Assignment No.1-Midterm

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Assignment No.

1. If a positive sequence current passes through a transformer and its phase shift is 30 degrees, the negative
sequence current flowing through the transformer will have a phase shift of
(a) 30 deg.
(b) -30deg
(c) 120 deg.

2. The zero sequence impedances of an ideal star-delta connected transformer (star-grounded)

(a) looking from star side is zero and looking from delta side is infinite
(b) looking from star side is zero and looking from delta side is also zero
(c) looking from star side is infinite and looking from delta side is zero

3. The positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of a transmission line are 0.5,0.5 and 1.1 pu respectively.
The self (Zs) and mutual (Zm) impedances of the line will be given by
(a) Zs = 0.7 pu, Zm =0.2 pu
(b) Zs = 0.5 pu, Zm =0.6 pu
(c) Zs = 1 pu, Zm =0.6 pu

4. Symmetrical component method of analysis is more useful when

(a) system has unsymmetrical fault and the network is otherwise balanced
(b) system has symmetrical fault and the network is otherwise unbalanced
(c) system has unsymmetrical fault and the network is unbalanced.

5. For a line to line fault analysis using symmetrical components,

(a) the positive and negative sequence networks at the fault point are connected in series
(b) the positive and negative sequence networks at the fault point are connected in parallel
(c) the positive, negative, and zero sequence networks at the fault point are connected in parallel

6. The machine reactances used for computation of short circuit current ratings of a circuit breaker are
(a) synchronous reactance
(b) transient reactance
(c) sub-transient reactance

7. The load currents in short-circuit calculations are neglected because

(i)short-circuit currents are much lager than load currents
(ii)short -circuit currents are greatly out of phase with load currents
The correct alternative is
(a) both (i) and (ii) are wrong
(b) (i) is wrong and (ii) is correct
(c) both (i) and (ii) are correct.

8. Which one of the following statements is not true?

(a) Fault levels in an all a. c system are less than in an a. c system with a D.C. link operating
(b) Large systems may be interconnected with d. c link of small capacity
(c) Limitation on the critical length of underground cables for use in A. C no longer exists if D.C transmission
is used.
(d) Corona loss and radio and TV interference with D.C. transmission is less
9. Advantage of power system interconnection is
(a) Large size circuit breakers are required because of large short-circuit currents
(b) Machines of one system remain in step with machines of another system
(c) Fewer machines are required as reserve for operation at peak loads

10. The internal voltages of a 3-phase synchronous generator correspond to

(a) Positive sequence
(b) Negative sequence
(c) Zero sequence

11. Mho relay is usually employed for the protection of

(a) Short lines only (c) Long lines only
(b) Medium lines only (d) Any line

12. Hays bridge is used to measure___________ and Schering bridge is used to measure____________
(a) Inductance, Inductance (c) Capacitance, Inductance
(b) Inductance, Capacitance (d) Resistance, Capacitance

13. In Gauss Seidel method the following factors are influenced for operation
(a) Acceleration factor (c) Both
(b) Selection of slack buss (d) None

14. Practical method of improving string efficiency

(a) Increasing crass arms length
(b) Using different size of insulators
(c) Using different insulator materials
(d) Using of guard rings

15. In which type of fault all 3-phase components are equal

(a) L-G (c) L-L-G
(b) L-L (d) 3-Phase fault

16. Transient stability can be improved by

(a) By putting series capacitor (c) Auto re-closers
(b) By using dynamic resister (d) All of the above

17. Harmonics are eliminated by using

(a) Skewing of rotor (c) Short pitch winding
(b) Distribution winding (d) All of the above

18. A generator is connected to a constant voltage bus through an external reactance of 0.3 per unit. The
synchronous reactance of the generator is 0.2 per unit and the voltage magnitude of the constant voltage bus is 1.0
per unit with its angle being 0° . The generator delivers 0.9 per unit power to the constant voltage bus when the
angle of its terminal voltage is 15° . Determine the magnitude and angle of its internal emf.

19. Derive the swing equation used for stability studies in power system.

20. Draw the zero sequence network of a star-connected alternator with zero sequence impedance Zgo when the
neutral is grounded through an impedance Zn

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