Dela Cruz, Johne Noel L.-Assignment-4

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Complete the following list.

1. Elements and their uses

Element Chemical Type of Picture of the Properties Uses
Name Symbol Element Element
a silver-gray metal that is robust, - used in pipes, fittings and heat exchangers
1. Metal strong, malleable, ductile, and used in steel alloys, colored glazes, bricks,
Zirconium Zr lustrous, similar to titanium, ceramics, abrasives, flashbulbs, lamp filaments,
is heat and corrosion resistant, artificial gemstones and some deodorants
and lighter than steel.
A gleaming bluish-white metal, used to galvanise other metals, such as iron,
2. Metal brittle and crystalline at room
Zn temperature, but ductile and to prevent rusting and to produce die-castings
Zinc malleable at 110°C and 150°C. which are used in the automobile, electrical
It is a relatively reactive metal. and hardware industries.
Tin is a soft, pliable, silvery-white - used for plating steel cans used as food
3. Metal metal that is not easily oxidized
containers, in metals used for bearings, and
Sn and resists corrosion. It is also
Tin nontoxic, and the most tonally in solder. Also used to coat other metals to
resonant of all metals. prevent corrosion or other chemical action
Gold is one of the densest metals
4. Metal with a density of 19.3 g/cm^3. It is
- used in the manufacture of jewelry such as
Gold a good heat and electricity wedding rings, Olympic medals, money,
Au conductor and one of the softest, Oscars, Grammys, crucifixes, and art.
most malleable, elements.
Carbon is a nonmetallic solid
5. Nonmetal element that is tetravalent. It has
- Amorphous carbon is used to make inks and
C an atomic mass of 12.0107 amu paints
Carbon and an electronegativity value of - Most of carbon compounds are used as
2.55 on the Pauling scale. fuel in cars and automobiles.
Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas - used to disinfect water and is part of the
6. Nonmetal at room temperature. It is two and sanitation process for sewage and industrial
Cl a half times heavier than air, and waste
Chlorine has an electronegativity of 3.0 and
an electron affinity of 349 kJ/mol. - used in the production of paper and cloth
Radon has a melting point of - used in cancer therapy by emitting alpha
7. Nonmetal -71°C, boiling point of -61.8 °C, particles which destroy tumor cells.
Radon Rn
gas density of 9.73 g/l,.
A brittle, bluish-white solid - used to increase the hardness of alloys, for
8. Metalloid metalloid of high metallic lustre automotive clutch and brake parts, and for the
Antimony Sb that has an atomic mass of 121.75 production of flame retardant chemicals.
g/mol, and a density of 6.684
Pure crystalline boron is a black, - used as a body supplement - building strong
9. Metalloid lustrous semiconductor.
B bones and muscles, treating osteoarthritis,
Boron It can scratch some abrasives, but
increasing testosterone levels, and for improving
is too brittle to be used in tools
(9.3 on the Mohs scale). thinking skills and muscle coordination.
Silicon is a brittle metalloid with - used to make alloys such as aluminium-silicon
10. Metalloid a distinctive metallic luster that is and ferro-silicon (iron-silicon)
Si typically tetravalent. It has an
- used to make dynamo and transformer plates,
Silicon atomic mass of 28.0855 g/mol
and a density of 2.33 engine blocks, cylinder heads and machine tools.

2. Compounds Chemical Name, Common Name & Chemical Formula

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Formula

1. Ammonium Nitrate nitrate of ammonia NH4NO3

2. Calcium Carbonate chalk CaCO3

3. Butane C4H10
lighter fuel

4. Acetylsalicylic acid aspirin C9H8O4

5. Acetone nail polish remover CH3COCH3

6. Calcium Hypochlorite bleaching powder Ca(ClO)2

7. Dichlorodifluoromethane Freon-12 Cl2CF2

8. Carbonic acid soda water (seltzer) H2CO3

9. Glycerol Glycerin C3H8O3

10. Hydrochloric acid Muriatic acid HCl

3. Acid, Base and Neutral Substances

Chemical Compound Type Name of Compound Chemical Formula

1. Acid Hydrochloric acid HCl

2. Acid Nitric acid HNO3

3. Acid Acetic acid HC2H3O2

4. Acid Sulfuric acid H2SO4

5. Base Sodium hydroxide NaOH

6. Base Lithium hydroxide LiOH

7. Base Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2

8. Base Potassium hydroxide KOH
9. Neural Water H2O
10. Neutral Testosterone C19H28O2
4. Organic & Inorganic Compounds
Organic Compounds Name Chemical Formula Inorganic Compounds Name Chemical Formula

1. Acetylene C2H2 6. Water H2O

2. Octane C8H18 7. Sodium Chloride (salt) NaCl

3. Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH 8. Calcium carbonate CaCO3
Sodium bicarbonate
4. Glycerol C3H8O3 9. (baking soda)

5. Formaldehyde CH2O 10. Muriatic acid HCl

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