Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region

1. How did my co-teachers react to my suggestion to develop a DRRM activity?

Natural disasters and other emergencies can happen at any time, and when they
happen at school, everyone should be prepared to handle them safely and effectively.
School heads, teachers, parents and students can work together to promote and maintain
school-wide safety and minimize the effects of emergencies and other dangerous
situations. So far so good, all my co-teachers have a positive response upon my suggestion
to develop a DRRM activity.

2. How did we able to align the planned activity to the minimum requirements for
building a more resilient school?

Challenges faced by schools have ranged from rebuilding after environmental

disasters through to supporting communities through economic, social and emotional
devastation. During these times, school leaders have provided clarity and direction,
built resilience and instilled hope as they remained focused on the best possible
outcomes for their students and school communities. Staying focused on planned
activities can be a great help on the planned activity to the minimum requirements for
building a more resilient school.
Leading through uncertainty can be daunting - there are no easy solutions, and
often no clear paths to follow. How do we lead when we can’t predict what’s going to
happen next? Uncertainty requires teachers and school head to adapt quickly to a
rapidly changing situation, and to draw on different skills and types of leadership.
When faced with uncertainty, school heads and teachers need to deal with the
immediate, while remaining focused on the future, to achieve the best possible
teaching and learning environment, and outcomes for learners.

3. How did we reach a consensus for our planned DRRM activity?

Thoughtful planning and preparation helped ensure the safety of everyone should a disaster
like earthquake occur during school hours. It was agreed in consensus that preparedness
is vital. Preparedness can be built if everyone in the school and stakeholders
understand the symptoms of an event of disaster, and are well trained to immediately
do the self-evacuation. This capacity needs knowledge on the disaster potential,
precise evacuation plan, and regular training to implant the safer culture to the school
community members. Earthquake drills and simulation, for example, will train the
students to secure their head in reflex during the shake and seek shelter in safer area.
Actually, the implementation of the safer school needs time, energy and quite
significant amount of funding, but this is a valuable investment. By ensuring the

Address: Actividad-Economia St., Zone 2, Bangued, Abra

Telephone No.: (074)614-6918 ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Website: Quality Management System
E-mail: CRN 50500994 QM15

Accelerating and Bolstering Responsive Education that Nurtures Inspired and Outstanding LEARNERS. . . #ServingYOUwithaHeart
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region

safety of the school environment, school will reduce the disruption to the education
process, provision of safety insurance, feasibility, comfort and security at school
anytime to the learners. It was then agreed to conduct an orientation to stakeholders to
help them understand the importance of preparedness.

Address: Actividad-Economia St., Zone 2, Bangued, Abra

Telephone No.: (074)614-6918 ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Website: Quality Management System
E-mail: CRN 50500994 QM15

Accelerating and Bolstering Responsive Education that Nurtures Inspired and Outstanding LEARNERS. . . #ServingYOUwithaHeart

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