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KBE 6/17 Birudh Examination 2017

Reg. No.
Time: 2 hours
Total marks: 100

I. Answer the following (1x5=5)

1. Assurance of Salvation ………….................…………….
2. ……………….............................................……… is the symbolic rite for receiving the Holy Spirit.

3. …….........………………… is used in Baptism ceremony and consecration of new building of a church.

4. Sacrament that is instituted by saying “do this in remembrance of me” is ……………..........…………”

5. He (Holy Spirit) will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and ……………..............…. and judgment.

II. Underline the correct answer (1x10 =10

6. The language in which the Old Testament was written

(a) Greek (b) Hebrew (c) Aramaic (d) Latin
7. In his letter to which Church, Paul mentions the Gift of tongues?
(a) Corinthians (b) Romans (c) Ephesians (d) Galatians
8. During His speech at the synagogue of……………………., Jesus made mention of His ministry.
(a) Jerusalem (b) Nazareth (c) Galilee (d) Jordan
9. Ceremony that reminds of abstinence from sinful entertainment
(a) Baptism (b) Tonsuring (c) Laying of hands (d) Anointing with Mooron
10. God who heals
(a) Jehovah-Roph (b) Jehovah- Raha (c) Jehovah- Shamma (d) Jehovah-Nissi
11. Gospel portion read during marriage ceremony
(a) Ephesians 5:20-28 (b) Mathew 19:1-6 (c) Luke 9:10-14 (d) Mathew 16:13-17
12. The spirit of The Lord came powerfully upon Him when anointed with Oil; Who?
(a) Aaron (b) David (c) Isaac (d) Jacob
13. Who said “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
(a) John (b) Thomas (c) Peter (d) Andrew
14. The word “Mysterion’
(a) Latin (b) Greek (c) Hebrew (d) Syriac
15. High Priestly Prayer of Jesus is recorded in
(a) Romans (b) John (c) Luke (d) Ephesians
III. Underline true or false (1x5=5)

16. So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the teachers, the pastors. (True/False)

17. Paul says that God’s grace is sufficient for him (True/False)

18.Exodus 20:3-11 refers to our relationship with other human beings (True/False)

19. God did not create anything on 7th day (True/False)

20. Different tongues is one among several gifts of Holy Spirit . (True/False)

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IV. Underline the odd one. (1x5=5)

21. Joy-Wisdom -Gentleness-Love

22. Holy Qurbana-Baptism-Confirmation-Marriage

23.Lust of the eyes - Lust of the body-Pride of life -Breach of law

24. Apostles-Pastors-Kings-Prophets

25. God’s People-New Israel -Bride of Christ-Jerusalem

V. Match the following. (1x5=5)

26. Ecclesia - Declaration of faith

27. Catholic - Being sent

28. Apostolic - Called and segregated

29. Sacrament - All inclusive

30. Homologia - Laying on hands

- Sanctification
VI. Who said to whom (2x5=10)
31. "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.”

32. “Cursed is the ground because of you. “

33.“ Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate..”

34.“When you eat from it your eyes will be opened.”

35.“This is to be my sacred anointing oil for the generations to come”

VII. Answer in one or two sentences (2x5=10)

36. What is stated about second coming of Jesus in the Nicene Creed?

37. Why did Jesus accept baptism at the hands of John the Baptist?

38. What sounds will be heard when bowed before the image made of Gold?

39.How is God's Church built?

40.What sound was heard when Jesus was baptized?

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VIII. Answer briefly (3x5=15)
41. Jesus called the twelve and gave them power and authority. What for?

42. What are the duties of priests?

43. Evaluate the qualities of Holy Spirit.

44.What are the Bible passages read during the service of Baptism? What is the main message in these passages?

45. What is the rite of tonsuring?

IX. Answer the following (5x1=5)

46. During his speech at the Synagogue (Church) of Nazareth, Jesus made mention of His ministry. What were

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X. Answer the following (10x1=10)
47. Why Anointing of the sick considered a sacrament? Give a short account of the order of service of Unction.

XI. Complete the following memory verse (4x5=20)

48.“Is anyone among you sick? …………………………………………….......……………………….........


…………………………………………………………………………………... they will be forgiven”

49. “And without faith …………………………………………………..……………………………………


………………………………………………….………………………………….. earnestly seek him.”.

50.“So in Christ Jesus ……………………………………………………………………..................………


…………………………………………………………......................…..………yourselves with Christ”

51.“For it is by grace ……………….………………………………….........………………………………


...........................................................................................................................................................of God.”

52.“But you are……………………………….......………………………….....……………………………..


………………………………………………………………………...............….. his wonderful light”

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