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Virtual Classroom English

The importance of outcomes

Goals and alternatives
Communication tips

Tell us about it | Goals in negotiating

SMART goals:
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time bound

What are SMART goals?

SMART goals are measurable goals that help us effectively set goals that we are more likely to attain.

Why is each component important?

Specific – important because we are more likely to achieve a specific goal and be able to
evaluate when it is accomplished
Measurable – important to be able to know when it is attained
Attainable – it must be reasonable given the constraints that exist
Relevant – it must be meaningful and useful or there will be no motivation to reach that goal
Time bound – time limits help us keep moving forward

Why are goals important in negotiating?

Clearly defined goals in a negotiation are more likely to lead to better outcomes for the business.

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Virtual Classroom English

Tell us about it | How important are they?

Ideal outcome:
So we know our goal and can better focus our efforts.

Acceptable outcomes:
We need to know which are potentially acceptable outcomes, so we know how much we can

Worst acceptable agreement:

This is our bottom limit and we cannot accept any less, and preferably not even this.

Your flexible points:

The points that don't matter as much as others to us.

The other side's possible outcomes:

We need to be able to predict their possible positions, so we know how to strategize our position.

Vocab storming | Define BATNA

B - best
A - alternative
T - to a
N - negotiated
A - agreement

The most advantageous alternative course of action if your negotiation fails or if you do not
reach your ideal outcome.

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Virtual Classroom English

Why is a BATNA important in negotiating?

It helps us determine how aggressive we can be in setting goals and how firmly we can stick to
our position without compromising and prepares us for how to deal with backing down and
compromising if need be.

When should we determine our BATNA? Why?

Before entering into a negotiation because it is important to be as prepared as possible with all
our possible alternatives before we start negotiating. Also, it could appear weak if we do not
have ready all our alternatives.

Speak up! | Skills of a good negotiator

Analysis of the problem or issue and being able to analyze the other side's needs

Determining goals and alternatives and how they could affect the company's goals

Active listening:
Both for body language and for what the other side says and how it can be used to my advantage

Emotional control:
It is important not to let the other side know when I am frustrated or fearful, confidence is

Verbal communication:
Clear and effective communication is critical so there are no misunderstandings.

Collaboration and teamwork:

When this is done effectively the outcome is more likely to be win-win, working together to
achieve a good outcome for both sides.

Problem solving:
Looking for solutions to possible problems with alternatives

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Virtual Classroom English

Decision making:
To act quickly and decisively may help one get the desired outcome, before the other side has
time to rethink

Ethical standards and trust:

One needs to transmit they can be trusted to follow through and abide by points in a negotiation.

Interpersonal skills:
Patience and persuasive skills, in addition to good communication skills may help attain the
desired outcome.

What do you think? | Do you agree?

“When the final result is expected to be a compromise, it is often prudent to start from an extreme
― John Maynard Keynes

The idea of this quote is to talk about the importance of starting the negotiating process with
higher than expected goals so that you have room to give up some ground.
Most negotiations end up in compromise of some sort.

I agree with this statement because anytime you expect a compromise, which is almost any
negotiation, it's a good idea to start with enough room to offer compromises.

Idea storming | Communication do's and don'ts

Use positive language
Positive body language and nonverbal communication
Use open ended questions

Raise your voice
Interrupt the other person
Lose your control

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