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 Describe and analyze

distributed systems such
as transmission lines and




 Summary
 Introduction
 History
 Sources of Electricity
 Transmission of
 Distribution of
 Conclusion
Electricity is an essential part
of modern life so vital that most of
us cannot imagine a life without it.
But amazingly it has only been an
everyday aspect of our lives for a
little over a century.

Back in 1752, when Benjamin

Franklin demonstrated that
lightning was electrical with his
famous kite experiment, people
couldn’t even fathom the many
conveniences and luxuries that
electricity would bring to the
20th and 21st centuries.

Electricity generation is the
process of generating electric
power from sources of primary

For utilities in the electric

power industry, it is the stage prior
its delivery (transmission, distribut
ion, etc.) to end users

The three major categories of

energy for electricity generation are
fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and
petroleum), nuclear energy, and
renewable energy sources.
Most electricity is generated
with steam turbines using fossil fuels,
nuclear, biomass, geothermal, and
solar thermal energy.

Other major electricity
include gas turbines, hydro turbines,
wind turbines, and solar

Transmission and distribute

refers to the different stages of
carrying electricity over poles and
wires from generators to a home or a

The primary distinction between

the two is the voltage level at which
electricity moves in each stage.
These lines can be found
overhead or sometimes in the ground,
and, combined, transmission and
distribution lines make up what is
commonly called “the Grid.”

Transmission and distribution
are two separate stages or systems on
the grid.

Transmission is the “interstate

highway” of electricity delivery. It
refers to the part of electricity
delivery that moves bulk electricity
from the generation sites over long
distances to substations closer to
areas of demand for electricity.


The primary purpose of an

electricity distribution system is to
meet the customers demands for
energy after receiving the bulk
electrical energy form transmissions
or sub transmission substations.
Planning of the distribution
network is essential to enable the
required demands can be met based
on various forecast loading. Figures
and supply security / reliability.
Electricity is an essential part of
modern life and also important.
Electricity has a huge impact on life
today. By allowing us to have running
water, use cell phones and get medical
help. When we need it, electricity has a

become a corner stone of life as we
know it.
Electricity is the greatest gift of
science to mankind. We have reached a
point a of our civilization when
electricity is used for all purposes.
Without it, our existence will be
Electricity is a source of energy. It is
produced by a battery or a coil of wires
or by dynamo machine.
It is produced in thermal station
and also in hydro-project.

There are various wonders of

electricity. The most important of all is
electric fan and electric light. These
two things have improved our living
standard and also efficiency of work.

10 | P a g e
Our houses, roads, offices and shops
are lighted. It is difficult and
sometimes impossible to work in an
office where there is no light and fan.
Students read comfortably in a
room which electric light and fan. Fan
is not a luxurious thing. It is necessary
to fight heat during summer.
Electricity is essential to operate
fan in summer and electric heater in
winter. In cold winter, electric heaters
warm our rooms.

11 | P a g e

The late 1870s and early 1880s

saw the introduction of arc lamp
lighting used outdoors or in large
indoor spaces such as this Brush
Electric Company system installed in
1880 in New York City.
Electric power distribution
became necessary only in the 1880s
when electricity started being
generated at power stations. Before
that electricity was usually generated
where it was used.
The first power distribution
systems installed in European and US
cities were used to supply lighting: arc
lighting running on very high voltage
(around 3000 volts) alternating
current (AC) or direct current (DC),

12 | P a g e
and incandescent lighting running on
low voltage (100 volt) direct current.8
Both were supplanting gas lighting
systems, with arc lighting taking over
large area and street lighting, and
incandescent lighting replacing gas for
business and residential lighting.
Due to the high voltages used in arc
lighting, a single generating station
could supply a long string of lights, up
to 7-mile (11 km) long circuits.
Each doubling of the voltage would
allow the same size cable to transmit
the same amount of power four times
the distance for a given power loss.
Direct current indoor incandescent
lighting systems, for example the first
Edison Pearl Street Station installed in
1882, had difficulty supplying
customers more than a mile away.

13 | P a g e
This was due to the low 110 volt
system being used throughout the
system, from the generators to the
final use.
The Edison DC system needed thick
copper conductor cables, and the
generating plants needed to be within
about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) of the farthest
customer to avoid excessively large
and expensive conductors.
Introduction of the transformer
Transmitting electricity a long
distance at high voltage and then
reducing it to a lower voltage for
lighting became a recognized
engineering roadblock to electric
power distribution with many, not
very satisfactory, solutions tested by
lighting companies.

14 | P a g e
The mid-1880s saw a
breakthrough with the development of
functional transformers that allowed
the AC voltage to be "stepped up to
much higher transmission voltages
and then dropped down to a lower end
user voltage.
With much cheaper transmission
costs and the greater economies of
scale of having large generating plants
supply whole cities and regions, the
use of AC spread rapidly.
In the US the competition
between direct current and alternating
current took a personal turn in the late
1880s in the form of a "war of currents"
when Thomas Edison started attacking
George Westinghouse and his
development of the first US AC
transformer systems, pointing out all
the deaths caused by high voltage AC

15 | P a g e
systems over the years and claiming
any AC system was inherently
Edison's propaganda campaign
was short lived with his company
switching over to AC in 1892.
AC became the dominant form of
transmission of power with
innovations in Europe and the US in
electric motor designs and the
development of engineered universal
systems allowing the large number of
legacy systems to be connected to large
AC grids.

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Electricity is not freely available

in nature, so it must be “produced”
(that is, transforming other forms of
energy to electricity).
Production is carried out in
power stations (also called ”Power
Electricity is most often
generated at a power plant by
electromechanical generators,
primarily driven by heat engines
fueled by combustion or nuclear
fission but also by other means such as
kinetic energy of flowing water and
Other energy sources include solar
photovoltaics and geothermal.

17 | P a g e

Coal plays a vital role in

electricity generation worldwide.
Coal-fired power plants
currently fuel 37% of global electricity
and figures from the IEA show that coal
will still generate 22% of the world’s
electricity in 2040, retaining coal’s
position as the single largest source of
electricity worldwide.

How is coal converted to


o Steam coal, also known as

thermal coal, is used in power
stations to generate electricity.

18 | P a g e
o First coal is milled to a fine
powder, which increases the
surface area and allows it to
burn more quickly.
o In pulverised coal combustion
(PCC) systems, the powdered
coal is blown into the
combustion chamber of a boiler
where it is burnt at high
o The hot gases and heat energy
produced converts water – in
tubes lining the boiler – into
o The high-pressure steam is
passed into a turbine containing
thousands of propeller-like
o The steam pushes these blades
causing the turbine shaft to
rotate at high speed.

19 | P a g e
o A generator is mounted at one
end of the turbine shaft and
consists of carefully wound wire
o Electricity is generated when
these are rapidly rotated in a
strong magnetic field.
o After passing through the
turbine, the steam is condensed
and returned to the boiler to be
heated once again.
o The electricity generated is
transformed into the higher
voltages – up to 400,000 volts –
used for economic, efficient
transmission via power line
o When it nears the point of
consumption, such as our
homes, the electricity is

20 | P a g e
transformed down to the safer
100-250 voltage systems used in
the domestic market.

o Coal is the world’s largest single

source of electricity, set to still
contribute 22% in 2040
o In South East Asia, coal will fuel
39% of electricity in 2040.

Efficiency improvements
Improvements continue to be
made in conventional PCC power
station design and new combustion
technologies are being developed.
These allow more electricity to be
produced from less coal – less coal
being used to produce the same

21 | P a g e
amount of electricity results in lower
emissions. This is known as improving
the thermal efficiency of the power

High Efficiency Low Emissions (HELE)

plants – Supercritical, Ultra
supercritical and Advanced Ultra
supercritical – work in a similar
fashion to conventional plants but
operate at higher temperatures and
Supercritical boilers have higher
efficiencies than subcritical coal
combustion due to increased steam
parameters. In supercritical systems,
the steam reaches a supercritical state
rather than boiling. The improved
supercritical steam cycles involve
higher temperatures and higher

22 | P a g e
pressures which result in high
efficiencies and lower coal

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In 1849, British–American
engineer James Francis developed the
first modern water turbines.

India's hydroelectric power
potential is estimated at 148,700 MW
at 60% load factor.
The hydro-electric power plants
at Darjeeling and Shivanasamudram
were established in 1898 and 1902,
respectively. They were among the
first in Asia and India.

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Electricity produced from generators

driven by turbines that convert the
potential energy of falling or fast-
flowing water into mechanical energy.

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Most hydroelectric power comes

from the potential energy of dammed
water driving a water turbine and
The power extracted from the
water depends on the volume and on
the difference in height between the
source and the water's outflow. This
height difference is called the head.

27 | P a g e
How is hydroelectricity
generated ?

o Hydroelectric power is a
renewable energy source which
harnesses the power of moving
water to produce electricity.
o The hydroelectric process starts
long before you turn your light
on at home or work.
o Large scale hydroelectricity
projects typically involve dams.
Run-of-river and tidal projects
also harness the power of
moving water to generate
renewable electricity.
o A hydroelectric dam converts the
potential energy stored in a

28 | P a g e
water reservoir behind a dam to
mechanical energy—mechanical
energy is also known as kinetic
energy. As the water flows down
through the dam its kinetic
energy is used to turn a turbine.
o The generator converts the
turbine’s mechanical energy into
o This electric energy then goes
through various transmission .

29 | P a g e
World’s biggest hydroelectric power

In 2012, the Three Gorges Dam in

China took over the #1 spot of the largest
hydroelectric dam (in electricity
production), replacing the Itaipú
hydroelectric power plant in Brazil and

30 | P a g e
The Three Gorges Dam has a
generating capacity of 22,500 megawatts
(MW) compared to 14,000 MW for the
Itaipu Dam. The Three Gorges Dam is a
hydroelectric gravity dam.
The Three Gorges Dam has been the
world's largest power station in terms of
installed capacity (22,500 MW) since 2012.
The height of Three Gorges is
about594 feet (181 meters (m)) and the
length is about 7,770 feet (2, 335 m).

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India has the world's fifth-

largest hydropower capacity, and is
home to several large hydroelectric
power plants generating clean,
renewable electricity.

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1)Tehri Hydropower Complex –

2) Koyna Hydroelectric Project –


3) Srisailam Dam – 1,670MW

4) Nathpa Jhakri Dam – 1,530MW

5) Sardar Sarovar Dam – 1,450MW.

33 | P a g e
1. Tehri Hydropower Complex

Located at the confluence of the

Bhagirathi and the Bhilangana
rivers, near the city of Tehri, the
dam is a multi-purpose rock and
earth-filled embankment dam, and
at 260.5 meter is the tallest in India.

34 | P a g e
It is a multi-purpose rock and
earth-fill embankment dam on the
Bhagirathi River near Tehri in
Uttarakhand, India.
It is the primary dam of the
THDC India Ltd. and the Tehri
hydroelectric complex. Phase 1 was
completed in 2006.

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2. Koyna Hydroelectric Project

Located near Patan, in Maharashtra’s

Satara district, close to the Koyna River,
the Koyna Hydroelectric Project is
India’s largest completed hydroelectric
power plant with a capacity of
Owned and operated by
MAHAGENCO and Maharashtra State.

36 | P a g e
Power Generation, the Koyna
Project has four dams, the largest of
which is constructed across the Koyna
As the dam is located in the
Western Ghats mountain range, all the
generators of the power plant have
been installed deep inside the
mountains requiring extensive
excavation works.
Construction began in 1954, and the
project has been developed in four

37 | P a g e
3. Srisailam Dam

Third on the list is the 1,670MW-

capacity Srisailam Dam.
Srisailam Dam is located on the
Krishna River in the Nallamala Hills
With a length of 512 meters and a
height of 145 meters, plus 12 radial
crest gates.

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4 . Nathpa Jhakri Dam

Himachal Pradesh’s Nathpa Jhakri

Dam, with a capacity to generate
1,530MW of electricity, ranks fourth in
this list.

39 | P a g e
This concrete gravity dam, which is
185 metres long and more than 67
metres high.
Started in 1993, construction of the
dam was completed in 2004 to make
Nathpa Jhakri India’s biggest
underground hydroelectric power
Nathpa Jhakri also has the county’s
largest de-silting chambers, the largest
and longest headrace tunnel, the
largest and deepest surge shaft.

40 | P a g e
5 . Sardar Sarovar Dam

In fifth place is the Sardar Sarovar

Dam, which has a capacity of 1,450MW
and is operated by the Sardar Sarovar
Narmada Nigam.
This concrete gravity dam is
located on the Narmada river, near
Navagam in the state of Gujarat.

41 | P a g e
In fifth place is the Sardar Sarovar
Dam, which has a capacity of 1,450MW
and is operated by the Sardar Sarovar
Narmada Nigam.
This concrete gravity dam is located
on the Narmada river, near Navagam in
the state of Gujarat.
This dam counts as the world’s
second largest concrete damIt
measures 1,210 metres long and more
than 138 metres high, and is powered
by six 200MW Francis-type turbines.

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44 | P a g e

Nuclear power plants are a type of

power plant that use the process of
nuclear fission in order to generate

They do this by using nuclear reactors

in combination with the Rankine cycle,
where the heat generated by the
reactor converts water into steam,
which spins a turbine and a generator.

Nuclear power provides the world

with around 11% of its total electricity,
producers being the United States and

45 | P a g e
Aside from the source of heat,
nuclear power plants are very similar
to coal-fired power plants.
However, they require different
safety measures since the use of
nuclear fuel has vastly different
properties from coal or other fossil
They get their thermal power from
splitting the nuclei of atoms in their
reactor core, with uranium being the
dominant choice of fuel in the world
Thorium also has potential use in
nuclear power production, however it
is not currently in use.
Below is the basic operation of a
boiling water power plant, which
shows the many components of a

46 | P a g e
power plant, along with the generation
of electricity.

47 | P a g e
Steam Generation
The production of steam is common
among all nuclear power plants, but
the way this is done varies immensely.
Figure 3.

48 | P a g e
Steam turbine in a power plant5
5 The most common power plants in
the world use pressurized water
reactors, which use two loops of
circling water to produce steam.
6 The first loop carries extremely hot
liquid water to a heat exchanger,
where water at a lower pressure is
circulated. It then heats up and boils to
steam, and can then be sent to the
turbine section.
Boiling water reactors, the second
most common reactor in power
generation, heat the water in the core
directly to steam.

49 | P a g e
Components and Operation
Nuclear Reactor
The reactor is a key component of a
power plant, as it contains the fuel and
its nuclear chain reaction, along with
all of the nuclear waste products.

50 | P a g e
The reactor is the heat source for
the power plant, just like the boiler is
for a coal plant.
Uranium is the dominant nuclear
fuel used in nuclear reactors, and its
fission reactions are what produce the
heat within a reactor.
This heat is then transferred to the
reactor's coolant, which provides heat
to other parts of the nuclear power
Besides their use in power
generation, there are other types of
nuclear reactors that are used for
plutonium manufacturing, the
propulsion of ships, aircraft and
satellites, along with research and
medical purposes.

51 | P a g e
The power plant encompasses not
just the reactor, but also cooling
towers, turbines, generators, and
various safety systems.
The reactor is what makes it differ
from other external heat engines.

Steam Generation
The production of steam is
common among all are neutral on to
but thouAnthin in dona.

52 | P a g e
Turbine and Generator

Two cooling towers of a nuclear

power plant.
Once steam has been produced, it
travels at high pressures and speeds
through one or more turbines.

53 | P a g e
These get up to extremely high
speeds, causing the steam to lose
energy, therefore, condensing back to
a cooler liquid water.
The rotation of the turbines is used
to spin an electric generator, which
produces electricity that is sent out the
electrical grid.

Cooling Towers
Perhaps the most iconic symbol of a
nuclear power plant is the cooling
They work to reject waste heat to
the atmosphere by the transfer of heat
from hot water (from the turbine
section) to the cooler outside air. Hot
water cools in contact with the air and

54 | P a g e
a small portion, around 2%,
and raises up through the top.
Moreover, these
plants do not release any carbon
nrimarw.areanhousa aac that
contrihutac to

55 | P a g e

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