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J O U R NA L OF EN V I RO N M EN T A L S CI EN C ES 2 6 ( 20 1 4 ) 2 1 78–2 1 8 9

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Invited article

Utilization of plant-based natural coagulants as future

alternatives towards sustainable water clarification

Sook Yan Choy1 , Krishna Murthy Nagendra Prasad1 , Ta Yeong Wu1 ,

Mavinakere Eshwaraiah Raghunandan2 , Ramakrishnan Nagasundara Ramanan1,3,⁎
1. Chemical Engineering Discipline, School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia, 47500 Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia.
2. Civil Engineering Discipline, School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia, 47500 Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia
3. Advanced Engineering Platform, School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia, 47500 Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia


Available online 11 October 2014 Rapid industrial developments coupled with surging population growth have complicated
issues dealing with water scarcity as the quest for clean and sanitized water intensifies
Keywords: globally. Existing fresh water supplies could be contaminated with organic, inorganic and
Chemical coagulant biological matters that have potential harm to the society. Turbidity in general is a measure
Commercialization of water cloudiness induced by such colloidal and suspended matters and is also one of the
Constraints major criteria in raw water monitoring to meet the stipulated water quality guidelines.
Fruit waste Turbidity reduction is often accomplished using chemical coagulants such as alum. The use
Protein of alum is widely associated with potential development of health issues and generation of
Turbidity reduction voluminous sludge. Natural coagulants that are available in abundance can certainly be
considered in addressing the drawbacks associated with the use of chemical coagulants.
Twenty one types of plant-based natural coagulants categorized as fruit waste and others
are identified and presented collectively with their research summary in this review. The
barriers and prospects of commercialization of natural coagulants in near future are also
© 2014 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Published by Elsevier B.V.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2179
1. History of coagulants used in water clarification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2179
2. Downsides of chemical coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2179
3. Advantages of plant-based natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2180
4. Classification of plant-based coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2180
4.1. Fruit waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2180
4.2. Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2181

⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail: (Ramakrishnan Nagasundara Ramanan).
1001-0742/© 2014 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V.
JO U R N A L OF EN V I RO N M EN T A L S CI E NC ES 2 6 ( 20 1 4 ) 2 1 7 8–2 1 8 9 2179

5. Constraints in commercialization of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2184

6. Prospects of natural coagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2184
7. Limitations and further improvements on the current natural coagulant studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2185
8. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2187
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2187
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2187

Introduction resulted in the introduction of polymerized aluminium coagu-

lants. Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) has garnered a growing
Water, air and food are among some of the essential elements in life. market owing to its higher superiority and lower consumption
Yet, these important commodities have been taken for granted as
of alkalinity. Organic synthetic polymer flocculants such as the
continuous industrial development becomes the frontier of today's
more common polyacrylamide are also available in the market;
world. As a result, environmental pollutions and the shrinkage of
precious commodities have affected the lives of many. The world offering a wider selection of chemical coagulants to cater for the
consists of a major portion (about 71%) of water but freshwater diverse requirements of the individual water treatment plants
contributes to only a minor fraction of 2.5%. However, more than (Bolto and Gregory, 2007).
60 billion m3 a year of freshwater is needed to cope with the annual With the invasion of chemical coagulants, traditional
global population growth of 80 million people. In Asia alone, urban water clarification methods using natural coagulants are no
populations can be expected to double in the year 2000–2030
longer practiced except in rural and developing countries
(Martine, 2007) and water scarcity is now a global pandemonium
not limited to arid zones (Wu et al., 2013). Continuous population
which have limited accessibility to these chemicals. This
growth, increasing standard of living, climate change, industrializa- marked the beginning of a paradigm shift towards the
tion, agriculture and urbanization are triggering the decrease in dependence of chemical coagulants in treating turbid water.
water resource worldwide (Wu et al., 2013). The remaining propor- Over the years, this scenario has gradually led to stagnation in
tion of water sources could be contaminated to certain extents the development of natural coagulants. An infinite gap has
rendering them to be unsafe for direct consumptions. The contam- since existed drawing obvious lines between these two
ination of raw water could be due to human intervention,
coagulant variants as the traditional water clarification
geopogenic source (water-rock interaction) or climate conditions in
one country (Nasrabadi and Abbasi Maedeh, 2014). method becomes obsolete.
As such, adequate water treatment and sanitation are essen-
tial to remove turbidity, impurities and other pathogenic bacteria
which can be guided through the addition of coagulants. Due
to its simplicity and effectiveness, coagulation and flocculation 2. Downsides of chemical coagulants
are one of the most widely adopted techniques to restore the
palatability and improve the esthetic appearance of turbid Despite the superiority of chemical coagulants in treating turbid
water. This technique results in the destabilization of colloidal water, they are still lacking in terms of green chemistry. In the
particles and subsequently, the increment in particle size for the
1960s, detrimental effects of chemical coagulants on the human
ease of sedimentation. The figurative illustration of the coagu-
health were published (Simate et al., 2012). Residual aluminium
lation and flocculation process via the charge neutralization
mechanism has been shown elsewhere (Choy et al., 2013). in alum treated water has been the center of debate as it is
Despite that, 67% of the worldwide population could still be linked to serious health issues such as the development of
deprived to the access of adequate sanitation in the year 2030 Alzheimer's disease (AD) (McLachlan, 1995; Flaten, 2001;
(World Water Assessment Programme, 2009). Gauthier et al., 2000; Walton, 2013; Rondeau et al., 2000) and
senile dementia (Rondeau et al., 2001). The results from a
number of epidemiological studies and clinical observations
have suggested at least 70% of positive correlations between the
1. History of coagulants used in water clarification presence of aluminium in drinking water and AD (Doll, 1993;
Flaten, 2001).
Coagulation and flocculation could be achieved using either However, contradictory results have also been reported due
natural coagulants or chemical-based coagulants. Among the to the absence of substantial evidence in several instances
two, natural coagulants have long been acknowledged for (Martyn et al., 1997; Forster et al., 1995; Wettstein et al., 1991).
their application in traditional water purification which was Thus, a conclusive link between aluminium and the progres-
evident from various ancient records cited (Dorea, 2006; sion of AD could not be determined at this point of time.
Bratby, 2006). On the other hand, the global dissemination of Nevertheless, these positive results obtained should not be
alum as a coagulant for public water supply occurred back in dismissed where attention must be given to control the amount
the 19th century (Jahn, 2001). Since then, China has become of residual aluminium in treated water (WHO, 2011). To
the world's earliest alum user for the clarification of water minimize this risk factor over prolonged duration of consump-
followed by other nations globally. In the United States, metal tion, threshold aluminium concentration values in treated
coagulants such as ferric salts have their reign in water water have been reported to be 0.02 mg/L (Doll, 1993) and
treatment since 1880. As the performance of these customary 0.1 mg/L (McLachlan, 1995; Rondeau et al., 2000). While the
chemical coagulants is dubious in certain working conditions suggested aluminium concentration by WHO is 0.2 mg/L,
such as low temperatures, on-going developments have certain countries have adhered to much stricter guidelines
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(Simate et al., 2012). Even so, a mean aluminium concentration Till date, reviews on plant-based natural coagulants were
ranging from 0.01 to 0.15 mg/L is common (Doll, 1993), slightly mainly focused on the four most common natural coagulants
above the threshold values which could increase the probability which included Moringa oleifera seeds, Nirmali seeds, tannin and
of AD incidence with respect to drinking water. Opuntia ficus indica cactus in the water and wastewater
Other concerns over the presence of residual aluminium in treatments (Yin, 2010; Vijayaraghavan et al., 2011). In addition
drinking water such as reduced water disinfection efficiency to the current database of studied natural coagulants, an
have been well documented (Driscoll and Letterman, 1995). extensive overview on the indigenous plants used by rural
Synthetic organic polymer for instance acrylamide has strong Africans in water purification has been provided (Yongabi,
neurotoxic and carcinogenic effects. Unreacted chemical mono- 2010). Recently, an extensive review covering the studied
mers and the by-products of polymers in water could also vegetables and legumes has provided an insight to the less
threaten the human health (Bratby, 2006). As for iron salts, commonly known water clarifying agents (Choy et al., 2013).
careful process controls are necessary as excessive iron residual Apart from the mentioned plant-based coagulants, little is
in the treated water will lead to highly visible rust or blood known about other plant categories with notable water
colored stains (Gebbie, 2005) caused by the hydrolysis of iron clarification properties. Hence, there is a need to account for
salts. such coagulants and to identify the key findings obtained from
Another major drawback of hydrolyzing metal coagulants is various coagulation studies conducted previously. This review
the generation of voluminous hydrous oxide sludge which is work can serve as a compendium of 21 types of plant-based
non-biodegradable due to the nature of the coagulant. For coagulants grouped under two main categories namely fruit
instance, 99% of the alum sludge is made up of water (Gregory, waste and others (cactus, cereals, fungus, nuts, shrubs and
2006) and alum sludge is rather hard to dewater. Alum sludge spice). Further, the challenges which kept the commercializa-
also has the disadvantage of causing phosphorus uptake from tion of natural coagulants at bay are also highlighted.
plants due to inorganic phosphorus absorption which leads to
aluminium phytotoxicity (Cornwell, 1999). It has been estimat-
ed that a typical water treatment plant with the treatment 4. Classification of plant-based coagulants
capacity of 190 million L per day using alum would result in at
least 3 tonnes of dry solid waste; accumulating to more than A majority of the plant-based coagulants incorporated in this
1000 tonnes annually (Gruninger, 1975). This finding indirectly current review is made up of fruit waste which ultimately
translates to the excessive sludge input to existing landfills forms a viable source of raw materials for further applications.
which are currently being reported to be insufficient to cater for The remaining coagulants fall under various categories of
the rapidly growing amount of sludge produced. Moreover, cactus, cereals, fungus, nuts, shrubs and spice. However, they
treatment of highly turbid water requires several proteolytic will be jointly reviewed as others to provide a general
additives along with alum making it an expensive process. Such overview on the coagulation studies conducted. The back-
complicated methods for treatment of highly turbid water are ground information and physicochemical properties for the
difficult to adopt in poor or developing countries, where respective plant-based coagulants could be beneficial to
cost-effective and simple drinking water treatment methods provide an insight to its nature and the probable active
are needed (Bodlund et al., 2014). Owing to the downfalls of coagulation agents present (refer to supporting information).
chemical coagulants, there is a need to consider other potential
alternatives for water clarification to minimize the environ- 4.1. Fruit waste
mental damages and to safeguard the wellbeing of human
population. Fruits are rich sources of vitamins and nutrients which can be
consumed fresh, dried, or processed with diverse demands in
the food industries. A significant amount of up to 50% of the
3. Advantages of plant-based natural coagulants total fruit weight is made up of fruit waste such as peels and
seeds that are commonly non-edible. These large proportions
In contrast to chemical coagulants, plant-based natural coagu- of waste are generally discarded into the environment as they
lants are safe (Asrafuzzaman et al., 2011), eco-friendly and lack in commercial values. In Malaysia, the habit of com-
generally toxic free (Bratby, 2006; Swati and Govindan, 2005). posting and waste recycling is not yet a widely adopted
Natural coagulants have been found to generate not only a method and ultimately resorting to the easiest disposal
much smaller sludge volume of up to five times lower method; landfilling (APO, 2007). Close to 1000 million tonnes
(Ndabigengesere et al., 1995) but also with a higher nutritional of agricultural waste are being generated internationally in a
sludge value. As such, sludge treatment and handling costs are yearly basis and of this, about 1.2 million tonnes are being
lowered making it a more sustainable option. The raw plant discarded into landfills in Malaysia alone (Agamuthu, 2009).
extracts are often available locally and hence, a low cost The mishandling of fruit waste could be detrimental to the
alternative to chemical coagulants. Since natural coagulants environment due to potential leaching into soil and water
do not consume alkalinity unlike alum, pH adjustments can be sources leading to further pollution (Hacker et al., 2009).
omitted and this provides extra cost savings. Natural coagu- Although fruit waste is generally discarded, it is worth-
lants are also non-corrosive (Swati and Govindan, 2005) which while to note that some waste such as seeds and barks have
eliminate the concerns of pipe erosions. Fig. 1 summarizes the diverse folkloric medicine applications. Findings till date have
benefits of using natural coagulants as an alternative to suggested the use of 9 fruit waste in treating turbid synthetic
chemical coagulants in water clarification process. water, raw surface water and waste water. These are the
JO U R N A L OF EN V I RO N M EN T A L S CI E NC ES 2 6 ( 20 1 4 ) 2 1 7 8–2 1 8 9 2181

Fig. 1 – Advantages of natural coagulants (NCs) over chemical coagulants.

seeds of Carica papaya, Feronia limonia, Mangifera indica, Persea while others could be more superior in terms of bacteriostatic
americana, seeds and pollen sheath of Phoenix dactylifera, activities. An example of such coagulants is the extracts of
Prunus armeniaca, Tamarindus indica, the peels of Citrus sinensis P. americana which is rich in antimicrobial agents such as
and the foliage of Hylocereus undatus (Table 1). Among these, saponins, phenols and flavonoids (Arukwe et al., 2012). Most
P. armeniaca has been used as primary coagulants during the of the fruit waste coagulants were also found to exhibit potent
ancient times in China and Egypt with histories dating back to bacteriostatic properties which retarded the proliferation in
the 1100s (Jahn, 2001). Generally, turbidity reduction of greater bacteria (Osato et al., 1993; Dubey et al., 2011; Ashok kumar et
than 80% for most of the fruit waste coagulants can be al., 2011; Engels et al., 2009;Perveen et al., 2012; Al-daihan and
achieved although several exceptions exists which is likely Bhat, 2012; Bhat and Al-Daihan, 2012; Yiğit et al., 2009).
unfavorable for the treatment of drinking water (Table 1). The Nevertheless, secondary disinfection would be crucial to
various forms of natural coagulants used could also have attain a fecal coliform level of zero colony forming units
influenced the turbidity removals reported. For instance, the (cfu)/100 mL in the treated water to meet the quality of the
blending of T. indica seeds in water (Thakre and Bhole, 1985) drinking water standards (Yongabi et al., 2011b; Pritchard et
could be more efficient compared to aqueous extraction using al., 2009). Based on the worthwhile usage of fruit waste as
the powdered seeds (Swati and Govindan, 2005); underlying potential natural coagulants along with the potency against
the importance of the pre-treatment step. selected bacteria, the overall economics as well as sustain-
The colloids present in foliage of H. undatus are cationic ability of the fruit farming and juicing industries can be
which is similar to the seeds of M. oleifera. Thus, adsorption enhanced.
and charge neutralization have been proposed as the possible
coagulation mechanism leading to formation of flocs (Som et 4.2. Others
al., 2007; Idris et al., 2013). Proteins and polysaccharides are
among some of the natural polymers present in fruit waste. An assortment of plants other than fruit waste has also been
The size of these polymers can be expressed in terms of discovered over the recent years for treating both raw surface
molecular weight where a larger value would correspond to a and synthetic turbid water. This 12 other plants can be further
longer polymeric chain. This would be advantageous for categorized into the various classifications of cactus, cereals,
coagulation as the number of active sites available for particle fungus, nuts, shrubs and spice (Table 2). A majority of these
adsorption will be increased. Although the polysaccharide of plants are familiar as commercial food sources while some
T. indica has a higher molecular weight of around 720–880 kDa, are distinguished for their traditional medicine applications
the obtained turbidity removals were no greater than that of such as Strychnos potatorum (Ruijter, 2008) and Cassia alata
M. oleifera with dimeric proteins of 13 kDa (Mirhosseini and (Aweng et al., 2012).
Amid, 2012; Ndabigengesere et al., 1995). The proximate Table 2 shows the summary of research highlight for
compositions of protein and carbohydrate between these each of the plant-based coagulants classified as others: cacti
seed types could be the underlying factor leading to the mucilage and extract from the pads of Cereus repandus,
variations in treatment efficiencies as observed. Stenocereus griseus and O. ficus indica, the seeds of Oryza sativa
Apart from turbidity, commonly present bacteria notably and Zea mays which form the backbone of agricultural
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in surface water must industries, the sclerotium of Pleurotus tuber-regium or King
also be removed to meet the stipulated drinking water Tuber Mushroom which is the only fungus tested till date, the
standards. Some fruit waste has notable coagulation activities hard nuts of Jatropha curcas and S. potatorum, several species of
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Table 1 – Research summaries of fruit waste used as plant-based natural coagulants.

No. Coagulant Type of sample Initial conditions Optimized parameters

Name Form used Turbidity pH Others Dosage pH Turbidity

(NTU) (mg/L) reduction

1 Carica papaya A, F, J RSW (storm water) 119 100 seeds/100 L 90%

F, H1, K, E SW (metal 5 0.5 g/100 cm3
aqueous solution)

2 Citrus sinensis C1/C2, F RSW 32 9.4 (H4) Alkalinity: 195 mg/L 4000 ~85%
3 Feronia E, F, H2, I, L1 SW (clay) 100 20 8.0 ~77%
limonia seeds
E, F, H2, I, L1 SW (clay) 100 9 + 20 alum ~97.5%
(as CA which
is added first)
4 Hylocereus E, F LCE 7243 7.3 COD: 7857 mg/L 300 10 99.5%
undatus foliage BOD:
1327 mg/L
SS: 1208 mg/L
B, D, E, F LCE 7243 7.3 COD: 7857 mg/L 500 10 99.7%
SS: 1208 mg/L

5 Mangifera E, F, G RSW (Nile River) 6.5 TC: 5000 MPN/100 mL 30 54% (at clarri-
indica seeds flocculator)
Mangifera A, E, F, G SW (Kaolin) 90 0.5 mL/L 13 98.65%
indica kernels
6 Persea F, J RSW (storm water) 119 100 seeds/100 L 64.2%
americana seeds

7 Phoenix dactylifera C3, E, F, L2, G1 SW (Bentonite) 75 ± 10 30 94% (at

date seeds 120th min)
Pollen sheath C3, E, F, L2, G SW (bentonite) 300 ± 10 90 93% (at
120th min)

8 Prunus E, F, G RSW (Nile River) 6.5 TC: 7000 MPN/100 mL 30 54% (at clarri-
armeniaca seeds FC: 800 MPN/100 mL flocculator)
9 Tamarindus E, F, H2, I, L1 SW (clay) 100 mg/L 20 7.5 80%
indica seeds
E, F, H2, I, L1 SW (clay) 100 mg/L 3 + 20 alum 98% (as CA
which is
added first)
E, F, G, L1 SW (Kaolin) 76–79 5 8 69%

E, F, G, L1 RSW (Pond) 94.7 8 2 96% (as CA)

E, F TWW TSS: 425 mg/L 14,000

DO: 1.8 mg/L
A: deshelled, B: removal of thorns, C: washed with: (1. formaldehyde, 2. acid-alkaline, 3. water), D: cut, E: dried, F: pulverized, G: extracted with
water, H: soaked in: (1. HNO3, 2. water), I: blended in water, J: sprinkled onto samples, K: filtered and rinsed with water, L: added with: (1. HCl, 2.
RSW: raw surface water, SW: synthetic water, CA: coagulant aid, LCE: latex concentrate effluent, COD: chemical oxygen demand, BOD: biological
oxygen demand, SS: suspended solids, MPN: most probable number, TC: total coliform, FC: fecal coliform, TWW: tofu waste water, TSS: total
suspended solid, DO: dissolved oxygen.

shrubs including leaves from the ornamental shrub of Cassia (Al-Samawi and Shokralla, 1996). This marked the first
alata, juice from the roots of Maerua subcordata and seeds of reported natural plant-based coagulant used for water treat-
Prosopis juliflora as well as the seeds from the conventional ment worldwide (Yin, 2010).
spice of Trigonella foenum-graecum. Among them, S. potatorum Generally, turbidity reduction of at least 80% has been
has been used as water clarifiers since over 4000 years reported when these plant-based coagulants are used under
according to the historical records of Sanskrit writings optimized working conditions although few exceptional
JO U R N A L OF EN V I RO N M EN T A L S CI E NC ES 2 6 ( 20 1 4 ) 2 1 7 8–2 1 8 9 2183

Findings/claims References

• E. coli counts reduced by 75.3% Yongabi et al. (2011b)

1 • Total heterotrophic bacterial counts reduced by 71.7%
• The maximum metal adsorptions at the optimized contact time of 90 min: Egila et al. (2011)
→Lead, Pb: 4.1 mg/100 cm3
→ Manganese, Mn: 3.6 mg/100 cm3
• Smaller ionic size of Mn resulting in faster adsorptions
2 • Highly efficient in the removal of alkalinity Sowmeyan et al. (2011)
• Not effective for the removal of iron and chlorides
3 • Maximum turbidity removal of ~88% at a dosage of 60 mg/L for initial turbidity of 1600 NTU Bhole (1995)
• Maximum turbidity removal of ~99.8% at a dosage of 30 mg/L + 60 mg/L alum for initial turbidity of 1600 NTU
• Efficiency at different sequence of coagulant addition:
→ ~95% with the addition of alum followed by coagulant aid
→ 93% with the simultaneous addition of both coagulants
4 • Removal of COD by 97.7% Som et al. (2007)
• Removal of BOD by 86.9%
• Removal of SS by 94.5%
• Efficiency removals below 90% and 80% for turbidity and SS respectively at lower pH (2–9)
• Removal of COD by 94.7% Idris et al. (2013)
• Removal of SS by 88.9%
• 2 ‘peak’ values existed at pH 3 and pH 10 indicating the higher removal efficiencies
5 • At the plant outlet, total coliform counts reduced by 99.6% Ali et al. (2008)
• Treated water has a greenish color despite the high removal of various algae groups
• Coagulation activity is comparable to alum at 99% Qureshi et al. (2011)
• Removal efficiency generally increased with pH increment of the water; lowest at pH 7
6 • E. coli counts reduced by 84.9% Yongabi et al. (2011b)
• Total heterotrophic bacterial counts reduced by 75.5%
• Coagulants exhibited antimicrobiological properties (reduction in microbes count) but insufficient to meet the
WHO standards
7 • 90% turbidity reduction at 60 mg/L for initial turbidity of 150 ± 10 NTU Al-Sameraiy (2012)
• 83% turbidity reduction at 80 mg/L for initial turbidity of 300 ± 10 NTU
• Performed better than pollen sheath at an initial turbidity of 75 ± 10 NTU
• 91% turbidity reduction at 20 mg/L for initial turbidity of 75 ± 10 NTU
• 92% turbidity reduction at 50 mg/L for initial turbidity of 300 ± 10 NTU
• More superior than date seeds at initial turbidities of 150–300 ± 10 NTU
8 • At the plant outlet, total coliform counts reduced by 99.7% Ali et al. (2008)
• Fecal coliform counts reduced by 99.5%
9 • Maximum turbidity removal of 92.3% at a dosage of 60 mg/L for initial turbidity of 1000 mg/L Thakre and Bhole (1985)
• Maximum turbidity removal of 99.8% at a dosage of 10 mg/L + 60 mg/L alum for initial turbidity of 1600 mg/L
• Efficiency at different sequence of coagulant addition:
→ 97% with the addition of alum followed by coagulant aid
→ 96% with the simultaneous addition of both coagulants
• Aging seed extracts are detected from the generation of foul smell or the formation of a floating slime layer Swati and Govindan (2005)
• Optimum shelf life of 10 days
• Bacterial reduction by 99.4%
• 1:10 is the ratio of alum to coagulant aid used
• 85% turbidity removal at 5 mg/L as primary coagulant
• Removal of TSS by 67.3% Nurika et al. (2007)
• The DO value increased by 53.9%

cases existed: O. ficus indica (Yang et al., 2007) and Z. mays (Fuentes et al., 2011; Karawya et al., 1980). The mucilage which
(Gunaratna et al., 2007; Subramanium et al., 2011). The presence consists of galacturonic acids is generally the predominant
of active agents such as carbohydrates and proteins has been active coagulation agent present in cacti mucilage regardless of
linked to the observed purification effects in the various plants. species. The enhanced turbidity removal for Opuntia cactus
For instance, uronic acids; a class of sugar acids detected at could be attributed to the much higher total compositions of
around 11% in both the mucilage of S. griseus and O. ficus indica arabinose, galactose and rhamnose which have been found to
2184 J O U R NA L OF EN V I RO N M EN T A L S CI EN C ES 2 6 ( 20 1 4 ) 2 1 78–2 1 8 9

have synergistic effects with galacturonic acids in promoting and development, market awareness as well as regulatory
coagulation (Miller et al., 2008). The coagulation mechanism approval have been well documented in the literature for the
was then deduced to be adsorption and bridging based on the case of M. oleifera seeds (Sutherland et al., 2001). On top of the
characteristics of the mucilage which is an anionic polyelectro- scientific aspects, the problems encountered with the har-
lyte. Also negatively charged in nature, the main functional vesting and processing of the plant extracts were also
groups of COO− and OH− in the polyelectrolyte of the seeds of S. highlighted. Financial freedom is a common barrier faced as
potatorum have been found to be responsible for the reported potential investors are usually hesitant to invest in new
coagulation activities (Subbaramiah and Rao, 1937; Tripathi products. By understanding the vulnerabilities and risks
et al., 1976). involved, the development of natural coagulants would be
In contrast, the coagulation mechanisms in the seeds of J. improved.
curcas were believed to be adsorption and charge neutraliza- The research and development area holds the key in
tion due to close similarities of the cationic active coagulation understanding the scientific aspects of the natural coagu-
agent to that in M. oleifera (Abidin et al., 2011). Unlike most of lants of interest. It also serves as a platform and backbone for
the plant-based coagulants listed (Table 2), cereal crops are the identification of strengths, limitations, areas which
largely made up of carbohydrates with up to 94% of the total require fine-tuning as well as process improvements. The
dry weight (Oko and Ugwu, 2011; Sobukola and Abayomi, existing results reported are largely confined to laboratory
2011). Starch which is a form of carbohydrate has been scale which may be lacking in terms of process scalability
identified as the possible active agent leading to coagulation for real time applications. A breakthrough in this matured
in such coagulants (Raghuwanshi et al., 2002). Likewise, the market can begin by emphasizing the blending of natural and
excellence of M. subcordata in removing turbidity could also be chemical coagulants. Natural coagulants, a kind of polymers
due to the presence of polysaccharides mainly amylopectin are more than often used in conjunction with chemical
(Mavura et al., 2008). As they served as bridges to link colloidal coagulants as they exhibited restricted turbidity removal
particles together, the increment in floc size would improve efficiencies when used alone. Likewise, the feasibility of
the overall precipitation process (Göttsch, 1992). Apart from using plant derived coagulants may also be questionable due
starch, phytochemicals such as tannins in plants have also to their suitability under various working conditions.
been recognized as active agents in promoting coagulation; In addition, the response and needs of the market will
suggesting the same for P. tuber-regium which contained this affect the outlook and demands of natural coagulants as a
active agent (Ikewuchi and Ikewuchi, 2008; Akindahunsi and probable replacement of chemical coagulants. This is so as
Oyetayo, 2006). the misconception on the feasibility of natural coagulants by
Besides notable turbidity removal properties, selected plant- both consumers and suppliers would lead to an inaccurate
based coagulants are also capable of removing heavy metals prediction of the realistic target market. An evaluation on the
(Table 2). Studies have also demonstrated that Z. mays were able economic, social and environmental aspects which could be
to remove at least 15% of lead, chromium and hardness from used as a sustainability indicator would be useful with the aid
river water with larger fractions of cadmium and zinc removals of a pilot plant study. Approval from the local governing
(Subramanium et al., 2011). However, the results obtained were bodies must also be granted for successful commercialization
less superior in comparison to M. oleifera. The formaldehyde of any new products. However, it may not be easy to obtain an
washed seeds of S. potatorum displayed superiority with approval as stringent screenings and documentations could
alkalinity removals up to 70% while the acid-alkaline washed be needed to ensure product compliance to the respective
have successfully removed more than 25% of magnesium and standards (Sutherland et al., 2001). Tax rebates and subsidy
hardness (Sowmeyan et al., 2011). Much smaller removal schemes could be offered as a form of driving incentive to
proportions for other contaminants such as fluoride and iron motivate water treatment operators to adopt the use of
have also been obtained. Additional treatment benefits such natural coagulants.
as the removal of bacteria (Shilpa et al., 2012; Swati and While the commercialization of natural coagulants will not
Govindan, 2005): E. coli (Tripathi et al., 1976) and fecal coliform be an overnight success, these small steps taken would
(Yongabi, 2006; Yongabi et al., 2011a; Pritchard et al., 2009) progressively bridge the gaps and limitations encountered.
have been demonstrated. The presence of phytochemical Fig. 2 summarizes these factors which must be taken into
constituents such as alkaloids and tannins (Ejelonu et al., considerations for successful commercialization of natural
2010; Mallikharjuna et al., 2007) could most likely have coagulants.
contributed to the observed antimicrobial activities in plant-
based coagulants.
6. Prospects of natural coagulants

5. Constraints in commercialization of
natural coagulants Despite the constraints faced in commercialization, tannin
extracts have been used extensively in the potable and
Although various indigenous plant extracts have been proven wastewater treatment industries (Bratby, 2006). The tannin
to possess coagulative properties in removing turbidity extract from the barks of Acacia mearnsii tree have been
(Sowmeyan et al., 2011), not many has reached the phase of successfully commercialized as Floccotan (Bratby, 2006).
commercialization. The four main constraints hindering the Another tannin commercialization is evident under the
commercialization of natural coagulants: financial, research ECOTAN series (Servyeco Group, 2008). Tannins which are a
JO U R N A L OF EN V I RO N M EN T A L S CI E NC ES 2 6 ( 20 1 4 ) 2 1 7 8–2 1 8 9 2185

Table 2 – Highlights of plant-based natural coagulants classified as others.

No. Plant name Highlights Reference

1 Cereus repandus Similar residual turbidity with alum (< 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units, NTU) but Diaz et al. (1999)
at a much
lower coagulant dosage of 20 mg/L
2 Stenocereus griseus Exhibited color reduction from 50 to 25 units in treated water Fuentes et al. (2011)
3 Opuntia ficus indica Turbidity removal lowest at pH 6 Zhang et al. (2006)
Coagulation properties might be contributed by the presence of Miller et al. (2008)
mucilage, especially by the galacturonic acid component Mane et al. (2011)
Demonstrated nickel and chromium removal by at least 65% Shilpa et al. (2012)
Reduction of bacteria up to 20%
4 Oryza sativa Maximum turbidity removal of 96.4% is achievable for initial Thakre and Bhole (1985)
turbidity of 1000 mg/L
5 Zea mays Exhibited more than 20% of cadmium and zinc removal Subramanium et al. (2011)
6 Pleurotus tuber-regium Extremely low sensitivity to Escherichia coli; suggesting the absence of Yongabi et al. (2011a),
notable antibacterial activity Yongabi (2006)
7 Jatropha curcas Removal of Escherichia coli and fecal coliforms by at least 60% Yongabi et al. (2011a),
Similar turbidity removal (~ 99%) in both the conventional and Yongabi
the assisted blending methods (2006), Pritchard et al. (2009)
Abidin et al. (2013)
8 Strychnos potatorum Reduction of E. coli and bacteria by at least 40% Tripathi et al. (1976), Swati
Removal of hardness and magnesium up to 30% and
Govindan (2005)
Sowmeyan et al. (2011)
9 Cassia alata No potential for iron and manganese removal but commendable Aweng et al. (2012)
for suspended solids
10 Maerua subcordata Contains relatively large amounts of proteins and polysaccharides Mavura et al. (2008)
(mostly amylopectin which is responsible for the coagulation properties)
11 Prosopis juliflora Works best at pH 11 Diaz et al. (1999)
12 Trigonella Lowest suspended solids removal at pH 4 Mishra et al. (2003)
foenum-graecum Active coagulant is temperature and pH stable Ramamurthy et al. (2012)

form of natural high molecular weight polysaccharide is made The features highlighted could be viewed favorably as a
as a natural water clarifier and has been reported to work in selling point to develop and promote tannins as a commercialized
all types of waste waters. Hence, it is not surprising that plant-based natural coagulant in line with the urgency towards
tannins became the first commercialized natural coagulant sustainable water treatment. As potential investors, stake-
instead of other plant sources. holders and suppliers discover the social-economic and envi-
Compared to alum, enhanced turbidity and color removal ronmental values in developing tannins, the financial aspect
from water sources have been reported owing to the use of a and market awareness are resolved easily; contributing to
weakly basic polymer which is formed by reacting tannin with successful commercialization.
formaldehyde and aminoethanol (Bolto and Gregory, 2007).
Besides that, the use of tannin compounds is advantageous
over the studied natural coagulants as it requires no further 7. Limitations and further improvements on the
purification and isolation processes which could be both time current natural coagulant studies
and economically challenged. Its relatively simple extraction
methods made it highly favored over other mucilaginous Natural coagulants are known for their efficiency in reducing
plant extracts such as the cactus species which is beneficial to turbidity but little is known about the characteristics and
the research and development aspect. Tannins which are properties of the resultant flocs formed. The knowledge on
polyphenol compounds extracted from plants are also com- these parameters such as floc strength, structure and com-
monly ingested through dietary intakes and are ‘Generally pactness could be the key in establishing the probable
Recognized as Safe’ (GRAS) for the use as food additives in coagulation theory (Li et al., 2006). The scanning of flocs
various products (United States Environmental Protection generated upon coagulation could be performed via various
Agency, 2006). Despite that, contradictory effects on the microscopy imaging techniques such as Transmission Elec-
human health have been reported when tannins are consumed tron Microscopy. This could provide an overview on the
in large quantities (Chung et al., 1998). However, the acceptable structure and surface characteristics which may lead to better
daily intake (ADI) for tannins has yet to be established according understanding on the bonding of colloidal particles (Idris et
to the toxicological evaluation report (FAO, 1970). al., 2013).
2186 J O U R NA L OF EN V I RO N M EN T A L S CI EN C ES 2 6 ( 20 1 4 ) 2 1 78–2 1 8 9

Fig. 2 – Factors hindering the commercialization of natural coagulants.

Extensive studies to conclude the respective coagulation undesirable and problematic issue (Ghebremichael, 2007;
mechanism involved in each of the plant-based coagulants Sathiyabama, 2012). Protein purification via ion exchange
are also limited. The aggregation of colloidal particles leading has successfully eliminated the additional nutrient and
to water clarification could be a result of one or more organic loading introduced by the seeds of M. oleifera
coagulation mechanisms. Determination of the exact chem- (Ghebremichael, 2007). Partial purification of active agents in
ical constituent responsible in inducing particle agglomera- legume; Phaseolus vulgaris has also been rewarding as the
tions is extremely difficult owing to complexity of the process organic loading content has been reduced by at least 16 times
and probable synergistic effects among the components in contrast to the use of crude extracts (Antov et al., 2010).
present. Further work involving isolation, purification and However, extraction methods that are economically feasible
characterization of the active agents would be beneficial to would be needed for successful commercialization of natural
identify the underlying compounds leading to coagulation. Only coagulants.
a handful of such studies have been performed over the years While the reviewed plant-based coagulants could be
which include the studies on seeds of M. oleifera (Ghebremichael considered as potential alternatives to chemical coagulants,
et al., 2005; Okuda et al., 2001), Moringa concanensis (Sathiyabama, several issues such as the feasibility and sourcing of the
2012), Vigna unguiculata and Parkinsonia aculeata (Marobhe et al., plants could be challenging. For instance, the toxicity of the
2007) and more recently, endosperm of Cocos nucifera (Fatombi J. curcas seeds has raised safety issues for its application as a
et al., 2013). Direct extraction of these compounds could natural coagulant for the treatment of drinking water
enhance the effectiveness of the overall coagulation process (Pritchard et al., 2009). One probable solution to counter for
owing to increased relative concentration of the agents. In fact, the potential of poison leaching into water is to opt for the
the coagulant dosage required to achieve optimum coagulation non-toxic variety of seeds as they are safe for human
was also significantly reduced by 5 to 10 times when purified consumptions. Even so, further coagulation studies would be
protein of V. unguiculata was used instead of the crude extract necessary as this seed variety has yet to be tested for its
(Marobhe et al., 2007). potential in water clarifications although both variants have
Although natural coagulants are green in nature, the use of similarly high protein contents. As certain fruits are seasonal,
crude extracts has been related to the leaching of organic the availability of these plant-based coagulants throughout
matters into treated water; quantifiable in terms of total the year could be dubious. The respective parts of the studied
organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and coagulants such as foliage and pollen sheath would also be
others. Crude extracts contained various inorganic and organ- difficult to collect for mass consumptions in real time
ic biomolecules such as lipids which do not participate in applications. Perhaps, plant-based coagulants that are avail-
active coagulation (Ghebremichael, 2007). Increased levels of able yearly with notable coagulation activities can be consid-
organic matters in treated water would have serious implica- ered for industrial scale applications. The use of cereal crops
tions on the subsequent disinfection process using chlorine. as natural coagulants could be complicated by the escalating
These organic matters can act as precursors to the formation prices due to the growing world population and challenges in
of trihalomethanes (THMs) in which many are carcinogenic keeping up with the agricultural productivity. In fact, the
(Duan and Gregory, 2003) and might also increase the required universal rice utilization is forecasted to rise by 1.4% in years
chlorine demand for adequate disinfection (Anastasakis et al., 2012 and 2013 although shrinkage by 2.7% in world cereal
2009). The use of purified active agents could tackle this production can be expected (FAO, 2012). In some cases, the
JO U R N A L OF EN V I RO N M EN T A L S CI E NC ES 2 6 ( 20 1 4 ) 2 1 7 8–2 1 8 9 2187

sole use of natural coagulants may be inadequate to achieve Akindahunsi, A.A., Oyetayo, F.L., 2006. Nutrient and antinutrient
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Flocculation behavior of mallow and okra mucilage in treating
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Antov, M.G., Šćiban, M.B., Petrović, N.J., 2010. Proteins from
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