B16 Pascual, Bien Oscar Magno-11-Mapanagutan-Activity 2 Score Card

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School Year 2020-2021


Name: Pascual,Bien Oscar M. Grade & Section: 11-Mapanagutan

Week: 1 Date: August 24-28, 2020


Fill up the necessary information needed. Interpretations will be based on the chart found on Lesson reviewer
(BMI categories, cardiovascular endurance, rating scale for dynamic muscular endurance, and rating for
flexibility). Complete the column for analysis/implications in two or three sentences only.

A. Body Composition

Test BMI Results Interpretation Analysis

BMI Normal. 24.52 83kg÷(1.84)^2 = 24.51559546
Round Off.

Waist to Hip Ratio Low Risk 0.81 Waistline: 37in. 30/37= 0.8108
Hipline: 30in.
Round off up to two

B. Cardiovascular Endurance

Test Rest Heart Rate Recovery Pulse rate Interpretation

79 92 Above Average
3-minute step test

C. Muscular Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility

(Mark with a dot the performance description obtained)

Highࢭ ● ●

Good ●



Push-up Curl-up Flexibility

a). My strongest HRF component

Muscular strength is my strongest HRF component particularly the push-up and curl-up
exercise. This is the strongest because I am exercising before, that’s why I already adapt the difficulty of it and
already learn the proper position of my muscles to execute it easily. I can do continuous sets of this exercises it
not that easy even it is not hard but moderate. I tend only to learn more techniques of proper push-ups and
curl-ups gradually and this physical exercise build my muscle more complex. This HRF Component is one of
the best component to determine the strength of a certain people.

b). My weakest HRF component

Body composition specially my BMI is the weakest one, even I have muscle I am still fat that
have the high risk of getting diseases. Even my BMI is normal I still consider it weakest because I look fat
visibly, it just so happen that I am tall to decrease the physical failure of myself. Therefore, I conclude that I
want to take more importance on my body composition and to promote it more healthier. So that I came up into
a decision which I would exercise harder from now on.
c). Realization/Conclusion
Therefore I conclude that this HRF components are vital signs to show what are the one to
consider it healthy. Personally, I realize that this evaluation taught me on what I should do more to enhance my
ability in this scorecard and what should I improve to keep away myself from bad habits and inactivity. It
realizes that we people must have healthier lifestyle and we must evolve ourselves into something positive.
HRF components are essential to our health.

Name: Pascual, Bien Oscar M. Grade & Section: 11- Mapanagutan

Week: 1 Date: August 24-28, 2020


Insert a picture here for documentation.

Body Composition ( BMI and Waist to Hips Ratio)

3-minute step test \

Muscular Strength, Endurance and Flexibility.

Push-up Curl-up Flexibility

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