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20211016. SAT. Heidi. 關係代名詞 - WHO.

Who - 關係代名詞.


1. I know the girl.

The girl is sitting next to Jack.


2. The man is my brother.

The man is wearing a coat.


3. The people are collecting shells.

The people are on the beach.


4. The boy won first place in the contest.

The boy is talking to my sister.


5. Jack likes the girl.

The girl has a sweet voice.


6. Everyone is looking at the beautiful lady.

The lady is walking her dog in the street.


7. Dad spoke to an old man.

The old man was my high school teacher.


8. The children like to compete.

The children play video games together.


9. My brother is a good swimmer.

20211016. SAT. Heidi. 關係代名詞 - WHO.

He loves diving.


10. My mom is a baker.

She makes delicious cakes.



1. 正抱著很多花的那個男生是我的哥哥。


2. 我們需要一個會說英文的人。


3. 開車載我去機場的那位計程車司機非常友善。


4. 他是個教英文的老師。


5. 正在跟 Betty 說話的那個男生是從英國來的。


6. Tina 是那個昨天跳舞的女生嗎?


7. 獸醫是某個幫助生病動物的人。



1. Sarah met a man     likes to fly kites in the park.

(A) who (B) which (C) what (D) where
2. Let’s tell that classmate     cheated on the test not to do it again.
(A) who (B) which (C) where (D) what
3. We love our     who took care of us when we were young.
(A) X (B) toys (C) teacher (D) parents
4. Do you know the old men that     to the park every morning?

20211016. SAT. Heidi. 關係代名詞 - WHO.

(A) come (B) comes (C) came (D) coming

5. Ken who     your friend     your help now.
(A) is; needs (B) am; need (C) are; needs (D) be; need
6. The lady ________ is wearing a dress ________ a lot of money on the jewelry.
(A) that; spend (B) which; spent (C) whom; spent (D) who; spent
7. Tom is one of the boys who ________ finished doing their homework.
(A) are (B) is (C) has (D) have
8. Linda is the only one of the girls that ________ doing homework now.
(A) are (B) is (C) has (D) have
9. John, who _____ your best friend, should support you all the time.
(A) is (B) be (C) are (D) am
10. The girls _____ in pink shirts _____ talking about you.
(A) who is﹔are (B) are﹔is (C) who﹔are (D) X﹔are
11. The old man _____ next to Jo is a person _____ a lot of money.
(A) stands﹔has (B) who stands﹔has (C) stands﹔with (D) standing﹔with

1. Do you know the girl ( who sits / she sits ) next to Allen?

2.This love song ( that wrote / which was written )by Marie is very famous.

3.The car ( which is parked / it is parked ) in front of my house is Tom’s.

4.The restaurant ( it is around the corner / that is around the corner ) is always full of


5.The person ( which just called me / who just called me ) is my high school teacher.

6.We stayed at a hotel ( who had / which had ) a beautiful swimming pool.

7.The guests ( who came / which came ) to the party stayed very late.

8.The computer game ( that / what ) I bought is very interesting.

9.Kelly likes the movie ( who / which ) she saw yesterday.

10.The woman ( who / which ) just walked in is my music teacher.


20211016. SAT. Heidi. 關係代名詞 - WHO.

1. Mike is the student. / He plays in a music group.


2. Sandy is a vet. / She enjoys taking care of animals.


3. My parents are people. / They are friendly and generous.


4. There is a girl in my class. / She collects stamps.


5. Ben is a creative person. / He has a great imagination.


6. 那個給我這本書的男孩住在對街。


7. 那個害怕昆蟲的女孩不會出門。(be scared of)


8. 生病的人們應該看醫生。


9. 我有兩個喜歡漫畫書的弟弟。


10. 老師是幫助學生學習的人。


TWO. 請填入適當動詞.

1. __________ Luke ________________ (talk) to you now?

20211016. SAT. Heidi. 關係代名詞 - WHO.

No, he __________.

2. We ____________________ (read) books every day.

3. ___________ Sam _______________ (fix) the door next week ?

4. Kathy ___________________ (travel) to Japan last year.

5. __________ you __________________ (dress) up last Saturday ?

Yes, I _____________.

6.What ____________ they ________________ (buy) next Sunday ?

7. My mother _____________________ (not/mop) the floor now .

8. The boy _____________________ (like) comic books before.

9. Andy ____________________ (not/go) to school every day.

10.0Judy _____________________ (not/come) with us this Sunday.

11. __________ Peter ________________ (play) basketball every Wednesday ?

Yes, he ___________.

12. We ___________________ (not/watch) the parade last night.

13. Ben ___________________ (wrap) a gift for his children now.

14. My grandfather ___________________ (jog) in the park now.

15. The boy _________________ (cry) a lot yesterday morning.


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