20211017. SUN. 云. 最高級.

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20211017. SUN. 云. 最高級.

Sentence Pattern I.

1. John / tall / in his class

2. My father / old / in my family
3. Jane / pretty / of the three girls
4. Math / difficult / of the five subjects
5. This story / interesting / of all
6. New York / busy / in the world
7. This / expensive violin / in the store

Tokyo is the biggest city in the work.

→ Tokyo is bigger than any other city in the world.
→ Tokyo is bigger than all the other cities in the world.

Sentence Pattern II.

1. Music / less important subject / of all

2. This building / bad / in the town
3. Kelly / good student / of the three


1. 冬天是一年之中最不冷的。(least) 


2. 這本字典是兩者之中比較好的嗎 ? 


3. 我的腳踏車跟你的腳踏車一樣貴。 


4. Lucy 和 Kate 一樣疲累嗎 ? 


5. 這個節慶是所有之中最特別的。 


6. 他比籃球隊上任何其他成員還要高。 

20211017. SUN. 云. 最高級.


7. 地理通常不是所有科目裡最重要的。 


8. 她的嬰兒是兩者之中比較重的。 


9. 你的房子比我的房子舒適。 


10. 這台電風扇比那台更涼爽。 


11. 在 Sandy 所有的洋裝之中,這是最好的。 


12. 這個小提琴是店裡最不貴的。(least) 



a.   Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective, comparative
or  superlative of the words provided. 
1. This is _________________ (fancy) dress I own.  
2. In my opinion, this dress is ____________________ (graceful) of all.  
3. When we travel, my suitcase is always _______________ (heavy) than my husband’s. 4. August is
_________________ (hot) month of the year.  
5. December 21 is the ________________(short) day of the year. It is  
  ______________ (short) than any other.  
6. Andrew is __________________ (fast) runner on the team. 
7. This apartment is ____________________(convenient) of all the apartments I  
  have seen.  
8. This book is _____________________ (interesting) than the one I read last week. 9.

20211017. SUN. 云. 最高級.

Daniel is ____________________ (careful) of the two drivers.  

10. That gold necklace is as ____________________(expensive) as the silver one  
   next to it 
11. This is _________________ (bad) movie I have ever seen.  
12. John has __________________(little) money than his brother.  
13. Aril is not as ________________(hot) as January.  
14. This story is ___________________fun) of all the five.  
15. Who is __________________(kind) person you know ? 


1. Linda is ________ student in her class. No wonder she always gets first place.
(A) hardest (B) the most hard (C) the most (D) the most hard-working
2. It's _________ thing I have ever seen.
(A) the more boring (B) boring (C) most boring (D) the most boring
3. Of all the neighbors in the apartment, I think the Lin family is the ___________ one.
(A) most nice (B) nicest (C) nice (D) nicer
4. Peter has ______ money with him. He can every everything that others can't buy.
(A) most (B) the least (C) the best (D) the largest
5. Come on, Lily. They are _____ grades that I have ever seen from you. What's the matter with
(A) the worst (B) the best (C) the least (D) the worse
6. Among the five cell phones, the smallest one is _____________.
(A) the less expensive (B) as cheap as the other (C) most beautiful (D) the newest
7. Susan is less smart than me. She is smarter than Cathy.
(A) Cathy is the least smart. (B) Susan is less smart than Cathy.
(C) I am the least smart. (D) Susan is the smartest.
8. Tokyo is the biggest city in the world.
(A) Tokyo is bigger than any city in Taiwan.
(B) Tokyo is no bigger than Taipei.
(C) Tokyo is not as big as Taipei.
(D) Other cities in the world are bigger than Tokyo.
9. I am not as tall as Frank. Frank is taller than my brother, Tim.
(A) Frank is the tallest of the three.
(B) My brother is the shortest one.
(C) I am taller than Tim.
(D) Frank is shorter than I.

20211017. SUN. 云. 最高級.

10. For Mike, the price is _____ important thing when he chops for jean. He cares even more about
the shape and the size of the pockets.
(A) the more (B) the most (C) the less (D) the least
11. The singer sings beautifully. I can't think of anyone with a ______ voice.
(A) best (B) better (C) more (D) most
12. Lucy looks _______ in pants than in a dress.
(A) pretty (B) prettily (C) prettier (D) the prettiest
13. In this ten-person game, the one who finds ______ hidden balls will win the last free ticket for
the movie.
(A) many (B) some (C) the more (D) the most
14. This restaurant sells the best steak in Taipei ; you can't find __________ steak in the city.
(A) delicious (B) more delicious (C) the most delicious (D) deliciously
15. Jo likes summer the ________ because she has serious problems sleeping in the summer heat.
(A) least (B) last (C) first (D) best
16. How come your new shoes look older than ________ though you just bought them last night ?
(A) my (B) mine (C) me (D) I
17. Kevin : How many chairs do we need for Tina's show ?
Helen : _________ You know her friends are such a lot.
(A) The less and more (B) More or less
(C) The more the better (D) The better the more
18. Zack is the taller ____________.
(A) of the two boys (B) than any other (C) of all the boys (D) than all the other boys
19. In Taipei, it is _____ in spring than in fall.
(A) wetter (B) the wetter (C) the wettest (D) wet
20. During the past one hundred years, there have been many inventions that make out life
_______ and more convenient.
(A) much easier (B) little easier (C) less easy (D) the easiest
21. Is math as ________ as science.
(A) easiest (B) the easy (C) easy (D) easier
22. Who is ________, Helen, Susan, or Cathy ?
(A) the best (B) better (C) good (D) well
23. Mrs. Wang : Who is _______ boy in your class ? Mr. Li : Tom is.
(A) bad (B) bader (C) the worst (D) worse
24. Little children can never tell what is more fun. For them, playing soccer can be _________ taking
the roller coaster.
(A) as many as fun (B) much more fun than (C) fun than (D) as much fun as
25. New York City is bigger than ________ city in Taiwan.
(A) any other (B) any (C) all the other (D) every other

20211017. SUN. 云. 最高級.

26. Taipei is bigger than ________ in Taiwan.

(A) all cities (B) any city (C) any other city (D) the other city
27. I enjoy swimming at the beach more than ___________ in the pool.
(A) swim (B) swimming (C) to swim (D) swam
28. The water in the pond is getting ________. Let's put some water inside.
(A) more (B) less (C) much (D) fewer
29. The ______ a man learns, the ______ he sees his weakness.
(A) much : much (B) much : more (C) more : much (D) more : more
30. A cat needs as _______ care as a dog.
(A) much (B) many (C) more (D) most
31. I like to watch ________ news on TV. That way, I know what is happening in the world.
(A) the latest (B) latter (C) the newest (D) later
32. Kent is the tallest _____________.
(A) of the two boys (B) than any other (C) of all the boys (D) than all the other boys
33. I have two hundred dollars. Susan has two hundred dollars, too. I have ________ Sudan.
(A) as much money as (B) as many money as
(C) more money than (D) less money than
34. It is _____ interesting book that I have ever read before.
(A) the more (B) the less (C) little (D) the least
35. Mr. Rich is so funny. He's never _______ interesting person in the world.
(A) the least (B) the most (C) the more (D) the fewest
36. The _______ they listen to him, the _______ they like him.
(A) longer : less (B) long : little (C) longer : the least (D) the longest : less
37. May is the tallest girl in her class. (choose the same one)
(A) All the other girls are taller than May.
(B) May is not as tall as the other girls.
(C) No other girls in May's class are taller than May.
(D) All the girls are as short as May.
38 The blue whale is the largest animal on the earth. It's ___________ a tour bus.
(A) as large as three times (B) as three times large as
(C) three times large than (D) three times as large as
39. Try hard and do your ______. It's not as hard as you think.
(A) good (B) best (C) well (D) better
40. Most parents are _________ than their children when it comes to their future.
(A) the most worrying (B) more worrying (C) worried (D) more worried


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