Strategic Management - Chitvan Daulani - AOL Exam Term IV

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Subject: Strategic Management – TERM IV

PGDM – 2nd Year (BATCH: 2020-22)

Faculty Members: Dr. Rajiv Joshi and Dr. S. Shyam

Roll No. 202032065 Name - Chitvan Daulani Section: D

Date: 11. 10. 2021 Time: 9.30 am - 10.00 am Full Marks: 10 TIME: 30 Minutes

Instructions / Note:

1. Please read the question carefully and understand your task well.
2. You are required to type your answer in the space given in the question paper / answer
sheets. Handwritten answer sheets will not be accepted for the evaluation.
3. Use your assumptions and judgement whenever necessary and explain it explicitly, if
4. The answer sheet format is adaptive in nature.

Method: Application of Strategic Management Tools and Framework

Question 1 (10 Marks)

With regard to the Ice Cream Industry in Western part of India, which of the following
factors might qualify as possible forces capable of causing fundamental change in the
industry’s structure and competitive environment? Identify and briefly explain your stand on
this. Use necessary assumption and the existing knowledge, frameworks and mental models
of the industry analysis.

Start you answer in the next page in the given format. First identify Yes / No for each force /
factor. Followed by your brief explanation / why.

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ICE-CREAM INDUSTRY – Factors / Forces

Factor / Situation Factor Possible to Cause Fundamental Change and Brief

1. Increasing sales of Yes
frozen yogurt as a new Your explanation:
customer preference / habit With respect to Ice Cream, Yoghurt is a close substitute as it
is also a dessert of choice for many. As evidenced in the
Porter’s 5 forces, the presence of a strong substitute greatly
impacts competition.
The consumer shift towards healthier yoghurt may not bode
well for the sugar rich ice cream industry. They would have
to find ways by introducing Zero Calorie Ice Cream & such.

2. The possibility of entry Yes

of a multinational firm in Your explanation:
the market (a leading A competitor is almost always a bad news. More so if the
makers of ice cream competitor is an established player. But it has to be seen
worldwide) whether it is disrupting the prevalent market or is it
expanding the market by targeting perhaps the ultra-premium

3. Growing consumer Yes

interest in low-calorie and Your explanation:
low-fat ice cream products The fundamental structure may be affected as this is causing
a switching behavior to healthier options This could usher in
new players into the market who specialize in this.
The stronger players may be caught napping and their huge
commitment to the sugary ice cream is also harder to move
away from.

4. Growing consumer Yes

interest in sugar-free Your explanation:
desserts as alternatives With respect to Ice Cream, sugar free desserts are close
substitutes as it is also a dessert of choice for many. As
evidenced in the Porter’s 5 forces, the presence of a strong
substitute greatly impacts competition.
The consumer shift towards healthier yoghurt may not bode
well for the sugar rich ice cream industry. They would have
to find ways by introducing Zero Calorie Ice Cream & such.

5. Rising input prices No

(milk, sugar, and other ice Your explanation:
cream ingredients due to This may not cause structural sift in competition, as price
seasonal fluctuations) fluctuations of inputs are essentially market risks, ie, they
affect the whole market & all the players.

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However, the larger players may well be less affected
because of they have better economies of scale.

6. A decision by Amul to Yes

slash down their prices of Your explanation:
the products by 20% Any competitor cutting down their prices would cause the
customers to shift to the cheaper products and give an
additional advantage to Amul as compared to other market

7. A decision by Havmor No
(one key player in the state Your explanation:
of Gujarat / Western India) Havmor ‘s decision is not likely to disrupt the premium
to increase the prices of segment much as it is only a small increase
their products by 10%
8. A decision by Vadilal Yes
Enterprises (one key player Your explanation:
in the state of Gujarat / This is likely going to expand the market to some degree
Western India) to add ten depending on the success
new flavors to its product
9. A decision by a big No
Private Equity (PE) firm to Your explanation:
buy huge stake in one of Acquisitions may not directly affect competition
the industry players
10. Stringent Yes
manufacturing norms Your explanation:
imposed by the govt. due to Compliance is done better by the cash rich brands. The
COVID 19 pandemic smaller & the more local players may lag behind

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