Suggested Research Topics

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 Child Labor as a Form of Child Abuse in the Philippines

The reason why I chose this topic is that it is a critical economic
and societal concern for a variety of reasons. It robs a child of
his or her childhood and prevent his/her right to proper
education. Moreover, it has a negative impact on their
physical and mental development as they grow older. It is not
the responsibility of the child to raise a family in financial distress
because most parents are uneducated enough to recognize
that they are simply passing the load on to their children. Not
only do parents defend their children's rights, but the
government does as well.
 How does racial stereotypes influence consciousness
and self-esteem?
Racial stereotypes somehow explains a part human behavior
that affects the society, and it has been an issue for a long time
and continues to be an issue now. Which is why I chose this
topic, because I want to learn how this form of discrimination
affects the majority of people, in order to also understand and
help them feel better. Moreover, I truly believe that once we
actually talk about this topic, people will begin to gain a basic
grasp of it, and we will learn a lot from other people's opinions.
 How does the government handle the negative impact
of Covid-19 in the Philippines?
I chose this topic since we are dealing with a lot of negative
issues today, as a result of the pandemic. I believe that
understanding how the government dealt with these issues can
help us become more politically informed. Moreover, by
conducting this research, we will have a better understanding
of the current pandemic situation that our nation is dealing
with. People will be able to obtain a better grasp of the
government's actions and solutions for limiting the country's
negative impact. Additionally, performing research on this
topic can help us fully comprehend how much the Covid-19
epidemic has impacted us in a variety of bad ways.
 Impact of Covid-19 vaccine to people's mental health
I chose this research topic because it's been months since the
Covid-19 vaccine was released and distributed in our country.
However, many individuals are still concerned about the
vaccine's potential adverse effects and are under pressure to
obtain it. As a result, I believe the Covid-19 vaccine has an
effect on one's mental health; it has made many individuals
feel pressured and anxious, and I'd like to learn more about
their concerns regarding it.

 Catherene Sablada
 Jessica Gallardo
 Brena Padillo
 Allona Macias
 Tricia Solon
 Geraldine Canindo
 Aaron Guadalquiver
 Kyle Monta

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