Vocabulary Raising Finance

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A loan shark= sb who lends money at very high rates of interest
to people not able to borrow from a bank
Money for old rope= money earned easily by doing sth which is
not difficult
Money doesn’t grow on trees= be careful with money as there
is only a limited amount
Where there’s muck, there’s money =where there are dirty
jobs to be done, there is money to be made
A licence to print money = money earned easily by doing sth
which is not difficult
A fool and his money are soon parted= stupid people spend
money without thinking
Money is no object= you can spend as much as you like on sth


Acquistion = taking over acquire (v.) =get/ obtain
Overdraft= deficit in a bank account caused by drawing more
money than the account holds
Equity /ekwiti/= stock or any other security of ownership
Asset= valuable property
Interest rate (n.)
Go into administration= be bankrupt
Indemnity (n.)= securuty against a loss or other financial burden
Contemplate (v.) = think about sth carefully
Venture capital= capital invested in a project where there’s a
Dilute (v.) = make weaker

Venture capital= money lent to start a business

Grant= money given to an organisation for a particular purpose,
often by a government
Invoice discounting = lending money to a business equal to that
owned to the business by its suppliers or customers
Hire purchase= buying expensive goods by making regular
payments over a period of time
Leasing = giving sb the right to use sth for a period of time in
return for payment
Loan= money borrowed on which interest is paid
Overdraft= allowing customers to take out more money from
their bank than they had it

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