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1. What kind of attitude does Lazaro have?

I think Lazaro is just like any other bosses out there, who chose to be tough in front of his employees
that sometimes end up of being rude to them because he want to set an image in his company that he is
superior so people in his company will follow him and respect him.

2. Do you think he is happy living on his own?

For me, he is happy with it since he's the one who decided to live on his own. He's still enjoying the life
of being one of the bachelors in their city. This is actually the reason why he refused Emma for the
reason that he don't want to be tied yet with anyone because he still want to achieve many great things
in life on his own.

3. Why do you think did he cry at the end of the story?

It is mentioned in the story that he worked hard for his money and I think that scenario came back to
him when he took the twenty-five cents from the beggar. The feeling of doing anything just to get some
money, maybe cost him a lot and being in that situation where he begged someone to give him money
brought back that experience; and I think that's the reason why he cried.

4. What is the moral lesson that the story is trying to tell us?

In taking or achieving something we must make sure that we're doing it in a right way. Don't step
someone lower than you or anyone just for you to get what you wanted.

5. What is the mood that the story is evoked from you?

The story evoked my mood of admiration but at the same time, disappointment. I actually admired him
became being a bachelor is not easy there's a lot of standard to meet in order to stay in that position but
he made it. I also adore how he still wants to gets every finest things in life, that means that he still
dreaming and dreaming is good for all us because it push us to continue living our life. On the other
hand, I also felt disappointment when he took money from the beggar because I think that he could do
that in a good way.

6. What is the story trying to say about the kind of life that Lazaro has?
The story is trying to tell us that we can all have anything that we wanted in life, the money, business
and any other good things in life but we can also lose everything in just a blink of an eye.


1. brushed away a bit of white string from the lapel of his dark coat tailored from Italian wool

2. looked up at the numerals blinking at the top of the elevator door.

3. flicked a strand of hair off the cuff of his shirt with a snap of his thumb and forefinger.

4. stood elbow to elbow with a man on his left and an old woman carrying a mobasket of
cabbages and fish on his right.

5. turned around abruptly, almost knocking down a small boy, and pushed his way out of the

6.returned the doorman‘s smile and strode across the hotel lobby.

7. caught a glimpse of his image in the giant mirror standing near a door marked ―Cocktail

8. took a sip and the coolness and the heat of the liquid snaked down his throat, leaving him
with a sensation of seductive warmth.

9. walked out of the hotel, this time not noticing the doorman‘s smile, and cursed under his

10. took out his silk handkerchief and wiped off the perspiration that dotted his forehead.

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