoking affects the immune
system in the body.
E. How to Overcome The Smoking Habit of Teenager.
If because of addiction, the tips to do are:
1. Think of the fun things that will happen to your body during the crisis of quitting
smoking (usually 1.5 to 2 weeks).
2. Drink lots of water, eat lots of vegetables and fruits whenever the urge to smoke
3. Talk or communicate with other people and keep yourself busy.
4. Exercise that is fun and enjoyable on a regular and measured basis.
5. Massage the back and neck area, then inhale deeply.

If it's because of addiction, then cut all the links between smoking and habits that are often done
with the following tips:

1. If you want to feel the cigarette in your hand, play with other items such as pencils, pens,
or reading books.
2. If there is a desire to light a cigarette, keep the cigarette out of reach and throw out the
3. If you usually smoke after eating, immediately get up from your seat after eating, rub the
gihi and go for a walk or do activities that make you forget about smoking.
4. If smoking is accompanied by drinking coffee, then replace coffee with fruit juice, etc.
5. If smoking is to calm yourself down, then try to remember the dangers smoking can
cause heart disease, lung disease, cancer, stroke, miscarriage, etc.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Ask yourself whether there are friends, relatives, or neighbors who suffer from
one of the diseases above. Imagine if the disease attacked ourselves.
2. If the urge to smoke is very strong, do light exercise such as taking a walk or
doing activities that are your favorite or hobby.
3. If you think that smoking can make us calm or comfortable, then say and honestly
admit that smoking is unlikely to solve the problem.
4. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to involve family, friends, and relatives
to help divert attention from smoking.
5. If you want to quit smoking, you must determine what action to choose or what
behavior is most easily changed in relation to the smoking situation.
6. Make a statement to stop smoking, then read the statement about the intention to
quit smoking in front of a friend or relative or family member who will serve as a
reminder to achieve the desire to quit smoking.


Smoking habit isn’t good for our body,maybe it’s good for pscychology it’s makes the
smoker relax, Reducing stress etc. But is’nt worth it for the bad impact to our physical.
According to the WHO survey institute in 2008, Indonesia was ranked 3rd as the largest
number of smokers in the world, and now Indonesia is also setting a new record, namely
the highest number of teenage smokers in the world. As much as 13.2% of the total
teenagers in Indonesia are active smokers. So we’ve to STOP teenager to Smoking!.

Indonesian Government have to pay attention to buying and selling cigarettes on
Indonesia. We’ve to make people realize the “bad habit” we can solve together. There’s
no word “LATE” to be a “BETTER” person.

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