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Locomotor movements

Body movements that moves the body from place to another. There are
seven main locomotor movements, there are categorizes from  even
rhythm and uneven rhythm movements.

Even rhythm  –  consist of equal, unvarying actions

    Walking – proceed by step by step

    Running – consist of a series of steps done quickly

    Hopping – springing from one foot and landed on the same foot

    Leaping  - springing from one foot and landed on the other foot

    Jumping – spring both feet and landed on the same feet

Uneven rhythm  –

  Skipping –

1. heel-toe rolling step followed by a immediate hop with the same


2. A step hop pattern

3. Repeat to the other foot

   Galloping –  body forward, lead foot in front, trail foot in back. (lea

foot always in front and trail foot always in back) move forward with
springing action.

   Sliding – gliding on the floor sideward or forward using the right and
left foot alternately.

Nonlocomotor movements

Are actions that we perform in our spot. Also movements that occur in

the body parts or using the whole body but do not cause the body to
move to another space.”

 Examples of Non locomotor

movement;  Twisting, Bending, Rotating, Swinging, Swaying, Turning, Str
etching and more!

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