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2.1. Speaking

Answer the following questions.

1. What is a tourist destination? What is a tourist attraction?

2. Compare:

Tourist destination – touristy destination

touristnoun [C] touristyadjective

uk /ˈtʊə.rɪst/ /ˈtɔː-/ us /ˈtʊr.ɪst/ uk /ˈtʊə.rɪ.sti/ /ˈtɔː-/ us /ˈtʊr.ɪ-/
A2 someone who visits a place for pleasure disapproving
and interest, usually while on holiday: › A touristy place is not attractive because a
Millions of tourists visit Rome every year. lot of tourists visit it and it is full of things
Hordes (= very large groups) of tourists for them to buy and do: This used to be a
flock to the Mediterranean each year. pretty little fishing town, but now it's
Disneyworld is one of Florida's major become very touristy.
tourist attractions. The island is very busy
during the tourist season.

3. What is typical of these types of destinations? Name some examples.

- Base destination
- Centered destination
- Multicenter destination
- Transit destination
- Touring destination

4. Which are in your opinion nowadays top 5 destinations in the world according to travelers’

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

5. Name three natural and three man-made or constructed destinations?

Natural: Man-made-constructed:

- -

- -

- -

2.2 Reading

Here you have three texts. Each text talks about a different type of tourist destination.

2.3 Discussion

Man-made Natural destination Heritage Purpuse-built

destination destination destination


Answer the following questions:

What is UNESCO?


What could the criteria for selection of a natural or cultural site be?


Check the expressions. Find in a dictionary those you do not understand.

criterion irreversible

committee tangible

convention conjunction

masterpiece landform

span of time physiographic

testimony terrestrial

ensemble habitat

outstanding in-situ

settlement conservation

The Criteria for Selection
To be included on the World Heritage List, sites must be of outstanding
universal value and meet at least one out of ten selection criteria.

These criteria are explained in the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of
the World Heritage Convention which, besides the text of the Convention, is the
main working tool on World Heritage. The criteria are regularly revised by the
Committee to reflect the evolution of the World Heritage concept itself.

Until the end of 2004, World Heritage sites were selected on the basis of six cultural
and four natural criteria. With the adoption of the revised Operational Guidelines for
the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, only one set of ten criteria

Selection criteria

to represent a masterpiece of human creative genius;


to exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a

cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology,
monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design;


to bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a

civilization which is living or which has disappeared;


to be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological

ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history;


to be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use

which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the
environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of
irreversible change;


to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or

with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance.
(The Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in

conjunction with other criteria);


to contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and

aesthetic importance;


to be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history, including the

record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of
landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features;


to be outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and

biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water,
coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals;


to contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation
of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding
universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.

Write the number of criteria in the table below.

Natural criteria Cultural criteria

2.4 Word formation

A) Which of the words in bold in the text are adjectives, nouns, adverbs. Fill in the table than answer the
questions below.
(The text adapted from 133 Places Rated: Europe, available at:

The northernmost of the former Yugoslavia's "Slovenia is one of Europe's best walking
republics, Slovenia is "savvy about balancing destinations, with well-maintained and well-
tourism with cultural and historical signed path networks to suit all levels of
preservation." Its capital is "colorful, walkers. Customer-service standards have
vibrant, and architecturally appealing," and improved immeasurably in recent years and
"Slovenia's Alps and wine country remain local cuisine is gradually improving, with less
among the most sustainable and authentic emphasis on cheap pizzas and meat-heavy
places to visit in Europe." dishes. Ljubljana is one of Europe's most
Here are anonymous comments from the attractive small capital cities. There is a
panelists. They are not necessarily the views palpable sense of local identity, although
of the National Geographic Society: opportunities to experience genuine local
"A magnificently scenic country with culture outside the capital city are limited."
excellent environmental stewardship. It has a " Slovenia contained the majority of
high level of integrity in both its natural and Yugoslavia's industry and a portion of the
constructed beauty. The residents have an state tourism infrastructure. Entering the EU
outstanding respect for and care of visitors. in 2004 and adopting the Euro, Slovenia
Since its independence, the country has has been able to adopt a western economy
been on an almost incredible upward climb. I and western standards of tourism
would point to the effective restoration of the infrastructure. Slovenia has chosen a more
forests, rivers and lakes; the art and sustainable path in updating its existing
architecture; the ethics and joy of the people; infrastructure, maintaining employment for
and the wondrous parks, caves, and former state employees, and limiting mass-
mountains." tourism development. Slovenia has some of
" This relatively small country has some the most spectacular natural environments in
world-class museums based on best the world. Extensive karstic cave systems
practices from the greater European museum are Natural World Heritage sites. Most
community." impressive is the political and cultural capital
"The most eclectic, tourism-smart, city, Ljubljana, with its three pedestrian
authentic destination in post-Communist bridges (recently completely shut to traffic)
Europe. Topographically and architecturally and unique architecture from multiple eras
diverse and very accessible.” and reflecting diverse influences."

Put the words in brackets in suitable forms.

Noun Adjective Adverb

preservation, cultural, architecturally,

What are the typical endings of Which of the adjectives could What is the typical ending of
these nouns? be used as a synonym for 'very adverbs?
Score: 78

What is the world's favourite holiday destination?

Adapted from: Ben Carter BBC News, Fully available at
4 August 2013 -

UN figures suggest that France had more foreign (___)___________________(visit) than any other
country in 2012, while the most visited capital city is now, according to one study, Bangkok. A recent
study by the United Nations World Tourism (___)___________________(organize) revealed that 83
million people visited La Belle France last year. The lure of (___)___________________(the Alpins)
ski stations and Mediterranean resorts ensure that it has kept its top spot for every year that
statistics have been produced.

France attracts at least 16 million more visitors than the United States in
(___)___________________(two) place, with China, Spain and Italy completing the top five most
visited countries. Yet despite its (____)_______________________(overwhelm) popularity as a
holiday destination it seems that the French have a problem convincing visitors to part with their

And with the French economy in recession and the (____)_________________(employ) rate in
double figures, there is a need to (___)___________________(courage) tourists to stay longer and
spend more money. "The average stay in Paris is 2.7 nights. We know that
(___)___________________(Europe) spend two nights and that people from Asia and North America
spend over a week," says Francois Navarro from the Ile-de-France tourist authority, which includes
the Paris region. "Our objective is to make visitors stay (___)___________________(long) because if

they do they'll spend more money on accommodation, in restaurants and on
(___)___________________(shop). So we need to organise huge events. The Olympic Games is an
objective for us," he says.

Efforts are also being made to try to make Paris a more (____) ___________________(welcome) city.
The Paris Chamber of (___)___________________(commercial) has joined forces with the city's
Regional Tourism Committee to create a guide for people who work in hospitality called Do You
Speak Touriste? It includes key phrases in a number of languages as well as tips on addressing visitors
from around the world. The British like to be called by their first names, it says, while
(___)___________________(Germany) like to shake hands and the Chinese are happy with a simple
smile and a hello in their language.

When it comes to the most-visited capital in the world Bangkok comes out on top, according to
estimates from Mastercard. The Thai capital is (____)________________(current) attracting 15.98
million visitors a year, narrowly ahead of London. In 2012 it was the other way round, but Bangkok's
visitor numbers have been (____)_________________(rise) rapidly –
(_____)___________________(large) thanks to Chinese tourists, it seems.

2.5 Mixed tenses

Put the verbs in brackets in suitable forms.

Secret Escapes’ top 5 destinations

Adapted from Advertorial feature, fully available at:
destinations-for-2013-8771073.html, 20 August 2014 -

Devon and Cornwall These encompass idyllic Britain at its best: chocolate box villages, the
sensational open countryside of Dartmoor and Exmoor, cream teas, wide stretches of dune-fringed
coastline and heck, even the great Cornish pasty itself. With eco apartments, boutique beach huts,
(___)___________________(lose) weekends in luxe hotels and Victorian seafront grandeur, there's a
place for everyone (___)___________________(lay) their head. If you think this part of the country is
all about surfing in Newquay, look further and you (___)___________________(find) hidden coves,
incredible sunsets, art galleries, famous fine dining and stunning nature reserves.

Greece and its islands These are regarded worldwide for their azure sea, delicious food, dramatic
landscapes and iconic whitewashed houses, but that (___)___________________(be) where the
similarities end. From the romance of Santorini, glamour of Mykonos, history of Athens and
unspoiled coves of Lefkada; Greece and the diverse scattering of islands
(___)___________________(offer) a slice of accessible paradise to suit hedonists and escapists alike.

Thailand With 16 million holidaymakers (___)___________________(fly) into country each year,

Thailand is one of the most visited destinations in Asia, but you can still seek out your own patch of
secluded paradise if you know where to look. You don't have to rough it either, some of the world's
most luxurious hotels (___)___________________(can find) here. Thailand is an incredibly diverse
destination and you can lose yourself in the hectic neon-lit streets of Bangkok, paddle through a
(___)___________________(float) market, take in breathtaking views over tea plantations and
jungle, relax on powder-soft beaches, swim in crystal clear sea, trek mountains and marvel at ornate
Buddhist temples and ancient ruins.

The Lake District The Lake District is England's largest National Park, home to its highest mountain,
deepest lake and the kind of dramatic scenery that (___)___________________(cause) fantasies
about walking boots. If the thought of a waxed jacket (___)___________________(make) you
shudder, there are plenty of plush hotels, spas, fine restaurants and quaint guest houses
(___)___________________(shut) yourself away in; but the activity holiday is where this destination
really (___)___________________(come) into its own. From hiking to
(___)___________________(bike) to canoeing, the Lakes are the perfect setting for all manner of
outdoorsy things. Whether in the warm glow of the summer sun, or the crisp depths of winter, this is
one destination that (___)___________________(be) never out of season.

The Cotswolds All thatched cottages, meadows, rolling hills and market towns that (probably) hold
summer fetes, the Cotswolds - (___)___________________(designate) an Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty - is as English as (___)___________________(queue) politely and afternoon tea. It's a
favourite destination for city-fleeing Londoners, romantic mini breakers and appreciators of all that
we treasure about England. (___)___________________(Lie) mainly in the counties of
Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire, the Cotswolds is an area bursting with ivy-clad country house hotels
and stylish boutique hideaways - the kind with freestanding copper baths and statement light
fittings. An inspiration for many a writer, composer and filmmaker; the Cotswolds
(___)___________________(be) a honey-hued hotspot for wildlife, culture, history and enigmatically
named villages.

2.6 Vocabulary

US versus UK tourism language

2.7. Translation is fun

Translate the following text into English.

Po poti dediščine Hrastovelj in okolice

Izredno razgiban teren Kraškega roba z bogato floro, imenitni razgledi na notranjost Istre in Koprski zaliv.
Potek poti: Hrastovlje–Podpeč–Brežec–Železniška postaja Zazid–Zazid–Zanigrad–Hrastovlje
Dolžina poti: 13,7 km, 4–5 ur hoje.
Izhodišče: parkirišče pri TIC-u Hrastovlje (iz Kopra 21 km).

Srednje zahtevna pot po kolovozih in stezah, primerna za lahko planinsko obutev. Priporočljiva je v vseh letnih
časih, razen v hudi vročini in močni burji. Ker poteka po utrjeni kraški podlagi, je primerna tudi za obdobja s
Višina poti: Izhodišče 116 m, vrh 570 m, vzpona 456 m.
Na poti bomo videli: obnovljeno Prkičevo hišo, ostanek starodavnega stavbarstva pod Kraškim robom,
previsno steno z jamo in obrambnim stolpom iz 11. stoletja, starodavno cerkev sv. Martina, cerkev sv. Štefana,
v Hrastovljah Pohlenovo in Snojevo galerijo ter znamenite freske z Mrtvaškim plesom v romanski cerkvici sv.
Trojice z začetka 12. stoletja, ki je uvrščena na seznam svetovne kulturne dediščine.

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2.8 Tourism glossary

Find definitions for:

Certified Tour Professional-CTP, Carrying capacity, Capital expenditure, Commission, Code of

conduct Capacity management, coach tour, Certified Travel Counselor CTC, Carrier

A process that seeks to ensure that their organisations operate at optimum

capacity whilst maintaining customer satisfaction levels.

The cost of long-term assets; such as computer equipment, vehicles and

premises. Importantly these are bought to use over several years and not to resell.

transportation company such as an airline, motorcoach, cruise line, or railroad

which carries passengers and/or cargo carrying capacity: the amount of tourism a
destination can handle.

The amount of visitor activity that a site or destination can sustain.

a designation conferred upon tour professionals who have completed a

prescribed course of academic study, professional service, tour employment and
evaluation requirements. It is administered by the National Tour Association.

a designation attesting to professional competence as a travel agent. It is

conferred upon travel professional with five or more years of industry experience
who complete a two year, graduate-level travel management program
administered by the Institute of Certified Travel Agents

A guided bus tour for a group of holiday makers that follows a scheduled
itinerary. Visitors purchase all arrangements from the Inbound Tour Operator
prior to arrival in NZ.

Guidelines advising a tourism stakeholder, including tourists, on how to behave

in an environmentally responsible manner.

the percentage of a selling price paid to a retailer by a supplier. In the travel

industry, travel agents receive commissions for selling tour packages or other

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