NPC - Profiles 2

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Occupation: Infantry (Light Foot) H (34,8 lb.) LIGHT ARMOUR

Str 12 Eye 11 Int 10 Cml 11
Leather Calfboots, Cowl, Gauntlets and Leggings; Kurbul Coudes,
Sta 12 Hrg 11 Aur 11 End 12
Halfhelm and Vambraces; Ring Byrne.
Dex 12 Sml 11 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 12 Enc 4 Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Skull L, K +0 6 9 7 6
Communication Skills: Awareness 44, Command 44
Languages: Hârnic 71
Neck L +0 2 4 3 3
Religion: Ritual: Larani 11; Piety: 5-30 Shoulders R +0 3 6 4 3
Combat Skills: Initiative 72, Unarmed 48, Spear 72, Shortsword 72, Upper Arm R +0 3 6 4 3
Dagger 72, Roundshield 72 Elbow K +0 4 5 4 3
Forearm K +0 4 5 4 3
Craft/Lore Skills: Foraging 55, Heraldry 33, Physician 33, Surivval 55,
Hand L +0 2 4 3 3
Weaponcraft 24
Thorax R +0 3 6 4 3
Equipment: Spear, Shortsword, Dagger, Roundshield and Armour H Abdomen R +0 3 6 4 3
(Light). Hip L, R +0 5 10 7 6
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P Groin L, R +0 5 10 7 6
Unarmed ● ● 28 43 ● 0 ● ● Thigh L +0 2 4 3 3
Spear 5 11 72 62 -10 4 ● 7 Knee L +0 2 4 3 3
Shortsword 2 12 62 57 ● 2 4 4 Calf L, L +0 4 8 6 6
Dagger 1 11 57 57 ● 1 2 5 Foot L, L +0 4 8 6 6
Roundshield 6 13 57 72 ● 2 ● ●

Occupation: Infantry (Medium Foot)

Str 12 Eye 11 Int 10 Cml 11
Sta 12 Hrg 11 Aur 11 End 12 Leather Calfboots, Cowl, Gauntlets and Leggings; Kurbul Coudes,
Dex 12 Sml 11 Wil 12 Mov 11 Halfhelm and Vambraces; Scale Byrnie.
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 12 Enc 6 Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Communication Skills: Awareness 44, Command 44 Skull L, K +0 6 9 7 6
Languages: Hârnic 71 Face
Neck L +0 2 4 3 3
Religion: Ritual: Larani 11; Piety: 5-30
Shoulders S +0 5 9 4 5
Combat Skills: Initiative 72, Unarmed 48, Spear 72, Falchion 72, Dagger Upper Arm S +0 5 9 4 5
72, Roundshield 72 Elbow K +0 4 5 4 3
Craft/Lore Skills: Foraging 55, Heraldry 33, Physician 33, Surivval 55, Forearm K +0 4 5 4 3
Weaponcraft 24 Hand L +0 2 4 3 3
Thorax S +0 5 9 4 5
Equipment: Spear, Falchion, Dagger, Roundshield and Armour I
Abdomen S +0 5 9 4 5
Hip L, S +0 7 13 7 8
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P Groin L, S +0 7 13 7 8
Unarmed ● ● 18 33 ● 0 ● ● Thigh L +0 2 4 3 3
Spear 5 11 62 52 -10 4 ● 7 Knee L +0 2 4 3 3
Falchion 4 12 57 47 ● 4 6 1 Calf L, L +0 4 8 6 6
Dagger 1 11 47 47 ● 1 2 5 Foot L, L +0 4 8 6 6
Roundshield 6 13 47 62 ● 2 ● ●

Occupation: Knight of the Order (Medium Horse)

Str 12 Eye 11 Int 10 Cml 11
Cloth Leggings; Quilt Gambeson; Leather Calfboots, Cowl and Gauntlets;
Sta 12 Hrg 11 Aur 11 End 14
Kurbul Halfhelm and Kneecops; Mail Hauberk..
Dex 12 Sml 11 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 14 Enc 6 Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Physical Skills: Condition 72, Court Dancing 44 Skull L, K +0 6 9 7 6
Communication Skills: Awareness 44, Command 55 Neck L +0 2 4 3 3
Languages: Hârnic 81, Emela 23 Shoulders Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Scripts: Lakise 81, Khruni 81 Upper Arm Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Religion: Ritual: Larani 22; Piety: 5-30 Elbow Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Combat Skills: Initiative 84, Riding 84, Unarmed 48, Lance 84, Forearm Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Broadsword 84, Mace 84, Dagger 72, Knight Shield 84 Hand L +0 2 4 3 3
Thorax Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Craft/Lore Skills: Horsecraft 44, Foraging 44, Heraldry 33, Physician Abdomen Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
33, Surivval 44, Weaponcraft 24 Hip C, Q, M +0 8 12 8 6
Equipment: Lance, Broadsword, Mace, Dagger, Knight Shield and Groin C, Q, M +0 8 12 8 6
Armour J (Medium). Thigh C, Q, M +0 8 12 8 6
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P Knee C, K +0 5 6 5 4
Unarmed ● ● 18 33 ● 0 ● ● Calf C, L +0 3 5 4 4
Lance 8 11 79 59 -15 4 ● 8 Foot C, L +0 3 5 4 4
Broadsword 3 12 69 64 ● 3 5 3
Mace 4 11 69 59 ● 6 ● ●
Dagger 1 11 47 47 ● 1 2 5
Knight Shield 5 13 59 74 ● 2 ● ●

Copyright © 2003, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games Inc. HârnMaster

Version 3.0

Occupation: Archer H (34,8 lb.) LIGHT ARMOUR

Str 12 Eye 11 Int 10 Cml 11
Leather Calfboots, Cowl, Gauntlets and Leggings; Kurbul Coudes,
Sta 12 Hrg 11 Aur 11 End 12
Halfhelm and Vambraces; Ring Byrne.
Dex 12 Sml 11 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 12 Enc 4 Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Skull L, K +0 6 9 7 6
Communication Skills: Awareness 44, Command 44
Languages: Hârnic 71
Neck L +0 2 4 3 3
Religion: Ritual: Larani 11; Piety: 5-30 Shoulders R +0 3 6 4 3
Combat Skills: Initiative 72, Unarmed 48, Shortbow 72, Shortsword 60, Upper Arm R +0 3 6 4 3
Dagger 60, Buckler 60 Elbow K +0 4 5 4 3
Forearm K +0 4 5 4 3
Craft/Lore Skills: Fletcher 48, Foraging 55, Heraldry 33, Physician 33,
Hand L +0 2 4 3 3
Surivval 55, Weaponcraft 24
Thorax R +0 3 6 4 3
Equipment: Shortbow, Quiver (24 Arrows), Shortsword, Dagger, Buckler Abdomen R +0 3 6 4 3
and Armour H (Light). Hip L, R +0 5 10 7 6
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P Groin L, R +0 5 10 7 6
Unarmed ● ● 28 43 ● 0 ● ● Thigh L +0 2 4 3 3
Shortbow 2 10 52 n/a n/a ● ● ● Knee L +0 2 4 3 3
Shortsword 2 12 50 45 ● 2 4 4 Calf L, L +0 4 8 6 6
Dagger 1 11 45 45 ● 1 2 5 Foot L, L +0 4 8 6 6
Buckler 3 12 45 55 ● 1 ● ●

Occupation: Sereloan of Larani

Str 11 Eye 11 Int 12 Cml 11
B (14,2 lb.) UNARMOURED
Sta 11 Hrg 11 Aur 12 End 12 Cloth Hood, Leggings and Robe; Leather Shoes.
Dex 11 Sml 11 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 12 Mor 16 Enc 2 Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Communication Skills: Awareness 44, Intrigue 48, Mental Conflict 48, Skull C +0 1 1 1 1
Oratory 48, Command 60 Face
Languages: Hârnic 82, Emela 60 Neck C +0 1 1 1 1
Scripts: Lakise 81, Khruni 81 Shoulders C +0 1 1 1 1
Upper Arm C +0 1 1 1 1
Religion: Ritual: Larani 72; Piety: 60
Elbow C +0 1 1 1 1
Combat Skills: Initiative 72, Riding 22, Unarmed 55, Dagger 55, Sword Forearm C +0 1 1 1 1
55, Shield 55 Hand
Craft/Lore Skills: Drawing 22, Embalming 22, Folklore 36, Heraldry Thorax C, +0 1 1 1 1
44, Law 36, Physician 44 Abdomen C +0 1 1 1 1
Hip C, C +0 2 2 2 2
Equipment: Dagger and Armour B (Unarmoured).
Groin C, C +0 2 2 2 2
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P Thigh C, C +0 2 2 2 2
Unarmed ● ● 45 60 ● 0 ● ● Knee C, C +0 2 2 2 2
Dagger 1 11 50 50 ● 1 2 5 Calf C, C +0 2 2 2 2
Invocations: Banner of Mendiz II, Baptism II, Blessing II, Commune II, Foot C, L +0 3 5 4 4
Liturgy II, Marriage II, Passage of the Soul II, Passage to Tirithor II,
Banage of St. Perelyne III, Larani’s Chage V

Occupation: Knight of the Order (Heavy Horse) K (81,8 lb.) HEAVY ARMOUR
Str 12 Eye 11 Int 10 Cml 11 Quilt Cowl, Leggings and Tunic; Leather Calfboots and Gauntlets; Kurbul
Sta 12 Hrg 11 Aur 11 End 14 Coudes and Vambraces; Mail Byrnie, Cowl and Leggings; Plate Halfhelm.
Dex 12 Sml 11 Wil 12 Mov 11
Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 14 Enc 8
Skull Q, M, P +0 13 21 13 7
Physical Skills: Condition 72, Court Dancing 44 Face
Communication Skills: Awareness 44, Command 55 Neck Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Languages: Hârnic 81, Emela 23 Shoulders Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Scripts: Lakise 81, Khruni 81 Upper Arm Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Elbow K +0 4 5 4 3
Religion: Ritual: Larani 22; Piety: 5-30
Forearm K +0 4 5 4 3
Combat Skills: Initiative 84, Riding 84, Unarmed 48, Lance 84, Bastard Hand L +0 2 4 3 3
Sword 84, Mace 84, Dagger 72, Kite Shield 84 Thorax Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Craft/Lore Skills: Horsecraft 44, Foraging 44, Heraldry 33, Physician Abdomen Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
33, Surivval 44, Weaponcraft 24 Hip Q, Q, M, M +0 14 22 14 10
Groin Q, Q, M, M +0 14 22 14 10
Equipment: Lance, Broadsword, Mace, Dagger, Knight Shield and
Thigh Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Armour K (Heavy).
Knee Q, M +0 7 11 7 5
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P Calf L, Q, M +0 9 15 10 8
Unarmed ● ● 8 23 ● 0 ● ● Foot L, Q, M +0 9 15 10 8
Lance 8 11 69 49 -15 4 ● 8
Bastardsword 5 12 59 54 -10 4 7 4
Mace 4 11 59 49 ● 6 ● ●
Dagger 1 11 37 37 ● 1 2 5
Kite Shield 7 14 49 64 ● 3 ● ●

Copyright © 2003, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games Inc. HârnMaster

Version 3.0

Occupation: Solori Slave A (10 lb.) UNARMOURED

Str 12 Eye 12 Int 10 Cml 11
Cloth Leggings and Tunic; Leather Shoes.
Sta 12 Hrg 13 Aur 11 End 12
Dex 12 Sml 13 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 08 Enc 1 Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Physical Skills: Climbing 48, Jumping 44, Stealth 36, Throwing 48 Skull
Communication Skills: Awareness 48, Intrigue 44 Neck
Languages: Solori 61 Shoulders C +0 1 1 1 1
Religion: Ritual: Matasum 22; Piety: 5-30 Upper Arm C +0 1 1 1 1
Combat Skills: Initiative 48, Unarmed 48 Elbow
Craft/Lore Skills: Agriculture 48, Cookery 65, Hidework 60 Hand
Equipment: Armour A (Unarmoured). Thorax C +0 1 1 1 1
Abdomen C +0 1 1 1 1
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P
Hip C +0 1 1 1 1
Unarmed ● ● 43 58 ● 0 ● ●
Groin C +0 1 1 1 1
Occupation: Solori Grower Foot L +0 2 4 3 3
Str 12 Eye 12 Int 10 Cml 11
Sta 12 Hrg 13 Aur 11 End 12
Dex 12 Sml 13 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 08 Enc 1
Physical Skills: Climbing 48, Jumping 44, Stealth 36, Throwing 48
Communication Skills: Awareness 48
Languages: Solori 61
Religion: Ritual: Matasum 22; Piety: 5-30
Combat Skills: Initiative 48, Unarmed 48
Craft/Lore Skills: Agriculture 60, Animalcraft 33, Foraging 48, Survival
44, Weatherlore 36
Equipment: Armour A (Unarmoured).
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P
Unarmed ● ● 43 58 ● 0 ● ●

Occupation: Solori Chieftain

Str 12 Eye 12 Int 10 Cml 11
F (27,1 lb.) LIGHT ARMOUR
Sta 12 Hrg 13 Aur 11 End 12 Cloth Hood and Leggings; Quilt Cap and Gambeson; Leather Shoes.
Dex 12 Sml 13 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 08 Enc 4 Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Physical Skills: Climbing 48, Jumping 44, Stealth 72, Throwing 48 Skull C, Q +0 6 4 3 5
Communication Skills: Awareness 60, Intrigue 44, Intimidate 55
Neck C +0 1 1 1 1
Languages: Solori 71
Shoulders Q +0 5 3 2 4
Religion: Ritual: Matasum 44; Piety: 60 Upper Arm Q +0 5 3 2 4
Combat Skills: Initiative 72, Unarmed 60, Dagger 72, Shortbow 72, Elbow Q +0 5 3 2 4
Spear 72 Forearm Q +0 5 3 2 4
Craft/Lore Skills: Fletching 60, Foraging 36, Herblore 60, Hidework
Thorax Q +0 5 3 2 4
36, Law 44, Survival 44, Tracking 60
Abdomen Q +0 5 3 2 4
Equipment: Dagger, Shortbow, Quiver (12 Arrows), Spear, Gaethipa Hip C, Q +0 6 4 3 5
Poison and Armour F (Light). Groin C, Q +0 6 4 3 5
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P Thigh C, Q +0 6 4 3 5
Unarmed ● ● 40 55 ● 0 ● ● Knee C +0 1 1 1 1
Dagger 1 11 57 57 ● 1 2 5 Calf C +0 1 1 1 1
Shortbow 2 9 52 n/a n/a ● ● ● Foot C, L +0 3 5 4 4
Spear 5 11 72 62 -10 4 ● 7
Invocations: Band of Brothers II, Initiation II, Pair Bonding II, Prayer to
the Ancient Ones II, Spirit Blessing II, Spirit Release II, Spirit Balm
III, Spirit Bonding III, Song of Mercy III, Way of the Warrior III

Copyright © 2003, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games Inc. HârnMaster

Version 3.0

Occupation: Solori Herder A (10 lb.) UNARMOURED

Str 12 Eye 12 Int 10 Cml 11
Cloth Leggings and Tunic; Leather Shoes.
Sta 12 Hrg 13 Aur 11 End 12
Dex 12 Sml 13 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 08 Enc 1 Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Physical Skills: Climbing 48, Jumping 44, Stealth 36, Throwing 48
Communication Skills: Awareness 60 Neck
Languages: Solori 61 Shoulders C +0 1 1 1 1
Religion: Ritual: Matasum 22; Piety: 5-30 Upper Arm C +0 1 1 1 1
Combat Skills: Initiative 60, Unarmed 48, Dagger 60, Javelin 60
Craft/Lore Skills: Animalcraft 55, Survival 44, Tracking 48, Weathelore Hand
48 Thorax C +0 1 1 1 1
Equipment: Dagger, Javelin and Armour A (Unarmoured). Abdomen C +0 1 1 1 1
Hip C +0 1 1 1 1
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P
Groin C +0 1 1 1 1
Unarmed ● ● 43 58 ● 0 ● ●
Dagger 1 10 60 60 ● 1 2 5
Javelin 3 10 70 60 -10 2 ● 6
Foot L +0 2 4 3 3

Occupation: Solori Fisherman

Str 12 Eye 12 Int 10 Cml 11
Sta 12 Hrg 13 Aur 11 End 12
Dex 12 Sml 13 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 08 Enc 1
Physical Skills: Climbing 48, Jumping 44, Stealth 36, Throwing 48
Communication Skills: Awareness 48
Languages: Solori 61
Religion: Ritual: Matasum 22; Piety: 5-30
Combat Skills: Initiative 60, Unarmed 48, Dagger 60, Spear 60
Craft/Lore Skills: Fishing 60, Foraging 36, Seamanship 48, Shipwright
33, Survival 44
Equipment: Dagger, Spear and Armour A (Unarmoured).
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P
Unarmed ● ● 43 53 ● 0 ● ●
Dagger 1 10 60 60 ● 1 2 5
Spear 5 11 75 65 -10 4 ● 7

Occupation: Solori Hunter

Str 12 Eye 12 Int 10 Cml 11 F (27,1 lb.) LIGHT ARMOUR
Sta 12 Hrg 13 Aur 11 End 12 Cloth Hood and Leggings; Quilt Cap and Gambeson; Leather Shoes.
Dex 12 Sml 13 Wil 12 Mov 11
Agl 11 Voi 11 Mor 08 Enc 4
Location Armor Layers AQ B E P F
Physical Skills: Climbing 48, Jumping 44, Stealth 60, Throwing 48 Skull C, Q +0 6 4 3 5
Communication Skills: Awareness 48 Face
Languages: Solori 61 Neck C +0 1 1 1 1
Shoulders Q +0 5 3 2 4
Religion: Ritual: Matasum 22; Piety: 5-30
Upper Arm Q +0 5 3 2 4
Combat Skills: Initiative 60, Unarmed 48, Dagger 60, Shortbow 60, Spear Elbow Q +0 5 3 2 4
60 Forearm Q +0 5 3 2 4
Craft/Lore Skills: Fletching 60, Foraging 36, Herblore 48, Hidework 36, Hand
Survival 44, Tracking 60 Thorax Q +0 5 3 2 4
Abdomen Q +0 5 3 2 4
Equipment: Dagger, Shortbow, Quiver (12 Arrows), Spear, Gaethipa
Hip C, Q +0 6 4 3 5
Poison and Amour F (Light).
Groin C, Q +0 6 4 3 5
Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P Thigh C, Q +0 6 4 3 5
Unarmed ● ● 28 43 ● 0 ● ● Knee C +0 1 1 1 1
Dagger 1 11 45 45 ● 1 2 5 Calf C +0 1 1 1 1
Shortbow 2 9 40 n/a n/a ● ● ● Foot C, L +0 3 5 4 4
Spear 5 11 60 50 -10 4 ● 7

Copyright © 2003, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games Inc. HârnMaster

Version 3.0

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