College CIS Major Business Management Student No. 20215225018 Name Mezgueldi Mouad Score

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南京信息工程大学 试卷

2021 - 2022 学年 第 一 学期 Orientation (学历生)课程试卷( A 卷)

试卷共 3 页;考试时间 90 分钟;任课教师 张洋溢 王小刚 许梦颖;出卷时间 2021 年 9 月

College CIS Major business management

Student No. 20215225018 Name Mezgueldi mouad Score

Ⅰ.FILLING THE BLANKS (10*2’, Total points: 20)

1. If your absence accumulates to a third or more of the total number of a course’s classes, you are

disqualified for final exam.

2. If your truancy reaches 50 class hours or students do not attend teaching activities for two

consecutive weeks without permission, you will be given a punishment of expulsion.

3. The lateness for 3 times will be deemed as one truancy; the lateness of over 15 minutes will be

deemed as one truancy; the leaving earlier before the class finishes will be deemed 1 time be as


4. Students who are absent without the excused absence or late for the examination for minutes and

above shall receive a zero grade and shall re-study the particular course.

Ⅱ.MULTIPLE CHOICE (5*3’,Total points: 15)

1. Suppose you got 85 in your make-up exam, then you will get 70 as your final mark of the course.

A. 60 B. 65 C. 70 D. 72.5

2. At the end of the first academic year, if the credits of undergraduate is less than 20, he/she shall

withdraw from the university.

A. 30 B. 20 C. 15 D. 10

3. International students will be given a serious warning if the truancy is up to 24 hours.

A. 10 B.16 C.24 D. 32

4. International students shall pay fees of the new academic year in the first, week of the new semester

and then get registered in the university. Students who can’t register within the first two weeks of each

semester will be regarded as quitting school automatically.

A. first, one B. second, two C. first, two D.third, three

5. Essential stationary can be used in the exams.

A. Cell phone B. IPAD C. Laptop D. Essential stationary

Ⅲ.QUESTIONS (Total points: 65’)

1、Please list the categories of the university disciplinary penalties. (5’)

- Expulsion

- Warning

- Probation

- Demerit

- Serious warning

2. Please list the common symptoms of Covid-19 virus infection. (10’)

- Cough

- Headache

- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

- Congestion or runny nose

- vomiting or Nausea

- Diarrhea

- Fever

3. What measure do you take to protect your family member and yourself away from Cpvid-19

virus? Please list at least 7 measures. (15’)

- I avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces

- I avoid going out unless necessary

- I wash your hands often

- I cover coughs and sneezes

- I clean and disinfect

- I monitor your health

- I get vaccinated

4. Do you have any expectation or plan for your brand-new study and life in NUIST? Please list at

least five expectations or plans for future life and study. (15’)

- First, I expect there to be an encouraging environment that is suited for a better studying


- Second, I expect a more refined teaching and learning system since I'm studying in a

distinguished university such as yours. and also a Better quality of life

- Third, I hope that I can join an artistic club where i can improve my photography and

video editing skills

- Forth, I expect there to be more field activities and journeys with colleges and teachers

where we get to know each other more

- Fifth, I wish there to be clubs dedicated for sport, as I'm very much interested in sport

activities such as basketball, swimming and weightlifting

5. What difficulties have you encountered, or will you have in the online study? What measures will

you take to overcome them? (15’)

Online studies can be very problematic for students living abroad. To start off the timing is a

major inconvenience for people using the GMT timing which means that they will have to

study at night and sleep in the morning which can lead to serious health issues and lack of

concentration this can be fixed by suggesting better times that are both possible for the

students and the professors alike, also the lack of physical contact can be very boring for some

as they find sitting hours in front of a computer with just voices and online sheets, not that

beneficial compared to being actually in a class in front of a professor this can be fixed by

finding a way to fight the boredom and stay concentrated like taking some breaks or drinking

water. Online studies can be very bothersome to many people but we must do what we can to

pursue our studies.

6. Do you have any suggestion for online study? (5’)

To succeed in online studies a student must have :

- basic computer skills

- Academic Integrity

- to participate and communicate

- to create a regular study space and stay organized

- Eliminate distractions

- Respect each other


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