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1.Not very often.

2. in my wallet.
3. I have. My money was in the same pocket as my phone and
when someone called me, my money fell somewhere.
4. I have but I left It alone.
F. The government had been thinking od the consequences of
the bitcoin monetary system
F. James Howells was a IT expert and he mined hes bitcoins.
F. he had stored them in all hes cds and usb sticks and hard
6. 3.undeniably, the most important
4.Theres no way,
5. it was the most boring film I ever watched
Justin timberlake is the best singer
Brians is a genius In maths.
Lesson 2

1. 1. We, be using. 2.Will be using,

2. 1.ill be sitting. 2. Ill be enjoying. 3.will be working. 4. Will I
be doing. 5. Will be playing. 6. Will be having.
3. 1. Wont be working 2. Wont be traveling 3. Will be lying 4.
Will be making. 5. Will wake up 6. Will have 7. Will put. 8.
Will I pay.
4. I will be working an hour from now. Ill be making lunch at
8 oclock tonight. I will be staying at home this time next
week. I will be going to school on 1 january.
1. 1. A reward 2. A refund 3.a tip 4. To owe. 5. On offer 6. (x)
off 7.a bargain 8.not good 9. Valuable 10. Be worth
2. 1. Owe 2. Reward 3. Tip 4. Worth 5. Off 6. Refund 7. Not
good 8. Bargain 9. Valuable
Lesson 3
1. Dwayne jhnson 89.4m, chris hemsworth 76.4m, Robert
downey jr 66m.
2. They should be because they are always busy. That’s thеir
career, and also they are popoular so their life isn’t private
and that’s a problem.
3. 1. Jimmy 2.lucy88 3. Simonsays 4. Lucy88 5. Ukmum
5. Lucy 88 6.lucy88

Future perfect
1. 1. He will have earned. 2. Wont have thought 3. They
will sorted
2. 1 will have builted 2. I will have worked 3 I will have
done. 4. I wont have finished 5. I will have bought. 6.
Will have visited.
3. 1. My latest assignment 2. I wont have graduated 3. I
will have saved some money.

1. 1. Qualifications 2. Public service 3. Management 4.
Education 5. Employer 6. Finance 7. Salary 8. Law, 9.
Healthcare 10 employee
2. 1. Healtcare 2. Management 3. Public service
education 4. Finance . 5. Employer . qualifications . 7.
Qualifications. 9. Salary 10 .salary

Some people say it's good to dream. To engulf yourself into your
future, your past, and your present. To picture the paths you'll
take. The kind of goals you'll meet. The kind of people you'll meet.
The kind of life you'll have.

But what if it wasn't all that great? What if it just led to impossible
dreams? Dreams that could disappoint you?

I have this hope. This hope that makes me wish I could actually
be more productive. I hope that I can approach the girls I like. I
dream of being someone who can converse easily with others
and be able to be strong and independent.

I think 20 years from now ill be working a job at home. Mainly

freelancing, lets say graphic design and after all I expect still to be
financially stable. Im sure I will have been married but maybe I
wont have kids. It depends if me and my wife can and are

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