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How far does digital distribution affect the consumption of media texts in film?

Distribution _ define. Old ways. NOW – Streaming. Netflix and streaming sites have
changed the film industry. Covid and film industry.

1. The Lion King – Disney ± - doesn’t have to find its own distribution company /
doesn’t have to pay to get it on a site. Convergence. The Lion king wasn’t affected
due to being part of the Disney stable. Money made from film / The Lion king
cinematic opening - $446 million opening weekend

Irishman / adam sandler Netflix

2. Your case study – ???????


Netflix has 195.15 million users worldwide

Disney ± 86.8 million users worldwide
Amazon Prime video 150 million users worldwide

Very far – cinemas provide a different experience to streaming sites.

The way people watch films has changed
Discuss the ways in which media products are produced, and distributed to
audiences within film

produced, and distributed

Lion king – John Favreau – Jungle Book / VR / completely digital / Augmented reality
/ they have money and technology to do something completely new.

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